def resolveAppeal(data): try: id = data.get('id') appealResult = int(data.get('appealResult')) appealFeedback = data.get('appealFeedback') resolver = data.get('resolver') resolveTime = data.get('resolveTime') type = data.get('type') sql = "update appeal set appealResult = '%s',appealFeedback = '%s',state=2, resolver='%s',resolveTime='%s' where videoID='%s'" % ( appealResult, appealFeedback, resolver, resolveTime, id) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() status = '不通过' if appealResult == 0 else '审核通过' sql = "update video set videostatus='%s' where videoID = '%s'" % ( status, id) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() print(type) if type == 0: addHistory(id, 5, resolveTime, '申诉已完成', resolver, appealResult) else: updateHistory(id, 5, resolveTime, '申诉已完成', resolver, appealResult) return Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', '') except Exception as e: return Utils.responseGen(1, 'fail', '')
def addNewAppeal(data, username): template_appeal = 'insert into appeal(`videoid`,`appealTime`,`appealername`,`appealContent`,`state`) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,1)' template_video = 'update video set appealed = 1 where videoid = %s' template_history = "insert into history(`videoid`,`type`,`time`,`description`,`operator`,`state`) values (%s,4,%s,'申诉申请成功',%s,1)" data_appeal = [] data_video = [] data_history = [] try: for re in data: selected = re.get('selected') if selected: id = re.get('id') appeal = re.get('appeal') time = Utils.time_format() data_appeal.append((id, time, username, appeal)) data_video.append((id, )) data_history.append((id, time, username)) cursor.executemany(template_appeal, data_appeal) cursor.executemany(template_video, data_video) cursor.executemany(template_history, data_history) db.commit() return Utils.responseGen(0, '申诉已提交', '') except Exception as e: db.rollback() res = Utils.responseGen(1, '申诉失败', '') return res
def registerUser(json_str): try: user = json.loads(json_str) username = user.get('username') password = user.get('password') nickname = user.get('nickname') sex = user.get('sex') age = user.get('age') birth = user.get('birth') email = user.get('email') phone = user.get('phone') registerTime = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') sql = "insert into user(UserName,UserPassword,nickname,sex,birth,UserEmail,phone,age,registerTime) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%d','%s');" % ( username, password, nickname, sex, birth, email, phone, age, registerTime) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() re = Utils.responseGen(0, '注册成功', '') return re except Exception as e: db.rollback() re = Utils.responseGen(1, '注册失败', '') return re
def deleteNotice(id): try: sql = "delete from notice where id='%s'" % (id) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() return Utils.responseGen(0, '删除成功', '') except Exception as e: db.rollback() return Utils.responseGen(1, '删除失败', '')
def cancelAvatarChange(username): try: src = config.PIC_TMP + username + '.jpg' # 删除avatar中的文件 if os.path.exists(src): os.remove(src) return Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', '') except Exception as e: return Utils.responseGen(1, 'fail', '')
def deleteUser(username): try: sql = "delete from user where username = '******'" % (username) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() re = Utils.responseGen(0, "删除成功", '') return re except Exception as e: res = Utils.responseGen(1, '删除失败', '') return res
def deleteMessage(id): try: sql = "delete from message where id = '%d'" % (id) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() re = Utils.responseGen(0, "删除成功", '') return re except Exception as e: db.rollback() res = Utils.responseGen(1, '删除失败', '') return res
def resetPassword(username): try: password = '******' sql = "update user set userpassword = '******' where username = '******'" % ( password, username) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() re = Utils.responseGen(0, "重置成功", '') return re except Exception as e: db.rollback() res = Utils.responseGen(1, '重置失败', '') return res
def setMessageState(data): try: id = int(data.get('id')) state = int(data.get('state')) sql = "update message set readed = '%d' where id = '%d'" % (state, id) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() res = Utils.responseGen(0, "设置成功", '') return res except Exception as e: db.rollback() re = Utils.responseGen(1, "已读失败", '') return re
def newNotice(data): try: content = data.get('content') publisher = data.get('publisher') title = data.get('title') time = Utils.time_format() sql = "insert into notice (title,time,publisher,content) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s')" % ( title, time, publisher, content) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() return Utils.responseGen(0, '发布成功', '') except Exception as e: db.rollback() return Utils.responseGen(1, '发布失败', '')
def changePassword(data): try: password = data.get('password') username = data.get('username') sql = "update user set userpassword = '******' where username = '******'" % ( password, username) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() re = Utils.responseGen(0, "修改成功", '') return re except Exception as e: db.rollback() res = Utils.responseGen(1, '修改失败', '') return res
def newFeedback(data): try: title = data.get('title') content = data.get('content') smtPerson = data.get('smtPerson') smtTime = Utils.time_format() sql = "insert into feedback(title,content,smtPerson,smtTime) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s')" % ( title, content, smtPerson, smtTime) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() return Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', '') except Exception as e: db.rollback() return Utils.responseGen(1, '提交失败', '')
def replyFeedback(data): try: id = data.get('id') applyTime = Utils.time_format() applier = data.get('applier') applyContent = data.get('applyContent') sql = "update feedback set applyTime='%s',applier='%s',applyContent='%s',applied=1,readed=1 where id='%s'" % ( applyTime, applier, applyContent, id) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() Utils.sendMessage_fedbkReply(id) return Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', '') except Exception as e: db.rollback() return Utils.responseGen(1, '回复失败', '')
def updateNotice(data): try: content = data.get('content') publisher = data.get('publisher') title = data.get('title') time = data.get('time') id = data.get('id') sql = "update notice set content='%s',publisher='%s',title='%s',time='%s' where id ='%s'" % ( content, publisher, title, time, id) print(sql) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() return Utils.responseGen(0, '发布成功', '') except Exception as e: db.rollback() return Utils.responseGen(1, '发布失败', '')
def getFailedVideoList(username): new_db = newConnection() new_cursor = new_db.cursor() sql = "select * from video where videostatus = '不通过' and appealed=0 and videouploadername='%s'" % ( username) new_cursor.execute(sql) records = new_cursor.fetchall() new_db.close() list = [] key = 0 for re in records: id = re[0] video = getVideo(id) copyinfo = getCopyInfo(id) data = { 'key': key, 'tag': '不通过', 'name': re[1], 'time': str(re[9]), 'video': video, 'copyinfo': copyinfo } list.append(data) key = key + 1 res = Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', list) return res
def deleteFeature(data): try: authPassword = data.get('authPassword') id = data.get('id') if (authPassword != 'BigChuang2020'): res = Utils.responseGen(1, '授权码错误,删除失败', '') return res sql = "delete from feature where feature id = '%s'" % (id) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() re = Utils.responseGen(0, "删除成功", '') return re except Exception as e: db.rollback() res = Utils.responseGen(1, '删除失败', '') return res
def confirmAvatarChange(username): try: src = config.PIC_TMP + username + '.jpg' dst = config.AVATAR_FOLDER + username + '.jpg' # 删除avatar中的文件 if os.path.exists(dst): os.remove(dst) shutil.move(src, dst) newdb = Connection.newConnection() newcursor = newdb.cursor() sql = "update user set avatar ='%s' where username = '******'" % (username, username) newcursor.execute(sql) newdb.commit() return Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', '') except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return Utils.responseGen(1, 'fail', '')
def avatarUpload(file, username): try: filepath = config.PIC_TMP + username + '.jpg' # 先删除临时文件夹中已有的图片 if os.path.isfile(filepath): os.remove(filepath) return Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', '') except Exception as e: return json.dumps({'code': -1, 'message': str(e)})
def setAuth(data): try: username = data.get('username') authPassword = data.get('authPassword') admined = data.get('auth') if (authPassword != 'BigChuang2020'): res = Utils.responseGen(1, '授权码错误,修改失败', '') return res print() sql = "update user set admined = '%d' where username = '******'" % ( admined, username) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() re = Utils.responseGen(0, "修改成功", '') return re except Exception as e: db.rollback() res = Utils.responseGen(1, '修改失败', '') return res
def getUnreadCount(username): new_db = newConnection() new_cursor = new_db.cursor() sql = " select count(*) from message where mTo = '%s' and readed=0" % ( username) new_cursor.execute(sql) record = new_cursor.fetchone() count = record[0] new_db.close() re = Utils.responseGen(0, "获取成功!", count) return re
def fetchUser(keyword): sql = "SELECT UserName FROM user WHERE username REGEXP '%s';" % (keyword) cursor.execute(sql) record = cursor.fetchall() re = [] for un in record: tmp = {'text': un[0], 'value': un[0]} re.append(tmp) res = Utils.responseGen(0, '查找成功', re) return res
def updateUser(username, data): try: user = json.loads(data) nickname = user.get('nickname') sex = user.get('sex') age = user.get('age') birth = user.get('birth') email = user.get('email') phone = user.get('phone') sign = user.get('sign') sql = "update user set nickname = '%s', sex='%s' , age = '%d',birth = '%s',UserEmail='%s',phone='%s',sign='%s' where UserName = '******'" % ( nickname, sex, age, birth, email, phone, sign, username) print(sql) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() res = Utils.responseGen(0, '更新成功!', '') return res except Exception as e: db.rollback() re = Utils.responseGen(1, '注册失败!', '') return re
def sendMessage(msgData): try: msg = json.loads(msgData) mFrom = msg.get('mFrom') mTo = msg.get('mTo') content = msg.get('content') subject = msg.get('subject') time = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for to in mTo: print(to) sql = "INSERT INTO message (`mFrom`,`mTo`,`content`,`sendTime`,`readed`,`subject`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s',0,'%s');" % ( mFrom, to, content, time, subject) cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() res = Utils.responseGen(0, '发送成功!', '') return res except Exception as e: db.rollback() re = Utils.responseGen(1, '发送失败!', '') return re
def getAppealList(username, type, all=False): new_db = newConnection() new_cursor = new_db.cursor() sql = '' if all == True: if type == 0: # 全部 sql = "select * from appeal " elif type == 1: # 进行中 sql = "select * from appeal where state=1" elif type == 2: # 完成 sql = "select * from appeal where state=2" else: if type == 0: # 全部 sql = "select * from appeal where appealerName='%s'" % (username) elif type == 1: # 进行中 sql = "select * from appeal where appealerName='%s' and state=1" % ( username) elif type == 2: # 完成 sql = "select * from appeal where appealerName='%s' and state=2" % ( username) new_cursor.execute(sql) record = new_cursor.fetchall() new_db.close() res = [] for re in record: appeal = { 'appealID': re[0], 'videoID': re[1], 'appealTime': str(re[2]), 'appealerName': re[3], 'appealContent': re[4], 'state': re[5], 'appealResult': re[6], 'resolver': re[7], 'resolveTime': str(re[8]), 'appealFeedback': re[9] } video = getVideo(re[1]) r = {'key': re[0], 'appeal': appeal, 'video': video} res.append(r) return Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', res)
def getNoticeList(): sql = "select * from notice order by time desc" cursor.execute(sql) record = cursor.fetchall() notices = [] for n in record: notice = { 'id': n[0], 'key': n[0], 'content': n[1], 'time': str(n[2]), 'publisher': n[3], 'title': n[4] } notices.append(notice) resbody = {'notices': notices} re = Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', resbody) return re
def getMessageList(username): sql = "select * from message where mTo = '%s' order by readed , sendTime desc" % ( username) cursor.execute(sql) lists = cursor.fetchall() re = [] for m in lists: msg = { 'id': m[0], 'key': m[0], 'mFrom': m[1], 'mTo': m[2], 'content': m[3], 'time': datetime.datetime.strftime(m[4], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'readed': m[5], 'subject': m[6] } re.append(msg) res = Utils.responseGen(0, "获取成功", re) return res
def getFeedbackList(): sql = 'select * from feedback' cursor.execute(sql) records = cursor.fetchall() data = [] for re in records: feedback = { 'key': re[0], 'id': re[0], 'title': re[1], 'content': re[2], 'smtPerson': re[3], 'applied': re[4], 'applier': re[5], 'applyContent': re[6], 'smtTime': str(re[7]), 'applyTime': str(re[8]), 'readed': str(re[9]) } data.append(feedback) return Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', data)
def getUser(username): sql = "select * from user where UserName = '******'" % (username) cursor.execute(sql) record = cursor.fetchone() user = { 'username': record[0], 'password': record[1], 'avatar': record[11], 'email': record[2], 'age': record[3], 'sex': record[4], 'admined': record[6], 'nickname': record[7], 'birth': datetime.datetime.strftime(record[8], '%Y-%m-%d'), 'phone': record[9], 'sign': record[10], 'registerTime': str(record[12]) } res = Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', user) return res
def getAppealDetail(id): video = getVideo(id) copyinfo = getCopyInfo(id) sql = "select * from appeal where videoid = '%s' " % (id) cursor.execute(sql) re = cursor.fetchone() appeal = { 'appealID': re[0], 'videoID': re[1], 'appealTime': str(re[2]), 'appealerName': re[3], 'appealContent': re[4], 'state': re[5], 'appealResult': re[6], 'resolver': re[7], 'resolveTime': str(re[8]), 'appealFeedback': re[9] } data = {'appeal': appeal, 'video': video, 'copyinfo': copyinfo} return Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', data)
def getAppealCount(username, all=False): new_db = newConnection() new_cursor = new_db.cursor() sql1 = '' sql2 = '' sql3 = '' if all: # 全部 sql1 = "select count(*) from appeal " # 进行中 sql2 = "select count(*) from appeal where state=1" # 完成 sql3 = "select count(*) from appeal where state=2" else: # 全部 sql1 = "select count(*) from appeal where appealerName='%s'" % ( username) # 进行中 sql2 = "select count(*) from appeal where appealerName='%s' and state=1" % ( username) # 完成 sql3 = "select count(*) from appeal where appealerName='%s' and state=2" % ( username) # 全部 new_cursor.execute(sql1) c_all = new_cursor.fetchone()[0] # 进行中 new_cursor.execute(sql2) c_process = new_cursor.fetchone()[0] # 已完成 new_cursor.execute(sql3) c_finish = new_cursor.fetchone()[0] new_db.close() res = {'all': c_all, 'finish': c_finish, 'process': c_process} return Utils.responseGen(0, 'success', res)