Exemple #1
    def setup_api(request, start_time):
        payload = request.get_json()

        if not payload:
            return set_resp(
                    'status': 'request not json',
                    'received': request.data
                }, 400)

        # common for events
        repo_id = payload.get('repoID')
        repo_config = repos_data.get(repo_id)

        if not repo_config:
            return set_resp(
                    'status': 'repo not found in config',
                    'repo_id': repo_id
                }, 400)

        if debug:
            print("Found config for %s (%s): " %
                  (repo_id, get_elapsed_time(start_time)))

        private_token = repo_config.get('private_token')
        if not private_token:

        api_helper = Api()
        api = api_helper.match_api_from_id(repo_id)

        app_key = repo_config.get('app_key')
        private_token = repo_config.get('private_token')

        if debug:
            print("Loading API (%s)..." % (get_elapsed_time(start_time)))
        this_api = api(repo_id, private_token, app_key)
        if debug:
            print("Loaded API handler (%s)" % (get_elapsed_time(start_time)))

        return {
            'payload': payload,
            'repo_id': repo_id,
            'repo_config': repo_config,
            'private_token': private_token,
            'api': this_api
Exemple #2
    def issue_worker(config, start_time):
        payload = config.get('payload')
        repo_config = config.get('repo_config')

        api_helper = Api()
        this_api = config.get('api')

        assignee_username = repo_config.get('assignee_id')
        tags = repo_config.get('tags')
        link_dompath = repo_config.get('link_dompath')

        # tags may be a string or an array
        if tags and not isinstance(tags, list):
            tags = [tags]

        # override the default assignee?
        if payload.get('assignee_id'):
            assignee_username = payload.get('assignee_id')

        # try to lookup a username
        assignee_id = assignee_username
        if assignee_username:
            if not assignee_username.isdigit():
                if debug:
                    print("Looking for user: %s (%s)..." %
                          (assignee_username, get_elapsed_time(start_time)))
                assignee_id = this_api.lookup_user_id(assignee_username)
                if debug:
                    print("Found user %s (%s)" %
                          (assignee_id, get_elapsed_time(start_time)))
                # assume a numeric username is the ID
                if debug:
                    print("Assuming username is numeric ID: %s (%s)..." %
                          (assignee_username, get_elapsed_time(start_time)))

        title = payload.get('title')
        body = payload.get('note')

        if not title:
            title = body

        # attach the image
        img = payload.get('img')
        if img:
            file_url = this_api.attach_image(img)
            # if URL returned, handle with a body attachment
            if file_url:
                body += api_helper.append_body(file_url)

        # browser info
        dompath = payload.get('dompath')
        url = payload.get('url')
        if dompath and link_dompath:
            for i, d in enumerate(dompath):
                dom_q = parse.urlencode({'fb_dompath[%d]' % (i): d})
                url += ('&' if '?' in url else '?') + dom_q

        # conditional tags are based on submission path (url)
        conditional_tags = repo_config.get('conditional_path_tags')
        if conditional_tags:
            for conditional_tag in conditional_tags:
                if conditional_tags[conditional_tag] in url:

        # DEPRECATED: URL replacement
        dev_url_replace = repo_config.get('dev_url_replace')
        if dev_url_replace:
            dev_urls = []
            dev_url_f_r = dev_url_replace.split('|')
            f_url = dev_url_f_r.pop(0)
            for r_url in dev_url_f_r:
                dev_urls.append(url.replace(f_url, r_url))
            if len(dev_urls):
                url += ' (' + ' , '.join(dev_urls) + ')'

        # URL host/path replacement
        dev_replace = repo_config.get('dev_replace')
        if dev_replace:
            if not isinstance(dev_replace, list):
                dev_replace = [dev_replace]
            dev_urls = []
            parsed_url = parse.urlparse(url)
            for r in dev_replace:
                # filter to matching URLs
                if 'match' in r:
                    if r['match'][0] == '!':
                        match_test = r['match'][1:]
                        if match_test in url:
                        match_test = r['match']
                        if match_test not in url:
                r_host = parsed_url.scheme + '://' + parsed_url.netloc
                if 'host' in r:
                    r_host = r['host']
                    # keep the origin protocol if it's not specified
                    if not (r_host.startswith('http://')
                            or r_host.startswith('https://')
                            or r_host.startswith('//')):
                        r_host = parsed_url.scheme + '://' + r_host
                r_path = parsed_url.path
                if 'path' in r:
                    path_f_r = r['path'].split('|')
                    if len(path_f_r) == 2:
                        r_path = parsed_url.path.replace(
                            path_f_r[0], path_f_r[1], 1)
                dev_url = r_host + r_path
                # add back the query and param, if they exist
                if parsed_url.query:
                    dev_url += '?' + parsed_url.query
                if parsed_url.fragment:
                    dev_url += '#' + parsed_url.fragment
                if dev_url != url:

            if len(dev_urls):
                url += ' (' + ' , '.join(dev_urls) + ')'

        meta = 'URL: ' + url

        if dompath:
            meta += api_helper.append_body('DOM: ' + '; '.join(dompath))

        browser = payload.get('browser')
        if browser:
            meta += api_helper.append_body('Useragent: ' +
            meta += api_helper.append_body('Platfom: ' +
            meta += api_helper.append_body('Window size: ' +

        extra = payload.get('extra')
        if extra:
            for k in extra:
                meta += api_helper.append_body(k + ': ' + extra[k])

        # look up the submitter
        email = payload.get('email')
        submitter_id = None
        if email:
            submitter_id = this_api.get_username(email)
            meta += api_helper.append_body('Submitted by ' + submitter_id)
        # append the assignee to the issue body
        if assignee_username:
            if not assignee_username.isdigit():
                assignee_username = this_api.get_username(assignee_username)
            meta += api_helper.append_body('Initially assigned to ' +

        response = this_api.create_issue(title, body, meta, assignee_id,
                                         submitter_id, tags)
        if response:
            if debug:
                print("Created issue (%s)" % (get_elapsed_time(start_time)))
            return response
        return False
Exemple #3
    def issue_worker(config, start_time):
        payload = config.get('payload')
        repo_config = config.get('repo_config')

        api_helper = Api()
        this_api = config.get('api')

        assignee_username = repo_config.get('assignee_id')
        tags = repo_config.get('tags')
        link_dompath = repo_config.get('link_dompath')

        # tags may be a string or an array
        if tags and not isinstance(tags, list):
            tags = [tags]

        # override the default assignee?
        if payload.get('assignee_id'):
            assignee_username = payload.get('assignee_id')

        # try to lookup a username
        assignee_id = assignee_username
        if assignee_username:
            if not assignee_username.isdigit():
                if debug:
                    print("Looking for user: %s (%s)..." % (assignee_username, get_elapsed_time(start_time)))
                assignee_id = this_api.lookup_user_id(assignee_username)
                if debug:
                    print("Found user %s (%s)" % (assignee_id, get_elapsed_time(start_time)))
                # assume a numeric username is the ID
                if debug:
                    print("Assuming username is numeric ID: %s (%s)..." % (assignee_username, get_elapsed_time(start_time)))
        title = payload.get('title')
        body = payload.get('note')

        if not title:
            title = body

        # attach the image
        img = payload.get('img')
        if img:
            file_url = this_api.attach_image(img)
            # if URL returned, handle with a body attachment
            if file_url:
                body += api_helper.append_body(file_url)

        # browser info
        dompath = payload.get('dompath')
        url = payload.get('url')
        if dompath and link_dompath:
            for i, d in enumerate(dompath):
                dom_q = parse.urlencode({'fb_dompath[%d]' % (i): d})
                url += ('&' if '?' in url else '?') + dom_q

        dev_url_replace = repo_config.get('dev_url_replace')
        if dev_url_replace:
            dev_urls = []
            dev_url_f_r = dev_url_replace.split('|')
            f_url = dev_url_f_r.pop(0)
            for r_url in dev_url_f_r:
                dev_urls.append(url.replace(f_url, r_url))
            if len(dev_urls):
                url += ' (' + ' , '.join(dev_urls) + ')'
        meta = 'URL: ' + url

        if dompath:
            meta += api_helper.append_body('DOM: ' + '; '.join(dompath))

        browser = payload.get('browser')
        if browser:
            meta += api_helper.append_body('Useragent: ' + browser.get('userAgent'))
            meta += api_helper.append_body('Platfom: ' + browser.get('platform'))
            meta += api_helper.append_body('Window size: ' + browser.get('windowDims'))
        extra = payload.get('extra')
        if extra:
            for k in extra:
                meta += api_helper.append_body(k + ': ' + extra[k])

        # look up the submitter
        email = payload.get('email')
        submitter_id = None
        if email:
            submitter_id = this_api.get_username(email)
            meta += api_helper.append_body('Submitted by ' + submitter_id)
        # append the assignee to the issue body
        if assignee_username:
            if not assignee_username.isdigit():
                assignee_username = this_api.get_username(assignee_username)
            meta += api_helper.append_body('Initially assigned to ' + assignee_username)

        response = this_api.create_issue(title, body, meta, assignee_id, submitter_id, tags)
        if response:
            if debug:
                print("Created issue (%s)" % (get_elapsed_time(start_time)))
            return response
        return False
Exemple #4
from listener import TaskListener, message_to_admins
from statistics import update_statistic
from journal import add_journal_record
from executor import get_ready_executors, get_working_executors
from task import get_mass_tasks, get_opened_tasks

    apihelper.proxy = PROXIES

    handlers=[RotatingFileHandler('./logs/bot.log', mode='a', maxBytes=25 * 1024 * 1024)]

api = Api()
bot = telebot.TeleBot(token=BOT_TOKEN)

task_creating_lock = threading.Lock()

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def register_handlers():
    bot.add_message_handler(bot._build_handler_dict(executor_ready, commands=['ready']))
    bot.add_message_handler(bot._build_handler_dict(executor_stop, commands=['stop']))
    bot.add_message_handler(bot._build_handler_dict(info_message, commands=["message"]))
    bot.add_message_handler(bot._build_handler_dict(info, commands=["info"]))
    # bot.add_message_handler(bot._build_handler_dict(get_test_result, commands=['test_results']))
    bot.add_message_handler(bot._build_handler_dict(help_message, commands=['help']))
    # bot.add_message_handler(bot._build_handler_dict(contact_message, content_types=['contact']))
    bot.add_message_handler(bot._build_handler_dict(start_handler, commands=["start"]))