def address():
    """Get the address of a certain user.

    From the users and servers tables, necessary details are extracted from
    entries containing the given username.

        JSON response containing the address details of a certain user.
        If the user is not found or the server is non existant, a failed JSON
        response is returned.
    username = request.args.get('username')

    # If username is not given, use the logged in username.
    if username is None or username == '':
        username = auth_username()

    if username is None or username == '':
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'username'.")

    if users.exists(username=username):
        server_id = users.export_one('server_id', username=username)

        if not servers.exists(id=server_id):
            bad_json_response('Server is not registered.')

        name, address = servers.export_one('name', 'address', id=server_id)
        return good_json_response({
            'name': name,
            'address': address,
            'username': username
        return bad_json_response('User is not found.')
def user_posts():
    """Retrieve all posts from a certain username.

    Checks are in place to check if the user is indeed a member of FedNet.
    This function uses the get_posts function below to actually retrieve the

        JSON response that contains all posts of a certain user.
    username = request.args.get('username')

    if username is None or username == '':
        username = auth_username()

    if username is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'username'.")

    # Check if user id exists.
    if not users.exists(username=username):
        return bad_json_response('User not found.')

    # Send no data in case the users are not friends.
    if username != get_jwt_identity() and is_friend(username) != 1:
        return good_json_response({'posts': {}})

    return good_json_response({
        'posts': get_posts(username)
def register():
    """Register a user to the central server.

    For this registration, the username and server address are requested in the
    form. A check is performed to see if the server is live. Then the user is
    inserted into the users table.

        Success JSON response if the operation is successful.
        If the username is valid or the server is not live, a failed JSON
        response is returned.
    username = request.form['username']
    address = request.form['server_address']

    if not servers.exists(address=address):
        return bad_json_response('Server is not registered.')

    server_id = servers.export_one('id', address=address)

    if ping(address):
        if not users.exists(username=username):
            users.insert(username=username, server_id=server_id)
            return bad_json_response(
                'Username is already taken. Try again :).')
        return bad_json_response('This data server is not available. '
                                 'Please contact the server owner.')

    return good_json_response('success')
def edit():
    """Edit a certain users details in the central server.

    The entry with the certain users username is edited in the users table in
    the database.

        Success JSON response if the operation is successful.
        Else a failed JSON response is returned with the correct error message.
    username = get_jwt_identity()

    if users.exists(username=username):
        if 'new_address' in request.form:
            new_address = request.form['new_address']
            if 'new_address' != '':
                if servers.exists(address=new_address):
                    new_id = servers.export_one('id', address=new_address)
                    users.update({'server_id': new_id}, username=username)
                    return good_json_response({'new_address': new_address})
                    return bad_json_response(
                        'This address does not exist in the database.')
                return bad_json_response('Address undefined.')
            return bad_json_response('Incorrect form.')
        return bad_json_response('No user found with the username ' +
                                 username + '.')
Exemple #5
def delete():
    """Delete a post.

    For a post to be deleted, the post ID is requested in the form. The post
    entry corresponding to the given post ID is then deleted from the posts

        Success JSON response if the operation succeeded.
        Else a failed JSON response is returned with the correct error message.
    username = get_jwt_identity()
    post_id = request.form['post_id']

    if username is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'username'.")
    if post_id is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'post_id'.")

    if not users.exists(username=username):
        return bad_json_response('User not found')

    if not posts.exists(id=post_id):
        return bad_json_response('Post not found')

    # Check if the user is the post owner.
    post_username = posts.export_one('username', id=post_id)
    if post_username != username:
        return bad_json_response('Not your post')

    # Delete post.

    return good_json_response('success')
def send_verification_mail():
    """Handles the sending of verification email.

        JSON response based on succes/failure.
    # Check if parameter email is set.
    send_to = request.form['email']
    if not send_to:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'email'.")

    # Retrieve user from server for personal message in email.
    user = users.export_one('firstname', 'lastname',

    # If no user is found give an error.
    if not user:
        return bad_json_response('Error retrieving the user.')

    # Construct message object with receipient and sender
    msg = EmailMessage()
    msg['Subject'] = 'FedNet - Please verify your email!'
    msg['From'] = current_app.config['EMAIL_ADDRESS']
    msg['To'] = send_to

    # Create the secret key based on our little secret :)
    secret = URLSafeTimedSerializer(current_app.config['EMAIL_SECRET'])

    # Create token based on a user their email and salt to prevent same token.
    token = secret.dumps(send_to,

    # Create link with token and add it to the body of the mail.
    link = url_for('data_mail.confirm_email', token=token, _external=True)

    # Load the HTML template for the email, and embed the information needed.
    with open('app/templates/email_template/verify-mail.html') as f:
        html =
    html = html.replace('VERIFY_LINK_HERE', link)
    html = html.replace('USERNAME_HERE', user[0] + ' ' + user[1])
    msg.add_alternative(html, subtype='html')

    # Add image to the contents of the email.
    with open('app/static/images/LogoBackOpaque.png', 'rb') as img:
        # Know the Content-Type of the image.
        maintype, subtype = mimetypes.guess_type([0].split('/')

        # Attach it to the email. The cid='0' is linked to the cid in the html,
        # which loads it.
        msg.get_payload()[0].add_related(, maintype=maintype,
                                         subtype=subtype, cid='0')

    # Connect to the mailserver from google and send the e-mail.
    with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) as smtp:

    return good_json_response('success')
def forgot_username():
    """Sends email to reset username.

        JSON reponse based on succes/failure.
    email = request.form['email']

    if not email:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'email'.")

    # Retrieve email for given username.
    # Also retrieve firstname and lastname for personal message.
    username = users.export_one('username', email=email)

    # If no user is found for given email, don't send email.
    if not username:
        return bad_json_response(
            'No user with this e-mail exists on this server: ' + get_own_ip()

    # Construct message object with receipient and sender.
    msg = EmailMessage()
    msg['Subject'] = 'FedNet - Your username is ' + username
    msg['From'] = current_app.config['EMAIL_ADDRESS']
    msg['To'] = email

    # Load the HTML template for the email, and embed the information needed.
    with open('app/templates/email_template/forgot-username.html') as f:
        html =
    html = html.replace('USERNAME_HERE', username)
    msg.add_alternative(html, subtype='html')

    # Add image to the contents of the email.
    with open('app/static/images/LogoBackOpaque.png', 'rb') as img:
        # Know the Content-Type of the image
        maintype, subtype = mimetypes.guess_type([0].split('/')

        # Attach it to the email. The cid='0' is linked to the cid in the html,
        # which loads it.
        msg.get_payload()[0].add_related(, maintype=maintype,
                                         subtype=subtype, cid='0')
    # Connect to the mailserver from google and send the e-mail.
    with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) as smtp:

    return good_json_response(('Email was sent to ' + email + '.'))
def get_pub_key(username):
    """Helper function to get the public key of a user.
        The public key of a user if available, else a bad JSON response.
    server_id = users.export_one('server_id', username=username)
    if server_id is None:
        return bad_json_response('No server_id')

    pub = servers.export_one('pub_key', id=server_id)
    if pub is None:
        return bad_json_response('No pub')

    return pub
def hobby():
    """Get all hobby details from a certain user.

        JSON reponse with the hobby details from the hobbies table.
    username = request.args.get('username')

    if username is None or username == '':
        username = auth_username()

    if username is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'username'.")

    # Extract all the needed data from the hobbies table in the database.
    hobbies_details = hobbies.export('id', 'title', username=username)

    hobbies_array = [
            'id': item[0],
            'title': item[1]
        for item in hobbies_details

    return good_json_response({
        'hobbies': hobbies_array
def language():
    """Get all language details from a certain user.

        JSON reponse with the language details from the languages table.
    username = request.args.get('username')

    if username is None or username == '':
        username = auth_username()

    if username is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'username'.")

    # Extract all the needed data from the language table in the database.
    language_details = languages.export('id', 'title', 'skill_level',

    language_array = [
            'id': item[0],
            'title': item[1],
            'skill_level': item[2]
        for item in language_details

    return good_json_response({
        'languages': language_array
Exemple #11
def post():
    """Get all the necessary details for a post.

    The post ID is checked to see if the post actually exists. The same is done
    with the upload ID.

        JSON response with the post details.
    post_id = request.args.get('post_id')

    if post_id is None:
        return bad_json_response('post_id should be given as parameter.')

    post_db = posts.export('id', id=post_id)
    if not post_db:
        return bad_json_response('post not found')

    post_db = posts.export('body',

    # Get image.
    up_id = post_db[3]

    if uploads.exists(id=up_id):
        filename = uploads.export_one('filename', id=up_id)
        imageurl = get_own_ip() + 'file/{}/{}'.format(up_id, filename)

    return good_json_response({
        'post_id': post_id,
        'body': post_db[0],
        'title': post_db[1],
        'username': post_db[2],
        'profile_image': get_profile_image(post_db[2]),
        'image_url': imageurl,
        'creation_date': str(post_db[4]),
        'last_edit_date': str(post_db[5])
def login():
    """Function that handles the login.

    An access token is created. A check is in place to verify the encrypted
    password and to check if the user is verified through e-mail.

        A success JSON reponse that contains the access token.
    username = request.form['username']
    password = request.form['password']

    if username is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'username'.")

    if password is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'password'.")

    if not users.exists(username=username):
        return bad_json_response(
            "User does not exist yet. Feel 'free' to join FedNet! :)"

    password_db = users.export('password', username=username)[0]

    # Verify the given password.
    if not sha256_crypt.verify(password, password_db):
        return bad_json_response('Password is incorrect.')

    # Check if the account has been verified through e-mail.
    email_confirmed = users.export_one('email_confirmed', username=username)
    if not email_confirmed:
        return bad_json_response(
            'The email for this user is not authenticated yet. '
            'Please check your email.'

    # Login success.
    access_token = create_access_token(identity=username)

    return good_json_response({
        'token': access_token
def timeline():
    """This function handles the timeline, making sure you only see posts from
    the correct people.

    If you are friends with a certain user, that users posts will be shown in
    your timeline.

        get_friends function from api/data/

        JSON reponse that contains all the posts that are shown in the timeline.
    from import get_friends

    username = get_jwt_identity()
    # Check if user exists.
    if not users.exists(username=username):
        return bad_json_response('user not found')

    # Get the user's own posts.
    posts_array = get_posts(username)

    # Get the user's friends.
    friends = get_friends(username)

    for i in range(len(friends)):
            friend = friends[i]['username']
            friend_address = get_user_ip(friend)
            # Get the posts of the friend.
            response = requests.get(
                friend_address + '/api/user/posts',
                    'username': friend
            if response['success']:
                posts = response['data']['posts']
                posts_array = posts_array + posts
        except BaseException:

    posts_array = sorted(
        key=lambda k: datetime.datetime.strptime(k['creation_date'],
                                                 '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),

    return good_json_response({
        'posts': posts_array
Exemple #14
def create():
    """Create a new post.

    For a post to be created, details are submitted in the form. These details
    are then inserted into the posts table in the database.

        Success JSON response if the operation succeeded.
        Else a failed JSON response is returned with the correct error message.
    username = get_jwt_identity()
    title = request.form['title']
    body = request.form['body']

    if username is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'username'.")
    if title is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'title'.")
    if body is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'body'.")

    if not users.exists(username=username):
        return bad_json_response('User not found.')

    # Insert post.
    if 'file' in request.files:
        image_filename = request.files['file'].filename
        image = request.files['file'].read()

        if image is not 0:
            uploads_id = save_file(image, filename=image_filename)

            if uploads_id is not False:
                posts.insert(username=username, body=body, title=title)

    return good_json_response('success')
def pub_key():
    """Get the public key of a user.
        JSON response containing the public key of a user.
    username = request.args.get('username')

    if username is None:
        return bad_json_response('No username')

    return good_json_response(get_pub_key(username))
def forgotpassword():
    username = request.form['username']
    password = request.form['password']

    if password is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'password'.")

    new_password = sha256_crypt.encrypt(request.form['password'])

    users.update({'password': new_password}, username=username)

    return good_json_response('Succes')
def user():
    """Get all usernames and their respective server ID's from the users table.

        JSON response containing all the usernames in the users table.
    usernames = users.export('username', 'server_id')

    if len(usernames) == 0:
        return bad_json_response('No usernames in the database.')

    return good_json_response({'usernames': usernames})
Exemple #18
def get_comments():
    """Get all comments from a certain post.

    To retrieve all comments on a certain post, the post ID is requested in the
    form. All the comment entries in the comments table corresponding to the
    given post ID are then retrieved.

        JSON response containing a list with all the comments if the operation
        Else a failed JSON response is returned with the correct error message.
    post_id = request.args.get('post_id')

    if post_id is None or post_id == '':
        return bad_json_response(
            "Bad request: Missing or invalid parameter 'post_id'.")

    if not posts.exists(id=post_id):
        return bad_json_response('Post id does not exist.')

    comment_details = comments.export('id',

    comments_array = [{
        'id': item[0],
        'comment': item[1],
        'username': item[2],
        'profile_image': get_profile_image(item[2]),
        'creation_date': str(item[3]),
        'last_edit_date': str(item[4])
    } for item in comment_details]

    return good_json_response({'comments': comments_array})
def register():
    """Register a data server to the central server.

    For this registration, the server name and address are requested in the
    form. A check is performed to see if the server is live. Then the server
    is inserted into the servers table if it does not already exists.
        JSON response containing the server id and the public key
        at success, else a bad JSON response containing the error message.
    name = request.form['name']
    address = request.form['address']

    pub_key = ping(address)
    if pub_key:
        if not servers.exists(address=address):
            result = servers.insert(
                name=name, address=address, pub_key=pub_key)
            return good_json_response({
                'server_id': result,
                'pub_key': pub_key
            name = servers.export_one('name', address=address)
            return bad_json_response(
                'The data server at "'
                + address
                + '" is already registered by the name "'
                + name
                + '".'
        return bad_json_response(
            'The data server at "'
            + address +
            '" did not respond. Is the installation correct?'
def password():
    """Upon entering the old password, a new password can be set.

    The old password is verified and the new password is encrypted and updated
    in the database.
    username = get_jwt_identity()
    password = request.form['oldPassword']

    if password is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'password'.")

    password_db = users.export('password', username=username)[0]

    if not sha256_crypt.verify(password, password_db):
        return bad_json_response('Password is incorrect.')

    if 'newPassword' in request.form:
        new_password = sha256_crypt.encrypt(request.form['newPassword'])
    if 'newPassword' != '':
        users.update({'password': new_password}, username=username)

    return good_json_response('Succes')
def users_all():
    """Get all usernames in the users table.

        JSON reponse that contains all the usernames in the users table.
    usernames = users.export('username')

    if len(usernames) == 0:
        return bad_json_response('No users found.')

    return good_json_response({
        'usernames': usernames
Exemple #22
def search():
    """Searches for existing usernames.

        JSON reponse based on failure/succes.
    input_data = request.form['search_input']

    if users.exists(username=username):
        return bad_json_response('Username is already registered.')

    users.insert(username=username, location=location, study=study)

    return good_json_response('success')
def delete():
    """Delete a user from FedNet.

    The users details in the users table are deleted.
    username = get_jwt_identity()

    if users.exists(username=username):
        # Everything that belongs to user is deleted automatically.

        return good_json_response({'user': username})
        return bad_json_response('Username is not registered.')
def export_zip_():
    """Export all the data of a certain user as a zip.

        If the user exists, the user details will be exported.

    username = get_jwt_identity()

    if users.exists(username=username):
        return send_file(export_zip(username), mimetype='application/zip',
                         as_attachment=True, attachment_filename='')
        return bad_json_response('User does not exist in database.')
def registered():
    """Look up if the given username is a registered username in FedNet.

        JSON reponse that succeeds if the username is registered and
        fails if the user is not registered.
    username = request.args.get('username')

    if username is None:
        return bad_json_response("Bad request: Missing parameter 'username'.")

    if not users.exists(username=username):
        return bad_json_response('Username not found (in data server)')

    # This request checks if the given username is registered.
    r = requests.get(
        get_central_ip() + '/api/user/registered',
            'username': username

    return good_json_response(r)
def register():
    """Registers a user to this data server.

    All the given information is stored in the users table in the database.
    # Exit early.
    if users.exists(username=request.form['username']):
        return bad_json_response('Username is already taken. Try again :)')

    if users.exists(email=request.form['email']):
        return bad_json_response(
            'A user with this email is already registered on this data server.'

    username = request.form['username']
    firstname = request.form['firstname']
    lastname = request.form['lastname']
    email = request.form['email']
    password = sha256_crypt.encrypt(request.form['password'])

    users.insert(username=username, firstname=firstname, lastname=lastname,
                 password=password, email=email)

    return good_json_response('success')
def import_zip_():
    """Import all the data of a certain user.

        Success JSON response in case the import was successful.
        Else the bad JSON response will be returned with an error message.
    username = get_jwt_identity()

    if 'file' in request.files:
        file = request.files['file'].read()
        if file is not 0:
            import_zip(file, username=username)
            return good_json_response()
    return bad_json_response('File not received.')
Exemple #28
def file_main():
    """Function that handles getting a file.

        A bad JSON response if file is not found.
        A good JSON response with file URL if file is found successfully
    file_id = request.args.get('id')

    if not uploads.exists(id=file_id):
        return bad_json_response('File ID does not exist.')

    filename = uploads.export_one('filename', id=file_id)

    return good_json_response({'url': '/file/{}/{}'.format(file_id, filename)})
def get_key():
    """Function for getting the public key.

        JSON reponse with either public key on success or error message on
    with open('') as f:
        pub_key =

    if pub_key is not None:
        return good_json_response(pub_key)
        return bad_json_response(
            'Error retrieving the public key of server: ' + get_own_ip())
def registered():
    """Check if a certain user is registered in the users table.

        JSON response containing username of the certain user if the user is
        indeed registered.
        If the username is not found, a failed JSON response is returned.
    username = request.args.get('username')

    if username is None:
        return bad_json_response('Username should be given as parameter.')

    exists = users.exists(username=username)

    return good_json_response({'registered': exists})