def unresolved_case_list(): try: record = CourtCase.query.filter_by(is_closed=False).all() ret_dict = {} ret_dict['confirm'] = '1' ret_dict['case_list'] = [] for i in record: temp_dict = {} temp_dict['cin'] = str(i.cin) temp_dict['def_name'] = i.defendent_name temp_dict['def_addr'] = i.defendent_address temp_dict['crime_type'] = i.crime_type temp_dict['crime_date'] = {} temp_dict['crime_date']['month'] = str(i.crime_date.month) temp_dict['crime_date']['day'] = str( temp_dict['crime_date']['year'] = str(i.crime_date.year) temp_dict['arrest_date'] = {} temp_dict['arrest_date']['month'] = str(i.date_of_arrest.month) temp_dict['arrest_date']['day'] = str( temp_dict['arrest_date']['year'] = str(i.date_of_arrest.year) temp_dict['starting_date'] = {} temp_dict['starting_date']['month'] = str(i.starting_date.month) temp_dict['starting_date']['day'] = str( temp_dict['starting_date']['year'] = str(i.starting_date.year) temp_dict['crime_loc'] = i.crime_location temp_dict['arresting_off_name'] = i.arresting_officer_name temp_dict['name_pres_judge'] = i.judge_name temp_dict['public_prosecutor_name'] = i.public_prosecutor_name ret_dict['case_list'].append(temp_dict) ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json except: db.session.rollback() return json.dumps({"confirm": "0", "message": "Some Error occured"})
def add_lawyer_judge(json_obj): try: y = json_obj user_type = y['usr_type'] username = y["username"] name = y["name"] passw = y["password"] address = y['usr_addr'] hashed_password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(passw).decode('utf-8') usr = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if(usr): return json.dumps({"add_status": "0", "err_msg": "Username Already Exists"}) user = User(username=username, address=address, name=name, password=hashed_password, user_type=user_type) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() ret_val = {} ret_val['add_status'] = "1" ret_val['err_msg'] = "The account of has been created successfully!!" ret_json = json.dumps(ret_val) return ret_json except: db.session.rollback() ret_val = {} ret_val['add_status'] = "0" ret_val['err_msg'] = "Sorry!!We were unable to create the account!! The username probably exists !!" ret_json = json.dumps(ret_val) return ret_json
def search_by_id(cin_str, username): try: search_by_id_charge = 100 ret_dict = {} ret_dict['due_amt'] = "0" cin = int(cin_str) i = CourtCase.query.get(cin) if i is None: ret_dict["confirm"] = "0" ret_dict["message"] = "Please search for a valid CIN number!!" elif i.is_closed!=True: ret_dict["confirm"] = "0" ret_dict["message"] = "This is a pending Case!!" else: ret_dict['case_details'] = {} ret_dict['case_details']['CIN'] = str(i.cin) ret_dict['case_details']['def_name'] = i.defendent_name ret_dict['case_details']['def_addr'] = i.defendent_address ret_dict['case_details']['crime_type'] = i.crime_type ret_dict['case_details']['crime_date'] = str("-"+str(i.crime_date.month)+"-"+str(i.crime_date.year) ret_dict['case_details']['date_arrest'] = str("-"+str(i.date_of_arrest.month)+"-"+str(i.date_of_arrest.year) ret_dict['case_details']['start_date'] = str("-"+str(i.starting_date.month)+"-"+str(i.starting_date.year) ret_dict['case_details']['latest_hearing_date'] = str("-"+str(i.hearing_date.month)+"-"+str(i.hearing_date.year) ret_dict['case_details']['expected_completion_date'] = str("-"+str(i.expected_completion_date.month)+"-"+str(i.expected_completion_date.year) ret_dict['case_details']['crime_loc'] = i.crime_location ret_dict['case_details']['arresting_off_name'] = i.arresting_officer_name ret_dict['case_details']['name_pres_judge'] = i.judge_name ret_dict['case_details']['pros_name'] = i.public_prosecutor_name ret_dict['case_details']['adj_details'] = [] adj = i.hearing_details if adj is not None: for x in adj.split('|'): jobj = json.loads(x) temp_dict = {} temp_dict["date"] = jobj["date"] temp_dict["reason"] = jobj["reason"] ret_dict['case_details']['adj_details'].append(temp_dict) record = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if record is None: ret_dict2 = {} ret_dict2["confirm"] = "0" ret_dict2["messaage"] = "Please enter a valid username!!" ret_json2 = json.dumps(ret_dict2) return ret_json2 else: if record.user_type == 'Lawyer': record.due_amount = record.due_amount + search_by_id_charge db.session.commit() ret_dict['due_amt'] = str(record.due_amount) ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json except: db.session.rollback() return json.dumps({"confirm": "0", "message": "Some Error occured"})
def on_get(self, request, resp, **kwargs): """ Falcon resource method, for handling HTTP request GET method Falcon request provides: parameters embedded in URL via a keyword args dict, as well as convenience class variables falcon.HTTP_* """ api_config = loader.get_api_config() request_url = ResourceUtil.get_request_url(request, api_config) with warehouse.get_source_model_session() as model: sources = source.SourceUtil.get_list_of_data_sources( request_url, auth.get_user_id(request), model) str_dataset_id = source_parameters.get_requested_dataset_id( sources, request, resp, kwargs) dict_variables = ResourceUtil.get_self_dict(request_url) try: dwsupport_variables = get_list_of_variables(str_dataset_id) except NotImplementedError as e: #error; not a warehouse request & Dataset does not match requested ID logging.exception(e) raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'Not Implemented', str(e)) # format the DWSupport info, for publishing tables, associations = model['tables'], model['associations'] list_variables = [ to_web_variable(v, tables, associations) for v in dwsupport_variables ] # alphabatize the fields list_variables.sort(key=lambda v: v['id']) dict_variables[str_route] = list_variables str_nesting_indent_char = '\t' resp.body = json.dumps(dict_variables, indent=str_nesting_indent_char)
def close_case(json_obj): ret_dict = {} try: y = json_obj cin = int(y['cin']) summary = y['case_summary'] record = CourtCase.query.filter_by(cin=cin).first() if record is None: ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "Sorry!! The given CIN does not exist!!" elif record.is_closed == True: ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "The case has already been closed!!" else: record.is_closed = True record.summary = summary db.session.commit() ret_dict['confirm'] = "1" ret_dict['message'] = "The case has been successfully closed!!" except: db.session.rollback() ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "There was some problem closing the case!!" ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json
def on_get(self, request, resp, **kwargs): """ respond with Python module representation of the current config """ session_user = auth.get_user_id(request) with warehouse.get_source_model_session() as dwsupport_model: if not management_auth.is_management_permitted( session_user, dwsupport_model): msg = 'Warehouse management not authorized' raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized(title='401', description=msg) #else requested_format = kwargs['format'].lower() if requested_format not in formats: msg = 'Dump format not found. Leave blank for Python (py) or include a supported format in dump URL: {}'.format( formats) raise falcon.HTTPNotFound(title='404', description=msg) #else if requested_format == 'py': conf_module_text = DWSUPPORT_CONFIG_HEADER conf_module_text += 'model = {}'.format(get_model_string()) conf_module_text += '\n' resp.body = conf_module_text return if requested_format == 'json': resp.body = json.dumps({'model': dwsupport_model}) return
def schedule_case(jsonobj): ret_dict = {} try: y = jsonobj cin = int(y['cin']) slot = int(y['slot']) new_hearing_date = datetime.datetime( int(y["date"]["year"]), int(y["date"]["month"]), int(y["date"]["day"])) record = CourtCase.query.filter_by(cin=cin).first() if record is None: ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "The given CIN does not exist!!" elif record.hearing_date >= new_hearing_date: ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "The new hearing date cannot be older than the previous one!!" else: record.hearing_date = new_hearing_date record.hearing_slot = slot db.session.commit() print(record.hearing_date) # DEBUG add_to_slotlist(cin, slot, record.hearing_date.year, record.hearing_date.month, ret_dict['confirm'] = "1" ret_dict["message"] = "New hearing date assigned successfully!!" except: db.session.rollback() ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "There was a problem assigning a new hearing date!" ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json
def resolved_case_list(jsonobj): ret_dict = {} try: y = jsonobj beg_date = datetime.datetime(int(y["beg_date"]["year"]), int( y["beg_date"]["month"]), int(y["beg_date"]["day"])) end_date = datetime.datetime(int(y["end_date"]["year"]), int( y["end_date"]["month"]), int(y["end_date"]["day"])) record = CourtCase.query.filter(CourtCase.starting_date.between( beg_date, end_date)).filter_by(is_closed=True).order_by(CourtCase.starting_date).all() ret_dict["confirm"] = 1 ret_dict["case_list"] = [] for i in record: temp_dict = {} temp_dict['cin'] = i.cin temp_dict['name_pres_judge'] = i.judge_name temp_dict['starting_date'] = {} temp_dict['starting_date']['month'] = str(i.starting_date.month) temp_dict['starting_date']['day'] = str( temp_dict['starting_date']['year'] = str(i.starting_date.year) temp_dict['latest_date'] = {} temp_dict['latest_date']['month'] = str(i.hearing_date.month) temp_dict['latest_date']['day'] = str( temp_dict['latest_date']['year'] = str(i.hearing_date.year) temp_dict['case_summary'] = i.summary ret_dict["case_list"].append(temp_dict) except: db.session.rollback() ret_dict["confirm"] = "0" ret_dict["message"] = "Sorry!! There was a problem in viewing the resolved case list!!" ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json
def on_get(self, request, resp): """ return JSON object, representing the current session's user info """ user_id = auth.get_user_id(request) # return JSON user representation user = get_user(user_id) json_user = json.dumps(user) resp.body = json_user
def search_by_key(key, username): try: search_by_key_charge = 100 record = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() ret_dict = {} if record is None: ret_dict2 = {} ret_dict2["confirm"] = "0" ret_dict2["message"] = "Please enter a valid username!!" ret_json2 = json.dumps(ret_dict2) return ret_json2 else: if record.user_type == 'Lawyer': record.due_amount = record.due_amount + search_by_key_charge db.session.commit() ret_dict['due_amt'] = str(record.due_amount) rec = CourtCase.query.all() ret_dict["confirm"] = "1" ret_dict["message"] = "The search was successful!!" ret_dict['cin_list'] = [] for i in rec: str_row = "" str_row = str_row + i.defendent_name + " " + i.defendent_address + " " + i.judge_name + " " + i.crime_type + \ " " + i.crime_location + " " + i.arresting_officer_name + \ " " + i.public_prosecutor_name + " " if i.hearing_details is not None: str_row = str_row + i.hearing_details if i.summary is not None: str_row = str_row + i.summary if key in str_row: temp_dict = {} temp_dict['cin'] = i.cin temp_dict['crime_type'] = i.crime_type temp_dict['name_pres_judge'] = i.judge_name temp_dict['start_date'] = str("-"+str(i.starting_date.month)+"-"+str(i.starting_date.year) ret_dict['cin_list'].append(temp_dict) ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json except: db.session.rollback() return json.dumps({"confirm": "0", "message": "Some Error occured"})
def get_user_list(): ret_dict = {} ret_dict['usr_list'] = [] recr = User.query.all() for i in recr: if i.user_type != "Registrar": dct = {} dct['username'] = i.username dct['name'] = dct['usr_type'] = i.user_type ret_dict['usr_list'].append(dct) ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json
def adjournment_details_add(jsonobj): ret_dict = {} try: y = jsonobj cin = int(y['cin']) reason = y['reason'] record = CourtCase.query.filter_by(cin=cin).first() if record is None: ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "The entered CIN is invalid!!" elif record.is_closed == True: ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "The case has already been closed!!" elif record.hearing_date <= record.latest_adjournment_date: ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "Please assign the next hearing of the case!" else: adj_dict = {} adj_dict["date"] = str("-"+str( record.hearing_date.month)+"-"+str(record.hearing_date.year) adj_dict["reason"] = reason adj_json = json.dumps(adj_dict) record.latest_adjournment_date = record.hearing_date record.latest_adjournment_slot = record.hearing_slot if record.hearing_details is None: record.hearing_details = adj_json else: record.hearing_details = record.hearing_details + "|" + adj_json db.session.commit() ret_dict['confirm'] = "1" ret_dict['message'] = "Adjournment details added successfully!!" except: db.session.rollback() ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "There was some problem closing the case!!" ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json
def search_vacant_slot(jsonobj): y = jsonobj date = datetime.datetime(int(y["year"]), int(y["month"]), int(y["day"])) list_of_case = SlotList.query.filter_by(date_of_hearing=date).all() slot_list = ['1', '1', '1', '1', '1'] for i in list_of_case: slot_list[i.slot_of_hearing-1] = '0' ret_dict = {} ret_dict['free_slot'] = {} ret_dict['free_slot']['slot1'] = slot_list[0] ret_dict['free_slot']['slot2'] = slot_list[1] ret_dict['free_slot']['slot3'] = slot_list[2] ret_dict['free_slot']['slot4'] = slot_list[3] ret_dict['free_slot']['slot5'] = slot_list[4] ret_val = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_val
def on_get(self, request, resp): """ Falcon resource method, for HTTP request method: GET Falcon request provides a request.url convenience instance variable """ api_config = api.config_loader.get_api_config() request_url = SourceUtil.get_request_url(request, api_config) with warehouse.get_source_model_session() as model: sources = SourceUtil.get_list_of_data_sources( request_url, auth.get_user_id(request), model) # Build a dict, representing the Source RESTful entity/endpoint dictSource = SourceUtil.get_source(sources, request_url) str_nesting_indent_char = '\t' resp.body = json.dumps(dictSource, indent=str_nesting_indent_char)
def on_get(self, request, resp): """ terminate API login session """ # Retrieve WSGI session session = request.env['beaker.session'] # Check if there was a login try: user_id = session['user_id'] except KeyError: user_id = None #no login, still close session though # In either case, delete the existing (or empty) session session.delete() # Return a JSON response logout_message = get_logout(user_id) json_message = json.dumps(logout_message) resp.body = json_message #Return
def remove_lawyer_judge(json_obj): ret_dict = {} try: y = json_obj username = y["username"] recr = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() if recr is None: ret_dict['removed_status'] = "0" ret_dict['err_msg'] = "Sorry!! The username does not exist!!" else: db.session.delete(recr) db.session.commit() ret_dict['removed_status'] = "1" ret_dict['err_msg'] = "Username removed successfully!!" except: db.session.rollback() ret_dict['removed_status'] = "0" ret_dict['err_msg'] = "Sorry!!There was some problem !!" ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json
def get_user_list(): ret_dict = {} try: ret_dict['usr_list'] = [] recr = User.query.all() for i in recr: if i.user_type != "Registrar": dct = {} dct['username'] = i.username dct['name'] = dct['usr_type'] = i.user_type ret_dict['usr_list'].append(dct) ret_dict['confirm'] = "1" ret_dict['message'] = "Success!! Here is the list of users!!" except: db.session.rollback() ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "Sorry!!There was a problem getting the user list!!" ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json
def on_get(self, request, resp, **kwargs): """ return JSON representing referenced table's associated columns """ session_user = auth.get_user_id(request) with warehouse.get_source_model_session() as dwsupport_model: if not management_auth.is_management_permitted( session_user, dwsupport_model): msg = 'Warehouse management not authorized' raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized(title='401', description=msg) #else sources = source.SourceUtil.get_list_of_data_sources( request.url, auth.get_user_id(request), dwsupport_model) requested_source_id = selection.get_requested_dataset_id( sources, request, resp, kwargs) rows_for_management_app = get_variable_identifier_queries_dicts( requested_source_id, dwsupport_model) resp.body = json.dumps({'variables': rows_for_management_app}, indent='\t') return
def enter_details_into_db(jsonobj): try: y = jsonobj def_name = y["def_name"] def_addr = y["def_addr"] crime_type = y["crime_type"] crime_date = datetime.datetime(int(y["crime_date"]["year"]), int( y["crime_date"]["month"]), int(y["crime_date"]["day"])) crime_loc = y["crime_loc"] arresting_off_name = y["arresting_off_name"] arrest_date = datetime.datetime(int(y["arrest_date"]["year"]), int( y["arrest_date"]["month"]), int(y["arrest_date"]["day"])) name_pres_judge = y["name_pres_judge"] pub_pros_name = y["public_prosecutor_name"] starting_date = datetime.datetime(int(y["starting_date"]["year"]), int( y["starting_date"]["month"]), int(y["starting_date"]["day"])) expected_completion_date = datetime.datetime(int(y["expected_completion_date"]["year"]), int( y["expected_completion_date"]["month"]), int(y["expected_completion_date"]["day"])) if int(y["hearing_slot"]) != -1: hearing_date = datetime.datetime(int(y["hearing_date"]["year"]), int( y["hearing_date"]["month"]), int(y["hearing_date"]["day"])) hearing_slot = y["hearing_slot"] case = CourtCase(defendent_name=def_name, defendent_address=def_addr, crime_type=crime_type, crime_date=crime_date, crime_location=crime_loc, arresting_officer_name=arresting_off_name, date_of_arrest=arrest_date, judge_name=name_pres_judge, public_prosecutor_name=pub_pros_name, starting_date=starting_date, expected_completion_date=expected_completion_date, hearing_date=hearing_date, hearing_slot=hearing_slot) else: case = CourtCase(defendent_name=def_name, defendent_address=def_addr, crime_type=crime_type, crime_date=crime_date, crime_location=crime_loc, arresting_officer_name=arresting_off_name, date_of_arrest=arrest_date, judge_name=name_pres_judge, public_prosecutor_name=pub_pros_name, starting_date=starting_date, expected_completion_date=expected_completion_date) db.session.add(case) db.session.commit() if int(y["hearing_slot"]) != -1: add_to_slotlist(case.cin, case.hearing_slot, case.hearing_date.year, case.hearing_date.month, data_ret = {} data_ret['is_added'] = "1" data_ret['cin'] = str(case.cin) data_ret['message'] = "The Case has been added successfully!!" json_data_ret = json.dumps(data_ret) return json_data_ret
def case_status_query(json_obj): ret_dict = {} try: y = json_obj cin = int(y['cin']) record = CourtCase.query.get(cin) if record is None: ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "The input CIN does not exist!!" else: ret_dict['confirm'] = "1" ret_dict["message"] = "Success!!!" if record.is_closed == True: ret_dict["case_status"] = "Resolved" else: ret_dict["case_status"] = "Pending" except: db.session.rollback() ret_dict["confirm"] = "0" ret_dict["message"] = "Sorry!There was a problem in the query!!" ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json
def get_datatables_editor_exception(falcon_http_error): """ Make Falcon HTTPError 'to_json' method DataTables Editor compatible Returns the referenced HTTPError, with modifications Keyword Parameters: falcon_http_error -- Falcon HTTPError exception >>> # Check unmodified Exception >>> plain = falcon.HTTPError(status=200, description='Plain!') >>> plain.to_json() '{\\n "description": "Plain!"\\n}' >>> # Check modified >>> out = get_datatables_editor_exception(plain) >>> out.to_json() '{"data": [], "error": "{\\'description\\': \\'Plain!\\'}"}' """ falcon_http_error.to_json = lambda:json.dumps({ 'error': pformat(falcon_http_error.to_dict()) #value must be String ,'data': [] #data must be present & be an empty Array }, sort_keys=True) return falcon_http_error
def search_vacant_slot(jsonobj): ret_dict = {} try: y = jsonobj date = datetime.datetime(int(y["year"]), int(y["month"]), int(y["day"])) list_of_case = SlotList.query.filter_by(date_of_hearing=date).all() slot_list = ['1', '1', '1', '1', '1'] for i in list_of_case: slot_list[i.slot_of_hearing-1] = '0' ret_dict['free_slot'] = {} ret_dict['free_slot']['slot1'] = slot_list[0] ret_dict['free_slot']['slot2'] = slot_list[1] ret_dict['free_slot']['slot3'] = slot_list[2] ret_dict['free_slot']['slot4'] = slot_list[3] ret_dict['free_slot']['slot5'] = slot_list[4] ret_dict["confirm"] = "1" ret_dict["message"] = "Success!!!" except: db.session.rollback() ret_dict['confirm'] = "0" ret_dict['message'] = "Sorry!! There was a problem in finding the vacant slots!!" ret_val = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_val
def court_cases_by_date(json_obj): ret_dict = {} try: y = json_obj query_date = datetime.datetime(int(y["query_date"]["year"]), int( y["query_date"]["month"]), int(y["query_date"]["day"])) record = CourtCase.query.filter_by( hearing_date=query_date, is_closed=False).all() ret_dict['confirm'] = "1" ret_dict['case_list'] = [] for i in record: temp_dict = {} temp_dict['cin'] = str(i.cin) temp_dict['slot'] = i.hearing_slot temp_dict['name_pres_judge'] = i.judge_name temp_dict['crime_type'] = i.crime_type ret_dict['case_list'].append(temp_dict) except: db.session.rollback() ret_dict["confirm"] = "0" ret_dict["message"] = "Sorry!! There was a issue with the date!!" ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict) return ret_json
def get_result_from_db(str_source_id, variables=[], filters=[], columns=[], empty_cell_dimensions=[], user_id=None): """ returns list of db result rows, w/ 1x 'header' row prepended Keyword Parameters: str_source_id -- String, representing requested dataset's API id variables -- list of requested variable names filters -- list of specified filter expression strings columns -- list of names for requested dimension variables to be pivoted as additional columns,for all requested value variables empty_cell_dimensions -- list of Strings representing Dimension tables (or OLAP-Roles) which are to be OUTER JOINED to produce empty Fact value cells for all Dimensional values not found in the fact. user_id -- String, representing an authenticated User principal Exceptions: FilterVariableError -- filters variable not found in header NoSourceException -- raised when no dataset matches str_source_id NotAuthorizedException -- user_id not authorized to select data from the specified source. """ #generate query tables = warehouse.get_source_tables() # break dataset identifier down into project/source substrings project_name, source_name = str_source_id.split('.') for warehouse_table in tables: if warehouse_table['name'] == source_name: # get connection connection = util._get_source_connection(warehouse.dict_source) with warehouse.get_source_model_session() as cached_model: if warehouse_table['confidential']: # Attempt to obtain a sensitive connection IF user is authorized if not auth.is_select_permitted(user_id, warehouse_table, cached_model): raise NotAuthorizedException() connection.close() connection = util._get_source_connection({ 'id': 'Fake .ini source', 'db_file': 'db_dwsensitive.ini' }) # retrieve filter info if warehouse_table['type'] == 'fact': two_dicts = warehouse.get_fact_variables( warehouse_table, cached_model) variable_by_field, unused = two_dicts if warehouse_table['type'] == 'dimension': variable_by_field = warehouse.get_variables( warehouse_table) if warehouse_table['type'] == 'dimension role': variable_by_field = warehouse.get_role_variables( warehouse_table) python_types = {} for field in variable_by_field: var = variable_by_field[field] python_types[field] = var['python_type'] json_python_types = json.dumps(python_types) # get sql & binds try: table_type.validate(warehouse_table['type']) except table_type.ValidateUnexpectedValue as e: raise NotImplementedError( 'No SQL Generation method, for type: {}'.format( warehouse_table) ) from e #TODO: make this into a local class sql_with_filters, binds = warehouse.get_sql_filtered( warehouse_table, json_python_types, filters, empty_cell_dimensions) db_config_file_name = warehouse.dict_source['db_file'] break # source found, exit! else: raise NoSourceException(e) if len(binds) > 0: result = connection.execution_options(stream_results=True).execute( sql_with_filters, binds) else: result = connection.execution_options( stream_results=True).execute(sql_with_filters) # compose results list result_generator = database_row_generator(result, connection) subset_generator = parameters.get_result_subset(result_generator, variables) if columns: # pivot, i.e.: replace 'columns' fields & all measured value # fields with new measured-value breakdowns for the 'columns' # field values. all_variables = warehouse.get_source_variables() fact_variables = [ v for v in all_variables if v['table'] == source_name ] return pivot.get_result(subset_generator, columns, fact_variables) #else, no pivot needed - just return return subset_generator
def on_post(self, request, resp, **kwargs): """ Create/update table column, associated with referenced source_id TODO: add a JSON response body,compatible with DataTables Editor TODO2: improve documentation, unit test coverage """ session_user = auth.get_user_id(request) with warehouse.get_source_model_session() as dwsupport_model: if not management_auth.is_management_permitted( session_user, dwsupport_model): msg = 'Warehouse management not authorized' raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized(title='401', description=msg) #else sources = source.SourceUtil.get_list_of_data_sources( request.url, auth.get_user_id(request), dwsupport_model) requested_source_id = selection.get_requested_dataset_id( sources, request, resp, kwargs) source_project, source_table = requested_source_id.split( '.') #TODO: refactor this # Add DTO variable (if needed) get_func = util.get_dwsupport_connection if request.params['action'] == 'create': table_name = request.params['data[0][table]'] column_name = request.params['data[0][column]'] python_type = request.params['data[0][python_type]'] column_title = request.params['data[0][title]'] variable_dto = { 'table': table_name, 'column': column_name, 'title': column_title, 'python_type': python_type, 'physical_type': None, 'units': None, 'max_length': None, 'precision': None, 'allowed_values': None, 'description': None }[variable_dto], connection_func=get_func) # get new default Queries this column should be in ## DataTables editor returns URLEncoded table,column defaults ## in format: data[{table_name}.{column_name}][defaults] = '{query1}(,{queryN})' key_prefix = 'data[' key_suffix = '][column]' column_key_generator = (key for key in request.params if key.endswith(key_suffix)) column_key = next(column_key_generator) # get column details table_dot_column_plus_suffix = column_key[len(key_prefix):] table_dot_column = table_dot_column_plus_suffix[:len(key_suffix) * -1] table_name, column_name = table_dot_column.split('.') # get query details defaults_key = 'data[{}.{}][defaults]'.format( table_name, column_name) try: defaults_text = request.params[defaults_key] default_queries = { query.strip().lower() #parse text for query in defaults_text.split(',') } except KeyError as defaults_empty_or_missing: default_queries = set() query_variable_table = table_name # get table_name for a role association_key = 'data[{}.{}][association]'.format( table_name, column_name) try: association_column = request.params[association_key] association_dto = next( (association for association in dwsupport_model['associations'] if association['table'] == source_table and association['column'] == association_column)) query_variable_table = association_dto['parent'] except KeyError as association_empty_or_missing: pass # done. no able association is specified # update DTOs changes = dict() #track changes changes['add'] = list() changes['update'] = list() for query_name in default_queries: try: # add column query_dto = next((query for query in dwsupport_model['queries'] if query['name'] == query_name and query['table'] == source_table)) try: query_dto['variables'][table_name].append(column_name) except KeyError as new_table: query_dto['variables'][table_name] = [column_name] dto.query.update_by_table_and_name( source_table, query_name, query_dto, connection_func=get_func) changes['update'].append(query_dto) except StopIteration as no_query_exists: query_dto = { 'name': query_name, 'table': source_table, 'variables': { table_name: [column_name] } }[query_dto], connection_func=get_func) changes['add'].append(query_dto) if default_queries == set(): # remove column for query_dto in (query for query in dwsupport_model['queries'] if query['table'] == source_table): variable_tables = query_dto['variables'].keys() if (query_variable_table in variable_tables and column_name in query_dto['variables'][query_variable_table]): query_dto['variables'][query_variable_table].remove( column_name) if len(query_dto['variables'] [query_variable_table]) == 0: del (query_dto['variables'][query_variable_table]) dto.query.update_by_table_and_name( source_table, query_dto['name'], query_dto, connection_func=get_func) changes['update'].append(query_dto) # JSON response per msg = None if len(changes) == 0: msg = "No changes made" resp.body = json.dumps({'data': [changes], "error": msg}) return
def _copy_fact_table( source_id, new_project_name, new_table_name ,new_custom_id_by_old_ids, dwsupport_model): """ Return table & related objects,copied from DWSupport source_id table Returns 5-tuple, representing new Table DTO and lists of new association DTOs, variable DTOs, variable_custom_identifier DTOs & query DTOs Keyword Parameters: source_id -- Sting, identifying the project Fact table to copy new_project_name -- String, representing project name copy will belong to new_table_name -- String, representing name for the new table new_custom_id_by_old_ids -- Dict, representing new custom variable IDs, mapped by the existing custom IDs they're replacing dwsupport_model -- Dict, representing current DWSupport schema Exceptions: CopyTableUnsupportedTableType -- unsupported source_id CopyTableDuplicateCopyName -- new_table_name already exists CopyTableMissingVariableCustomIdentifiers -- missing values in new_custom_id_by_old_ids CopyTableNonuniqueVariableCustomIdentifiers -- values in new_custom_id_by_old_ids are not globally unique >>> from pprint import pprint >>> # Check generated objects >>> source = 'trawl.catch_fact' >>> proj = 'trawl' #same project >>> table = 'new_catch_fact' #different table name >>> custom_ids = {} #none >>> model = { 'tables': [ { 'name': 'catch_fact', 'type': 'fact' ... ,'project': 'trawl'} ... ,{ 'name': 'depth_dim', 'type': 'dimension' ... ,'project': 'warehouse'} ... ,{ 'name': 'operation_fact', 'type': 'fact' ... ,'project': 'acoustics'}] ... ,'associations': [ { 'table': 'catch_fact' ... ,'parent': 'depth_dim'} ... ,{ 'table': 'operation_fact' ... ,'parent': 'depth_dim'}] ... ,'variables': [ { 'table': 'catch_fact' ... ,'column': 'retained_kg'} ... ,{ 'table': 'catch_fact' ... ,'column': 'retained_ct'} ... ,{ 'table': 'depth_dim' ... ,'column': 'meters'} ... ,{ 'table': 'depth_dim' ... ,'column': 'fathoms'} ... ,{ 'table': 'operation_fact' ... ,'column': 'frequency_mhz'}] ... ,'variable_custom_identifiers': [ ... { 'id': 'freq', 'table': 'operation_fact' ... ,'column': 'frequency_mhz'}] ... ,'queries': [ ... {'name': 'core', ... 'table': 'catch_fact', ... 'variables': {'depth_dim': ['meters'], ... 'catch_fact': ['retained_kg']} ... }] ... } >>> out = _copy_fact_table(source, proj, table, custom_ids, model) >>> new_table, new_assocs, new_vars, new_customs, new_queries = out >>> pprint(new_table) {'name': 'new_catch_fact', 'project': 'trawl', 'type': 'fact'} >>> pprint(new_assocs) [{'parent': 'depth_dim', 'table': 'new_catch_fact'}] >>> pprint(new_vars) [{'column': 'retained_kg', 'table': 'new_catch_fact'}, {'column': 'retained_ct', 'table': 'new_catch_fact'}] >>> pprint(new_customs) [] >>> pprint(new_queries) [{'name': 'core', 'table': 'new_catch_fact', 'variables': {'depth_dim': ['meters'], 'new_catch_fact': ['retained_kg']}}] >>> # Check table with a customized field identifier >>> source = 'acoustics.operation_fact' >>> proj = 'cancelled' #different project >>> table = 'bad_operation_fact' # and new, unique table name >>> custom_ids = {'freq': 'bad_freq', 'extra_mapping': 'ignored'} >>> out = _copy_fact_table(source, proj, table, custom_ids, model) >>> new_table, new_assocs, new_vars, new_customs, new_queries = out >>> pprint(new_table) {'name': 'bad_operation_fact', 'project': 'cancelled', 'type': 'fact'} >>> pprint(new_assocs) [{'parent': 'depth_dim', 'table': 'bad_operation_fact'}] >>> pprint(new_vars) [{'column': 'frequency_mhz', 'table': 'bad_operation_fact'}] >>> pprint(new_customs) [{'column': 'frequency_mhz', 'id': 'bad_freq', 'table': 'bad_operation_fact'}] >>> pprint(new_queries) [] >>> # Check ambiguous table name >>> table = 'operation_fact' #same name as 'acoustics' project table >>> _copy_fact_table(source, proj, table, custom_ids, model) Traceback (most recent call last): ... operation_fact """ source_project, source_table = source_id.split('.') # create Table DTO source_table_generator = (t for t in dwsupport_model['tables'] if t['name'] == source_table and t['project'] == source_project) all_table_names_generator = (t['name'] for t in dwsupport_model['tables']) new_table = dict(next(source_table_generator)) #construct a new dict new_table['name'] = new_table_name new_table['project'] = new_project_name if new_table['type'] != 'fact': raise CopyTableUnsupportedTableType(new_table['type']) if new_table_name in all_table_names_generator: raise CopyTableDuplicateCopyName(new_table_name) # create Variable DTOs def _set_table(dto_with_table): dto_with_table['table'] = new_table_name return dto_with_table new_variables = [_set_table(v) for v in dwsupport_model['variables'] if v['table'] == source_table] # create Variable Custom Identifier DTOs new_variable_custom_identifiers = [ custom for custom in dwsupport_model['variable_custom_identifiers'] if custom['table'] == source_table] # (error if a custom identifier not in input parameters) existing_ids = {c['id'] for c in new_variable_custom_identifiers} unmapped_existing_ids = existing_ids.difference( set(new_custom_id_by_old_ids.keys()) ) if unmapped_existing_ids != set(): needs_values = json.dumps( {key: "PROVIDE_NEW_UNIQUE_VALUE" #example, to prompt the user for key in unmapped_existing_ids} ) raise CopyTableMissingVariableCustomIdentifiers(needs_values) # (error if any proposed IDs are not unique) nonunique_ids = set() input_repeats_ids = set() for new_id, count_in_input in Counter(new_custom_id_by_old_ids.values()).items(): if new_id in existing_ids: nonunique_ids.add(new_id) if count_in_input > 1: input_repeats_ids.add(new_id) all_duplicates = nonunique_ids.union(input_repeats_ids) if all_duplicates != set(): raise CopyTableNonuniqueVariableCustomIdentifiers(all_duplicates) for custom in new_variable_custom_identifiers: key = custom['id']#existing custom variable identifier new_id = new_custom_id_by_old_ids[key] custom['id'] = new_id custom['table'] = new_table_name # create Association DTOs new_associations = [_set_table(a) for a in dwsupport_model['associations'] if a['table'] == source_table] # create Query DTOs new_queries = [_set_table(q) for q in dwsupport_model['queries'] if q['table'] == source_table] for new_query in new_queries: # update the variable table names too (if any) for table_name, column_list in new_query['variables'].items(): if table_name == source_table: # transfer columns to new table name new_query['variables'][new_table_name] = column_list # delete query's list of columns from original table del(new_query['variables'][source_table]) return new_table, new_associations, new_variables, \ new_variable_custom_identifiers, new_queries
def on_post(self, request, resp, **kwargs): """ Make copy of referenced DWSupport table, with specified changes """ session_user = auth.get_user_id(request) with warehouse.get_source_model_session() as dwsupport_model: if not management_auth.is_management_permitted(session_user, dwsupport_model): msg = 'Warehouse management not authorized' raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized(title='401', description=msg) #else sources = source.SourceUtil.get_list_of_data_sources( request.url ,auth.get_user_id(request) ,dwsupport_model) requested_source_id = selection.get_requested_dataset_id(sources, request, resp, kwargs) try: new_table = request.params['name'] new_project = request.params['project-name'] new_variable_custom_identifiers = request.params['variable-custom-identifiers'] except KeyError as error: raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest( #TODO: add functional test coverage title="Missing Parameter" ,description=( "Unable to make copy of" " data source: '{}'." " (Copy request must specify HTTP POST parameter: {})" ).format(requested_source_id, error)) try: new_custom_ids_by_old_id = json.loads(new_variable_custom_identifiers) except json.json.scanner.JSONDecodeError as e: msg = ("Unable to make copy of" " data source: '{}'." " (Parameter is not valid JSON object: {})" ).format(requested_source_id, e) raise falcon.HTTPInvalidParam(msg, 'variable-custom-identifiers') if type(new_custom_ids_by_old_id) != dict: msg = ("Unable to make copy of" " data source: '{}'." ' Parameter must be a JSON object: {{"existing_table_custom_variable_id": "new_id"}}' ).format(requested_source_id) raise falcon.HTTPInvalidParam(msg, 'variable-custom-identifiers') try: new_dto_tuple = configure.copy_table( requested_source_id ,new_project ,new_table ,new_custom_ids_by_old_id ) new_table, new_associations, new_variables, \ new_variable_custom_identifiers, new_queries = new_dto_tuple resp.body = json.dumps( { 'table': new_table, 'associations': new_associations ,'variables': new_variables ,'variable_custom_identifiers': new_variable_custom_identifiers ,'queries': new_queries} ,indent='\t' ) return except configure.CopyTableUnsupportedTableType as e: raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest( #TODO: add functional test coverage title="Bad Path" ,description=("Copy only supported for tables of type" " 'fact'. (The '{}' data source in URL is" " type: '{}')" ).format(requested_source_id, e) ) except configure.CopyTableDuplicateCopyName as e: msg = ("Unable to make copy of" " data source: '{}'." " (Please specify a new table name, a table with" " the provided name already exists: {})" ).format(requested_source_id, e) raise falcon.HTTPInvalidParam(msg, 'name') except configure.CopyTableNonuniqueVariableCustomIdentifiers as e: msg = ("Unable to make copy of" " data source: '{}'." " (The following new IDs must not duplicate any other" " variable custom IDs: {})" ).format(requested_source_id, e) raise falcon.HTTPInvalidParam(msg, 'variable-custom-identifiers') except configure.CopyTableMissingVariableCustomIdentifiers as e: msg = ("Unable to make copy of" " data source: '{}'." " (Copy request parameter must include new, unique" " IDs for these existing variable custom IDs: {})" ).format(requested_source_id, e) raise falcon.HTTPInvalidParam(msg, 'variable-custom-identifiers')
def get_requested_filters_implicit(request): """ Extracts the requested dataset equality filters, specified directly in the URL query string. Keyword parameters: request -- Falcon request >>> import falcon.testing #Set up fake Falcon app >>> tb = falcon.testing.TestBase() >>> tb.setUp() >>> tr = falcon.testing.TestResource() >>> tb.api.add_route(tb.test_route, tr) >>> wsgi_iterable = tb.simulate_request(tb.test_route) #populate req >>> tr.req.query_string = 'variables=var1&var2=42' >>> get_requested_filters_implicit( tr.req) ['var2=42'] >>> tr.req.query_string = 'variables=var1&filters=var2=42' >>> get_requested_filters_implicit( tr.req) [] >>> tr.req.query_string = '' >>> get_requested_filters_implicit( tr.req) [] >>> tr.req.query_string = 'var2=42&var3=9' >>> l = get_requested_filters_implicit( tr.req) >>> l.sort() # filter order isnt stable; sort, for testing >>> l ['var2=42', 'var3=9'] >>> tr.req.query_string = 'variables=v1&var2=42&var3=9' >>> l = get_requested_filters_implicit( tr.req) >>> l.sort() # filter order isnt stable; sort, for testing >>> l ['var2=42', 'var3=9'] >>> tr.req.query_string = 'var2=42&var2=9' >>> l = get_requested_filters_implicit( tr.req) >>> l ['var2|=["42", "9"]'] """ bool_use_empty_string_for_empty_field_values = True #falcon parameter dict_query_string = falcon.util.uri.parse_query_string( request.query_string, bool_use_empty_string_for_empty_field_values) # get all candidate filter params (query params, without defined functions) candidate_filter_keys = [] for key in dict_query_string.keys(): if key == '': continue #skip any empty key. if key not in ReservedParameterNames.get_all(): candidate_filter_keys.append(key) # construct a list of filter strings filter_strings = [] for key in candidate_filter_keys: #TODO: check if key is a valid field name parameter_value = dict_query_string[key] # translate multiple values, into an 'OR' filter string if isinstance(parameter_value, list): #Falcon has converted multiple parameter values into a list parameter_value.sort( ) #sort strings('88'<'9')to make things pretty json_value = json.dumps(parameter_value) new_filter_string = '{}|={}'.format(key, json_value) filter_strings.append(new_filter_string) continue # translate single parameter values, into a single equality filter. if isinstance(parameter_value, str): new_filter_string = '{}={}'.format(key, parameter_value) filter_strings.append(new_filter_string) continue return filter_strings
db.session.commit() if int(y["hearing_slot"]) != -1: add_to_slotlist(case.cin, case.hearing_slot, case.hearing_date.year, case.hearing_date.month, data_ret = {} data_ret['is_added'] = "1" data_ret['cin'] = str(case.cin) data_ret['message'] = "The Case has been added successfully!!" json_data_ret = json.dumps(data_ret) return json_data_ret except: db.session.rollback() data_ret = {} data_ret['is_added'] = "0" data_ret['message'] = "Sorry!! There was a problem adding the Case !!" json_data_ret = json.dumps(data_ret) return json_data_ret def get_user_list(): ret_dict = {} ret_dict['usr_list'] = [] recr = User.query.all() for i in recr: if i.user_type != "Registrar": dct = {} dct['username'] = i.username dct['name'] = dct['usr_type'] = i.user_type ret_dict['usr_list'].append(dct) ret_json = json.dumps(ret_dict)