def _incident_csv(form_pk, location_type_pk, location_pk=None): """Given an incident form id, a location type id, and optionally a location id, return a CSV file of the number of incidents of each type (form field tag) that has occurred, either for the entire deployment or under the given location for each location of the specified location type. Only submissions sent in by participants are used for generating the data. Sample output would be: LOC | A | B | ... | Z | TOT NY | 2 | 0 | ... | 5 | 7 `param form_pk`: a `class`Form id `param location_type_pk`: a `class`LocationType id `param location_pk`: an optional `class`Location id. if given, only submissions under that location will be queried. `returns`: a string of bytes (str) containing the CSV data. """ form = services.forms.get_or_404(pk=form_pk, form_type='INCIDENT') location_type = services.location_types.objects.get_or_404( pk=location_type_pk) if location_pk: location = services.locations.get_or_404(pk=location_pk) qs = services.submissions.find(submission_type='O', form=form) \ .filter_in(location) else: qs = services.submissions.find(submission_type='O', form=form) event = get_event() tags = [ for group in form.groups for fi in group.fields] qs = qs(created__lte=event.end_date, created__gte=event.start_date) df = qs.dataframe() ds = Dataset() ds.headers = ['LOC'] + tags + ['TOT'] for summary in incidents_csv(df,, tags): ds.append([summary.get(heading) for heading in ds.headers]) return ds.csv
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): event = kwargs.pop("default_event", get_event()) super(BaseSubmissionFilterSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.declared_filters["event"] = EventFilter(widget=widgets.HiddenInput(), default=unicode(
def index(): args = request.args.copy() # get variables from query params, or use (hopefully) sensible defaults group = args.pop('group', None) location_type_id = args.pop('locationtype', None) page_title = _('Dashboard') template_name = 'frontend/dashboard.html' event = get_event() if not args.get('checklist_form'): form = forms.find( events=event, form_type='CHECKLIST').order_by('name').first() else: form = forms.get_or_404(pk=args.get('checklist_form')) if form: args.setdefault('checklist_form', unicode( queryset = submissions.find( form=form, submission_type='M' ) filter_ = dashboard_filterset()(queryset, data=args) obs_queryset = submissions.find( form=form, submission_type='O' ) obs_filter_ = dashboard_filterset()(obs_queryset, data=args) location = None if args.get('location'): location = locations.get_or_404(pk=args.get('location')) # activate sample filter filter_form = filter_.form queryset = filter_.qs obs_queryset = obs_filter_.qs next_location_type = False if not group: data = get_coverage(queryset) obs_data = get_coverage(obs_queryset) else: page_title = page_title + u' · {}'.format(group) if not location_type_id: location_type = location_types.find( is_administrative=True).order_by('ancestor_count').first() else: location_type = LocationType.objects.get_or_404( pk=location_type_id) # get the requisite location type - the way the aggregation # works, passing in a 'State' location type won't retrieve # data for the level below the 'State' type, it will retrieve # it for the 'State' type. in general, this isn't the behaviour # we want, so we need to find the lower level types and get the # one we want (the first of the children) le_temp = [lt for lt in location_type.children if lt.is_administrative] try: next_location_type = le_temp[0] except IndexError: next_location_type = None data = get_coverage(queryset, group, location_type) obs_data = get_coverage(obs_queryset, group, location_type) # load the page context location_id = args.pop('location', '') context = { 'args': args, 'location_id': location_id, 'next_location': bool(next_location_type), 'data': data, 'obs_data': obs_data, 'filter_form': filter_form, 'page_title': page_title, 'location': location, 'locationtype': getattr(next_location_type, 'id', ''), 'group': group or '' } return render_template( template_name, **context )
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): event = kwargs.pop('default_event', get_event()) super(BaseSubmissionFilterSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.declared_filters['event'] = EventFilter( widget=widgets.HiddenInput(), default=unicode(
def main_dashboard(form_id=None): args = request.args.copy() # get variables from query params, or use (hopefully) sensible defaults group = args.pop('group', None) location_type_id = args.pop('locationtype', None) template_name = 'frontend/dashboard.html' event = get_event() if not form_id: form = forms.find(events=event, form_type='CHECKLIST').order_by('name').first() else: form = forms.get_or_404(pk=form_id, form_type="CHECKLIST") if form is not None: page_title = _(u'Dashboard · %(name)s', else: page_title = _(u'Dashboard') queryset = submissions.find(form=form, submission_type='M') filter_ = dashboard_filterset()(queryset, data=args) obs_queryset = submissions.find(form=form, submission_type='O') obs_filter_ = dashboard_filterset()(obs_queryset, data=args) location = None if args.get('location'): location = locations.get_or_404(pk=args.get('location')) # activate sample filter filter_form = filter_.form queryset = filter_.qs obs_queryset = obs_filter_.qs next_location_type = False if not group: data = get_coverage(queryset) obs_data = get_coverage(obs_queryset) else: page_title = page_title + u' · {}'.format(group) if not location_type_id: location_type = location_types.find( is_administrative=True).order_by('ancestor_count').first() else: location_type = LocationType.objects.get_or_404( pk=location_type_id) # get the requisite location type - the way the aggregation # works, passing in a 'State' location type won't retrieve # data for the level below the 'State' type, it will retrieve # it for the 'State' type. in general, this isn't the behaviour # we want, so we need to find the lower level types and get the # one we want (the first of the children) le_temp = [lt for lt in location_type.children if lt.is_administrative] try: next_location_type = le_temp[0] except IndexError: next_location_type = None data = get_coverage(queryset, group, location_type) obs_data = get_coverage(obs_queryset, group, location_type) # load the page context location_id = args.pop('location', '') context = { 'args': args, 'location_id': location_id, 'next_location': bool(next_location_type), 'data': data, 'obs_data': obs_data, 'filter_form': filter_form, 'page_title': page_title, 'location': location, 'locationtype': getattr(next_location_type, 'id', ''), 'group': group or '', 'form_id': unicode( if form else None } return render_template(template_name, **context)