def sngl_imsi(mno, msisdn, imsi): """ Function that provide method to upload single IMSI against provided MSISDN """ try: rtn_msg = "" cases = "" chk_mno, chk_msisdn = False, False if msisdn['CC'] == conf['CC']: if msisdn['SN'].isdigit() and len(msisdn['SN']) < 13: f_msisdn = msisdn['CC'] + msisdn['SN'] chk_msisdn = True pattern_imsi = re.compile(r'\d{15}') match_imsi = pattern_imsi.fullmatch(imsi) if chk_msisdn and match_imsi: for key, val in conf.items(): if mno == val: chk_mno = True if chk_mno: chk_imsi = Pairing.query.filter( Pairing.imsi == '{}'.format(imsi)).first() if chk_imsi: data = {"Error": "IMSI already exists"} return data, 422 else: cases = sngl_imsi_update(mno, f_msisdn, imsi) else: data = {"Error": "Improper Operator-Name provided"} return data, 422 data = {"msg": cases} if cases == 'IMSI added successfully': return data, 200 else: return data, 422 elif not chk_msisdn: rtn_msg = {"Error": "MSISDN format is not correct"} return rtn_msg, 422 elif not match_imsi: rtn_msg = {"Error": "IMSI format is not correct"} return rtn_msg, 422 except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() finally: db.session.close()
def bulk_msisdns(mno): """ Function that leads to a method that provides MSISDNs for MNOs to provide IMSIs""" chk_mno = False for key, val in conf.items(): # checking valid MNOs if mno == val: chk_mno = True if chk_mno: c_path = mno_all_data(mno) else: rtn_msg = "wrong mno" return rtn_msg return c_path
def fetch_msisdns(mno, st, lt): """ Function leads to method that fetches MSISDNs for MNOs """ try: cases = [] chk_mno = False pattern_start_limit = re.compile(r'\d+') match_start = pattern_start_limit.fullmatch(st) match_limit = pattern_start_limit.fullmatch(lt) if match_start and match_limit: start = int(st) limit = int(lt) for key, val in conf.items(): if mno == val: chk_mno = True if chk_mno: cases = mno_records(mno, start, limit) else: data = { "Error": "improper Operator's name provided" } return data, 422 return cases else: data = { "Error": "Start or limit is not correct" } return data, 422 except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() finally: db.session.close()
def bulk_imsis(): try: rtn_msg = "" chk_mno = False mno = request.form.get("mno") for key, val in conf.items(): # checking for correct operator's name if mno == val: chk_mno = True if not chk_mno: data = { "Error": "improper Operator-name provided" } return data, 422 else: file = request.files.get('file') if file and file_allowed(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) file_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, filename), filename)) f = magic.Magic(mime=True) file_type = f.from_file(file_path) if file_type != 'text/plain': data = { "Error": "File type is not valid" } if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return data, 422 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pat1 = re.compile(r'923\d{9}') pat2 = re.compile(r'\d{15}') try: newfile = open(file_path, 'r') df = pd.read_csv(newfile, usecols=range(2), dtype={"MSISDN": str, "IMSI": str}) newfile.close() except Exception as e: if e: newfile.close() data = { "Error": "File content is not Correct" } if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return data, 422 total_rows, total_columns = df.shape if df.columns[0] != 'MSISDN' or df.columns[1] != 'IMSI': data = { "Error": "File headers are missing or incorrect" } if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return data, 422 df_dup = df[df.duplicated(['IMSI'], keep='first')] # To detect duplicated IMSIs in uploaded File if not df_dup.empty: data = { "Error": "File contains duplicated IMSIs" } if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.remove(file_path) return data, 422 else: df2 = df[df.isnull().any(axis=1)] df1 = df.dropna() df3 = df1[(df1.IMSI.astype(str).str.len() > 15)] df1 = df1[~(df1.IMSI.astype(str).str.len() > 15)] df4 = df1[(df1.MSISDN.astype(str).str.len() > 12)] df1 = df1[~(df1.MSISDN.astype(str).str.len() > 12)] df5 = df1[~(df1.IMSI.astype(str).str.match(pat2))] df1 = df1[(df1.IMSI.astype(str).str.match(pat2))] df6 = df1[~(df1.MSISDN.astype(str).str.match(pat1))] df1 = df1[(df1.MSISDN.astype(str).str.match(pat1))] final_rows, final_columns = df1.shape del_rec = (total_rows - final_rows) df1.to_csv(file_path, index=False) lst_df = [df2, df3, df4, df5, df6] dfs = pd.concat(lst_df, ignore_index=False) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- con = connect() cur = con.cursor() filename1 = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, filename) cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE if not exists test_mno (t_msisdn text, t_imsi text); """) f = open(filename1) cur.copy_from(f, 'test_mno', sep=",") cur.execute(""" select msisdn, imsi, t_msisdn, t_imsi, change_type, export_status, old_imsi from pairing inner join test_mno on (pairing.msisdn = test_mno.t_msisdn) and (pairing.end_date is null) and (pairing.add_pair_status = true) and (pairing.operator_name = '{}'); """.format(mno)) cur.execute(""" update pairing set imsi = test_mno.t_imsi, change_type = 'ADD', export_status = false, updated_at = date_trunc('second', NOW()) from test_mno where pairing.msisdn = test_mno.t_msisdn and pairing.end_date is null and pairing.add_pair_status = true and pairing.operator_name = '{}'; """.format(mno)) cur.execute(""" drop table if exists test_mno; """) con.commit() con.close() f.close() if del_rec: error_file = "Error-Records_" + mno + '_' + strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + '.csv' download_path = os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, error_file) dfs.to_csv(download_path, index=False) else: download_path = "No error file available" rtn_msg = { "msg": "File successfully loaded", "Total_Records": total_rows, "Successful_Records": final_rows, "Deleted_Record": del_rec, "link": download_path } return rtn_msg, 200 else: rtn_msg = { "Error": "No file or improper file found" } return rtn_msg, 422 except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() finally: db.session.close()