Exemple #1
def start_workspace(id_, start_with_latest_version=False, **kwargs):
    """Start a job
    :param id_: The ID of the workspace resource
    :type id_: str
    :param start_with_latest_version: Start job with the latest revision of the project
    :type start_with_latest_version: bool

    :rtype: StatusSerializer
    w = get_workspace_object(id_)
    check_workspace_permission(w, kwargs["token_info"])
    stub = get_workspaces_services_stub()

    if start_with_latest_version:
        w.spec.revision = get_latest_project_revision(w.metadata.project)
        w = stub.Update(w)

    response = stub.Start(job_pb2.ID(id=w.id))

    if response.status != 200:
        return ErrorSerializer(status=response.status,
                               title="Api Error",
                               detail=response.message), response.status

    return StatusSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
def retrieve_hardwaretier(id_, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
    """Retrieve HardwareTier
    :param id_: The ID of the hardware resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: HardwareTierSerializer
    stub = get_environments_services_stub()
    res = stub.GetHardwareTier(job_pb2.ID(id=id_))
    return HardwareTierSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(res))
Exemple #3
def retrieve_workspace(id_, **kwargs):
    """Retrieve a workspace
    :param id_: The ID of the workspace resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: WorkspaceSerializer
    w = get_workspace_object(id_)
    check_workspace_permission(w, kwargs["token_info"])

    return WorkspaceSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(w))
Exemple #4
def retrieve_project(id_, **kwargs):
    """Retrieve a project
    :param id_: The ID of the project object to be retrieved
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: ProjectSerializer
    proj = get_project_object(id_)
    check_project_permission(proj, kwargs["token_info"])

    return ProjectSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(proj))
def retrieve_modelapi(id_, **kwargs):
    """Retrieve a modelapi

    :param id_: The ID of the modelapi resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: ModelApiSerializer

    modelapi = get_modelapi_object(id_)
    return ModelApiSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(modelapi))
def create_hardwaretier(body, **kwargs):
    """Create HardwareTier

    :param body: HardwareTier payload
    :type body: dict | bytes
    :rtype: HardwareTierSerializer
    stub = get_environments_services_stub()
    hw = stub.CreateHardwareTier(job_pb2.HardwareTier(**body))

    return HardwareTierSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(hw))
def list_ide(limit=None, page=None, **kwargs):
    """List available Ide for workspaces
    :param limit: 
    :type limit: int
    :param page: 
    :type page: int

    :rtype: PageLimitListSerializer
    stub = get_environments_services_stub()
    res = stub.ListWorkspaceIde(job_pb2.Pagination(page=page, limit=limit))
    return util.deserialize_protobuf(res)
Exemple #8
def retrieve_experiment(id_, **kwargs):
    """Retrieve an experiment

    :param id_: The ID of the experiment resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: ExperimentSerializer
    exp = get_experiment_object(id_)
    check_experiment_permission(exp, kwargs["token_info"])

    return ExperimentSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(exp))
Exemple #9
def create_project(body, **kwargs):
    """Create a project
    :param body: Project object to be created
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: ProjectSerializer
    stub = get_projects_services_stub()
    body["owner"] = kwargs["user"]
    response = stub.Create(project_pb2.Project(**body))

    return ProjectSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
Exemple #10
def status_workspace(id_, **kwargs):
    """Get state of a workspace.
    :param id_: The ID of the workspace resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: Object
    w = get_workspace_object(id_)
    check_workspace_permission(w, kwargs["token_info"])

    stub = get_workspaces_services_stub()
    response = stub.State(job_pb2.ID(id=id_))

    return util.deserialize_protobuf(response)
Exemple #11
def create_workspace(body, **kwargs):
    """Create a workspace
    :param body: Workspace payload
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: WorkspaceSerializer
    serializer = WorkspaceSerializer.from_dict(body)
    check_workspace_permission(serializer, kwargs["token_info"])

    stub = get_workspaces_services_stub()
    response = stub.Create(job_pb2.Workspace(**body))

    return WorkspaceSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
def status_modelapi(id_, **kwargs):
    """Get state of modelapi.
    :param id_: The ID of the modelapi resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: object

    modelapi = get_modelapi_object(id_)
    check_modelapi_permission(modelapi, kwargs["token_info"])
    stub = get_modelapis_services_stub()
    response = stub.State(job_pb2.ID(id=id_))

    return util.deserialize_protobuf(response)
Exemple #13
def state_experiment(id_, **kwargs):
    """Get state of a experiment.

    :param id_: The ID of the experiment resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: dict
    exp = get_experiment_object(id_)
    check_experiment_permission(exp, kwargs["token_info"])

    stub = get_experiments_services_stub()
    state = stub.State(job_pb2.ID(id=id_))

    return util.deserialize_protobuf(state)
def create_modelapi(body, **kwargs):
    """Create a modelapi

    :param body: modelapi payload
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: ModelApiSerializer
    serializer = ModelApiSerializer.from_dict(body)
    check_modelapi_permission(serializer, kwargs["token_info"])

    stub = get_modelapis_services_stub()
    response = stub.Create(job_pb2.ModelApis(**body))

    return ModelApiSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
def delete_hardwaretier(id_, **kwargs):
    """Delete HardwareTier
    :param id_: The ID of the hardware resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: StatusSerializer
    stub = get_environments_services_stub()
    response = stub.DeleteHardwareTier(job_pb2.ID(id=id_))

    if response.status != 200:
        return ErrorSerializer(status=response.status,
                               title="Api Error",
                               detail=response.message), response.status

    return StatusSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
def list_modelapis(body=None, **kwargs):
    """List modelapis

    :param body:
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: PageLimitListSerializer
    payload = body

    if body is None:
        payload = {"query": {}}

    stub = get_modelapis_services_stub()
    response = stub.Search(job_pb2.SearchRequest(**payload))

    return util.deserialize_protobuf(response)
Exemple #17
def update_project(id_, body, **kwargs):
    """Update a project
    :param id_: The ID of the project object to be updated
    :type id_: str
    :param body: Project object to be updated
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: ProjectSerializer
    proj = get_project_object(id_)
    check_project_permission(proj, kwargs["token_info"])

    stub = get_projects_services_stub()
    proj.description = body["description"]
    response = stub.Update(proj)

    return ProjectSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
Exemple #18
def delete_project(id_, **kwargs):
    """Delete a project
    :param id_: The ID of the project object to be deleted
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: StatusSerializer
    proj = get_project_object(id_)
    check_project_permission(proj, kwargs["token_info"])
    stub = get_projects_services_stub()
    response = stub.Delete(project_pb2.ID(id=proj.id))

    if response.status != 200:
        return ErrorSerializer(status=response.status,
                               title="Api Error",
                               detail=response.message), response.status

    return StatusSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
def start_modelapi(id_, **kwargs):
    """Start a job
    :param id_: The ID of the modelapi resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: StatusSerializer
    modelapi = get_modelapi_object(id_)
    check_modelapi_permission(modelapi, kwargs["token_info"])
    stub = get_modelapis_services_stub()
    response = stub.Start(job_pb2.ID(id=id_))

    if response.status != 200:
        return ErrorSerializer(status=response.status,
                               title="Api Error",
                               detail=response.message), response.status

    return StatusSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
Exemple #20
def list_projects(body=None, **kwargs):
    """List projects
    :param body:
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: PageLimitListSerializer
    query = body.get("query")
    if not permissions.IsAdmin.has_permission(
            kwargs["token_info"]) and query["visibility"] == "PRIVATE":
        query["member"] = kwargs["user"]

    stub = get_projects_services_stub()
    response = stub.Search(

    return util.deserialize_protobuf(response)
Exemple #21
def delete_workspace(id_, **kwargs):
    """Delete a workspace
    :param id_: The ID of the workspace resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: StatusSerializer
    w = get_workspace_object(id_)
    check_workspace_permission(w, kwargs["token_info"])

    stub = get_workspaces_services_stub()
    response = stub.Delete(job_pb2.ID(id=id_))

    if response.status != 200:
        return ErrorSerializer(status=response.status,
                               title="Api Error",
                               detail=response.message), response.status

    return StatusSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
Exemple #22
def close_project(id_, **kwargs):
    """Close a project
    :param id_: The ID of the project object to be updated
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: ProjectSerializer
    proj = get_project_object(id_)
    check_project_permission(proj, kwargs["token_info"])
    if proj.owner != kwargs["user"]:
        raise connexion.ProblemException(
            title="Permission Denied",
            detail="Doesn't have enough permissions to take this action")
    proj.state = project_pb2.STATE.CLOSED
    stub = get_projects_services_stub()
    response = stub.Update(proj)

    return ProjectSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
Exemple #23
def create_project_revision(id_, **kwargs):
    """Create project's revision
    :param id_: The ID of the project resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: ProjectRevisionSerializer
    proj = get_project_object(id_)
    check_project_permission(proj, kwargs["token_info"])
    # upload file in Minio
    files = connexion.request.files
    client = get_minio_client()
    # acquire lock to write
    etcd = etcd3.client(host=current_app.config.get("ETCD_HOST"),
    # acquire lock
    commit_message = "Write"
    stub = get_projects_services_stub()

    with etcd.lock(proj.id, ttl=1800) as lock:
        for file in files.getlist('files'):
            filename = secure_filename(
            )  # This is convenient to validate your filename, otherwise just use file.filename

            file_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
            bio = io.BytesIO(file.read())

            commit_message += " {}".format(filename)

        response = stub.CreateRevision(

    return ProjectRevisionSerializer.from_dict(
Exemple #24
def list_project_runs(id_, limit=None, page=None, **kwargs):
    """List project's runs
    :param id_: The ID of the project resource
    :type id_: str
    :param limit: 
    :type limit: int
    :param page: 
    :type page: int

    :rtype: PageTokenListSerializer
    proj = get_project_object(id_)
    check_project_permission(proj, kwargs["token_info"])

    stub = get_runs_services_stub()
    response = stub.Search(
        job_pb2.SearchRequest(query={"project": proj.id},
    return util.deserialize_protobuf(response)
Exemple #25
def submit_experiment(body, **kwargs):
    """Submit an experiment

    :param body: experiment payload
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: StatusSerializer

    serializer = ExperimentSerializer.from_dict(body)
    check_experiment_permission(serializer, kwargs["token_info"])
    stub = get_experiments_services_stub()
    response = stub.Submit(job_pb2.Experiment(**body))

    if response.status != 200:
        return ErrorSerializer(status=response.status,
                               title="Api Error",
                               detail=response.message), response.status

    return StatusSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
Exemple #26
def stop_experiment(id_, **kwargs):
    """Stop a running experiment.

    :param id_: The ID of the experiment resource
    :type id_: str

    :rtype: StatusSerializer

    exp = get_experiment_object(id_)
    check_experiment_permission(exp, kwargs["token_info"])

    stub = get_experiments_services_stub()
    response = stub.Stop(job_pb2.ID(id=id_))

    if response.status != 200:
        return ErrorSerializer(status=response.status,
                               title="Api Error",
                               detail=response.message), response.status

    return StatusSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(response))
def update_hardwaretier(id_, body, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501
    """Update HardwareTier

    :param id_: The ID of the hardware resource
    :type id_: str
    :param body: HardwareTier payload
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: HardwareTierSerializer
    hw = retrieve_hardwaretier(id_, **kwargs)
    hw.name = body["name"]
    hw.cores = body["cores"]
    hw.memory = body["memory"]
    hw.instancegroup = body["instancegroup"]
    hw.is_default = body["is_default"]
    hw.deployment = body["deployment"]

    stub = get_environments_services_stub()
    res = stub.UpdateHardwareTier(job_pb2.HardwareTier(**hw.to_dict()))
    return HardwareTierSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(res))
Exemple #28
def remove_project_member(id_, body, **kwargs):
    """Close a project
    :param id_: The ID of the project object to be updated
    :type id_: str
    :param body: User Id
    :type body: dict | bytes
    :rtype: ProjectSerializer
    proj = get_project_object(id_)
    check_project_permission(proj, kwargs["token_info"])
    if proj.owner != kwargs["user"]:
        raise connexion.ProblemException(
            title="Permission Denied",
            detail="Doesn't have enough permissions to take this action")

    if body["user"] in proj.members:
        stub = get_projects_services_stub()
        proj = stub.Update(proj)

    return ProjectSerializer.from_dict(util.deserialize_protobuf(proj))
Exemple #29
def list_project_datasets(id_, limit=None, page=None, **kwargs):
    """List project's datasets

    :param id_: The ID of the project resource
    :type id_: str
    :param limit: 
    :type limit: int
    :param page: 
    :type page: int

    :rtype: PageLimitListSerializer
    proj = get_project_object(id_)
    check_project_permission(proj, kwargs["token_info"])

    stub = get_datasets_services_stub()
    response = stub.SearchDatasets(
            "project": proj.id,
            "scope": "Local"
    return util.deserialize_protobuf(response)