Exemple #1
def add_ticker(args=None):
    if args is None:
        args = []

    do_verbose = is_verbose(args)
    do_forced = if_present_pop(args, FLAG_FORCE)
    if len(args) < 2:
        print("ERROR: Please provide a ticker and a ticker class to add")
        return 1

    new_ticker = args[0]
    print('Received ticker: ' + new_ticker)
    ticker = Ticker.get_ticker(new_ticker)

    # check if the ticker exists at all, and if it does, if the name field has been set
    if not do_forced:
        if ticker is not None and ticker[1] is not None:
                'The ticker "%s - %s" is already present in the database. No need to add again. Exiting.'
                % (ticker[0], ticker[1]))
            return 0

    if do_forced:
        print('Doing forced update for this ticker\'s metadata...')

    is_fund = if_present_pop(args, FLAG_FUND)
    is_stock = if_present_pop(args, FLAG_STOCK)
    if not is_fund and not is_stock:
            'ERROR: Could not determine if the ticker is an ETF or a stock. Please use the --fund or --stock flags to'
        print('    indicate which it is and retry.')
        return 1

    # then nicely ask AlphaVantage about the ticker (don't do this too often)
    retrieved_json = retrieve_ticker_meta(new_ticker)
    if retrieved_json is None:
        # retrieve_ticker_meta does the common logging for us
        return 1

    # insert the ticker and asset class into the database if it wasn't there already
    if ticker is None:
                                 Ticker.STOCK if is_stock else Ticker.FUND)

    do_ticker_update(new_ticker, retrieved_json)

    print('Successfully added %s to the database!' % (new_ticker, ))
    if do_verbose:

    return 0
def remove_ticker(args):
	Update the provided ticker if it already exists
	if args is None:
		args = []

	if len(args) < 1:
		print("ERROR: Please provide a ticker to remove")
		return 1

	test_ticker = args[0]
	print('Removing ticker: %s' % test_ticker)
	found_t = Ticker.get_ticker(test_ticker)
	if found_t is None:
		print("Ticker %s is not in the database. Nothing to do. Exiting." % test_ticker)
		return 0

	print("Ticker %s successfully deleted!" % test_ticker)
	return 0
Exemple #3
    def get_likely_subject_stock(sorted_bow):
        for word in sorted_bow:
            primary_search = re.search('^\$[A-Z]{1,5}$', word)
            if primary_search is not None and not any(
                    word in not_ticker for not_ticker in NOT_TICKER_LIST):
                match_result = primary_search.group(0).strip()
                t = Ticker()
                result = t.get_ticker(match_result.upper().replace('$', ''))
                if result is not None:
                    return result

            secondary_search = re.search('^[A-Z]{2,4}$', word)
            if secondary_search is not None and not any(
                    word in not_ticker for not_ticker in NOT_TICKER_LIST):
                match_result = secondary_search.group(0).strip()
                t = Ticker()
                result = t.get_ticker(match_result.upper())
                if result is not None:
                    return result
Exemple #4
from api.local_stocks.Ticker import Ticker
from client.util.html.ListBuilder import ListBuilder
from client.Reporter import Reporter

t = Ticker()
stocks = t.get_n_stocks(n=10)
values = []

for stock in stocks:
    values.append(stock[0] + ' - ' + stock[1])

r = Reporter()
r.set_title('Sample Stock List Report')
r.set_body(ListBuilder(values, list_header="Stock tickers").compile())
Exemple #5
from api.local_stocks.Ticker import Ticker
from client.util.html.TableBuilder import TableBuilder
from client.Reporter import Reporter

t = Ticker()
acb = t.get_stock('ACB')
hexo = t.get_stock('HEXO')
tlry = t.get_stock('TLRY')
values = [acb[:3], hexo[:3], tlry[:3]]

r = Reporter()
r.set_title('Sample Stock Report')
    TableBuilder(['Ticker', 'Company Name', 'Description'], values).compile())
Exemple #6
submissions = reddit.get_hot('wallstreetbets', limit=1000)

# loop through and try to pick out tickers
tickers_found = {}
for sub in range(0, len(submissions['title'])):
    title = submissions['title'][sub]
    self_text = submissions['body'][sub]
    url = submissions['url'][sub]
    score = submissions['score'][sub]

    match = re.search('[A-Z]{2,4}', title + self_text)
    if match is not None:
        ticker = match.group(0).strip()

        # if we get a match, verify that it's a real ticker
        t = Ticker()
        result = t.get_ticker(ticker)
        if result is None:

        # if it is, write down information about the ticker and how many times we've seen it
        if ticker in tickers_found:
            tickers_found[ticker]['count'] += 1
            tickers_found[ticker] = {
                'count': 1,
                'links': [submissions['url'][sub]],
                'titles': [title],
Exemple #7
    def get(ticker):
        db_ticker = Ticker().get_ticker(ticker)
        if db_ticker is None:
            return None

        return TickerWrapper(db_ticker)
from api.local_stocks.Ticker import Ticker

t = Ticker.get_ticker('VIX')