Exemple #1
	def winner(self):
		Who won the game (if it's finished).

		:return: The (integer) id of the player who won if the game is finished (1 or 2). (None, None)
			if the game is not finished.

		winner = None
		points = None

		if self.__revoked is not None:
			# Thanks: Joshua Kenyon
			return util.other(self.__revoked), 3

		if self.__p1_points >= 66:
			winner = 1
		elif self.__p2_points >= 66:
			winner = 2

		other_player_points = self.get_points(util.other(winner))

		if other_player_points == 0:
			points = 3
		elif other_player_points < 33:
			points = 2
			points = 1

		return winner, points
Exemple #2
 def heuristic_1a(self, player: int, depth: int,
                  curr_state: State) -> float:
     if (curr_state.get_points(util.other(player)) +
             curr_state.get_points(player)) == 0:
         return 0
     return curr_state.get_points(
         util.other(player)) / (curr_state.get_points(util.other(player)) +
Exemple #3
    def __add_partial_trick_to_perspective(self, trick, player):
		Adds the card in the trick to the specified player's perspective

		:param trick: A tuple signifying the trick which cards are revealed to the player
		:param player: An integer signifying the player id

        if player == 1:
            self.__p1_perspective[trick[util.other(player) - 1]] = "P2H"
            self.__p2_perspective[trick[util.other(player) - 1]] = "P1H"
Exemple #4
    def get_move(self, state):

        # Find out which player we are
        my_id = state.whose_turn()

        # Our move: these will contain Planet objects
        source = None
        dest = None

        source_strength = -1  # source score must end up as large as possible (start with very low value)
        dest_strength = float(
        )  # destination score must end up as small as possible (start with high value)

        # Find my strongest planet (largest number of stationed ships)
        for mine in state.planets(my_id):
            strength = state.garrison(mine)
            if strength > 1 and strength > source_strength:
                source_strength = strength
                source = mine

        # Find the weakest enemy or neutral planet (smallest number of ships).
        for his in (state.planets(u.other(my_id)) + state.planets(0)):
            strength = state.garrison(his)
            if strength < dest_strength:
                dest_strength = strength
                dest = his

        if source is None or dest is None:
            return None

        return source.id(), dest.id()
Exemple #5
	def __evaluate_trick(self, trick):
		Evaluates who the winner of the specified trick is and returns it

		:param trick: A tuple signifying the trick which is evaluated
		:return: The winner's id as an integer

		if len(trick) != 2:
			raise RuntimeError("Incorrect trick format. List of length 2 needed.")
		if trick[0] is None or trick[1] is None:
			raise RuntimeError("An incomplete trick was attempted to be evaluated.")
		# If the two cards of the trick have the same suit
		if Deck.get_suit(trick[0]) == Deck.get_suit(trick[1]):

			# We only compare indices since the convention we defined in Deck 
			# puts higher rank cards at lower indices, when considering the same color.
			return 1 if trick[0] < trick[1] else 2

		if Deck.get_suit(trick[0]) ==  self.__deck.get_trump_suit():
			return 1

		if Deck.get_suit(trick[1]) ==  self.__deck.get_trump_suit():
			return 2

		# If the control flow has reached this point, the trick consists of two
		# different non-trump cards. Since the new leader is determined by the
		# output of this function, at this point the state object still considers
		# it to be the non-leading player's turn. Thus, we determine that the winner
		# is the other player, i.e. the leading player. Thanks: Daan Raven
		return util.other(self.whose_turn())
Exemple #6
    def winning_game(self, state):
        player = state. whose_turn()
        opponent = util.other(player)

        player_points = state.get_points(player)
        opponent_points = state.get_points(opponent)

        return opponent_points < player_points
 def expand(self):
     player = self.state.whose_turn()
     moves = self.state.moves()
     for move in moves:
         new_state = self.state.next(move)
         child_node = Node(new_state, self, move, [], util.other(player))
Exemple #8
    def action_cost(self, player, depth, curr_state) -> float:
        def backward_cost():
            eval_vec = [self.heuristic_1a(player, depth, curr_state)]
            return self.heuristics_eval(eval_vec)

        def forward_cost():
            eval_vec = [self.heuristic_2a(player, depth, curr_state)]
            return self.heuristics_eval(eval_vec)

        if self.__WIN_SCORE <= curr_state.get_points(util.other(player)):
            return -1
        elif self.__WIN_SCORE <= curr_state.get_points(player):
            return 1

        return (backward_cost() + forward_cost()) / 2
Exemple #9
    def action_cost(self, player, depth, state) -> float:
        def backward_cost():
            return (state.get_points(util.other(player))
                    ) / self.__WIN_SCORE  # the opponent's score + depth

        def forward_cost():
            return (
                self.__WIN_SCORE - state.get_points(player)
            ) / self.__WIN_SCORE  # my score --> underestimate, can be negative

        if self.__WIN_SCORE <= state.get_points(util.other(player)):
            return -1
        elif self.__WIN_SCORE <= state.get_points(player):
            return 1

        return (backward_cost() + forward_cost()) / 2
Exemple #10
    def cant_win_trick(self, state):
        player = state.whose_turn()
        opponent = util.other(player)
        leader = state.leader()
        if opponent == leader:
            opponents_played_card = state.get_opponents_played_card()
            current_opponent_points = state.get_points(opponent)

            current_points = state.get_points(player)
            for move in state.moves():
                next_state = state.next(move)
                future_opponent_points = next_state.get_points(opponent)

                future_points = next_state.get_points(player)

                points_gained = future_points - future_opponent_points
                if(points_gained <= 0): return True
        return False
def features(state):
    # type: (State) -> tuple[float, ...]
    Extract features from this state. Remember that every feature vector returned should have the same length.

    :param state: A state to be converted to a feature vector
    :return: A tuple of floats: a feature vector representing this state.

    feature_set = []

    # Add player 1's points to feature set
    p1_points = state.get_points(state.whose_turn())
    # Add player 2's points to feature set
    p2_points = state.get_points(util.other(state.whose_turn()))

    # Add player 1's pending points to feature set
    p1_pending_points = state.get_pending_points(state.whose_turn())
    # Add plauer 2's pending points to feature set
    p2_pending_points = state.get_pending_points(util.other(
    # Get trump suit
    trump_suit = state.get_trump_suit()

    # Add phase to feature set
    phase = state.get_phase()
    # Add stock size to feature set
    stock_size = state.get_stock_size()

    # Add leader to feature set
    leader = 1 if state.leader() == state.whose_turn() else 2

    # Add whose turn it is to feature set
    # whose_turn = state.whose_turn()

    # Add opponent's played card to feature set
    opponents_played_card = state.get_opponents_played_card()

    ################## You do not need to do anything below this line ########################
    correct the perspective, whether is 1 or 2

    player_hand = 'P1H'
    player_win = 'P1W'

    other_hand = 'P2H'
    other_win = 'P2W'

    if state.whose_turn() == 2:
        player_hand = 'P2H'
        player_win = 'P2W'

        other_hand = 'P1H'
        other_win = 'P1W'

    perspective = state.get_perspective()

    # Perform one-hot encoding on the perspective.
    # Learn more about one-hot here: https://machinelearningmastery.com/how-to-one-hot-encode-sequence-data-in-python/
    perspective = [
        card if card != 'U' else [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for card in perspective
    perspective = [
        card if card != 'S' else [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] for card in perspective
    perspective = [
        card if card != player_hand else [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
        for card in perspective
    perspective = [
        card if card != other_hand else [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
        for card in perspective
    perspective = [
        card if card != player_win else [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
        for card in perspective
    perspective = [
        card if card != other_win else [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
        for card in perspective

    # Append one-hot encoded perspective to feature_set
    feature_set += list(chain(*perspective))

    # Append normalized points to feature_set
    total_points = p1_points + p2_points
    feature_set.append(p1_points / total_points if total_points > 0 else 0.)
    feature_set.append(p2_points / total_points if total_points > 0 else 0.)

    # Append normalized pending points to feature_set
    total_pending_points = p1_pending_points + p2_pending_points
        p1_pending_points /
        total_pending_points if total_pending_points > 0 else 0.)
        p2_pending_points /
        total_pending_points if total_pending_points > 0 else 0.)

    # Convert trump suit to id and add to feature set
    # You don't need to add anything to this part
    suits = ["C", "D", "H", "S"]
    trump_suit_onehot = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    trump_suit_onehot[suits.index(trump_suit)] = 1
    feature_set += trump_suit_onehot

    # Append one-hot encoded phase to feature set
    feature_set += [1, 0] if phase == 1 else [0, 1]

    # Append normalized stock size to feature set
    feature_set.append(stock_size / 10)

    # Append one-hot encoded leader to feature set
    feature_set += [1, 0] if leader == 1 else [0, 1]

    # Append one-hot encoded whose_turn to feature set
    # feature_set += [1, 0] if whose_turn == 1 else [0, 1]

    # Append one-hot encoded opponent's card to feature set
    opponents_played_card_onehot = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        opponents_played_card if opponents_played_card is not None else 20] = 1
    feature_set += opponents_played_card_onehot

    # Return feature set
    return feature_set
Exemple #12
	def next(self,
			 move  # type: tuple(int, int)

		Computes the next state based on the given move

		:param move: Tuple of length 2 of which each element can either be an int or None
		:return: Newly computed state based on current state and given move

		if self.__signature is not None and self.__signature != self.whose_turn():
			raise RuntimeError('\n\nGame is in phase 1. Cannot view next state with imperfect information. Try making an assumption first.\n')

		if self.finished():
			raise RuntimeError('Gamestate is finished. No next states exist.')

		# Start with a copy of the current state
		state = self.clone()  # type: State

		# If we find an invalid move, we set the __revoked class variable
		# To the pid of the player who made the incorrect move, and return the state as is.
		if not state.__is_valid(move):
			state.__revoked = state.whose_turn()
			return state

		# If move is a trump exchange
		if move[0] is None:

			# Store the indices we need in variables
			trump_jack_index = move[1]
			trump_card_index = state.__deck.get_trump_card_index()

			# Perform trump jack exchange, perspective updated in function

			return state

		# Change turns
		state.__leads_turn = not state.__leads_turn

		#Add the given move to the trick, store the whole trick in a variable
		trick = state.__deck.set_trick(state.whose_turn(), move[0])

		# At this point, we know that the move is not a trump jack exchange.
		# Check if this move is a marriage
		if move[1] is not None:

			# A marriage cannot be melded by the non-leading player
			if state.__leads_turn:
				raise RuntimeError("Marriage was attempted to be melded by non-leading player")

			# Update perspective since an additional card is revealed by the player who performs a marriage.
			state.__deck.add_to_perspective(util.other(state.whose_turn()), move[1], "P" + str(state.whose_turn()) + "H")

			# Trump suit marriage yields 40 points, regular yields 20, to be awarded at next trick win.
			if Deck.get_suit(move[1]) == state.__deck.get_trump_suit():
				state.__reserve_pending_points(state.whose_turn(), 40)
				state.__reserve_pending_points(state.whose_turn(), 20)

		# If it is not the lead's turn, i.e. currently the trick is
		# incomplete and we already know it's not a trump jack exchange
		if not state.__leads_turn:
			other = state.whose_turn()
			state.__player1s_turn = not state.__player1s_turn
			state.__deck.add_to_perspective(state.whose_turn(), trick[other-1], "P" + str(other) + "H")
			return state

		# At this point we know that it is the lead's turn and that a complete
		# trick from the previous hand can be evaluated.

		# Evaluate the trick and store the winner in the leader variable
		leader = state.__evaluate_trick(trick)

		state.__allocate_trick_points(leader, trick)


		if state.__phase == 2 and len(state.hand()) == 0 and not state.finished():
			# If all cards are exhausted, the winner of the last trick wins the game
			state.__set_points(leader, 66)

		#Draw cards from stock
		if state.__phase == 1:
			if state.__deck.get_stock_size() == 0:
				state.__phase = 2

		# Set player1s_turn according to the leader variable
		state.__player1s_turn = True if leader == 1 else False

		# Returns state
		return state
Exemple #13
	def get_opponents_played_card(self):
		:return: An integer representing the index of the card the opponent has played, None if no card played
		return self.__deck.get_trick()[util.other(self.whose_turn()) - 1]
Exemple #14
 def heuristic_3b(self, player: int, depth: int,
                  curr_state: State) -> float:
     curr_state.get_points(player) / (curr_state.get_points(
         util.other(player)) + curr_state.get_points(player))
Exemple #15
 def heuristic_1b(self, player: int, depth: int,
                  curr_state: State) -> float:
     return curr_state.get_pending_points(util.other(player)) / (
         curr_state.get_pending_points(util.other(player)) +
    dqn_number = random.choice([1, 2])
    n_epi += 1
    while not state.finished():

        given_state = state.clone(
            signature=state.whose_turn()) if state.get_phase() == 1 else state

        action = (None, None)
        n_steps += 1

        if state.whose_turn() == dqn_number:
            action = e_greedy(given_state)
            state = state.next(action)

        while (state.whose_turn() == util.other(dqn_number)):
            state2 = state.clone(signature=state.whose_turn()
                                 ) if state.get_phase() == 1 else state
            if state.finished():
            move = opponent.get_move(state2)
            state = state.next(move)

        reward = 0
        if state.finished():

            winner, score = state.winner()
            reward = 1 if winner == dqn_number else 0

    def evaluate(self, node):
        p1_points = node.state.get_points(self.get_me())
        p2_points = node.state.get_points(util.other(self.get_me()))

        return 1 if p1_points - p2_points > 0 else 0
Exemple #18
 def value(self):
     wins = self.outcome[self.parent.state.whose_turn()]
     loses = self.outcome[util.other(self.parent.state.whose_turn())]
     return wins - loses
Exemple #19
 def backward_cost():
     return (state.get_points(util.other(player))
             ) / self.__WIN_SCORE  # the opponent's score + depth