Exemple #1
# This script generates the packer/packer.def file.

import sys
import cPickle

import apiutil


print "DESCRIPTION \"\""
print "EXPORTS"

keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions()
for func_name in keys:
    if apiutil.CanPack(func_name):
        print "crPack%s" % func_name
        print "crPack%sSWAP" % func_name

functions = [
    'crPackVertexAttrib1dARBBBOX', 'crPackVertexAttrib1dvARBBBOX',
    'crPackVertexAttrib1fARBBBOX', 'crPackVertexAttrib1fvARBBBOX',
    'crPackVertexAttrib1sARBBBOX', 'crPackVertexAttrib1svARBBBOX',
    'crPackVertexAttrib2dARBBBOX', 'crPackVertexAttrib2dvARBBBOX',
    'crPackVertexAttrib2fARBBBOX', 'crPackVertexAttrib2fvARBBBOX',
    'crPackVertexAttrib2sARBBBOX', 'crPackVertexAttrib2svARBBBOX',
    'crPackVertexAttrib3dARBBBOX', 'crPackVertexAttrib3dvARBBBOX',
    'crPackVertexAttrib3fARBBBOX', 'crPackVertexAttrib3fvARBBBOX',
    'crPackVertexAttrib3sARBBBOX', 'crPackVertexAttrib3svARBBBOX',
    'crPackVertexAttrib4dARBBBOX', 'crPackVertexAttrib4dvARBBBOX',
    'crPackVertexAttrib4fARBBBOX', 'crPackVertexAttrib4fvARBBBOX',
Exemple #2
    # Also skip this function if there's a trivial implementation
    # (i.e. one that degenerates to solely the use of crPack functions)

    # Otherwise, generate the function body.

    # The outgoing call string is based on the parameters.  State-based
    # functions and pixelstore-based functions will require extended
    # call strings.
    basicCallString = apiutil.MakeCallString(params)
    needDL = 0
    needThread = 0
    needClientState = 0
    needFlush = 0
    needTrackState = 0
    needWriteback = 0
    needPack = apiutil.CanPack(func_name)
    packCallString = basicCallString
    dlmCallString = basicCallString

    # Queries can either be handled by a pack/writeback, or by
    # a crState call, depending on whether the query is
    # server-dependent or not.
    if "serverdependent" in chromiumProps:
        needPack = 1
        needWriteback = 1
        needFlush = 1
        needThread = 1
        if return_type == 'void':
            packCallString = packCallString + ', &writeback'
            packCallString = packCallString + ', &return_val, &writeback'
Exemple #3
    # Skip this function if we have a specialized implementation
    if apiutil.FindSpecial("packspu", func_name) or apiutil.FindSpecial(
            "packspu_vertex", func_name):

    if "get" in apiutil.Properties(func_name):

    # Ok, need to find out more about this function. Apiutil to our rescue

    # Initialize
    functionCouldDL = 0
    functionUsesClientState = 0
    functionTracksState = 0
    functionPacks = apiutil.CanPack(func_name)
    functionFlushes = 0
    functionReadsBack = 0
    functionParamsString = apiutil.MakeCallString(params)
    packerParamsString = functionParamsString
    dlmParamsString = functionParamsString

    # If you can be compiled in a display list we'll have to check with DLM
    if apiutil.CanCompile(func_name):
        functionCouldDL = 1

    # packspu_flush_special (barriers, semaphores) need to go right away
    if apiutil.FindSpecial("packspu_flush", func_name):
        functionFlushes = 1

    # serverdependent functions are packed, sent immediately,
Exemple #4

    # The packer dispatch table is used only for replaying display lists.
    # It can safely have NULL entries in all the non-compilable functions.
    if not apiutil.CanCompile(func_name):
        if mode == 'source':
            print '/* %s not generated: not a compilable function */' % func_name
            lastWasComment = 1
        elif mode == 'table':
            print '\tt->%s = NULL;' % func_name
        elif mode == 'header':

    # All entries should be packable.  If they're not, we're in trouble.
    if not apiutil.CanPack(func_name):
        print '#error %s is compilable, but not packable?!?' % func_name

    # The only functions that have to be generated are the ones
    # that need client-side state to unpack their data.  All
    # others will work just fine with the standard crPack
    # routines.
    if not apiutil.UsesClientState(func_name):
        if mode == 'table':
            print '\tt->%s = tilesort_spu.swap ? crPack%sSWAP : crPack%s;' % (
                func_name, func_name, func_name)

    # Here, we need to generate a function.
    if mode == 'source':