def test_invalid_schema_version(self):
        schema = {
            "schema_version": '0.0.0'   # invalid schema version


  'Tried to instantiate a parser for an invalid schema version')
        except SchemaParserException as spe:
            assert True

  'An unexpected exception was raised')
    def test_mci_mini_with_intro(self):
        # Load the json file as a dict
        schema_file = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_schemas/mci-mini-with-intro.json'))
        schema =
        schema = json.loads(schema)

        # create a parser
        parser = SchemaParserFactory.create_parser(schema)

        assert isinstance(parser, AbstractSchemaParser)

        questionnaire = parser.parse()

        # Check the parser version
        assert parser.get_parser_version() == '0.0.1'

        # check the questionniare properties
        assert isinstance(questionnaire, Questionnaire)
        assert == "22"
        assert questionnaire.survey_id == "23"
        assert questionnaire.title == "Monthly Business Survey - Retail Sales Index"
        assert questionnaire.description == "MCI description"
        assert len(questionnaire.groups) == 1
        assert isinstance(questionnaire.groups[0], Group)

        self.assertIsInstance(questionnaire.introduction, Introduction)
        self.assertEquals(, "<b>This is the legal bit.</b>")
        self.assertEquals(questionnaire.introduction.description, "<p>This is the description.</p>")
    def test_schema_parser_factory(self):
        schema = {
            "schema_version": "0.0.1"

        parser = SchemaParserFactory.create_parser(schema)
        self.assertEqual(parser.get_parser_version(), '0.0.1', "The parser and schema version numbers did not match")
def load_and_parse_schema(eq_id, form_type):
    Use the schema loader to get the schema from disk. Then use the parse to construct the object schema
    :param eq_id: the id of the questionnaire
    :param form_type: the form type
    :return: (json, schema) # Tuple of json and schema object from schema file
    # load the schema

    json_schema = load_schema(eq_id, form_type)
    if json_schema:
        parser = SchemaParserFactory.create_parser(json_schema)
        schema = parser.parse()
        return json_schema, schema
        return None
    def setUp(self):
        application = Flask(__name__)
        application.config['TESTING'] = True
        application.secret_key = 'you will not guess'
        application.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta(seconds=1)

        self.application = application
        with self.application.test_client() as c:
            with c.session_transaction() as sess:
                sess['user_id'] = '1'

        schema_file = open(os.path.join(settings.EQ_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY, "0_star_wars.json"))
        schema =
        # create a parser
        self.schema_json = json.loads(schema)
        parser = SchemaParserFactory.create_parser(self.schema_json)
        self.questionnaire = parser.parse()
    def test_mci_mini(self):
        # Load the json file as a dict
        schema_file = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_schemas/mci-mini.json'))
        schema =
        schema = json.loads(schema)

        # create a parser
        parser = SchemaParserFactory.create_parser(schema)

        assert isinstance(parser, AbstractSchemaParser)

        questionnaire = parser.parse()

        # Check the parser version
        assert parser.get_parser_version() == '0.0.1'

        # check the questionniare properties
        assert isinstance(questionnaire, Questionnaire)
        assert == "22"
        assert questionnaire.survey_id == "23"
        assert questionnaire.title == "Monthly Business Survey - Retail Sales Index"
        assert questionnaire.description == "MCI description"
        assert len(questionnaire.groups) == 1
        assert isinstance(questionnaire.groups[0], Group)

        # check the group properties
        group = questionnaire.groups[0]

        assert == "14ba4707-321d-441d-8d21-b8367366e766"
        assert group.title == ""
        assert len(group.blocks) == 1
        assert isinstance(group.blocks[0], Block)

        # check the block properties
        block = group.blocks[0]
        assert == "cd3b74d1-b687-4051-9634-a8f9ce10a27d"
        assert block.title == "Monthly Business Survey"
        assert len(block.sections) == 1
        assert isinstance(block.sections[0], Section)

        # check the section properties
        section = block.sections[0]
        assert == "2cd99c83-186d-493a-a16d-17cb3c8bd302"
        assert section.title == ""
        assert len(section.questions) == 2
        assert isinstance(section.questions[0], Question)

        # check the question properties
        question = section.questions[0]
        assert == "4ba2ec8a-582f-4985-b4ed-20355deba55a"
        assert question.title == "On 12 January 2016 what was the number of employees for the business named above?"
        assert question.description == "An employee is anyone aged 16 years or over that your organisation directly pays from its payroll(s), in return for carrying out a full-time or part-time job or being on a training scheme."
        assert len(question.answers) == 1
        assert isinstance(question.answers[0], Answer)

        # Check the answer properties
        answer = question.answers[0]
        assert == "29586b4c-fb0c-4755-b67d-b3cd398cb30a"
        assert answer.code == "110"
        assert answer.label == "Male employees working more than 30 hours per week?"
        assert answer.guidance == "How many men work for your company?"
        assert answer.type == "Integer"
        assert answer.display is None

        # check the answer properties on question 2
        question_two = section.questions[1]
        answer = question_two.answers[0]
        assert answer.type == "Textarea"
        assert answer.display is not None
        assert is not None
        assert == "2000"
        assert == "Just for testing"