Exemple #1
 def GET(self):
     username, password = get_basic_auth_credentials()
     r = auth_user(db, username, password)
     if not r[0]:
         web.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
         web.header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Auth API"')
         web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
         return json.dumps({'detail': 'Authentication failed!'})
     web.header("Content-Type", "application/zip; charset=utf-8")
Exemple #2
 def GET(self):
     username, password = get_basic_auth_credentials()
     r = auth_user(db, username, password)
     if not r[0]:
         web.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
         web.header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Auth API"')
         web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
         return json.dumps({'detail': 'Authentication failed!'})
     web.header("Content-Type", "application/zip; charset=utf-8")
     # web.header('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=%s.csv'%file_name)
    def POST(self):
        params = web.input(optoutall="false")
        web.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
        username, password = get_basic_auth_credentials()
        r = auth_user(db, username, password)
        if not r[0]:
            web.header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Auth API"')
            web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
            return json.dumps({'detail': 'Authentication failed!'})

        secreceivers = get_webhook_msg_old(params, 'secreceivers')
        payload = json.loads(secreceivers)
        if params.optoutall == "true":
            for k, v in payload.iteritems():
                contact_id = v['contact_id']
                contact_field = v['contact_field']
                    "UPDATE values_value SET (string_value, decimal_value) = ('', NULL) "
                    "WHERE contact_id = $contact_id AND contact_field_id = $contact_field_id",
                        'contact_id': contact_id,
                        'contact_field_id': contact_field
            return json.dumps({'success': 'true'})

        optout_option = get_webhook_msg_old(params, 'OptOutOption')
        print("OptOutOption => ", optout_option)

            contact_details = payload['%s' % int(float(optout_option))]
            contact_details = None
        if not contact_details:
            return json.dumps({'success': 'False'})

        contact_id = contact_details['contact_id']
        contact_field = contact_details['contact_field']
        print("contact_id=>", contact_id, " fields => ", contact_field)

            "UPDATE values_value SET (string_value, decimal_value) = ('', NULL) "
            "WHERE contact_id = $contact_id AND contact_field_id = $contact_field_id",
                'contact_id': contact_id,
                'contact_field_id': contact_field

        return json.dumps({'success': 'True'})
Exemple #4
    def GET(self, district_code):
        params = web.input(from_date="", type="")
        web.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
        username, password = get_basic_auth_credentials()
        r = auth_user(db, username, password)
        if not r[0]:
            web.header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Auth API"')
            web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
            return json.dumps({'detail': 'Authentication failed!'})

        y = db.query("SELECT id, lft, rght FROM locations WHERE code = $code",
                     {'code': district_code})
        location_id = 0
        if y:
            loc = y[0]
            location_id = loc['id']
            lft = loc['lft']
            rght = loc['rght']
        SQL = (
            "SELECT a.id, a.name, a.code, a.uuid, a.lft, a.rght, a.tree_id, a.tree_parent_id, "
            "b.code as parent_code, c.level, c.name as type, "
            "to_char(a.cdate, 'YYYY-mm-dd') as created "
            " FROM locations a, locations b, locationtype c"
            " WHERE "
            " a.tree_parent_id = b.id "
            " AND a.lft > %s AND a.lft < %s "
            " AND a.type_id = c.id ")
        SQL = SQL % (lft, rght)
        if params.from_date:
            SQL += " AND a.cdate >= $date "
        if params.type:
            SQL += " AND c.name = $type "
        r = db.query(SQL, {
            'id': location_id,
            'date': params.from_date,
            'type': params.type
        ret = []
        for i in r:
        return json.dumps(ret)
    def POST(self):
        params = web.input()
        web.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
        username, password = get_basic_auth_credentials()
        r = auth_user(db, username, password)
        if not r[0]:
            web.header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Auth API"')
            web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
            return json.dumps({'detail': 'Authentication failed!'})

        client = TembaClient(
            config.get('familyconnect_uri', 'http://localhost:8000/'),

        secreceivers = get_webhook_msg_old(params, 'secreceivers')
        payload = json.loads(secreceivers)

        optout_option = get_webhook_msg_old(params, 'OptOutOption')
        print("OptOutOption => ", optout_option)
            contact_details = payload['%s' % int(float(optout_option))]
            contact_details = None
        if not contact_details:
            return json.dumps({'success': 'False'})

        contact_id = contact_details['contact_id']
        contact_uuid = contact_details['uuid']
        print("contact_id=>", contact_id, " uuid => ", contact_uuid)

        date_of_birth = get_webhook_msg_old(params, 'child_dob')

                                     extra={'child_dob': date_of_birth})

        return json.dumps({'success': 'True'})
Exemple #6
    def GET(self):
        # params = web.input(form="")
        web.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")

        username, password = get_basic_auth_credentials()
        r = auth_user(db, username, password)
        if not r[0]:
            web.header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Auth API"')
            web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
            return json.dumps({'detail': 'Authentication failed!'})

        indicators = db.query(
            "SELECT id, form_order, form, slug, cmd, description, shortname, dataset, dataelement, "
            "category_combo, threshold FROM dhis2_mtrack_indicators_mapping "
            "ORDER BY form, form_order")
        ret = {}
        for i in indicators:
            ret[i["slug"]] = {
                'categoryOptionCombo': i['category_combo'],
                'dataElement': i['dataelement'],
                'descr': i['description'],
        return json.dumps(ret)
Exemple #7
 def GET(self, location_code):
     params = web.input(role="")
     web.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
     username, password = get_basic_auth_credentials()
     r = auth_user(db, username, password)
     if not r[0]:
         web.header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Auth API"')
         web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
         return json.dumps({'detail': 'Authentication failed!'})
     ret = []
     reporter_role = params.role
     SQL = (
         "SELECT firstname, lastname, telephone, alternate_tel, email, national_id, "
         "reporting_location, district, role, loc_name, location_code FROM reporters_view4 "
         "WHERE reporting_location IN (SELECT id FROM get_descendants_including_self(( SELECT id FROM "
         "locations WHERE code=$location_code))) ")
     if reporter_role:
         SQL += " AND lower(role) = $role"
     res = db.query(SQL, {
         'location_code': location_code,
         'role': reporter_role.lower()
     if res:
         for r in res:
                 "firstname": r.firstname,
                 "lastname": r.lastname,
                 "telephone": r.telephone,
                 "alternate_tel": r.alternate_tel,
                 "email": r.email,
                 "national_id": r.national_id,
                 "location_name": r.loc_name,
                 "location_code": r.location_code,
                 "distrcit": r.district,
                 "role": r.role
     return json.dumps(ret)
    def GET(self):
        params = web.input(contact="", babytrigger="false")
        web.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
        username, password = get_basic_auth_credentials()
        r = auth_user(db, username, password)
        if not r[0]:
            web.header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Auth API"')
            web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
            return json.dumps({'detail': 'Authentication failed!'})
        SQL = ("SELECT * FROM fcapp_get_secondary_receivers($contact) ")
        if params.babytrigger == "true":
            SQL += " WHERE has_msisdn = 'f'"

        res = db.query(SQL, {'contact': params.contact})
        payload = {'secreceivers': {}}
        receivers_count = 0
        screen_1 = ""
        screen_2 = ""
        screen_3 = ""
        # screen_1_len = 0
        # screen_2_len = 0
        # screen_3_len = 0
        if res:
            for idx, r in enumerate(res, 1):
                receivers_count += 1
                if idx < 6:
                    screen_1 += "%s. %s\n" % (idx, r['name'])
                    payload['secreceivers']['%s' % idx] = {
                        'name': r['name'],
                        'uuid': r['uuid'],
                        'contact_id': r['contact_id'],
                        'contact_field': r['contact_field']
                elif idx > 5 and idx < 11:
                    screen_2 += "%s. %s\n" % ((idx + 1), r['name'])
                    payload['secreceivers']['%s' % (idx + 1)] = {
                        'name': r['name'],
                        'uuid': r['uuid'],
                        'contact_id': r['contact_id'],
                        'contact_field': r['contact_field']
                elif idx > 10 and idx < 16:
                    screen_3 += "%s. %s\n" % ((idx + 2), r['name'])
                    payload['secreceivers']['%s' % (idx + 2)] = {
                        'name': r['name'],
                        'uuid': r['uuid'],
                        'contact_id': r['contact_id'],
                        'contact_field': r['contact_field']

        # screen_1_len = len(screen_1.strip().split('\n'))
        # screen_2_len = len(screen_2.strip().split('\n')) if screen_2 else 0
        # screen_3_len = len(screen_3.strip().split('\n')) if screen_3 else 0

        if screen_2:
            screen_1 += "6. More\n"
            screen_2 += "0. Back"
        if screen_3:
            screen_2 += "12. More\n"
            screen_3 += "0. Back"

        payload['receivers_count'] = receivers_count
        payload['screen_1'] = screen_1
        payload['screen_2'] = screen_2
        payload['screen_3'] = screen_3
        # payload['screen_1_len'] = screen_1_len
        # payload['screen_2_len'] = screen_2_len
        # payload['screen_3_len'] = screen_3_len


        return json.dumps(payload)