def change_local_system_ip(self, username: str, old_local_ip: str, new_local_ip: str) -> dict: if not self.username_exists(username): return {'success': False, 'error': "You are not logged in to access this resource."} if not APIUtils.validate('ipaddress', old_local_ip): return {'success': False, 'error': "Please provide a valid old Local IP Address."} if not APIUtils.validate('ipaddress', new_local_ip): return {'success': False, 'error': "Please provide a valid new Local IP Address."} # "Warning"? Issue in pylint: user = User.objects(username=username)[0] oldlocalexists = LocalSystem.objects( userId=user, localIP=old_local_ip).count() > 0 newlocalexists = LocalSystem.objects( userId=user, localIP=new_local_ip).count() > 0 if not oldlocalexists: return { 'success': False, 'error': "A system with this IP does not exists in your IP Pool." } if newlocalexists: return { 'success': False, 'error': "A system with this IP is already exists in your IP Pool." } localsys: LocalSystem = LocalSystem.objects( userId=user, localIP=old_local_ip)[0] localsys.localIP = new_local_ip return {'success': True, 'message': "Local System's IP changed successfully!"}
def remove_local_system(self, username: str, local_ip: str) -> dict: if not self.username_exists(username): return { 'success': False, 'error': "You are not logged in to access this resource." } if not APIUtils.validate('ipaddress', local_ip): return { 'success': False, 'error': "Please provide a valid IP Address." } # "Warning"? Issue in pylint: user = User.objects(username=username)[0] localexists = LocalSystem.objects(userId=user, localIP=local_ip).count() > 0 if not localexists: return { 'success': False, 'error': "A system with this IP does not exists in your IP Pool." } localsys: LocalSystem = LocalSystem.objects(userId=user, localIP=local_ip) localsys.delete() return { 'success': True, 'message': "Local System deleted successfully!" }
def add_local_system(self, username: str, local_ip: str) -> dict: if not self.username_exists(username): return { 'success': False, 'error': "You are not logged in to access this resource." } if not APIUtils.validate('ipaddress', local_ip): return { 'success': False, 'error': "Please provide a valid IP Address." } # "Warning"? Issue in pylint: user = User.objects(username=username)[0] localexists = LocalSystem.objects(userId=user, localIP=local_ip).count() > 0 if localexists: return { 'success': False, 'error': "A system with this IP is already added to your IP Pool." } localsys = LocalSystem() localsys.userId = user localsys.localIP = local_ip localsys.os = "Unknown" localsys.openPorts = {} localsys.systemUp = False return {'success': True, 'message': "Local System added successfully!"}
def change_agent_ip(self, username: str, ipaddr: str) -> dict: if not self.username_exists(username): return {"success": False, "error": "Username does not exist!"} if (ipaddr is not None) and not APIUtils.validate("ipaddress", ipaddr): return {"success": False, "error": "IP Address is invalid! Please provide a valid IPv4 Address."} # "Warning"? Issue in pylint: user: User = User.objects(username=username)[0] user.publicIP = ipaddr ipverify = str(uuid4()) user.publicIPVerifier = ipverify user.verifiedPublicIP = True return { "success": True, "message": "Please verify IP Ownership by creating a file named the given code in root of web server of that IP Address.", "code": ipverify}