def test_basic_search(self):
        """ TESTING IF redis will return all 'Locations' which have words
            within starting with 'a'

            COMPARING WITH data retrieved from data loaded into MySQL from
            raw file 'film_locations_in_san_francisco.csv' which was
            downloaded from site @

            The comparison data was retrieved from MySQL using the following

            SELECT Locations FROM Locations WHERE Locations REGEXP '[[:<:]]a' ORDER BY Locations ASC
        basepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basepath, "../app", "data", self.mysql_results_file_for_A))
        f = open(filepath, 'r')

        rStore = RedisStore(current_app.config['REDIS_AUTOCOMPLETE_SORTED_SET'], current_app.config['REDIS_HOSTNAME'], current_app.config['REDIS_PORT'], current_app.config['REDIS_DB'], current_app.config['REDIS_PASSWORD'])

        mysql_locations_results = f.readlines()
        mysql_locations_results = [mysql_locations_result.strip(' \t\n\r') for mysql_locations_result in mysql_locations_results]
        redis_results ='a')
        redis_locations_results = [redis_result['Locations'] for redis_result in redis_results]
        redis_locations_results = [redis_locations_result.encode('ascii').strip(' \t\n\r') for redis_locations_result in redis_locations_results]
        redis_locations_results = sorted(redis_locations_results)

    def test_search(self):
        basepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basepath, "../app", "data", self.mysql_results_file_for_Mar))
        f = open(filepath, 'r')

        rStore = RedisStore(current_app.config['REDIS_AUTOCOMPLETE_SORTED_SET'], current_app.config['REDIS_HOSTNAME'], current_app.config['REDIS_PORT'], current_app.config['REDIS_DB'], current_app.config['REDIS_PASSWORD'])

        mysql_locations_results = f.readlines()
        mysql_locations_results = [mysql_locations_result.strip(' \t\n\r') for mysql_locations_result in mysql_locations_results]
        redis_results ='Mar')
        redis_locations_results = [redis_result['Locations'] for redis_result in redis_results]
        redis_locations_results = [redis_locations_result.encode('ascii').strip(' \t\n\r') for redis_locations_result in redis_locations_results]
        redis_locations_results = sorted(redis_locations_results)

    def get(self):
        :queryparam - term
            Word prefix, whole word, or phrase that is passed in an queried upon

        RETURNS list of results
        search_term = request.args.get('term').replace ("'", " ")
        response = []

        #   Wrap access to Redis in try/catch to insure against unavailability for any reason
            rStore = RedisStore(current_app.config['REDIS_AUTOCOMPLETE_SORTED_SET'], current_app.config['REDIS_HOSTNAME'], current_app.config['REDIS_PORT'], current_app.config['REDIS_DB'], current_app.config['REDIS_PASSWORD'])
            rStoreResults =
            response = [rStoreResult['Locations'] for rStoreResult in rStoreResults]
        except RedisException:
            print "Redis unavailable ..."

        return response
    def get(self, location):
        :param - location
            The actual word prefix, whole word or words, comprising
            Location search phrase.
        :queryparam - ac_selected
            Whether or not user selected the Location via the autocomplete
            result dropdown or from typed entry.  If the former an exact
            match is made to the chosen Location, else a partial match
            is made.
        :queryparam - page
            Which page of paginated results to show

        RETURNS list of json results with each entry comprising full film
        metadata.  Pagination information is sent via headers:
            prev    -   previous page to current, 0 if none
            next    -   next page to current, 0 if none
            page    -   current requested page
            num_films_at_locations  - total number of films 'matching' location
            pages   - number of pages of results, 10 per page
        p = request.args.get("page")
        ac = request.args.get("ac_selected")

        if p is None:

            page = int(p)
        except ValueError:
            abort(400)  # it was a string, not an int.

        location = urllib.unquote(location).decode("utf8").replace("'", " ")

            r_store = RedisStore(
            film_locations =
        except RedisException:
            print "Redis unavailable ..."
            response = Response("[]", status=200, mimetype="application/json")
            response.headers["prev"] = 0
            response.headers["next"] = 0
            response.headers["page"] = page
            response.headers["num_films_at_locations"] = 0
            response.headers["pages"] = 0

            return response

        if ac is not None and ac == "True":
            film_locations = [
                for film_location in film_locations
                if film_location["Locations"].replace("'", " ") == location

        num_films_at_locations = len(film_locations)

        start = 10 * (page - 1)
        end = (start + 10) if (start + 10) < num_films_at_locations else num_films_at_locations

        results_per_page = current_app.config["RESULTS_PER_PAGE"]

        pages = num_films_at_locations / results_per_page
        pages = (pages + 1) if num_films_at_locations % results_per_page > 0 else pages

        if (page != 1) and ((page < 1) or (page > pages)):

        prev = 0
        if (page + 1) <= pages:
            next = page + 1
            next = 0
        if (page - 1) > 0:
            prev = page - 1

        js = json.dumps(film_locations[start:end])

        response = Response(js, status=200, mimetype="application/json")

        response.headers["prev"] = prev
        response.headers["next"] = next
        response.headers["page"] = page
        response.headers["num_films_at_locations"] = num_films_at_locations
        response.headers["pages"] = pages

        return response