def test_l3_perf_tc_12_1(): pre_test_l3_fwding() vars = st.get_testbed_vars() # Config 2 IPV4 interfaces on DUT. (tg1, _, tg_ph_1, _) = get_handles() dut1 = vars.D1 port1 = vars.D1T1P1 ipfeature.get_interface_ip_address(dut1, family="ipv4") ipfeature.get_interface_ip_address(dut1, family="ipv6") ipfeature.show_ip_route(dut1) interface_status_show(dut1) tr1 = create_l3_host(tg1, tg_ph_1, 8000) # Verified ARP and counters at the DUT. cmd = "show arp | grep Total" default_arp = arpapi.get_arp_count(dut1) st.log("Total ARP entries: {}".format(default_arp)) measure_arp_learn_time(dut1, default_arp, 8000, cmd, False) #shut the link and make sure all the entries deleted from the hw interface_operation(dut1, port1, operation="shutdown") st.wait(15) cmd = 'bcmcmd "l3 l3table show" | wc -l' output = bcm_show(dut1, cmd) st.log(output) curr_arp = parse_route_output(output) if (curr_arp != default_arp): st.log("cleaning up host entries from HW failed" + str(curr_arp) + str(default_arp)) interface_operation(dut1, port1, operation="startup") #Now measure the hardware performance cmd = 'bcmcmd "l3 l3table show" | wc -l' output = bcm_show(dut1, cmd) st.log(output) default_arp = parse_route_output(output) measure_arp_learn_time(dut1, default_arp, 8000, cmd, True) tg1.tg_traffic_control(action='stop', handle=tr1['stream_id']) tg1.tg_traffic_control(action='reset', port_handle=tg_ph_1) post_test_l3_fwding() st.report_pass("test_case_passed")
def test_l3_host_scaling_tc5_1(): pre_test_l3_fwding() vars = st.get_testbed_vars() # Config 2 IPV4 interfaces on DUT. (tg1, _, tg_ph_1, _) = get_handles() dut1 = vars.D1 ipfeature.get_interface_ip_address(dut1, family="ipv4") ipfeature.get_interface_ip_address(dut1, family="ipv6") ipfeature.show_ip_route(dut1) ifapi.interface_status_show(dut1) tr1 = create_l3_host(tg1, tg_ph_1, 8000, 5) st.wait(15) # Verified ARP and counters at the DUT. total_in_sw = arpfeature.get_arp_count(dut1) st.log("Total ARP entries: {}".format(total_in_sw)) #We expect all 8k host entries should be programmed in hw within 32secs st.wait(20) output = bcm_show(dut1, 'bcmcmd "l3 l3table show" | wc -l') total_in_hw = parse_route_output(output) tg1.tg_traffic_control(action='stop', handle=tr1['stream_id']) tg1.tg_traffic_control(action='reset', port_handle=tg_ph_1) post_test_l3_fwding() if (total_in_sw >= data.max_host_1 and total_in_hw >= data.max_host_1): st.report_pass("test_case_passed") else: st.report_fail("test_case_failed")
def test_l3_perf_tc_14_1(): pre_test_l3_fwding() vars = st.get_testbed_vars() # Config 2 IPV4 interfaces on DUT. (tg1, _, tg_ph_1, _) = get_handles() dut1 = vars.D1 ipfeature.get_interface_ip_address(dut1, family="ipv4") ipfeature.show_ip_route(dut1) interface_status_show(dut1) tr1 = create_l3_host(tg1, tg_ph_1, 10000) st.wait(15) # Verified ARP and counters at the DUT. output = bcm_show(dut1, "time show arp") st.log(output) tg1.tg_traffic_control(action='stop', handle=tr1['stream_id'], max_wait_timer=10) tg1.tg_traffic_control(action='reset', port_handle=tg_ph_1) post_test_l3_fwding() st.report_pass("test_case_passed")
def test_l3_perf_tc_14_2(): vars = st.get_testbed_vars() dut2 = vars.D2 if (data.l3_intf is False): output = bcm_show(dut2, 'bcmcmd "l3 intf show" | wc -l') st.log(output) default_intf_count = parse_route_output(output) create_l3_interface(dut2, 1000, 1, default_intf_count) data.l3_intf = True st.log(data.result) #data.oct1 = 10 #data.oct2 = 0 #data.oct3 = 1 #data.oct4 = 1 #create_l3_interface(dut1, 1000, 0, default_intf_count) #clean-up using range command #cmd = "config vlan range del 1 1000" st.report_pass("test_case_passed") else: if (data.result[4] == 1): st.report_pass("test_case_passed") else: st.report_pass("test_case_failed")
def test_l3_host_scaling_tc5_2(): pre_test_l3_fwding() vars = st.get_testbed_vars() (tg1, _, tg_ph_1, _) = get_handles() dut1 = vars.D1 ipfeature.get_interface_ip_address(dut1) cnt = 0 pass_flag = True host_count = 32000 curr_count = 8000 wait_time = 15 duration = 8 #Send burst of 8k upto 32k max create_l3_host(tg1, tg_ph_1, host_count, duration) while (cnt <= 3 and pass_flag): st.wait(wait_time) # Verified ARP and counters at the DUT. total = arpfeature.get_arp_count(dut1) st.log("Total ARP entries: {}".format(total)) bcm_show(dut1, 'bcmcmd "l3 l3table show" | wc -l') if (total >= curr_count): curr_count += 8000 else: pass_flag = False cnt += 1 #Make sure all the entries programmed in the hw st.wait(90) bcm_show(dut1, 'bcmcmd "l3 l3table show" | wc -l') post_test_l3_fwding() if (pass_flag): st.report_pass("test_case_passed") else: st.report_fail("test_case_failed")
def measure_arp_learn_time(dut1, default_arp, max_arp, cmd, hw): sleep_time = 10 st.log("Number of ARP's in the beginning %d" % (default_arp)) curr_arp = default_arp arp_in_this_poll = default_arp prev_poll_count = 0 record_start_time = 0 #initialize for error handling start_time = while (curr_arp < max_arp): now = output = bcm_show(dut1, cmd) prev_poll_count = arp_in_this_poll if (hw): arp_in_this_poll = parse_route_output(output) - curr_arp else: arp_in_this_poll = parse_output(output) - curr_arp #no more entries learnt, break! if (prev_poll_count == arp_in_this_poll): break if arp_in_this_poll > 0 and record_start_time == 0: start_time = now st.log("Time when the first arp was installed %s " % (str(start_time))) sleep_time = 10 record_start_time = 1 #st.log start_time curr_arp = curr_arp + arp_in_this_poll after = st.log(" [%s]: increment %d curr_arp %d " % (str(after), arp_in_this_poll, curr_arp)) if curr_arp == max_arp: break st.wait(sleep_time) end_time = st.log("Time when all the arp's were installed %s" % (str(end_time))) #st.log end_time diff = (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() st.log("total time is %d" % (int(diff)))
def measure_route_learn_time(dut1, default_route, max_route, cmd): sleep_time = 10 st.log("Number of route's in the beginning %d" % (default_route)) curr_route = default_route route_in_this_poll = default_route prev_poll_count = 0 record_start_time = 0 #initialize for error handling start_time = while (curr_route < max_route): now = output = bcm_show(dut1, cmd) prev_poll_count = route_in_this_poll route_in_this_poll = parse_route_output(output) - curr_route #no more entries learnt, break! if (prev_poll_count == route_in_this_poll): break if route_in_this_poll > 0 and record_start_time == 0: start_time = now st.log("Time when the first route was installed %s " % (str(start_time))) sleep_time = 10 record_start_time = 1 #st.log start_time curr_route = curr_route + route_in_this_poll after = st.log(" [%s]: increment %d curr_route %d " % (str(after), route_in_this_poll, curr_route)) if curr_route == max_route: break st.wait(sleep_time) end_time = st.log("Time when all the route's were installed %s" % (str(end_time))) #st.log end_time diff = (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() st.log("total time is %d" % (int(diff)))
def measure_v4_route_scale_time(route_count, show_flag): vars = st.get_testbed_vars() dut = vars.D1 default_route = 0 #TG pumps 512k per sec so to make measure route install #time more accurate we start from 600k + route_count #base_route_count = 60000 + route_count base_route_count = route_count ipfeature.clear_ip_configuration(st.get_dut_names()) ipfeature.clear_ip_configuration(st.get_dut_names(), 'ipv6') member3 = vars.D1T1P1 member4 = vars.D1T1P2 ipfeature.config_ip_addr_interface(dut, member3, data.my_ip_addr, data.ip_prefixlen, family="ipv4") ipfeature.config_ip_addr_interface(dut, member4, data.intf_ip_addr, data.ip_prefixlen, family="ipv4") ipfeature.get_interface_ip_address(dut, family="ipv4") ipfeature.show_ip_route(dut) interface_status_show(dut) bgpfeature.create_bgp_router(dut, data.as_num, '') bgpfeature.create_bgp_neighbor(dut, data.as_num, data.neigh_ip_addr, data.remote_as_num) (tg1, tg2, tg_ph_1, tg_ph_2) = get_handles() tg1.tg_traffic_control(action='reset', port_handle=tg_ph_1) tg2.tg_traffic_control(action='reset', port_handle=tg_ph_2) h1 = tg1.tg_interface_config(port_handle=tg_ph_1, mode='config', intf_ip_addr='', gateway='', src_mac_addr='00:0a:01:00:00:01', arp_send_req='1') st.log("INTFCONF: " + str(h1)) h2 = tg2.tg_interface_config(port_handle=tg_ph_2, mode='config', intf_ip_addr='', gateway='', arp_send_req='1') st.log("INTFCONF: " + str(h2)) conf_var = { 'mode': 'enable', 'active_connect_enable': '1', 'local_as': '200', 'remote_as': '100', 'remote_ip_addr': '' } route_var = { 'mode': 'add', 'num_routes': base_route_count, 'prefix': '', 'as_path': 'as_seq:1' } ctrl_start = {'mode': 'start'} ctrl_stop = {'mode': 'stop'} # Configuring the BGP router. bgp_rtr1 = tgapi.tg_bgp_config(tg=tg1, handle=h1['handle'], conf_var=conf_var, route_var=route_var, ctrl_var=ctrl_start) st.log("BGP_HANDLE: " + str(bgp_rtr1)) # Verified at neighbor. st.log("BGP neighborship established.") st.wait(10) tr1 = tg2.tg_traffic_config( port_handle=tg_ph_2, emulation_src_handle=h2['handle'], emulation_dst_handle=bgp_rtr1['route'][0]['handle'], circuit_endpoint_type='ipv4', mode='create', transmit_mode='continuous', length_mode='fixed', rate_pps=512000, enable_stream_only_gen='0') retval = bgpfeature.verify_bgp_summary(dut, neighbor=data.neigh_ip_addr, state='Established') if retval is True: output = bcm_show(dut, 'bcmcmd "l3 defip show" | wc -l') st.log(output) default_route = parse_route_output(output) route_count += default_route cmd = 'bcmcmd "l3 defip show" | wc -l' measure_route_learn_time(dut, default_route, route_count, cmd) if (show_flag): cmd = "time show ip route" bcm_show(dut, cmd) data.result_14_3 = True res = tg2.tg_traffic_control(action='stop', handle=tr1['stream_id']) st.log("TR_CTRL: " + str(res)) tgapi.tg_bgp_config(tg=tg1, handle=bgp_rtr1['conf']['handle'], ctrl_var=ctrl_stop) ipfeature.delete_ip_interface(dut, member4, data.intf_ip_addr, data.ip_prefixlen, family="ipv4") ipfeature.delete_ip_interface(dut, member3, data.my_ip_addr, data.ip_prefixlen, family="ipv4") bgpfeature.delete_bgp_neighbor(dut, data.as_num, data.neigh_ip_addr, data.remote_as_num) delete_bgp_router(dut, '', data.as_num) tg2.tg_traffic_control(action='reset', port_handle=tg_ph_2) tg1.tg_interface_config(port_handle=tg_ph_1, handle=h1['handle'], mode='destroy') tg2.tg_interface_config(port_handle=tg_ph_2, handle=h2['handle'], mode='destroy') st.wait(20)
def create_l3_interface(dut, count, add, default_intf_count): #Remove conflicting ip config from loopback0 #cmd = "config interface ip remove Loopback0" #st.log(cmd) if (add): vapi.config_vlan_range(dut, "1 {}".format(count)) st.wait(10) start_time = for i in range(1, count + 1): ip_addr = get_next_ip() #vapi.add_vlan_member(dut, i, vars.D1T1P1, tagging_mode=True) #st.log(ip_addr) if (add): ipfeature.config_ip_addr_interface(dut, "Vlan{}".format(i), ip_addr, 24) else: ipfeature.delete_ip_interface(dut, "Vlan{}".format(i), ip_addr, 24) # measure L3 interface create performance at various intervals if (i == 128): output = bcm_show(dut, 'bcmcmd "l3 intf show" | wc -l') st.log(output) curr_intf_count = parse_route_output(output) if (curr_intf_count + default_intf_count >= 128): end_time = if (add): st.log("Time taken for creating 128 L3 interfaces =" + str(end_time - start_time)) else: st.log("Time taken for deleting 128 L3 interfaces =" + str(end_time - start_time)) data.result[0] = 1 elif (i == 256): output = bcm_show(dut, 'bcmcmd "l3 intf show" | wc -l') st.log(output) curr_intf_count = parse_route_output(output) if (curr_intf_count + default_intf_count >= 256): end_time = if (add): st.log("Time taken for creating 256 L3 interfaces =" + str(end_time - start_time)) else: st.log("Time taken for deleting 256 L3 interfaces =" + str(end_time - start_time)) data.result[1] = 1 elif (i == 512): output = bcm_show(dut, 'bcmcmd "l3 intf show" | wc -l') st.log(output) curr_intf_count = parse_route_output(output) if (curr_intf_count + default_intf_count >= 512): end_time = if (add): st.log("Time taken for creating 512 L3 interfaces =" + str(end_time - start_time)) else: st.log("Time taken for deleting 512 L3 interfaces =" + str(end_time - start_time)) data.result[2] = 1 elif (i == 1000): output = bcm_show(dut, 'bcmcmd "l3 intf show" | wc -l') st.log(output) curr_intf_count = parse_route_output(output) if (curr_intf_count + default_intf_count >= 1000): end_time = if (add): st.log("Time taken for creating 1000 L3 interfaces =" + str(end_time - start_time)) else: st.log("Time taken for deleting 1000 L3 interfaces =" + str(end_time - start_time)) data.result[3] = 1 output = bcm_show(dut, "time show ip interface") st.log(output) data.result[4] = 1
def measure_v6_route_learning_time(route_count): vars = st.get_testbed_vars() dut = vars.D1 ipfeature.clear_ip_configuration(st.get_dut_names()) ipfeature.clear_ip_configuration(st.get_dut_names(), 'ipv6') member3 = vars.D1T1P1 member4 = vars.D1T1P2 ipfeature.config_ip_addr_interface(dut, member3, data.my_ipv6_addr, data.ipv6_prefixlen, family="ipv6") ipfeature.config_ip_addr_interface(dut, member4, data.intf_ipv6_addr, data.ipv6_prefixlen, family="ipv6") ipfeature.get_interface_ip_address(dut, family="ipv6") ipfeature.show_ip_route(dut, family="ipv6") bgpfeature.create_bgp_router(dut, data.as_num, '') bgpfeature.create_bgp_neighbor(dut, data.as_num, data.neigh_ipv6_addr, data.remote_as_num, family="ipv6") create_bgp_neighbor_route_map_config(dut, data.as_num, data.neigh_ipv6_addr, data.routemap) (tg1, tg2, tg_ph_1, tg_ph_2) = get_handles() tg1.tg_traffic_control(action='reset', port_handle=tg_ph_1) tg2.tg_traffic_control(action='reset', port_handle=tg_ph_2) h1 = tg1.tg_interface_config(port_handle=tg_ph_1, mode='config', ipv6_intf_addr='2000::2', ipv6_prefix_length='64', ipv6_gateway='2000::1', src_mac_addr='00:0a:01:00:00:01', arp_send_req='1') st.log("INTFCONF: " + str(h1)) h2 = tg2.tg_interface_config(port_handle=tg_ph_2, mode='config', ipv6_intf_addr='2200::2', ipv6_prefix_length='64', ipv6_gateway='2200::1', arp_send_req='1') st.log("INTFCONF: " + str(h2)) bgp_conf = tg1.tg_emulation_bgp_config(handle=h1['handle'], mode='enable', ip_version='6', active_connect_enable='1', local_as='200', remote_as='100', remote_ipv6_addr='2000::1') bgp_route = tg1.tg_emulation_bgp_route_config(handle=bgp_conf['handle'], mode='add', ip_version='6', num_routes=route_count, prefix='3300:1::', as_path='as_seq:1') tg1.tg_emulation_bgp_control(handle=bgp_conf['handle'], mode='start') # Configuring the BGP router. st.log("BGP neighborship established.") tr2 = tg2.tg_traffic_config(port_handle=tg_ph_2, emulation_src_handle=h2['handle'], emulation_dst_handle=bgp_route['handle'], circuit_endpoint_type='ipv6', mode='create', transmit_mode='continuous', length_mode='fixed', rate_pps=512000, enable_stream_only_gen='0') tg2.tg_traffic_control(action='run', handle=tr2['stream_id']) output = bcm_show(dut, 'bcmcmd "l3 ip6route show" | wc -l') default_route = parse_route_output(output) #Assume default route as current number of routes in the system #and measure route_count perforamnce on top of it route_count += default_route cmd = 'bcmcmd "l3 ip6route show" | wc -l' measure_route_learn_time(dut, default_route, route_count, cmd) res = tg2.tg_traffic_control(action='stop', handle=tr2['stream_id']) st.log("TR_CTRL: " + str(res)) # Withdraw the routes. st.wait(10) bgp_ctrl = tg1.tg_emulation_bgp_control(handle=bgp_conf['handle'], mode='stop') st.log("BGPCTRL: " + str(bgp_ctrl)) tg2.tg_traffic_control(action='reset', port_handle=tg_ph_2) st.wait(50) tg1.tg_interface_config(port_handle=tg_ph_1, handle=h1['handle'], mode='destroy') tg2.tg_interface_config(port_handle=tg_ph_2, handle=h2['handle'], mode='destroy')