Exemple #1
def remove_from_groups(username, groups):
    for group in groups:
        shell('sudo gpasswd -d {} {}'.format(username, group))
    should = []
    for ag in api.parsers.users.get_groups(username):
    if not all(name in should for name in groups):
        return api.parsers.users.parse_single(username)
Exemple #2
def add_to_groups(username, groups):
    groups_string = ','.join(groups)
    shell('sudo usermod -a -G {} {}'.format(groups_string, username))
    should = []
    for ag in api.parsers.users.get_groups(username):
    if all(name in should for name in groups):
        return api.parsers.users.parse_single(username)
Exemple #3
def delete(username, remove_home=True):
    if remove_home:
        shell('sudo deluser --remove-home {}'.format(username))
        shell('sudo deluser {}'.format(username))
    if api.parsers.users.exists(username):
        return False
    return True
Exemple #4
def unlock(username):
    # sudo usermod -U <username>
    #   use sudo passwd --status <username> to check the status of the lock
    #   <username> LK 2019-05-30 7 90 7 -1 (Password locked.)
    shell('sudo usermod -U {}'.format(username))
    status = shell('sudo passwd -S {}'.format(username))
    if re.findall('\s(L)\s', status):
        raise RuntimeError('cannot unlock user {}'.format(username))
    return api.parsers.users.parse_single(username)
Exemple #5
def create(username, password=None, groups=[]):
    # TODO(everdrone): make this global
    cwd = '/home/telegram/test/pi-json-api/scripts'
    env = {
        'username': username,
    if password:
        env['password'] = password
    if groups:
        env['groups'] = ','.join(groups)
    shell('bash adduser.sh', cwd, env)
    if api.parsers.users.exists(username):
        return api.parsers.users.parse_single(username)
    return False
Exemple #6
def sessions():
    lines = shell('w -h')
    lines = filter(None, lines.split('\n'))
    out = []
    for line in lines:
        col = line.split()
            'user': col[0],
            'tty': col[1],
            'from': col[2],
            'login_time': col[3],
            'idle': col[4],
            'jcpu': col[5],
            'pcpu': col[6]
    return out
Exemple #7
def filesystem():
    out = {}
    lines = shell('df -P')
    lines = filter(None, lines.split('\n'))
    df_p = {}
    for line in lines:
        match = re.match('^(.+?)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+\%)\s+(.+)$',
        if match:
            mg = match.groups()
            key = '{},{}'.format(mg[0], mg[5])
            df_p[key] = {}
            df_p[key]['device'] = mg[0]
            df_p[key]['kb_size'] = mg[1]
            df_p[key]['kb_used'] = mg[2]
            df_p[key]['kb_available'] = mg[3]
            df_p[key]['percent_used'] = mg[4]
            df_p[key]['mount'] = mg[5]
    # merge into out object

    # filesystem inode data
    lines = shell('df -iP')
    lines = filter(None, lines.split('\n'))
    df_ip = {}
    for line in lines:
        match = re.match('^(.+?)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+\%)\s+(.+)$',
        if match:
            mg = match.groups()
            key = '{},{}'.format(mg[0], mg[5])
            df_ip[key] = {}
            df_ip[key]['device'] = mg[0]
            df_ip[key]['total_inodes'] = int(mg[1])
            df_ip[key]['inodes_used'] = int(mg[2])
            df_ip[key]['inodes_available'] = int(mg[3])
            df_ip[key]['inodes_percent_used'] = int(mg[4][:-1])
            df_ip[key]['mount'] = mg[5]
    # merge into out obj

    # grab mount data
    lines = shell('mount')
    lines = filter(None, lines.split('\n'))
    mount = {}
    for line in lines:
        match = re.match('^(.+?) on (.+?) type (.+?) \((.+?)\)$', line)
        if match:
            mg = match.groups()
            key = '{},{}'.format(mg[0], mg[1])
            mount[key] = {}
            mount[key]['device'] = mg[0]
            mount[key]['mount'] = mg[1]
            mount[key]['fs_type'] = mg[2]
            mount[key]['mount_options'] = mg[3].split(',')
    # merge into out

    # grab from /proc/mounts
    lines = api.utils.fs.read_lines('/proc/mounts')
    # don't merge directly into out
    # check if the data is missing, if it is, then merge
    proc = {}
    for line in lines:
        match = re.match('^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \S+ \S+$', line)
        if match:
            mg = match.groups()
            key = '{},{}'.format(mg[0], mg[1])
            proc[key] = {}
            proc[key]['device'] = mg[0]
            proc[key]['mount'] = mg[1]
            proc[key]['fs_type'] = mg[2]
            proc[key]['mount_options'] = mg[3].split(',')
            # update only if missing
            if key not in out:
                out[key] = proc[key]

    # grab lsblk data
    lines = shell('lsblk -n -P -o NAME,UUID,LABEL,FSTYPE')
    lines = filter(None, lines.split('\n'))
    lsblk = []
    for line in lines:
        match = re.match(
            'NAME="(\S+).*?" UUID="(\S*)" LABEL="(\S*)" FSTYPE="(\S*)"', line)
        if match:
            mg = match.groups()
            dev = mg[0]
            if not dev.startswith('/'):
                dev = _find_device(dev)
            uuid = mg[1]
            label = mg[2]
            fs_type = mg[3]
            obj = {
                'dev': dev,
                'uuid': uuid,
                'label': label,
                'fs_type': fs_type
            # update
            out = _update_missing(out, obj)

    # grab blkid data
    lines = shell('blkid')
    lines = filter(None, lines.split('\n'))
    blkid = []
    for line in lines:
        device_name = line.split(':')[0]
        obj = {'dev': device_name}
        parts = line.split()[1:]
        for part in parts:
            match = re.match('(\S+)="(\S+)"', part)
            if match:
                mg = match.groups()
                key = mg[0].lower()
                if key == 'type':
                    key = 'fs_type'
                obj[key] = mg[1]
        # update
        out = _update_missing(out, obj)

    return out
Exemple #8
def create(name):
    shell('sudo groupadd {}'.format(name))
    return api.parsers.groups.parse_single(name)
Exemple #9
def delete(name):
    shell('sudo groupdel {}'.format(name))
    if api.parsers.groups.exists(name):
        return False
    return True
Exemple #10
def lock(username):
    shell('sudo usermod -L {}'.format(username))
    status = shell('sudo passwd -S {}'.format(username))
    if not re.findall('\s(L)\s', status):
        raise RuntimeError('cannot lock user {}'.format(username))
    return api.parsers.users.parse_single(username)