def run_bots_for_tx(tx, debug=False): if tx is not None: # Run bots if tx.contract_method in [ 'init', 'shake', 'initTestDrive', 'shakeTestDrive' ] and tx.offchain is not None: offchain = tx.offchain.replace(CONST.CRYPTOSIGN_OFFCHAIN_PREFIX, '') if 'm' in offchain: offchain = offchain.replace('m', '') h = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(offchain) if h is not None: if debug: return h.outcome_id else: run_bots.delay(h.outcome_id) elif 's' in offchain: offchain = offchain.replace('s', '') s = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id(offchain) if s is not None: if debug: return s.handshake.outcome_id else: run_bots.delay(s.handshake.outcome_id) return None
def save_failed_handshake_method_for_event(method, tx): if method == 'init' or method == 'initTestDrive': offchain = tx.offchain.replace(CONST.CRYPTOSIGN_OFFCHAIN_PREFIX, '') offchain = int(offchain.replace('m', '')) handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(offchain) if handshake is not None: handshake.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_INIT_FAILED'] db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(handshake) return arr, None elif method == 'shake' or method == 'shakeTestDrive': offchain = tx.offchain.replace(CONST.CRYPTOSIGN_OFFCHAIN_PREFIX, '') offchain = int(offchain.replace('s', '')) shaker = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id(offchain) if shaker is not None: if shaker.status == HandshakeStatus['STATUS_PENDING']: shaker = rollback_shake_state(shaker) shaker.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_SHAKE_FAILED'] db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(shaker) return None, arr elif method == 'report': payload = tx.payload data = json.loads(payload) if '_options' in data: options = data['_options'] if 'onchainData' in options: onchain = options['onchainData'] if 'hid' in onchain: hid = int(onchain['hid']) outcome = Outcome.find_outcome_by_hid(hid) if outcome is not None and outcome.result == CONST.RESULT_TYPE[ 'PROCESSING']: outcome.result = CONST.RESULT_TYPE['REPORT_FAILED'] db.session.flush() send_report_slack.delay(, result, status=2) return None, None return None, None
def test_save_collect_state_for_shaker(self): self.clear_data_before_test() # ----- handshake = Handshake( hs_type=3, chain_id=4, user_id=88, outcome_id=88, odds=1.2, amount=1, currency='ETH', side=2, remaining_amount=0, from_address='0x123', status=0 ) db.session.add(handshake) db.session.commit() # ----- shaker = Shaker( shaker_id=66, amount=0.2, currency='ETH', odds=6, side=1,, from_address='0x123', chain_id=4, status=2 ) db.session.add(shaker) db.session.commit() outcome = Outcome.find_outcome_by_id(88) outcome.result = 1 db.session.flush() handshake_bl.save_collect_state_for_shaker(shaker) db.session.commit() h = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id( s = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id( self.assertEqual(h.status, 6) self.assertEqual(s.status, 6)
def update_feed_status(): try: data = request.json is_maker = int(data.get('is_maker', -1)) item_id = int(data.get('id', -1)) status = int(data.get('status', -1)) amount = data.get('amount') # string remaining_amount = data.get('remaining_amount') # string if is_maker == -1 or status == -1 or item_id == -1: return response_error(MESSAGE.INVALID_DATA, CODE.INVALID_DATA) handshake = None if is_maker == 1: handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(item_id) if handshake is not None: handshake.status = status if amount is not None: handshake.amount = amount if remaining_amount is not None: handshake.remaining_amount = remaining_amount else: shaker = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id(item_id) if shaker is not None: shaker.status = status handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(shaker.handshake_id) if handshake is not None: status = handshake.status if amount is not None: handshake.amount = amount if remaining_amount is not None: handshake.remaining_amount = remaining_amount db.session.flush() db.session.commit() update_status_feed.delay(, status, amount=amount, remaining_amount=remaining_amount) return response_ok() except Exception, ex: db.session.rollback() return response_error(ex.message)
def test_rollback_shake_state(self): self.clear_data_before_test() # ----- handshake = Handshake( hs_type=3, chain_id=4, user_id=88, outcome_id=88, odds=1.2, amount=1, currency='ETH', side=2, remaining_amount=0, from_address='0x123', status=0 ) db.session.add(handshake) db.session.commit() # ----- shaker = Shaker( shaker_id=88, amount=0.2, currency='ETH', odds=6, side=1,, from_address='0x123', chain_id=4 ) db.session.add(shaker) db.session.commit() handshake_bl.rollback_shake_state(shaker) h = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id( s = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id( self.assertEqual(h.remaining_amount, 1) self.assertEqual(s.status, HandshakeStatus['STATUS_SHAKER_ROLLBACK'])
def save_handshake_for_event(event_name, inputs): offchain, hid, state, outcome_result = parse_inputs(inputs) offchain = offchain.replace(CONST.CRYPTOSIGN_OFFCHAIN_PREFIX, '') if event_name == '__createMarket': print '__createMarket' offchain = int(offchain.replace('createMarket', '')) outcome = Outcome.find_outcome_by_id(offchain) if outcome is not None: outcome.hid = hid if 'closingTime' in inputs and \ 'reportTime' in inputs and \ 'disputeTime' in inputs: m = Match.find_match_by_id(outcome.match_id) = int(inputs['closingTime']) m.reportTime = int(inputs['reportTime']) m.disputeTime = int(inputs['disputeTime']) db.session.flush() if outcome_bl.is_outcome_created_by_user(outcome): send_email_event_verification_success.delay( outcome.match_id, outcome.created_user_id) return None, None elif event_name == '__report': print '__report' # report{outcome_id}_{side} # side 1: SUPPORT, 2: OPPOSE, 3: DRAW outcome_id, result = offchain.replace('report', '').split('_') if outcome_id is None or result is None: return None, None outcome = Outcome.find_outcome_by_id(outcome_id) if len(result) > -1 and outcome is not None: result = int(result) outcome.result = result db.session.flush() handshakes, shakers = data_need_set_result_for_outcome(outcome) # send result email to users who play in send_result_email(, result) send_report_slack.delay(, result, status=1) return handshakes, shakers return None, None elif event_name == '__shake': print '__shake' offchain = offchain.replace('s', '') shaker = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id(int(offchain)) if shaker is not None: shaker.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_SHAKER_SHAKED'] shaker.bk_status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_SHAKER_SHAKED'] db.session.flush() # Add shuriken if shaker.free_bet == 1: add_shuriken.delay(shaker.shaker_id, CONST.SHURIKEN_TYPE['FREE']) else: add_shuriken.delay(shaker.shaker_id, CONST.SHURIKEN_TYPE['REAL']) # Give redeem code for referral user u = User.find_user_with_id(shaker.shaker_id) if u is not None and u.played_bet == 0: referral_bl.give_redeem_code_for_referred_user( shaker.shaker_id) u.played_bet = 1 db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(shaker) return None, arr return None, None elif event_name == '__collect': print '__collect' if 's' in offchain: offchain = offchain.replace('s', '') shaker = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id(int(offchain)) if shaker is not None: # update status of shaker and handshake to done # find all bets belongs to this outcome which user join # update all statuses (shaker and handshake) of them to done return save_collect_state_for_shaker(shaker) elif 'm' in offchain: offchain = offchain.replace('m', '') handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(int(offchain)) if handshake is not None: # update status of shaker and handshake to done # find all bets belongs to this outcome which user join # update all statuses (shaker and handshake) of them to done return save_collect_state_for_maker(handshake) return None, None elif event_name == '__init': print '__init' offchain = offchain.replace('m', '') handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(int(offchain)) if handshake is not None: handshake.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_INITED'] handshake.bk_status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_INITED'] db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(handshake) # Add shuriken if handshake.free_bet == 1: add_shuriken.delay(handshake.user_id, CONST.SHURIKEN_TYPE['FREE']) else: add_shuriken.delay(handshake.user_id, CONST.SHURIKEN_TYPE['REAL']) # Give redeem code for referral user u = User.find_user_with_id(handshake.user_id) if u is not None and u.played_bet == 0: referral_bl.give_redeem_code_for_referred_user( handshake.user_id) u.played_bet = 1 db.session.flush() return arr, None return None, None elif event_name == '__uninit': print '__uninit' offchain = offchain.replace('m', '') handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(int(offchain)) if handshake is not None: handshake.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_MAKER_UNINITED'] handshake.bk_status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_MAKER_UNINITED'] db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(handshake) return arr, None return None, None elif event_name == '__refund': print '__refund' handshake = None user_id = None free_bet = False if 's' in offchain: offchain = offchain.replace('s', '') shaker = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id(int(offchain)) if shaker is None: return None, None user_id = shaker.shaker_id free_bet = shaker.free_bet handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(shaker.handshake_id) elif 'm' in offchain: offchain = offchain.replace('m', '') handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(int(offchain)) user_id = handshake.user_id free_bet = handshake.free_bet if handshake is None or user_id is None: return None, None if free_bet is True: redeem_bl.issue_new_redeem_code_for_user(user_id) return save_refund_state_for_all(user_id, handshake.outcome_id) elif event_name == '__dispute': print '__dispute' shaker_dispute = [] handshake_dispute = [] handshake = None user_id = None side = None if outcome_result is None: return None, None if state < 2: return None, None if 's' in offchain: offchain = offchain.replace('s', '') shaker = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id(int(offchain)) user_id = shaker.shaker_id side = shaker.side if shaker is not None: handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(shaker.handshake_id) elif 'm' in offchain: offchain = offchain.replace('m', '') handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(int(offchain)) user_id = handshake.user_id side = handshake.side if handshake is None or user_id is None: return None, None outcome = Outcome.find_outcome_by_id(handshake.outcome_id) if outcome is None: return None, None update_amount_for_outcome(, user_id, side, outcome_result) if state == 3 and outcome.result != CONST.RESULT_TYPE['DISPUTED']: outcome.result = CONST.RESULT_TYPE['DISPUTED'] db.session.flush() handshake_dispute, shaker_dispute = save_disputed_state( # Send mail to admin send_dispute_email.delay( else: handshake_dispute, shaker_dispute = save_user_disputed_state( handshake, user_id, side, outcome_result) return handshake_dispute, shaker_dispute elif event_name == '__resolve': # resolve{outcome_id}_{side} print '__resolve' outcome_id, result = offchain.replace('resolve', '').split('_') if outcome_id is None or result is None: return None, None # 1: SUPPORT, 2: OPPOSE, 3: DRAW: It's depended on smart contract definition. if len(result) == 0 or int(result) not in [1, 2, 3]: return None, None outcome = Outcome.find_outcome_by_id(outcome_id) if outcome is None: return None, None result = int(result) outcome.total_dispute_amount = 0 outcome.result = result db.session.flush() handshakes, shakers = save_resolve_state_for_outcome( # send result email to users who play in send_result_email(, result) return handshakes, shakers
def save_handshake_method_for_event(method, inputs): offchain, hid, state, outcome_result = parse_inputs(inputs) if method == 'init' or method == 'initTestDrive': offchain = offchain.replace(CONST.CRYPTOSIGN_OFFCHAIN_PREFIX, '') offchain = int(offchain.replace('m', '')) handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(offchain) if handshake is not None: handshake.bk_status = handshake.status handshake.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_INIT_FAILED'] db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(handshake) return arr, None elif method == 'shake' or method == 'shakeTestDrive': offchain = offchain.replace(CONST.CRYPTOSIGN_OFFCHAIN_PREFIX, '') offchain = int(offchain.replace('s', '')) shaker = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id(offchain) if shaker is not None: if shaker.status == HandshakeStatus['STATUS_PENDING']: shaker = rollback_shake_state(shaker) shaker.bk_status = shaker.status shaker.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_SHAKE_FAILED'] db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(shaker) return None, arr elif method == 'uninit' or method == 'uninitTestDrive': offchain = offchain.replace(CONST.CRYPTOSIGN_OFFCHAIN_PREFIX, '') offchain = int(offchain.replace('m', '')) handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(offchain) if handshake is not None: handshake.bk_status = handshake.status handshake.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_MAKER_UNINIT_FAILED'] db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(handshake) return arr, None elif method == 'collect' or method == 'collectTestDrive': offchain = offchain.replace(CONST.CRYPTOSIGN_OFFCHAIN_PREFIX, '') if 'm' in offchain: offchain = int(offchain.replace('m', '')) handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(offchain) if handshake is not None: handshake.bk_status = handshake.status handshake.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_COLLECT_FAILED'] db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(handshake) return arr, None elif 's' in offchain: offchain = int(offchain.replace('s', '')) shaker = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id(offchain) if shaker is not None: shaker.bk_status = shaker.status shaker.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_COLLECT_FAILED'] db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(shaker) return None, arr elif method == 'refund': offchain = offchain.replace(CONST.CRYPTOSIGN_OFFCHAIN_PREFIX, '') if 'm' in offchain: offchain = int(offchain.replace('m', '')) handshake = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id(offchain) if handshake is not None: handshake.bk_status = handshake.status handshake.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_REFUND_FAILED'] db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(handshake) return arr, None elif 's' in offchain: offchain = int(offchain.replace('s', '')) shaker = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id(offchain) if shaker is not None: shaker.bk_status = shaker.status shaker.status = HandshakeStatus['STATUS_REFUND_FAILED'] db.session.flush() arr = [] arr.append(shaker) return None, arr elif method == 'report': outcome_id, result = offchain.replace('cryptosign_report', '').split('_') if outcome_id is None: return None, None print 'report fail with outcome_id {}'.format(outcome_id) outcome = Outcome.find_outcome_by_id(outcome_id) if outcome is not None and outcome.result == CONST.RESULT_TYPE[ 'PROCESSING']: outcome.result = CONST.RESULT_TYPE['REPORT_FAILED'] db.session.flush() send_report_slack.delay(, result, status=0) elif method == 'resolve': outcome_id, result = offchain.replace('cryptosign_resolve', '').split('_') if outcome_id is None: return None, None print 'resolve fail with outcome_id {}'.format(outcome_id) outcome = Outcome.find_outcome_by_id(outcome_id) if outcome is not None and outcome.result == CONST.RESULT_TYPE[ 'DISPUTED']: outcome.result = CONST.RESULT_TYPE['REPORT_FAILED'] db.session.flush() return None, None
def test_test_save_refund_state_for_all(self): self.clear_data_before_test() arr_hs = [] arr_sk = [] # ----- handshake1 = Handshake( hs_type=3, chain_id=4, user_id=88, outcome_id=88, odds=1.5, amount=1, currency='ETH', side=2, remaining_amount=0, from_address='0x123', status=HandshakeStatus['STATUS_REFUND_PENDING'] ) db.session.add(handshake1) db.session.commit() arr_hs.append(handshake1) handshake2 = Handshake( hs_type=3, chain_id=4, user_id=88, outcome_id=88, odds=1.5, amount=1, currency='ETH', side=2, remaining_amount=0, from_address='0x123', status=HandshakeStatus['STATUS_MAKER_UNINITED'] ) db.session.add(handshake2) db.session.commit() arr_hs.append(handshake2) handshake3 = Handshake( hs_type=3, chain_id=4, user_id=99, outcome_id=88, odds=1.5, amount=1, currency='ETH', side=2, remaining_amount=0, from_address='0x123', status=HandshakeStatus['STATUS_INITED'] ) db.session.add(handshake3) db.session.commit() arr_hs.append(handshake3) # ----- shaker1 = Shaker( shaker_id=88, amount=0.2, currency='ETH', odds=6, side=1,, from_address='0x123', chain_id=4, status=HandshakeStatus['STATUS_REFUND_PENDING'] ) db.session.add(shaker1) db.session.commit() arr_sk.append(shaker1) # ----- shaker2 = Shaker( shaker_id=88, amount=0.2, currency='ETH', odds=6, side=1,, from_address='0x123', chain_id=4, status=HandshakeStatus['STATUS_REFUND_PENDING'] ) db.session.add(shaker2) db.session.commit() arr_sk.append(shaker2) handshakes, shakers = handshake_bl.save_refund_state_for_all(88, 88) actual = None hs1 = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id( self.assertEqual(hs1.status, HandshakeStatus['STATUS_REFUNDED']) hs2 = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id( self.assertEqual(hs2.status, HandshakeStatus['STATUS_MAKER_UNINITED']) hs3 = Handshake.find_handshake_by_id( self.assertEqual(hs3.status, HandshakeStatus['STATUS_INITED']) sk1 = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id( self.assertEqual(sk1.status, HandshakeStatus['STATUS_REFUNDED']) sk2 = Shaker.find_shaker_by_id( self.assertEqual(sk2.status, HandshakeStatus['STATUS_REFUNDED']) for item in arr_hs: db.session.delete(item) db.session.commit() for item in arr_sk: db.session.delete(item) db.session.commit()