class test(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'test' testID = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) topicID = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('topic.topicID'), nullable=False) questions = db.relationship('test_question', backref='test', lazy='joined') # 28/03/2021 - create relationship between 'test' and 'user_test' testsAvailable = db.relationship('user_test', backref='test', lazy='joined') # This function should return a printable representation of the test object def __repr__(self): return '<test: {}>'.format(self.testID)
class User(BaseModel): __tablename__ = 'users' fullname = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) dob = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) home_address = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True) work_address = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True) phone_number = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) password_hash = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) occupation = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True) status = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True) last_login_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) last_logout_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) activities = db.relationship('Activity', backref='user', cascade='all, delete-orphan') @property def password(self): raise AttributeError('password is not a readable attribue') @password.setter def password(self, password): self.password_hash = generate_password_hash(password) def verify_password(self, password): return check_password_hash(self.password_hash, password) def is_anonymous(self): return False def get_id(self): return
class Superuser(BaseModel): __tablename__ = 'superusers' email = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False, unique=True) password_hash = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) fullname = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True) last_login_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) activities = db.relationship('Activity', backref='superuser', cascade='all, delete-orphan') @property def password(self): raise AttributeError('password is not a readable attribue') @password.setter def password(self, password): self.password_hash = generate_password_hash(password) def verify_password(self, password): return check_password_hash(self.password_hash, password) def is_active(self): return True def is_anonymous(self): return False def get_id(self): return def is_authenticated(self): return True
class question(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'question' questionID = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) description = db.Column(db.String(600), nullable=False) testQuestions = db.relationship('test_question', backref='question', lazy='joined') # 16/03/2021 - Create relationship between question and option classes, in order to load the multiple options related to a single question # A relationship will allow for both questions and options to be pulled from the database together in a single query statement options = db.relationship('option', backref='question', lazy='joined') # 24/03/2021 - Create a relationship between question and answer classes, in order to load the option the user selected to answer the current question answer = db.relationship('answer', backref='question', lazy='joined') # This function should be return a printable representation of the question object def __repr__(self): return '<question: {}>'.format(self.description)
class user(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'user' userID = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False) # 28/03/2021 - create relationship between 'user' and 'user_test' testsTaken = db.relationship('user_test', backref='user', lazy='joined') # This function should return a printable representation of the user object def __repr__(self): return '<user: {}>'.format(
class Customer(STModel): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(NAME_LENGTH), index=True, nullable=False) contact = db.Column(db.String(CONTACT_LENGTH)) address = db.Column(db.String(ADDRESS_LENGTH)) sale_transactions = db.relationship('SaleTransaction', backref='customer', lazy='dynamic', cascade='save-update, merge, delete') @classmethod def check_exist(cls, name): return db.session.query(exists().where( == name)).scalar() @classmethod def try_add(cls, name, contact=None, address=None): # no need to check exists in here because # the form has handled it and the model fields has unique=True new_cou = Customer(name=name, contact=contact, address=address) try: db.session.add(new_cou) db.session.commit() return True except Exception as e: cls.add_error(e) db.session.rollback() return False @classmethod def get_list(cls, page_num=DEFAULT_PAGE_NUMBER, list_per_page=DEFAULT_POSTS_PER_PAGE, include_header=True, order_by=None, **kwargs): q = Customer.query.with_entities(,, Customer.address, q = paginate_query(q, page_num, list_per_page) if order_by: q = q.order_by(order_by) c_list = q.all() if include_header: c_list.insert(0, tuple(x['name'] for x in q.column_descriptions)) return c_list
class TransactionMedium(STModel): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(NAME_LENGTH), index=True, nullable=False, unique=True) sale_transactions = db.relationship('SaleTransaction', backref='transaction_medium', lazy='dynamic') @classmethod def check_exist(cls, name): return db.session.query( exists().where( == name)).scalar() @classmethod def try_add(cls, name): new_tm = TransactionMedium(name=name) try: db.session.add(new_tm) db.session.commit() return True except Exception as e: cls.add_error(e) db.session.rollback() return False @classmethod def get_list(cls, page_num=DEFAULT_PAGE_NUMBER, list_per_page=DEFAULT_POSTS_PER_PAGE, include_header=True, order_by=None, **kwargs): q = TransactionMedium.query.with_entities(, q = paginate_query(q, page_num, list_per_page) if order_by: q = q.order_by(order_by) tm_list = q.all() if include_header: tm_list.insert(0, tuple(x['name'] for x in q.column_descriptions)) return tm_list
class User(db.Model, UserMixin): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) username = db.Column(db.String(20), unique=True, nullable=False) email = db.Column(db.String(40), unique=True, nullable=False) password = db.Column(db.String(60), nullable=False) activated = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False) sheets = db.relationship('Character', backref='owner', lazy=True) def get_token(self, expires=600): s = Serializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY'], expires) return s.dumps({'user_id':}).decode('utf-8') @staticmethod def verify_token(token): s = Serializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY']) try: user_id = s.loads(token)['user_id'] except Exception: return None return User.query.get(user_id)
class Supplier(STModel): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(NAME_LENGTH), index=True, nullable=False) contact = db.Column(db.String(CONTACT_LENGTH)) address = db.Column(db.String(ADDRESS_LENGTH)) purchase_transactions = db.relationship( 'PurchaseTransaction', backref='supplier', lazy='dynamic', cascade='save-update, merge, delete') @classmethod def get_list(cls, page_num=DEFAULT_PAGE_NUMBER, list_per_page=DEFAULT_POSTS_PER_PAGE, include_header=True, order_by=None, **kwargs): q = Supplier.query.with_entities(,,, Supplier.address) q = paginate_query(q, page_num, list_per_page) s_list = q.all() s_list.insert(0, tuple(x['name'] for x in q.column_descriptions)) return s_list @classmethod def try_add(cls, name, contact, address): new = Supplier(name=name, contact=contact, address=address) try: db.session.add(new) db.session.commit() return True except Exception as e: cls.add_error(e) db.session.rollback() return False
class SaleTransaction(STModel): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) items = db.relationship('Item', backref='sale_transaction', lazy='dynamic') transaction_date = db.Column(db.DateTime, index=True, nullable=False) delivery_fee = db.Column(db.Integer, index=True) customer_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) courier_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) transaction_medium_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) notes = db.Column(db.String(NOTES_LENGTH)) def __init__(self, transaction_date=None, customer_id=None, courier_id=None, delivery_fee=None, transaction_medium_id=None, notes=None): if transaction_date is None: self.transaction_date = else: self.transaction_date = transaction_date if customer_id is None: raise TypeError('customer_id is required') self.delivery_fee = delivery_fee self.customer_id = customer_id self.courier_id = courier_id self.transaction_medium_id = transaction_medium_id self.notes = notes @utils.classproperty def total(cls): # there are two ways doing this same as purchase transaction q = db.session.query(func.count( \ .filter(Item.sale_transaction_id != None) \ .group_by(Item.sale_transaction_id, Item.item_type_id) return len(q.all()) @classmethod def get_list(cls, page_num=DEFAULT_PAGE_NUMBER, list_per_page=DEFAULT_POSTS_PER_PAGE, include_header=True, order_by=None, ids=None, year=None, month=None, day=None): qty_label = 'quantity' individual_price_label = 'sale_price_(each)' total_sale_price_label = 'total_sale_price' total_purchase_price_label = 'total_purchase_price' profit_label = 'profit' delivery_fee_label = 'delivery_fee' # initial query q = db.session.query( Item.sale_transaction_id.label('sale_id'), ItemType.item_type, SaleTransaction.transaction_date, func.count(, Item.sale_price.label(individual_price_label), func.sum(Item.sale_price).label(total_sale_price_label), func.sum(Item.purchase_price).label(total_purchase_price_label), func.sum(Item.profit).label(profit_label),'customer'),'medium'),'courier'), SaleTransaction.delivery_fee.label(delivery_fee_label), SaleTransaction.notes) # filter based on param # id is only 1, so if it is not None just skip other filters if ids: q = q.filter(Item.sale_transaction_id.in_(ids)) else: # any is useful for checking [''] # if year and any(year): q = q.filter( extract('year', SaleTransaction.transaction_date).in_(year)) if month and any(month): q = q.filter( extract('month', SaleTransaction.transaction_date).in_(month)) if day and any(day): q = q.filter( extract('day', SaleTransaction.transaction_date).in_(day)) # finishing query # outer join for optional q = q.join(ItemType, SaleTransaction, PurchaseTransaction, Customer) \ .outerjoin(Courier, TransactionMedium) \ .group_by(Item.sale_transaction_id, Item.item_type_id) q = q.order_by(SaleTransaction.transaction_date.desc()) q = paginate_query(q, page_num, list_per_page) s_list = q.all() column_names = tuple(x['name'] for x in q.column_descriptions) # dynamically check where is total_price column is from column_names # add first column name 'TOTAL' # and the total_price_id in its respective column total_sale_price_id = column_names.index(total_sale_price_label) total_purchase_price_id = column_names.index( total_purchase_price_label) profit_id = column_names.index(profit_label) delivery_fee_id = column_names.index(delivery_fee_label) total_row = [''] * len(column_names) total_row[0] = 'TOTAL' total_row[total_sale_price_id] = sum(x[total_sale_price_id] for x in s_list) total_row[total_purchase_price_id] = sum(x[total_purchase_price_id] for x in s_list) total_row[profit_id] = sum(x[profit_id] for x in s_list) total_row[delivery_fee_id] = db.session.query( func.sum(SaleTransaction.delivery_fee)) \ .scalar() s_list.append(tuple(total_row)) # append description last because there is sum previously in total_row s_list.insert(0, column_names) return s_list @classmethod def try_add(cls, date=None, customer_id=None, courier_id=None, delivery_fee=None, transaction_medium_id=None, notes=None, transaction_items=None): """ transaction_items should be a list of dict containing item_type_id, quantity """ new = SaleTransaction(transaction_date=date, customer_id=customer_id, courier_id=courier_id, delivery_fee=delivery_fee, transaction_medium_id=transaction_medium_id, notes=notes) try: db.session.add(new) db.session.flush() if cls.try_add_sale_items(, transaction_items, False): db.session.commit() return True except Exception as e: cls.add_error(e) db.session.rollback() return False @classmethod def get_sale_items(cls, id): return db.session.query(func.count('quantity'), Item.item_type_id, Item.sale_price) \ .filter(Item.sale_transaction_id == id) \ .group_by(Item.item_type_id) @classmethod def try_delete_sale_items(cls, trans_id, commit=False): items = cls.get(trans_id).items try: # remove sale transaction id for the item for item in items: item.sale_transaction_id = None db.session.add(item) db.session.flush() if commit: db.session.commit() flash('commit deleting transaction item') return True except Exception as e: cls.add_error(e) db.session.rollback() return False @classmethod def try_add_sale_items(cls, trans_id, transaction_items, commit=False): try: for trans_item in transaction_items: if not ('item_type_id' in trans_item or 'quantity' in trans_item or 'sale_price' in trans_item): cls.add_error('transaction item missing required keys') raise Exception('transaction item missing required keys') # get items FIFO models items = Item.query.join(PurchaseTransaction) \ .filter(Item.sale_transaction_id == None) \ .filter(Item.item_type_id == trans_item['item_type_id']) \ .order_by(PurchaseTransaction.transaction_date, \ .limit(trans_item['quantity']) # the quantity input is more than available items # this one is internal error if trans_item['quantity'] > items.count(): cls.add_error('The total input is exceeding total stock') raise Exception('The total input is exceeding total stock') # for each item add sale transaction field for it in items: it.sale_price = trans_item['sale_price'] it.sale_transaction_id = trans_id db.session.add(it) db.session.flush() if commit: db.session.commit() return True except Exception as e: cls.add_error(e) db.session.rollback() return False # TODO: Problem with total stock in the form @classmethod def try_edit_sale_items(cls, trans_id, transaction_items, commit=False): if cls.try_delete_sale_items(trans_id, False) and \ cls.try_add_sale_items(trans_id, transaction_items, False): if commit: db.session.commit() return True else: db.session.rollback() return False
class PurchaseTransaction(STModel): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) items = db.relationship('Item', backref='purchase_transaction', lazy='dynamic', cascade='save-update, merge, delete') transaction_date = db.Column(db.DateTime, index=True, nullable=False) supplier_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) notes = db.Column(db.String(NOTES_LENGTH)) def __init__(self, transaction_date=None, supplier_id=None, notes=None): if transaction_date is None: self.transaction_date = else: self.transaction_date = transaction_date if not supplier_id: raise TypeError( 'supplier id cannot be empty for new purchase transaction') else: self.supplier_id = supplier_id self.notes = notes @utils.classproperty def total(cls): # there are two ways doing this q = db.session.query(func.count( \ .filter(Item.purchase_transaction_id != None) \ .group_by(Item.purchase_transaction_id, Item.item_type_id) # in here can use q.count() but apparently it is slower return len(q.all()) # OR # q = db.session.query(func.count(distinct(Item.item_type_id)))\ # .filter(Item.purchase_transaction_id != None)\ # .group_by(Item.purchase_transaction_id) # return sum(x[0] for x in q.all()) @classmethod def get_list(cls, page_num=DEFAULT_PAGE_NUMBER, list_per_page=DEFAULT_POSTS_PER_PAGE, include_header=True, order_by=None, ids=None, year=None, month=None, day=None): qty_label = 'quantity' individual_price_label = 'price_(each)' total_price_label = 'total_price' # initial query q = db.session.query( Item.purchase_transaction_id.label('id'), ItemType.item_type, PurchaseTransaction.transaction_date, func.count(, Item.purchase_price.label(individual_price_label), func.sum(Item.purchase_price).label(total_price_label),'supplier'), PurchaseTransaction.notes) # filter based on param # id is only 1, so if it is not None just skip other filters if ids: q = q.filter(Item.purchase_transaction_id.in_(ids)) else: # any is useful for checking [''] # if year and any(year): q = q.filter( extract('year', PurchaseTransaction.transaction_date).in_(year)) if month and any(month): q = q.filter( extract('month', PurchaseTransaction.transaction_date).in_(month)) if day and any(day): q = q.filter( extract('day', PurchaseTransaction.transaction_date).in_(day)) # finishing query q = q.join(ItemType, PurchaseTransaction, Supplier) \ .group_by(Item.purchase_transaction_id, Item.item_type_id) # I can use this to add the total row, but one problem is the date_time field needs to have valid date # also the order by needs to be placed last, so maybe it is better to just use python? # q = q.union_all( # db.session.query(func.count(distinct(Item.purchase_transaction_id)), # func.count(distinct(Item.item_type_id)), # "'{}'".format(str(, # func.count(, # "'test2'", # func.sum(Item.purchase_price), # "'test3'").join(ItemType, PurchaseTransaction)) q = q.order_by(PurchaseTransaction.transaction_date.desc()) q = paginate_query(q, page_num, list_per_page) p_list = q.all() column_names = tuple(x['name'] for x in q.column_descriptions) # dynamically check where is total_price column is from column_names # add first column name 'TOTAL' # and the total_price_id in its respective column total_price_id = column_names.index(total_price_label) total_row = [''] * len(column_names) total_row[0] = 'TOTAL' total_row[total_price_id] = sum(x[total_price_id] for x in p_list) p_list.append(tuple(total_row)) # append description last because there is sum previously in total_row p_list.insert(0, column_names) return p_list @classmethod def try_add(cls, date=None, supplier_id=None, notes=None, transaction_items=None): """ Adding new transaction with date, notes and collections of items the expected format for the items should be dictionary with keys: purchase_price, item_type_id, supplier_id, quantity) """ new_trans = PurchaseTransaction(transaction_date=date, supplier_id=supplier_id, notes=notes) try: db.session.add(new_trans) db.session.flush() if not cls.try_add_purchase_items(, transaction_items, False): return False db.session.commit() return True except Exception as e: cls.add_error(e) db.session.rollback() return False @classmethod def try_delete(cls, id, **kwargs): if super().try_delete(id, **kwargs): if not validate_transactions(cls, purchase_trans=True): cls.add_error('Transaction is deleted but fail to' 'validate transactions, there might be' 'transaction without items') return False return True else: return False @classmethod def get_purchase_items(cls, id): return db.session.query(func.count('quantity'), Item.item_type_id, Item.purchase_price) \ .filter(Item.purchase_transaction_id == id) \ .group_by(Item.item_type_id) @classmethod def get_purchase_item_ids(cls, trans_id, item_type_id): return [i[0] for i in db.session.query( \ .filter(Item.purchase_transaction_id == trans_id) \ .filter(Item.item_type_id == item_type_id).all()] @classmethod def try_delete_all_purchase_items(cls, trans_id, commit=False): items = cls.get(trans_id).items try: for item in items: db.session.delete(item) db.session.flush() if commit: db.session.commit() return True except Exception as e: cls.add_error(e) db.session.rollback() return False @classmethod def try_add_purchase_items(cls, trans_id, transaction_items, commit=False): try: for trans_item in transaction_items: # check if it contains all the data needed # this is mainly for internal error from views to models if not ('quantity' in trans_item and 'purchase_price' in trans_item and 'item_type_id' in trans_item): cls.add_error('transaction item missing required keys') raise Exception('transaction item missing required keys') for i in range(trans_item['quantity']): item = Item(purchase_price=trans_item['purchase_price'], item_type_id=trans_item['item_type_id'], purchase_transaction_id=trans_id) db.session.add(item) db.session.flush() if commit: db.session.commit() return True except Exception as e: cls.add_error(e) db.session.rollback() return False # problem, if you delete everything and add everything # it will affect the sale transaction # that's why now it is going to check whether it should add # or delete item for the existing transaction @classmethod def try_edit_purchase_items(cls, trans_id, transaction_items, commit=False): for transaction_item in transaction_items: ids = list(map(int, transaction_item['ids'].split(','))) # update every ids until reaches total of new qty update_ids = ids[:transaction_item['quantity']] for id in update_ids: item = Item.get(id) item.item_type_id = transaction_item['item_type_id'] item.purchase_price = transaction_item['purchase_price'] db.session.add(item) db.session.flush() # flash('updated ids: {}'.format(id)) # discard extra id after new qty in case new qty < old qty delete_ids = ids[transaction_item['quantity']:] for id in delete_ids: item = Item.get(id) db.session.delete(item) db.session.flush() # flash('deleted ids: {}'.format(id)) # get new qty if total new qty is more than previous item new_qty = max(0, transaction_item['quantity'] - len(ids)) if new_qty > 0: # flash('new qty: {}'.format(new_qty)) items = transaction_item.copy() items['quantity'] = new_qty if not cls.try_add_purchase_items(trans_id, [items]): return False if commit: db.session.commit() return True
class ItemType(STModel): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) item_type = db.Column(db.String(NAME_LENGTH), index=True, unique=True, nullable=False) items = db.relationship('Item', backref='item_type', lazy='dynamic', cascade='save-update, merge, delete') @classmethod def format_item_type(cls, text): return '_'.join(text.strip().upper().split()) @classmethod def check_exist(cls, item_type): return db.session.query( exists().where(ItemType.item_type == ItemType.format_item_type( item_type))).scalar() @classmethod def get_list(cls, page_num=DEFAULT_PAGE_NUMBER, list_per_page=DEFAULT_POSTS_PER_PAGE, include_header=True, order_by=None, **kwargs): q = ItemType.query.with_entities(, ItemType.item_type) q = paginate_query(q, page_num, list_per_page) if order_by: q = q.order_by(order_by) it_list = q.all() if include_header: it_list.insert(0, tuple(x['name'] for x in q.column_descriptions)) return it_list @classmethod def try_add(cls, item_type): # convert name to correct one # if item exists in db already -> it has been checked by # the model and form item_type = ItemType.format_item_type(item_type) new = ItemType(item_type=item_type) try: db.session.add(new) db.session.commit() return True except Exception as e: cls.add_error(e) db.session.rollback() return False @classmethod def try_delete(cls, id, **kwargs): if super().try_delete(id, **kwargs): if not validate_transactions(cls, True, True): cls.add_error('Fail to validate transaction, item type is ' 'deleted but some transactions does not have ' 'items referenced into it') return False return True else: return False
class Station(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'stations' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) station_no = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) favorites = db.relationship( 'FavoriteStation', backref='stations', lazy='dynamic')