Exemple #1
    def get(self, pid):
        project = Project.query.get_or_404(pid)

        schema = ProjectSchema(exclude=('comments.project_id', 'phases.project_id'))
        result = schema.dump(project).data

        return {Const.RESULT_KEY: result}, Const.STATUS_OK
Exemple #2
def project_get():
    projects = []
    project_schema = ProjectSchema()
    p = Project.query.all()
    for i in p:
    return {'status': 0, 'message': u'获取成功', 'data': projects}
Exemple #3
    def get(self, pid):
        project = Project.query.get_or_404(pid)

        for phase in project.phases:
            phase.phase_name = phase.phase.name

        schema = ProjectSchema(exclude=('comments.project_id',
        result = schema.dump(project).data

        return {'project': result}, Const.STATUS_OK
Exemple #4
    def get(self):
        args = search_parser.parse_args()
        pid = args.get('id')
        name = args.get('name')
        contact_name = args.get('contact_name')
        industry = args.get('industry')
        phase = args.get('phase')
        contact_phone = args.get('contact_phone')
        starttime = args.get('starttime')
        endtime = args.get('endtime')

        conditions = []

        if isinstance(pid, int):
            conditions.append(Project.id == pid)

        if name:
            conditions.append(Project.name == name)

        if contact_name:
            conditions.append(Project.contact_name == contact_name)

        if industry:
            if industry in Industry.__members__.keys():
                conditions.append(Project.industry == Industry[industry])

        if phase:
            p = Phase.query.filter_by(name=phase).first()
            if p:
                pps = ProjectPhase.query.filter_by(phase_id=p.id).all()
                                                  for pp in pps]))

        if contact_phone:
            conditions.append(Project.contact_phone == contact_phone)

        if isinstance(starttime, int) and isinstance(endtime, int):
                int(starttime) <= Project.create_at <= int(endtime))

        projects = Project.query.filter(or_(*conditions)).all()
        schema = ProjectSchema(
        )  # , exclude=('comments.project_id', 'phases.project_id'))
        result = schema.dump(projects).data

        return {'projects': result}, Const.STATUS_OK
Exemple #5
def get_all_projects():
    This route gets all projects from the database and returns
    the array as a json object.

    Returns {Object<json>} 200
            num_results: {string}
            success: {string}
            projects: {Object<json>}

    Throws {Exception{Object<json>}}
            error: NoResultFound 404
                   SQLAlchemyError 400
    # Try to get all projects from database
    query = Project.query

        projects = query.all()

        # # If query returns no projects, return erorr
        # if len(projects) == 0:
        #     return jsonify({'error': 'No results found!'}), 404

    # If no result found, return error
    except NoResultFound:
        return jsonify({'error': 'No result found!'}), 404

    # If some other sqlalchemy error is thrown, return error
    except SQLAlchemyError:
        return jsonify({'error': 'Some problem occurred!'}), 400

    # Serialize array of projects
    project_schema = ProjectSchema(many=True)
    output = project_schema.dump(projects).data

    # Return json response
    return jsonify({
        'num_results': str(len(output)),
        'success': 'Successfully retrieved users!',
        'projects': output,
    }), 200
Exemple #6
def get_one_project(id):
    This route gets a single project from the database
    and returns it as a json object.

    Args {string} id

    Returns {Object<json>} 200
            success: {string}
            project: {Object<json>}

    Throws {Exception{Object<json>}}
            error: NoResultFound 404
                   SQLAlchemyError 400
                   NotAuthorized 401
    # Try to get project from database
    query = Project.query.filter_by(id=id)

        project = query.one()

    # If no result found, return error
    except NoResultFound:
        return jsonify({'error': 'No result found!'}), 404

    # If some other sqlalchemy error is thrown, return error
    except SQLAlchemyError:
        return jsonify({'error': 'Some problem occurred!'}), 400

    # Serialze the project object and return json response
    project_schema = ProjectSchema()
    output = project_schema.dump(project).data

    return jsonify({
        'success': 'Successfully retrieved project.',
        'project': output
    }), 200
Exemple #7
    def get(self, pid=None):
        user = user_manager.current_user
        if pid is not None:
            project = Project.query.filter_by(owner_id=user.id, id=pid).first()
            if project is not None:
                for phase in project.phases:
                    phase.phase_name = phase.phase.name
                schema = ProjectSchema(exclude=('comments.project_id',
                result = schema.dump(project).data
                result = {}
            args = project_search_parser.parse_args()
            pid = args.get('id')
            name = args.get('name')
            contact_name = args.get('contact_name')
            industry = args.get('industry')
            phase_index = args.get('phase_index')
            contact_phone = args.get('contact_phone')
            starttime = args.get('starttime')
            endtime = args.get('endtime')
            page = args.get('page')
            per_page = current_app.config['ITEM_COUNT_PER_PAGE']

            conditions = [
                Project.owner_id == user.id,
            if isinstance(pid, int):
                conditions.append(Project.id == pid)
            if name:
            if contact_name:
            if industry in Industry.__members__.keys():
                conditions.append(Project.industry == Industry[industry])
            if phase_index:
                conditions.append(Project.phase_index == phase_index)
            if contact_phone:
            if isinstance(starttime, int) and isinstance(endtime, int):
                    int(starttime) <= Project.gmt_create <= int(endtime))
            pagination = Project.query.filter(and_(*conditions)).paginate(
                page, per_page=per_page, error_out=False)
            schema = PaginationSchema()
            schema.declared_fields['items'] = fields.Nested(ProjectSchema,
            result = schema.dump(pagination).data
        return {Const.RESULT_KEY: result}, Const.STATUS_OK
Exemple #8
def edit_project(id):
    This route edits a project in the database and
    returns the updated project asa json object.

    Returns {Object<json>} 200
            success: {string}
            project: {Object<json>}

    Throws {Exception{Object<json>}}
            error: NotAuthorized 401
                   NoResultFound 404
                   SQLAlchemyError 400
    # Get the user's id from access token
    uid = get_jwt_identity()

    # If no user id, return error
    if not uid:
        return make_response(
            jsonify({'error': 'Could not verify!'}), 401,
            {'WWW-Authentication': 'Basic realm="Login required!"'})

    # Try to get user from database
    query = User.query.filter_by(public_id=uid)

        user = query.one()

    # If no result found, return error
    except NoResultFound:
        return jsonify({'error': 'No result found!'}), 401

    # If some other sqlalchemy error is thrown, return error
    except SQLAlchemyError:
        return jsonify({'error': 'Some problem occurred!'}), 400

    # Try to get the project from the database
    query = Project.query.filter_by(id=id)

        project = query.one()

    # If no result found, return error
    except NoResultFound:
        return jsonify({'error': 'No result found!'}), 404

    # If some other sqlalchemy error is thrown, return error
    except SQLAlchemyError:
        return jsonify({'error': 'Some problem occurred!'}), 400

    # Get the project data from the request
    data = request.get_json()

    # Update project data if it was sent and save in database
    if 'title' in data:
        project.title = data['title']

    if 'description' in data:
        project.description = data['description']

    if 'img_url' in data:
        project.img_url = data['img_url']

    if 'alt' in data:
        project.alt = data['alt']

    if 'site_url' in data:
        project.site_url = data['site_url']

    if 'github_url' in data:
        project.github_url = data['github_url']

    if 'read_me' in data:
        project.read_me = data['read_me'].encode()

    if 'topic_main' in data:
        project.topic_main = data['topic_main']


    # Try to get the project topics from the database
    query = ProjectTopics.query.filter_by(project_id=project.id)

        topics = query.all()

    # If no result found, return error
    except NoResultFound:
        return jsonify({'error': 'No result found!'}), 404

    # If some other sqlalchemy error is thrown, return error
    except SQLAlchemyError:
        return jsonify({'error': 'Some problem occurred!'}), 400

    topicIds = []

    # topicIds = [1, 2]
    # data['topics'] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 3, 4, 5 added, 1,2 deleted
    for topic in topics:


    if 'topics' in data:
        for id in data['topics']:
            if id not in topicIds:
                # Create project topics object
                project_topics = ProjectTopics(project_id=project.id,

                # Try to add project_topics to database

                # If project name already in database, return error
                except IntegrityError:
                    return jsonify(
                         'User with name or email already exists'}), 400

                # If some other sqlalchemy error is thrown, return error
                except SQLAlchemyError:
                    return jsonify({'error': 'Some problem occurred!'}), 400

        for id in topicIds:
            if id not in data['topics']:
                index = topicIds.index(id)
                topic = topics[index]


    # Serialize project
    project_schema = ProjectSchema()
    output = project_schema.dump(project).data

    # Create json and return response
    return jsonify({'success': 'The user has been updated', 'project': output})
Exemple #9
def create_project():
    This route adds a new project to the database and
    returns a success message as a json object.

    Returns {Object<json>} 200
            success: {string}
            project: {Object<json>}

    Throws {Exception{Object<json>}}
            error: NotAuthorized 401
                   NoResultFound 404
                   SQLAlchemyError 400
    # Get the user's id from access token
    uid = get_jwt_identity()

    # If no user id, return error
    if not uid:
        return make_response(
            jsonify({'error': 'Could not verify!'}), 401,
            {'WWW-Authentication': 'Basic realm="Login required!"'})

    # Try to get user from database
    query = User.query.filter_by(public_id=uid)

        user = query.one()

    # If no result found, return error
    except NoResultFound:
        return jsonify({'error': 'No result found!'}), 401

    # If some other sqlalchemy error is thrown, return error
    except SQLAlchemyError:
        return jsonify({'error': 'Some problem occurred!'}), 400

    # Get project data from request
    data = request.get_json()

    # Verify that all required project data was sent
    # TODO: Add topics as required. Do I have to post directly to
    # topics table or can I post to relationship table???
    if not data['title'] or not data['description']:
        return make_response(jsonify({'error': 'Missing data!'}), 400)

    # Create project object
    project = Project(title=data['title'],

    # Add additional non-required project data if it was sent
    if 'img_url' in data:
        project.img_url = data['img_url']

    if 'alt' in data:
        project.alt = data['alt']

    if 'site_url' in data:
        project.site_url = data['site_url']

    if 'github_url' in data:
        project.github_url = data['github_url']

    if 'read_me' in data:
        project.read_me = data['read_me'].encode()

    if 'topic_main' in data:
        project.topic_main = data['topic_main']

    # Try to add project to database

    # If project name already in database, return error
    except IntegrityError:
        return jsonify({'error':
                        'User with name or email already exists'}), 400

    # If some other sqlalchemy error is thrown, return error
    except SQLAlchemyError:
        return jsonify({'error': 'Some problem occurred!'}), 400

    if 'topics' in data:
        for id in data['topics']:

            # Create project topics object
            project_topics = ProjectTopics(project_id=project.id, topic_id=id)

            # Try to add project_topics to database

            # If project name already in database, return error
            except IntegrityError:
                return jsonify(
                    {'error': 'User with name or email already exists'}), 400

            # If some other sqlalchemy error is thrown, return error
            except SQLAlchemyError:
                return jsonify({'error': 'Some problem occurred!'}), 400

    # Serialze the project object and return json response
    project_schema = ProjectSchema()
    output = project_schema.dump(project).data

    return jsonify({
        'success': 'Successfully retrieved project.',
        'project': output
    }), 200