def get_taxo_by_name(): data = request.get_json() pid = data["pid"] uid = data["uid"] sid = data["sid"] tid = data["tid"] lid = data["lid"] pip = data["pip"] dbname = data["rid"] pipeline = pip # dbname="isuezrouja" analysis = "taxonomy" x = sql.SQL(main_db) rf = rootvar.result_files(pid, analysis, pip, sid, dbname) samples = x.exe('select * from samples where project_id="' + pid+'" and sample_id="'+sid+'"') xpath = x.project(pid)[0][4] sample = rootvar.samples(samples[0], xpath) x.close() view = rootvar.ViewSampleResults(sample, pipeline, dbname, analysis, rf) try: # return jsonify(x=pip) return jsonify(matrix=view.level(lid, type="matches")) except Exception as inst: return "ERROR: "+str(inst)
def get_tree(): try: data = request.get_json() pid = data["pid"] uid = data["uid"] sid = data["sid"] selval = data["value"] pipeline = data["pip"] dbname = data["rid"] # dbname="isuezrouja" analysis = "taxonomy" rf = rootvar.result_files(pid, analysis, pipeline, sid, dbname) x = sql.SQL(main_db) samples = x.exe('select * from samples where project_id="' + pid+'" and sample_id="'+sid+'"') xpath = x.project(pid)[0][4] sample = rootvar.samples(samples[0], xpath) with open(rf.json) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) x.close() ###print data view = rootvar.ViewSampleResults( sample, pipeline, dbname, analysis, rf) return jsonify(tree=[data], range=view.range(selval)[0], pip=pipeline) except Exception as inst: return "ERROR: "+str(inst)
def functional(data): pid = data["pid"] uid = data["uid"] sids = data["sid"] pipeline = data["pip"] rid = data["rid"] edges = [] FULL_MATRIX = [] #first see if the data set contains taxonomy, function or both annotations analysis = "function" #print rid # # os.system("mkdir " + rootvar.__ROOTPRO__ + "/" + pid + "/" + pipeline + "/RESULTS/ >> " + rootvar.log + " 2>&1") all_samples_tree_file = rootvar.__ROOTPRO__ + "/" + pid + "/" + pipeline + "/RESULTS/" + rid + "" log = open( rootvar.__ROOTPRO__ + "/" + pid + "/" + pipeline + "/RESULTS/" + rid + ".log", "w") # # if os.path.isfile(all_samples_tree_file): # x=sql.SQL(all_samples_tree_file+".db") # val=x.exe("select distinct sample_name from full_matrix") # stored_samples=len(val) # # x=sql.SQL(main_db) # # load all the samples that have been finalized to run # sids=x.exe('select c.sample_id from (select * from samples a inner join (select * from sample_status where pip="'+str(pipeline)+'") b on a.sample_id==b.sid) c where c.project_id=="'+pid+'" and c.status="Done" and c.rid="'+rid+'"') # x.close() # if os.path.isfile(all_samples_tree_file) and stored_samples == len(sids): # x=sql.SQL(all_samples_tree_file+".db") # FULL_MATRIX=x.exe("select * from full_matrix") # return ["function",FULL_MATRIX,all_samples_tree_file+".json"] # nodes={} x = sql.SQL(main_db) log.write("echo #LOG for Project ID: " + str(pid) + "\n") for sid in sids: samples = x.exe('select * from samples where project_id="' + pid + '" and sample_id="' + sid + '"') # log.write(str(sid)+"\n") xpath = x.project(pid)[0][4] sample = rootvar.samples(samples[0], xpath) #print # log.write(str(samples[0])+"\n") rf = rootvar.result_files(pid, analysis, pipeline,, rid) view = rootvar.ViewSampleResults(sample, pipeline, rid, analysis, rf) FULL_MATRIX += view.all_func() #print x.close() # log.write(str(FULL_MATRIX)) #print FULL_MATRIX[0] #rootvar.full_matrix_function(all_samples_tree_file+".db", FULL_MATRIX) #print "matrix done" # tree=["none"] return ["function", FULL_MATRIX, all_samples_tree_file + ".json"]
def get_childs_of_taxonomy(): data = request.get_json() pid = data["pid"] uid = data["uid"] sid = data["sid"] tid = data["tid"] lid = data["lid"] cond = data["cond"] pip = data["pip"] rid = data["rid"] dbname = data["rid"] analysis = "taxonomy" ##print cond, pip, rid, pid, uid, sid, tid, lid if cond == "one": # this is if I am analyzing one or multiple samples rf = rootvar.result_files(pid, analysis, pip, sid, dbname) x = sql.SQL(main_db) samples = x.exe('select * from samples where project_id="' + pid+'" and sample_id="'+sid+'"') xpath = x.project(pid)[0][4] sample = rootvar.samples(samples[0], xpath) x.close() view = rootvar.ViewSampleResults(sample, pip, dbname, analysis, rf) matrix = view.childs_of(tid, 'rpkm') ###print matrix return jsonify(matrix=matrix) else: # load big tree all_samples_tree_file = rootvar.__ROOTPRO__+"/" + \ pid+"/"+pip+"/RESULTS/"+rid+"" G = nx.read_gpickle(all_samples_tree_file) tree = json_graph.tree_data(G, root='R') data = [] for i in G.successors(tid): data.append(i) x = sql.SQL(all_samples_tree_file+".db") matrix = rootvar.get_matrix_level_childs(x, data) samples_sel = list(set([str(i[0]) for i in matrix])) M, N = rootvar.v2m(matrix, samples_sel, 0, 0) ##print M heatmap = 'none' # heatmap=iclust.main(M,None) return jsonify(data=matrix[0], heatmap=heatmap)
def get_functional_counts(): try: data = request.get_json() pid = data["pid"] uid = data["uid"] sid = data["sid"] pip = data["pip"] rid = data["rid"] pip = data['pip'] analysis = "function" # lid="assembly" # file=rootvar.__ROOTPRO__+"/"+pid+"/assembly/idba_ud/"+sid+"/pred.genes."+rid+".matches.function.abundance.results.sqlite3.db" x = sql.SQL(main_db) rf = rootvar.result_files(pid, "function", pip, sid, rid) samples = x.exe('select * from samples where project_id="' + pid+'" and sample_id="'+sid+'"') xpath = x.project(pid)[0][4] sample = rootvar.samples(samples[0], xpath) x.close() view = rootvar.ViewSampleResults(sample, pip, rid, analysis, rf) return jsonify(matrix=view.func_one_sample(), m2=view.func_structure(pid, pip, sid)) except Exception as inst: return "ERROR: "+str(inst)
def taxonomy(data): pid = data["pid"] uid = data["uid"] sids = data["sid"] pipeline = data["pip"] rid = data["rid"] edges = [] FULL_MATRIX = [] #first see if the data set contains taxonomy, function or both annotations analysis = "taxonomy" #print '\n\n\n here we goo!!!\n\n\n', pipeline rootvar.mkdir(rootvar.__ROOTPRO__ + "/" + pid + "/" + pipeline + "/RESULTS/") all_samples_tree_file = rootvar.__ROOTPRO__ + "/" + pid + "/" + pipeline + "/RESULTS/" + rid + "" # stored_samples = 0 if os.path.isfile(all_samples_tree_file): #print '\n\n\n if the X file has been created' x = sql.SQL(all_samples_tree_file + ".db") val = x.exe("select distinct sample_name from full_matrix") stored_samples = len(val) # x = sql.SQL(main_db) sids = x.exe( 'select c.sample_id from (select * from samples a inner join (select * from sample_status where pip="' + str(pipeline) + '") b on a.sample_id==b.sid) c where c.project_id=="' + pid + '" and c.status="Done" and c.rid="' + rid + '"') # # #print '\n\n\n\n super important \n', sids #print '\n\n\n get all the samples from the X file' # if os.path.isfile(all_samples_tree_file) and stored_samples == len(sids): #print 'both have the same length' G = nx.read_gpickle(all_samples_tree_file) tree = json_graph.tree_data(G, root='R') return ["taxonomy", tree] #section #print '\n\n\n SO the file has not been created, because the matrix of abundances has not been fetched for those samples' nodes = {} #print '\n\n\n So for each sample I get all the information from the sql tables. And create the tree \n\n\n\n\n\n' # for sid in sids: samples = x.exe('select * from samples where project_id="' + pid + '" and sample_id="' + sid[0] + '"') xpath = x.project(pid)[0][4] sample = rootvar.samples(samples[0], xpath) rf = rootvar.result_files(pid, analysis, pipeline,, rid) view = rootvar.ViewSampleResults(sample, pipeline, rid, analysis, rf) FULL_MATRIX += view.all() Gp = nx.read_gpickle( edges += Gp.edges() for node in Gp.nodes(): if not node in nodes: nodes[node] = Gp.node[node]['level'] x.close() rootvar.full_matrix_sql(all_samples_tree_file + ".db", FULL_MATRIX) G = nx.DiGraph() for i in edges: if not i in G.edges(): if not i[1] in G.nodes(): G.add_node(i[1], samples=1, level=nodes[i[1]]) else: G.node[i[1]]['samples'] += 1 if not i[0] in G.nodes(): G.add_node(i[0], samples=1, level=nodes[i[0]]) else: G.node[i[0]]['samples'] += 1 if not G.predecessors(i[1]): G.add_edge(i[0], i[1]) else: G.node[i[0]]['samples'] += 1 G.node[i[1]]['samples'] += 1 tree = json_graph.tree_data(G, root='R') nx.write_gpickle(G, all_samples_tree_file) return ["taxonomy", tree, all_samples_tree_file + ".json"]