Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, config):
     self.app = Flask(__name__)
     self.api_authenticator = APIAutheticate(dict(config.items(
     self.api_port = config.getint("ADMIN_ENGINE", 'port')
     self.api_host = config.get("ADMIN_ENGINE", 'host')
     self.shop = Shop(config)
Exemple #2
class AdminApi:
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.app = Flask(__name__)
        self.api_authenticator = APIAutheticate(dict(config.items(
        self.api_port = config.getint("ADMIN_ENGINE", 'port')
        self.api_host = config.get("ADMIN_ENGINE", 'host')
        self.shop = Shop(config)

    def run(self):
        def requires_auth(f):
            def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
                if not self.api_authenticator.authenticate(request.headers):
                    return self.unauthorized()

                return f(*args, **kwargs)

            return decorated

        def shop_not_found():
            return make_response(jsonify({'message': 'Not found'}), 404)

        @self.app.route('/v1/shop/<string:shop_id>', methods=['POST'])
        def insert_shop(shop_id):
            print 'Shop id ', shop_id
            shop_details = request.data
            if len(shop_details) == 0:
                return make_response(
                    jsonify({'message': 'No shop info provided'}), 400)
                shop_info = json.loads(shop_details)
                print shop_info
            except Exception as e:
                print e
                return make_response(
                    jsonify({'message': 'shop info cannot be decoded'}), 400)
            print 'Here'
            ret = {'Message': 'OK'}
            return jsonify(ret)

        @self.app.route('/v1/services/shop/<string:shop_id>', methods=['POST'])
        def insert_services(shop_id):
            print 'Shop id ', shop_id
            services_data = request.data
            if len(services_data) == 0:
                return make_response(
                    jsonify({'message': 'No Service details provided'}), 400)
                services_list = json.loads(services_data)
                print services_list
                self.shop.insert_services(shop_id, services_list)
            except Exception as e:
                print e
                return make_response(
                    jsonify({'message': 'Service info cannot be decoded'}),
            ret = {'Message': 'OK'}
            return jsonify(ret)

        self.app.run(host=self.api_host, port=self.api_port)

    def unauthorized():
        return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'Unauthorized access'}), 401)