def get(self): """ 학생 잔류 신청 확인 """ stay = StayApplyModel.objects(student=g.user).first() if not stay: stay = StayApplyModel( student=g.user, value=4 ).save() return { 'value': stay.value }
class StudentModel(AccountBase): """ Student account model """ meta = {'collection': 'account_student'} number = IntField(required=True, min_value=1101, max_value=3421) extension_apply_11 = EmbeddedDocumentField( document_type=ExtensionApplyModel) extension_apply_12 = EmbeddedDocumentField( document_type=ExtensionApplyModel) goingout_apply = EmbeddedDocumentField(document_type=GoingoutApplyModel, default=GoingoutApplyModel()) stay_apply = EmbeddedDocumentField(document_type=StayApplyModel, default=StayApplyModel()) good_point = IntField(default=0) bad_point = IntField(default=0) point_histories = ListField( ReferenceField(document_type=PointHistoryModel, reverse_delete_rule=CASCADE)) penalty_training_status = BooleanField(default=False) penalty_level = IntField(default=0)
def generate_excel(self): wb, ws = self.ready_worksheet() for apply in self.model.objects: student = apply.student number_cell, name_cell, status_cell = get_cell_positions_from_student_number(student) stay_apply = StayApplyModel.objects(student=student).first() if stay_apply.value < 3: ws[number_cell] = None ws[name_cell] = None continue else: ws[number_cell] = student.number ws[name_cell] = ws.column_dimensions['D'].width = 20 ws.column_dimensions['H'].width = 20 ws.column_dimensions['L'].width = 20 ws.column_dimensions['P'].width = 20 ws[status_cell] = self.get_status(apply) self.save_excel(wb)
def testApplySuccess(self): # (1) 잔류신청 resp = self._request() # (2) status code 201 self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 201) # (3) 데이터베이스 확인 self.assertTrue( StayApplyModel.objects(student=self.student, value=self.value))
def testInquireWithAppliment(self): apply = StayApplyModel(student=self.student, value=1).save() # (1) 별도의 신청 정보가 있는 상태에서 조회 resp = self._request() # (2) status code 200 self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) # (3) response data self.assertDictEqual(resp.json, {'value': apply.value})
def post(self): """ 잔류신청 """ student = g.user now = if current_app.testing or (now.weekday() == 6 and now.time() > time(20, 30)) or (0 <= now.weekday() < 3) or (now.weekday() == 3 and now.time() < time(22, 00)): # 신청 가능 범위 # - 일요일 오후 8시 30분 이후부터 목요일 오후 10시까지 # weekday는 월요일이 0, 일요일이 6 value = int(request.form['value']) StayApplyModel.objects(student=student).delete() StayApplyModel(student=student, value=value, return Response('', 201) else: return Response('', 204)
def get(self): """ 잔류신청 정보 조회 """ student = g.user apply = StayApplyModel.objects(student=student).first() return self.unicode_safe_json_response({ 'value': apply.value }, 200)
def get(self): """ 학생 신청 정보 확인 """ extension11 = ExtensionApply11Model.objects(student=g.user).first() extension12 = ExtensionApply12Model.objects(student=g.user).first() goingout = GoingoutApplyModel.objects(student=g.user).first() stay = StayApplyModel.objects(student=g.user).first() if not goingout: goingout = GoingoutApplyModel( student=g.user, on_saturday=False, on_sunday=False ).save() if not stay: stay = StayApplyModel( student=g.user, value=4 ).save() return { 'extension11': { 'classNum': extension11.class_, 'seatNum': } if extension11 else None, 'extension12': { 'classNum': extension12.class_, 'seatNum': } if extension12 else None, 'goingout': { 'sat': goingout.on_saturday, 'sun': goingout.on_sunday }, 'stay': stay.value }
def get(self): """ 외출신청 엑셀 다운로드 """ wb = Workbook() ws = ready_applyment_worksheet(ws) for apply in GoingoutApplyModel.objects: student = apply.student number_cell, name_cell, status_cell = get_cell_positions_from_student_number( student) stay_apply = StayApplyModel.objects(student=student).first() if stay_apply.value < 3: ws[number_cell] = None ws[name_cell] = None continue else: ws[number_cell] = student.number ws[name_cell] = if apply.on_saturday and apply.on_sunday: status = '토요일, 일요일 외출' elif apply.on_saturday: status = '토요일 외출' elif apply.on_sunday: status = '일요일 외출' else: status = '' ws.column_dimensions['D'].width = 20 ws.column_dimensions['H'].width = 20 ws.column_dimensions['L'].width = 20 ws.column_dimensions['P'].width = 20 ws[status_cell] = status filename = 'goingout.xlsx''{}'.format(filename)) wb.close() resp = make_response(send_from_directory('../', filename)) resp.headers.extend({'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'}) return resp
def post(self): """ 학생 잔류 신청 """ payload = request.json now = if current_app.testing or (now.weekday() == 6 and now.time() > time(20, 30)) or (0 <= now.weekday() < 3) or (now.weekday() == 3 and now.time() < time(23, 00)): # 신청 가능 범위 # - 일요일 오후 8시 30분 이후부터 목요일 오후 10시까지 StayApplyModel(student=g.user, value=payload['value']).save() return Response('', 201) else: return Response('', 204)
def generate_excel(self): wb, ws = self.ready_worksheet() for apply in self.model.objects: student = apply.student number_cell, name_cell, status_cell = get_cell_positions_from_student_number( student) ws[number_cell] = student.number ws[name_cell] = apply = StayApplyModel.objects(student=student).first() ws[status_cell] = self.get_status(apply) self.save_excel(wb)
def get(self): """ 잔류신청 엑셀 다운로드 """ wb = Workbook() ws = ready_applyment_worksheet(ws) for student in StudentModel.objects: number_cell, name_cell, status_cell = get_cell_positions_from_student_number( student) ws[number_cell] = student.number ws[name_cell] = apply = StayApplyModel.objects(student=student).first() if not apply or apply.value == 4: status = '잔류' elif apply.value == 1: status = '금요 귀가' elif apply.value == 2: status = '토요 귀가' elif apply.value == 3: status = '토요 귀사' else: status = '잔류' ws[status_cell] = status filename = 'stay.xlsx''{}'.format(filename)) wb.close() resp = make_response(send_from_directory('../', filename)) resp.headers.extend({'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'}) return resp
def testAfterApply(self): extension_apply_11 = ExtensionApply11Model(student=self.student, class_=1, seat=15).save() extension_apply_12 = ExtensionApply12Model(student=self.student, class_=3, seat=13).save() goingout_apply = GoingoutApplyModel(student=self.student, on_saturday=True, on_sunday=False).save() stay_apply = StayApplyModel(student=self.student, value=1).save() # (1) 신청 정보 확인 resp = self._request() # (2) status code 200 self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) # (3) response data self.assertDictEqual( resp.json, { 'extension11': { 'classNum': extension_apply_11.class_, 'seatNum': }, 'extension12': { 'classNum': extension_apply_12.class_, 'seatNum': }, 'goingout': { 'sat': goingout_apply.on_saturday, 'sun': goingout_apply.on_sunday }, 'stay': stay_apply.value })
def get(self): """ 학생 잔류 신청 확인 """ return {'value': StayApplyModel.objects(student=g.user).first().value}