def test_compare_two_deep_dicts_with_list_contains(self): dict_actual = { "data1": [{ "Overhead": "45.17%", "Command": "uwsgi", "Shared Object": "", "Symbol": "[.] 0x000000000011c525" }, { "Overhead": "1.25%", "Command": "uwsgi", "Shared Object": "", "Symbol": "[.] 0x0000000000006b00" }], "data2": "lepv" } dict_expected = { "data1": [{ "Overhead": "45.17%", "Command": "uwsgi", "Shared Object": "", "Symbol": "[.] 0x000000000011c525" }], } comp_result =, dict_expected) self.assertEqual( comp_result, 1, 'If the first deep dict with list contains the second, the result should be 1' )
def test_compare_two_deep_dicts_with_list_not_equal_not_contains_not_contained( self): dict_actual = { "data1": [ { "Overhead": "45.17%", "Command": "uwsgi", "Shared Object": "", "Symbol": "[.] 0x000000000011c525" }, ], "data2": "lepv" } dict_expected = { "data1": [{ "Overhead": "1.25%", "Command": "uwsgi", "Shared Object": "", "Symbol": "[.] 0x0000000000006b00" }], "data2": "lepv" } comp_result =, dict_expected) self.assertEqual( comp_result, 2, 'If two deep dicts with list are no inclusion relationship, the result should be 2' )
def test_compare_two_null_dicts_should_equal(self): dict_1 = None dict_2 = None comp_result =, dict_2) self.assertEqual( comp_result, 0, 'The comparison result of two null dicts should be 0')
def test_compare_empty_dict_being_contained(self): dict_1 = {"project": "lepv"} dict_2 = {} comp_result =, dict_2) self.assertEqual( comp_result, 1, 'Empty dict should be considered "contained" by any non-empty dict' )
def test_compare_two_empty_dicts_should_equal(self): dict_1 = {} dict_2 = {} comp_result =, dict_2) self.assertEqual( comp_result, 0, 'The comparison result of two empty dicts should be 0')
def test_compare_two_deep_dicts_with_arrays(self): with open('./dict_data/a.json') as json_file: expected_json = json.load(json_file) with open('./dict_data/b.json') as json_file: same_json = json.load(json_file) comp_result =, same_json) self.assertEqual(comp_result, 0, 'Two identical dicts with deep arrays should equal')
def test_compare_two_flat_dicts_equal(self): dict_1 = {"project": "lepv"} dict_2 = {"project": "lepv"} comp_result =, dict_2) self.assertEqual( comp_result, 0, 'The comparison result of two identical flat dicts should be 0')
def test_compare_two_deep_dicts_contains(self): dict_1 = {"project1": {"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2"}, "project2": "lepv2"} dict_2 = {"project1": {"k1": "v1"}, "project2": "lepv2"} comp_result =, dict_2) self.assertEqual( comp_result, 1, 'If the first deep dict contains the second, the result should be 1' )
def test_compare_two_deep_dicts_not_equal_not_contains_not_contained(self): dict_1 = {"project1": {"k1": "v1"}, "project2": "lepv2"} dict_2 = {"project1": {"k1": "v2", "k2": "v1"}, "project2": "lepv2"} comp_result =, dict_2) self.assertEqual( comp_result, 2, 'If two deep dicts are no inclusion relationship, the result should be 2' )
def test_compare_two_flat_dicts_not_equal_not_contains_not_contained(self): dict_1 = {"project1": "lepv1", "project2": "lepv2"} dict_2 = {"project3": "lepv3", "project4": "lepv4"} comp_result =, dict_2) self.assertEqual( comp_result, 2, 'If two flat dicts are no inclusion relationship, the result should be 2' )
def test_flame_burner(self): with open('data/perf_script_output.txt') as perf_script_output_file: perf_script_output_lines = perf_script_output_file.readlines() with open('data/perf_script_burned_data.json') as burned_json_file: expected_burned_json = json.load(burned_json_file) burner = FlameBurner() actual_burned_data = burner.burn(perf_script_output_lines) compare_result =, actual_burned_data) self.assertEqual(compare_result, 0, "Expected and Actual does not match")
def test_compare_two_flat_dicts_contains(self): dict_1 = { "project1": "lepv1", "project2": "lepv2", "project3": "lepv3" } dict_2 = {"project1": "lepv1", "project2": "lepv2"} comp_result =, dict_2) self.assertEqual( comp_result, 1, 'If the first flat dict contains the second, the result should be 1' )
def validate(self, expected, actual, expectedMatchType): print("Actual:") pprint(actual) compare_result =, expected) if expectedMatchType == 'equals': self.assertEqual(compare_result, 0, "Expected and Actual does not match") elif expectedMatchType == 'contains': self.assertIn(compare_result, [0, 1], "Actual does not contain the expected") else: print("")