def updatePicture(choiceid: int, data: dict) -> str: if not 'picture' in data: return Response.wrong_format({ 'updated': False, 'message': 'picture missing' }) if not data['picture'].endswith('=='): return Response.wrong_format({ 'updated': False, 'message': 'not a base64 string' }) try: choice = session.query(Choice).get(choiceid) except: return Response.database_error() if not choice: return Response.ressource_not_found({ 'id': choiceid, 'message': 'choiceid not found!' }) choice.picture = data['picture'] try: session.commit() except: return Response.database_error() return Response.ok({'id': choiceid, 'updated': True})
def update_votes(choiceId: int, data: dict) -> str: if not 'votes' in data: return Response.wrong_format({ 'updated': False, 'message': 'votes missing' }) if not type(data['votes']) == int: return Response.wrong_format({ 'id': 'error', 'message': 'Not a number' }) try: choice = session.query(Choice).get(choiceId) except: return Response.database_error() if choice: choice.counter += int(data['votes'] or 0) try: session.commit() except: return Response.database_error() return Response.ok({'id': choiceId, 'success': True}) else: return Response.ressource_not_found({ 'id': choiceId, 'message': 'choice not found' })
def create_choice(data: dict) -> str: if not 'description' in data: return Response.wrong_format( json.dumps({'message': 'description missing'})) if not 'election_round_id' in data: return Response.wrong_format( json.dumps({'message': 'electionid missing'})) if 'picture' in data: if data['picture'].endswith('=='): picture = data['picture'] else: return Response.wrong_format({"message": "picture is not Base64"}) else: picture = '' choice = Choice(description=data['description'], counter=0, picture=picture, election_round_id=data['election_round_id']) session.add(choice) try: session.commit() except: return Response.database_error() return Response.ok( json.dumps({ 'id':, 'description': choice.description }))
def update_choice_proxy(data: dict) -> bool: '''Updates an choice proxy''' if not 'senderid' in data: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'senderid missing'}) if not type(data['senderid']) == int: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'senderid: not a number'}) if not 'receiverid' in data: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'receiverid missing'}) if not type(data['receiverid']) == int: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'receiverid: not a number'}) if data['receiverid'] == data['senderid']: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'receiverid equals senderid'}) try: receiver = session.query(Person).filter( == data['receiverid']).first() sender = session.query(Person).filter( == data['senderid']).first() delete_choice_proxy(data['senderid']) receiver.received_proxy_vote.append(sender) session.commit() except: return Response.database_error() return Response.ok({ "success": True, 'message': 'senderid {} gave vote to receiverid {}'.format(, })
def add_choice_to_election_round(data: dict): '''Adds an choice to an election round.''' if not 'choiceid' in data: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'choiceid missing'}) if not type(data['choiceid']) == int: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'choiceid: not a number'}) if not 'electionroundid' in data: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'electionroundid missing'}) if not type(data['electionroundid']) == int: return Response.wrong_format( {'message': 'electionroundid: not a number'}) try: choice = session.query(Choice).filter( == data['choiceid']).first() electionround = session.query(ElectionRound).filter( == data['electionroundid']).first() choice.election_round = electionround session.commit() except: return Response.database_error() return Response.ok({ 'message': 'added choiceid {} to electionroundid {}'.format( data['choiceid'], data['electionroundid']) })
def upload_csv(file): first_name = 'fn' surname = 'sn' mail = 'mail' if not file: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'no file'}) try: csv_file_pandas = read_csv(file, usecols=[first_name, surname, mail]) except ValueError: return Response.wrong_format({ 'message': '.csv columns missing. Must contain {}, {}'.format( first_name, surname, mail) }) except: return Response.server_error({'message': 'error processing .csv-file'}) pw_list = [] for index, row in csv_file_pandas.iterrows(): person = Person() = '{} {}'.format(row[first_name], row[surname]) password = ''.join([ choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-') for i in range(15) ]) person.password = argon2.hash(password) person.mail = row[mail] person.is_present = False person.role = '0' pw_list.append({ 'mail': person.mail, 'password': password, 'name': }) session.add(person) duplicates = [] try: session.commit() except IntegrityError as e: print(e) duplicates.append(e) except: return Response.database_error() send_email(pw_list) return Response.ok({'message': 'ok', "duplicates": str(duplicates)})
def place_vote(data: dict): if not 'choice_id' in data: return Response.wrong_format( {'message': 'choiceid is required for voting'}) if not 'election_round_id' in data: return Response.wrong_format( {'message': 'election_round_id required for voting'}) if not 'person_id' in data: return Response.wrong_format( {'message': 'person_id required for voting'}) try: election_round_id = int(data['election_round_id']) person_id = int(data['person_id']) choice_id = int(data['choice_id']) except: return Response.wrong_format( {"message": "ids have to be an int base 10"}) elec_round = _get_electionround_by_id(election_round_id) if not elec_round: return Response.ressource_not_found( {"message": "No electionround for this id."}) person = get_person_by_id(person_id) if person in elec_round.persons_voted: return Response.server_error({"message": "Person already voted"}) try: choice = session.query(Choice).filter_by(id=choice_id).first() session.commit() if choice is None: return Response.ressource_not_found( {"message": "No Choice with this id."}) except: print("no choice") return Response.database_error() if choice not in elec_round.choices: return Response.server_error( {"message": "Electionround has no Choice with that ID"}) try: choice.counter = choice.counter + 1 session.commit() except: return Response.database_error() try: elec_round.persons_voted.append(person) session.commit() except: return Response.database_error() return Response.ok(model_as_dict(choice))
def login(data): if not 'email' in data.form: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'email missing'}) if not 'password' in data.form: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'password missing'}) user = session.query(Person).filter( Person.mail == data.form['email']).first() if (argon2.verify(data.form['password'], user.password)): sessionid = uuid.uuid4() session_end = + datetime.timedelta( seconds=config.getint('Session', 'session_duration')) fsession[str(sessionid)] = { '':, 'session_end': session_end } return Response.ok({'sessionID': sessionid}) Response.unauthorized()
def create_election_round(data: dict): '''Creates an election round''' if not 'title' in data or not data['title']: return Response.wrong_format({"message": "Title is missing"}) if not 'max_choices_per_person' in data: return Response.wrong_format( {"message": "max_choices_per_person is missing"}) if not type(data['max_choices_per_person']) == int: return Response.wrong_format( {'message': 'max_choices_per_person: not a number'}) elec_round = ElectionRound() elec_round.title = data['title'] elec_round.running = 'not_started' elec_round.max_choices_per_person = data['max_choices_per_person'] session.add(elec_round) try: session.commit() except: return Response.database_error() return Response.ok(model_as_dict(elec_round))
def generate_password(data: dict): if not 'userid' in data: return Response.wrong_format({ 'updated': False, 'message': 'userid missing' }) person = session.query(Person).filter_by(id=data["userid"]).first() password = ''.join( [choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-') for i in range(15)]) person.password = argon2.hash(password) session.commit() return '{ "new_password" : "{}"}'.format(password)
def set_vote(data: dict): '''Add a person to the as has voted to the election_round''' if not 'elec_round_id' in data: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'elec_round_id required'}) if not 'person_id' in data: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'person_id required'}) try: elec_round_id = int(data['elec_round_id']) person_id = int(data['person_id']) except ValueError: return Response.wrong_format( {"message": "ids have to be an int (base 10)."}) # Get election_round try: elec_round = _get_electionround_by_id(elec_round_id) if not elec_round: return Response.ressource_not_found( {"message": "No electionround for this id."}) except: return Response.database_error() # Get person try: person = session.query(Person).filter_by(id=person_id).first() session.commit() if person is None: return Response.ressource_not_found( {"message": "No persion for this id."}) # Add person to election_round elec_round.persons_voted.append(person) session.commit() except: return Response.database_error() return Response.ok({"message": "OK"})
def check_out(userid: int): if not userid: return Response.wrong_format({ 'updated': False, 'message': 'userid missing' }) person = session.query(Person).filter( == userid).first() person.is_present = False try: session.commit() except: Response.database_error() return Response.ok({"userid": userid, "message": "checked out"})
def create_person(data: dict): if 'name' not in data or not data['name']: return Response.wrong_format({"message": "Name missing!"}) p1 = Person() = data['name'] # TODO: Encpyt Passwords p1.password = "" p1.mail = data['email'] p1.is_present = False p1.role = "0" session.add(p1) try: session.commit() except: Response.database_error() response = model_as_dict(p1) return Response.ok(response)
def _get_electionround_by_id(elec_round_id: int) -> ElectionRound: '''get election round by id and handle errors''' # Elec_round_id should be int try: elec_round_id = int(elec_round_id) except ValueError: return Response.wrong_format( {"message": "elec_round_id has to be an int (base 10)."}) # Get ElectionRound object from the DB. try: elec_round = session.query(ElectionRound).filter_by( id=elec_round_id).first() session.commit() except: return Response.database_error() # Handle invalid election round if elec_round is None: return Response.ressource_not_found( {"message": "No electionround for this id."}) return elec_round
def delete_person(userid: int): print(type(userid)) if not userid: return Response.wrong_format({ 'updated': False, 'message': 'userid missing' }) try: person = session.query(Person).filter_by(id=userid).first() except: return Response.database_error() if not person: return Response.ressource_not_found({"message": "userid not found!"}) session.delete(person) try: session.commit() except: Response.database_error() return Response.ok({"userid": userid, "message": "deleted"})
def create_choice_proxy(data: dict) -> bool: '''Create an proxy for an voter.''' if not 'senderid' in data: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'senderid missing'}) if not type(data['senderid']) == int: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'senderid: not a number'}) if not 'receiverid' in data: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'receiverid missing'}) if not type(data['receiverid']) == int: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'receiverid: not a number'}) if data['receiverid'] == data['senderid']: return Response.wrong_format({'message': 'receiverid equals senderid'}) try: choice = session.query(has_choice_proxy_table).filter( has_choice_proxy_table.c.sender_id == data["senderid"]).first() if choice: return Response.wrong_format({ 'message': 'senderid {} already gave their vote'.format(data['senderid']) }) receiver = session.query(Person).filter( == data['receiverid']).first() if not receiver: return Response.ressource_not_found( {'message': 'receiverid: not found'}) sender = session.query(Person).filter( == data['senderid']).first() if not sender: return Response.ressource_not_found( {'message': 'senderid: not found'}) print('line 40') receiver.received_proxy_vote.append(sender) session.commit() except Exception as e: print(e) return Response.database_error() return Response.ok({ "success": True, 'message': 'senderid {} gave vote to receiverid {}'.format(, })