Exemple #1
def get_current_professor(
    db: Session = Depends(get_db), user: models.User = Depends(get_current_user)
) -> models.Professor:
    if user.type == "professor":
        if professor := crud.professor.get(db, id=user.id):
            return professor
        raise NotFoundException(detail="Professor object not found")
def update_todo(todo_id):
    todo = database.update_todo(g.user, todo_id, request.json)
    if todo is None:
        raise NotFoundException('Todo %s not found' % todo_id)
        return jsonify(todo), 201
Exemple #3
def remove_student_from_term(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    division_id: str,
    student_id: str,
    current_admin: models.Admin = Depends(
) -> Any:

    if division := crud.division.get(db, division_id):
        if student := crud.student.get(db, student_id):
            if student in division.students:
                    f"Admin {current_admin.user_id} ({current_admin.user.email}) "
                    f"is deleting Student {student_id} ({student.user.email}) "
                    f"from Division {division_id} ({division.course.name} {division.division_code})"
                except exc.IntegrityError as e:
                    raise ConflictException(detail=e.__str__())
                except Exception as e:
                    raise BadRequestException(detail=e.__str__())
                return student
            raise NotFoundException(
                f"Student with id {student_id} not found in Division with if {division_id}"
Exemple #4
def read_user_by_id(
        user_id: str,
        current_user: models.User = Depends(deps.get_current_user),
        db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
) -> Any:
    Get a specific user by id.

    # Fetch User with the corresponding id from db
    user = crud.user.get(db, id=user_id)

    # Return the fetched object without checking perms if current_user is trying to fetch itself
    if user == current_user:
        return user

    # Raise exception if fetched User is not the current_user and the current_user is not a superuser
    if current_user.is_admin:
        if admin := crud.admin.get(db, current_user.id):
            if schemas.AdminPermissions(admin.permissions).is_allowed("admin"):
                if user:
                    return user
                raise NotFoundException(
                    detail="The user with this ID does not exist in the system",
Exemple #5
def read_school_by_id(
        school_id: str,
        current_user: models.User = Depends(deps.get_current_user),
        db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
) -> Any:
    Get a specific school by id.

    # Fetch School with the corresponding id from db
    school = crud.school.get(db, id=school_id)

    # Raise exception if the current_user doesn't belong to the fetched School and the current_user doesn't have perms
    if current_user.school_id == school_id:
        return school

    if current_user.is_admin:
        if admin := crud.admin.get(db, current_user.id):
            if schemas.AdminPermissions(
                if school:
                    return school
                raise NotFoundException(
                    "The school with this ID does not exist in the system", )
Exemple #6
def get_emp(emp_id):
    connection = happybase.Connection('localhost',
    table = connection.table('emp_data')
    row = table.row(emp_id)
    if row is None:
        raise NotFoundException('Emp  %s not found' % emp_id)
        return jsonify(row)
Exemple #7
    def request(self, method, url: str, **kwargs):

        rs = self.http.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
        exception = AmazonExceptionElement(
            content=rs.content, site_config_entity=self.site_config_entity)
        if exception.error_500():
            raise CrawlErrorException('{} 500+ error'.format(url))
        if exception.not_found():
            raise NotFoundException('{} not_found'.format(url))

        self.need_captcha_flag = exception.need_validate()
        if self.need_captcha_flag:
            Captcha(self.site.domain, http=self.http, html=rs.text)
            rs = self.http.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)

        return rs
Exemple #8
def read_student_by_id(
    student_id: str,
    current_user: models.User = Depends(deps.get_current_user),
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db)
) -> Any:
    Get a specific student by ID.

    # Fetch student with the corresponding ID from DB
    student = crud.student.get(db, id=student_id)

    # Return the fetched object without checking perms if current_student is trying to fetch itself
    if current_user.id == student_id:
        return student

    # check perms and return if student exists, else 404
    if (admin := crud.admin.get(db, id=current_user.id)) and AdminPermissions(
        if student:
            return student
        raise NotFoundException(
            detail="The student with this ID does not exist in the system", )
Exemple #9
def update_school(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    school_id: str,
    school_in: schemas.SchoolUpdate,
    current_admin: models.Admin = Depends(
) -> Any:
    Update a school.

    # Fetch existing school object from db
    school = crud.school.get(db, id=school_id)
    if not school:
        raise NotFoundException(
            detail="The school with this ID does not exist in the system", )

        f"Admin {current_admin.user_id} ({current_admin.user.email}) is updating School {school.id} "
        f"({school.name}) to {school_in.__dict__}")

    # Save updated object based on given SchoolUpdate object in db
    return crud.school.update(db, db_obj=school, obj_in=school_in)
Exemple #10
def read_admin_by_id(
    admin_id: str,
    current_admin: models.Admin = Depends(deps.get_current_admin),
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db)
) -> Any:
    Get a specific admin by ID.

    # Fetch Admin with the corresponding ID from DB
    admin = crud.admin.get(db, id=admin_id)

    # Return the fetched object without checking perms if current_admin is trying to fetch itself
    if admin == current_admin:
        return admin

    # check perms and return if admin exists, else 404
    if schemas.AdminPermissions(current_admin.permissions).is_allowed("admin"):
        if admin:
            return admin
        raise NotFoundException(
            detail="The admin with this ID does not exist in the system", )

    raise ForbiddenException(detail="The user doesn't have enough privileges")
Exemple #11
    Get a specific student's divisions by ID.
    # Fetch student with the corresponding ID from DB
    if student := crud.student.get(db, id=student_id):
        # Return the fetched divisions if current_user is trying to fetch itself
        # or is an admin with the required perms
        if current_user.id == student_id or (
            (admin := crud.admin.get(db, id=current_user.id))
                and AdminPermissions(admin.permissions).is_allowed("student")):
            return list(student.divisions)

        raise ForbiddenException(
            detail="The user doesn't have enough privileges")

    raise NotFoundException(
        detail="The student with this ID does not exist in the system", )

@router.put("/{student_id}", response_model=schemas.Student)
def update_student(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    student_id: str,
    student_in: schemas.StudentUpdate,
    current_admin: models.Admin = Depends(
) -> Any:
    Update student.
Exemple #12
        elif user.type == "professor" and (professor := crud.professor.get(
                db, id=user.id)):
            return generate_timetable(db, professor.divisions)
            raise BadRequestException(
                f"No timetable can be generated for user type {user.type}")
    raise BadRequestException(detail="User object not found!")

@router.get("/{division_id}", response_model=dict[str, list[Lecture]])
def get_timetable_division(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    _: models.User = Depends(deps.get_current_admin_with_permission("course")),
    division_id: str,
) -> Any:
    if division := crud.division.get(db, id=division_id):
        return generate_timetable(db, [division])
    raise NotFoundException(detail=f"Division with id {division_id} not found")

def generate_timetable(db: Session, divisions: list[Division]) -> Dict:
    response: Dict = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    for day in calendar.day_name:
        for division in divisions:
            if lectures := crud.lecture.get_by_day_division(
                    db, day=day, division_id=division.id):
                response[day] += lectures
    return response
Exemple #13
    return current_user

@router.post("/password-recovery/{email}", response_model=schemas.Msg)
def recover_password(email: str, db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db)) -> Any:
    Password Recovery
    if user := crud.user.get_by_email(db, email=email):
        password_reset_token = generate_password_reset_token(email=email)
        return {"msg": "Password recovery email sent"}
    raise NotFoundException(
        detail="The user with this username does not exist in the system.", )

@router.post("/reset-password/", response_model=schemas.Msg)
def reset_password(
        token: str = Body(...),
        new_password: str = Body(...),
        db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
) -> Any:
    Reset password
    if email := verify_password_reset_token(token):
        if user := crud.user.get_by_email(db, email=email):
            if crud.user.is_active(user):
                hashed_password = get_password_hash(new_password)
Exemple #14
    limit: int = 100,
    _: models.Admin = Depends(deps.get_current_admin_with_permission("course")),
) -> Any:
    return crud.course.get_multi(db, skip=skip, limit=limit)

@router.get("/{course_id}", response_model=schemas.Course)
def read_course_by_id(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    course_id: str,
    _: models.Admin = Depends(deps.get_current_admin_with_permission("course")),
) -> Any:
    if course := crud.course.get(db, id=course_id):
        return course
    raise NotFoundException(detail="The course with this ID does not exist!")

@router.post("/", response_model=schemas.Course)
def create_course(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    course_in: schemas.CourseCreate,
    current_admin: models.Admin = Depends(deps.get_current_admin_with_permission("course")),
) -> Any:

    if crud.course.get_by_details(
Exemple #15
    limit: int = 100,
    _: models.Admin = Depends(deps.get_current_admin_with_permission("school")),
) -> Any:
    return crud.lecture.get_multi(db, skip=skip, limit=limit)

@router.get("/{lecture_id}", response_model=schemas.Lecture)
def read_lecture_by_id(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    lecture_id: str,
    _: models.Admin = Depends(deps.get_current_admin_with_permission("school")),
) -> Any:
    if lecture := crud.lecture.get(db, id=lecture_id):
        return lecture
    raise NotFoundException(detail="A lecture with this ID does not exist!")

@router.get("/division/{division_id}", response_model=list[schemas.Lecture])
def get_lectures_for_division(
    *, db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db), division_id: str, _: models.User = Depends(deps.get_current_user)
) -> Any:
    if crud.division.get(db, id=division_id):
        return crud.lecture.get_by_division(db, division_id=division_id)
    raise NotFoundException(detail="A division with this ID does not exist!")

@router.post("/", response_model=schemas.Lecture)
def create_lecture(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
Exemple #16
        if token_data.type != token_type:
            raise BadRequestException(
                detail="Invalid token",
    except ExpiredSignatureError:
        raise ForbiddenException(detail="Token has expired")
    except (jwt.JWTError, ValidationError) as e:
        raise ForbiddenException(
            detail="Could not validate credentials",
    if user := crud.user.get(db, id=token_data.sub):
        if user.is_active:
            return user
        raise ConflictException("User account is disabled")
    raise NotFoundException(detail="User not found")

def get_current_user(db: Session = Depends(get_db), token: str = Depends(reusable_oauth2)) -> models.User:
    return get_user_from_token(token, "access", db)

def get_current_user_refresh(db: Session = Depends(get_db), token: str = Depends(reusable_oauth2)) -> models.User:
    return get_user_from_token(token, "refresh", db)

def get_current_admin(db: Session = Depends(get_db), user: models.User = Depends(get_current_user)) -> models.Admin:
    if user.is_admin:
        if admin := crud.admin.get(db, id=user.id):
            return admin
        raise NotFoundException(detail="Admin object not found")
Exemple #17
) -> Any:
    return crud.timeslot.get_multi(db, skip=skip, limit=limit)

@router.get("/{timeslot_id}", response_model=schemas.TimeSlot)
def read_timeslot_by_id(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    timeslot_id: str,
    _: models.Admin = Depends(
) -> Any:
    if timeslot := crud.timeslot.get(db, id=timeslot_id):
        return timeslot
    raise NotFoundException(detail="The timeslot with this ID does not exist!")

@router.post("/", response_model=schemas.TimeSlot)
def create_timeslot(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    timeslot_in: schemas.TimeSlotCreate,
    current_admin: models.Admin = Depends(
) -> Any:

    if crud.timeslot.get_by_details(db,
Exemple #18
def __try_find_document(job_id: str):
        return JobDocument.get_by_id(job_id)
    except DoesNotExist as mongo_exception:
        raise NotFoundException("Job with id %s not found" %
                                job_id) from mongo_exception
Exemple #19

@router.get("/submission/{submission_id}", response_model=list[schemas.File])
def get_file_by_submission(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    current_professor: models.Professor = Depends(deps.get_current_professor),
    submission_id: str,
) -> Any:
    Retrieve a file by id
    if file := crud.file.get(db, id=submission_id):
        if file.course_id in {division.course_id for division in current_professor.divisions}:
            return crud.file.get_by_submission(db, submission_id=submission_id)
    raise NotFoundException(detail=f"Assignment with id {submission_id} not found or you don't have access to it")

@router.post("/{course_id}", response_model=schemas.File)
def upload_file(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    file: UploadFile = File(...),
    current_user: models.User = Depends(deps.get_current_non_admin_user),
    course_id: str,
    file_type: str,
    description: str,
    submission_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Any:
    Update a user's profile picture
Exemple #20
) -> Any:
    return crud.division.get_multi(db, skip=skip, limit=limit)

@router.get("/{division_id}", response_model=schemas.Division)
def read_division_by_id(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    division_id: str,
    _: models.Admin = Depends(
) -> Any:
    if division := crud.division.get(db, id=division_id):
        return division
    raise NotFoundException(detail="The division with this ID does not exist!")

@router.get("/{division_id}/students", response_model=list[schemas.Student])
def read_division_students_by_id(
    division_id: str,
    current_user: models.User = Depends(deps.get_current_user),
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db)
) -> Any:
    Get all students for a specific division by ID.
    # Fetch division with the corresponding ID from DB
    if division := crud.division.get(db, id=division_id):
        # Return the fetched object if current_user is the professor for the division
        # or admin with required perms
Exemple #21
    _: models.Admin = Depends(deps.get_current_admin_with_permission("term")),
) -> Any:
    terms = crud.term.get_multi(db, skip=skip, limit=limit)
    return terms

@router.get("/{term_id}", response_model=schemas.Term)
def read_term_by_id(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    term_id: str,
    _: models.Admin = Depends(deps.get_current_admin_with_permission("term")),
) -> Any:
    if term := crud.term.get(db, term_id):
        return term
    raise NotFoundException(detail="The term with this ID does not exist!")

@router.get("/{term_id}/students", response_model=list[schemas.Student])
def read_term_students_by_id(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    term_id: str,
    _: models.Admin = Depends(deps.get_current_admin_with_permission("term")),
) -> Any:
    if term := crud.term.get(db, term_id):
        return term.students
    raise NotFoundException(detail="The term with this ID does not exist!")

Exemple #22
def get_lectures_for_division(
    *, db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db), division_id: str, _: models.User = Depends(deps.get_current_user)
) -> Any:
    if crud.division.get(db, id=division_id):
        return crud.lecture.get_by_division(db, division_id=division_id)
    raise NotFoundException(detail="A division with this ID does not exist!")
Exemple #23
def get_current_student(db: Session = Depends(get_db), user: models.User = Depends(get_current_user)) -> models.Student:
    if user.type == "student":
        if student := crud.student.get(db, id=user.id):
            return student
        raise NotFoundException(detail="Student object not found")
Exemple #24
    # Fetch professor with the corresponding ID from DB
    if professor := crud.professor.get(db, id=professor_id):
        # Return the fetched object without checking perms if current_professor is trying to fetch itself
        if current_user.id == professor_id:
            return professor

        # check perms and return if professor exists, else 404
        if (admin := crud.admin.get(
                db, id=current_user.id)) and AdminPermissions(
            return professor

        raise ForbiddenException(
            detail="The user doesn't have enough privileges")

    raise NotFoundException(
        detail="The professor with this ID does not exist in the system", )

@router.get("/{professor_id}/divisions", response_model=list[schemas.Division])
def read_professor_divisions_by_id(
    professor_id: str,
    current_user: models.User = Depends(deps.get_current_user),
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db)
) -> Any:
    Get all divisions for a specific professor by ID.

    # Fetch professor with the corresponding ID from DB
    if professor := crud.professor.get(db, id=professor_id):
        # Return the fetched object without checking perms if current_professor is trying to fetch itself
Exemple #25
def route_not_found_exception():
    raise NotFoundException()
 def test_not_found_exception_should_be_code_404_and_msg_is_default_value(
     ex = NotFoundException()
     self.assertEqual(ex.code, 404)
     self.assertEqual(ex.description, 'Not Found Exception')
Exemple #27
def get_current_admin(db: Session = Depends(get_db), user: models.User = Depends(get_current_user)) -> models.Admin:
    if user.is_admin:
        if admin := crud.admin.get(db, id=user.id):
            return admin
        raise NotFoundException(detail="Admin object not found")
def delete_todo(todo_id):
    todo = database.delete_todo(g.user, todo_id)
    if todo is None:
        raise NotFoundException('Todo %s not found' % todo_id)
        return jsonify(todo), 201
Exemple #29
@router.get("/{school_id}/timeslots", response_model=list[schemas.TimeSlot])
def get_timeslots(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    school_id: str,
    _: models.Admin = Depends(
) -> Any:
    Get all timeslots in a school
    return crud.timeslot.get_by_school(db, school_id=school_id)

def delete_school(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    school_id: str,
    current_admin: models.Admin = Depends(
) -> Any:
    if school := crud.school.get(db, school_id):
            f"Admin {current_admin.user_id} ({current_admin.user.email}) is deleting School {school.id} ({school.name})"
        return crud.school.remove(db, id=school_id)
    raise NotFoundException(
        detail="The school with this ID does not exist in the system!")
Exemple #30
    # check perms and return if admin exists, else 404
    if schemas.AdminPermissions(current_admin.permissions).is_allowed("admin"):
        if admin:
            return admin
        raise NotFoundException(
            detail="The admin with this ID does not exist in the system", )

    raise ForbiddenException(detail="The user doesn't have enough privileges")

@router.put("/", response_model=schemas.Admin)
def update_admin(
    db: Session = Depends(deps.get_db),
    admin_in: schemas.AdminUpdate,
    current_admin: models.Admin = Depends(
) -> Any:
    Update admin.

    if admin := crud.admin.get(db, admin_in.user_id):
            f"Admin {current_admin.user_id} ({current_admin.user.email}) is updating Admin {admin.user_id}"
            f"({admin.user.email}) to {admin_in.__dict__}")
        return crud.admin.update(db, db_obj=admin, obj_in=admin_in)

    raise NotFoundException(detail="This admin does not exist!", )