Exemple #1
class EventStore:
    def __init__(self):
        self.config = Config()
        self.db = Database(self.config)
        self.broker = Broker(self.config, self.process_event)

    async def start_broker(self):
        await self.broker.start()

    async def shutdown(self, signal):
        if signal:
            log.info(f'Received shutdown signal: {signal}')
        await self.broker.cancel()

    async def process_event(self, event, pub_func):
        """accepts an event and submits it to the datastore for storage.
        Returns a json string representation of the persisted event."""
        log.debug(f'processing event {event}')
        persisted_events = self.db.commit_event(event)
        for e in persisted_events:
            await pub_func(e)
        log.info('Finished processing event')