def test_save_insert(self):
     tester = Position(account_pk = jimid, total_quantity = 10, ticker = "pton")
     result = Position.all()
     self.assertEqual(len(result),2, "len =2 b/c seeded 1 pos and added another")
     self.assertEqual(result[0].ticker,"aapl","all func populates attributes, checking first for row[0] / pk1" )
     self.assertEqual(result[1].ticker,"pton","all func populates attributes, checking email for row[1] / pk2" )
 def test_all(self):
     result = Position.all()
     self.assertEqual(len(result), 1, "all func returns list with correct number of elements 1 is from seed")
     self.assertIsInstance(result[0], Position, "all func returns position object")
     self.assertEqual(result[0].total_quantity, 5, "all func populates attributes")
 def test_save_update(self):
     result = Position.from_pk(jimid)
     result.total_quantity = 12
     result = Position.all()
     self.assertEqual(result[0].total_quantity,12,"all func populates attributes, checking updated first for row[0] / pk1" )