def test_ETHBTC(self): base, quote = utils.give_base_quote("ETHBTC") market, dir = utils.give_pair_market_direction( TestGivePairMarketDirection.test_markets, quote, base) self.assertEqual(market, "ETHBTC") self.assertEqual(dir, const.BUY_ORDER_DIRECTION) base, quote = utils.give_base_quote("ETHBTC") market, dir = utils.give_pair_market_direction( TestGivePairMarketDirection.test_markets, base, quote) self.assertEqual(market, "ETHBTC") self.assertEqual(dir, const.SELL_ORDER_DIRECTION)
def test_no_regression(self): new_start = time.time() for i in range(10000): utils.give_base_quote("BTCUSDT") utils.give_base_quote("ETHBTC") new_end = time.time() new_time_taken = new_end - new_start vanilla_start = time.time() for i in range(10000): utils.give_base_quote("BTCUSDT") utils.give_base_quote("ETHBTC") vanilla_end = time.time() vanilla_time_taken = vanilla_end - vanilla_start self.assertLess(new_time_taken, vanilla_time_taken)
def test_BTCUSDT(self): base, quote = utils.give_base_quote("BTCUSDT") # quote to base is a buy market, dir = utils.give_pair_market_direction( TestGivePairMarketDirection.test_markets, quote, base) self.assertEqual(market, "BTCUSDT") self.assertEqual(dir, const.BUY_ORDER_DIRECTION) # base to quote is a sell market, dir = utils.give_pair_market_direction( TestGivePairMarketDirection.test_markets, base, quote) self.assertEqual(market, "BTCUSDT") self.assertEqual(dir, const.SELL_ORDER_DIRECTION) market, dir = utils.give_pair_market_direction( TestGivePairMarketDirection.test_markets, base, quote) self.assertEqual(market, "BTCUSDT") self.assertEqual(dir, const.SELL_ORDER_DIRECTION)
def main(argv): rates = collections.defaultdict(dict) graph = collections.defaultdict(dict) orderbook_dicts = {} markets_info = {} client = Client(CONFIG.API_PUB, CONFIG.API_PRI, {"timeout": 5}) # set up our orderbook_dicts with orderbook instances. # this list will be used to check that we have some data about every market # before executing trades. orderbook_dicts = {m: LimitOrderBook(m) for m in CONFIG.MARKETS} # Retrieve data about markets, IE minimum quantity, minimum price increment etc # Do the moving around before we even start the bot so that we get O(1) # Access later. executed_trades = {} markets_info = initialise_markets_info() start_time = time.time() execute_lock = True execute_trade_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() report_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() execute_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=execute.execute_loop, args=( execute_trade_queue, report_queue, markets_info, CONFIG.EXECUTE_IP, )) reporting_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=reporting.reporting_loop, args=(report_queue, )) listen_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=listen.listen_orderbook, args=(markets_info.keys(), )) execute_process.start() reporting_process.start() if CONFIG.MODE == const.DRY_MODE: listen_process.start() if FLAGS.input: raw_data_queue = Queue() for line in open(FLAGS.input): element_list = json.loads(line) for element in element_list: element[0] = element[0].encode() element[1] = element[1].encode() raw_data_queue.put(element) class FakeSocket(object): pass socket = FakeSocket() socket.recv_multipart = raw_data_queue.get_nowait else:"LIVE DATA FEED") # zmq - subscribe to our zmq server ctx = zmq.Context() socket = ctx.socket(zmq.SUB) socket.connect(CONFIG.ZMQ_SOCKET) socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, CONFIG.ZMQ_TOPIC) socket.linger = 10 b = client.get_asset_balance("USDT") start_bal = float(b["free"]) current_bal = float(b["free"]) while True: # check if the execute_lock is False, check for execution results, update # balances and profits. if not execute_lock: if not execute_trade_queue.empty(): check_exec = execute_trade_queue.get(block=False) else: check_exec = None if check_exec: if check_exec["type"] == const.EXECUTE_RESULT_TYPE: execute_lock = True if check_exec["type"] == const.EXECUTE_TOO_SOON_TYPE: execute_lock = True execute_lock = True # Should the execute_handler update orderbooks with trade results? # We have moved the market; we should be sure not to try and execute on # oppurtunities we've already taken. # We need to keep getting messages if they exist here.. # this implementation for retrieving messages is not ideal. We should # receive messages until there are no more, then perform analysis, and # queue any trades. Then look for more messages. Instead we find one # message and perform analysis / trades on potentially stale info. #"TEST") # msg = None try: topic, msg = socket.recv_multipart(zmq.NOBLOCK) except zmq.error.Again: #"zmq.error.Again".format(msg)) continue if not msg: continue msg = json.loads(msg.decode("utf-8")) topic = topic.decode("utf-8") # topic = ( # topic[WEB_SOCKETS_TOPIC_HEAD_LENGTH: -WEB_SOCKETS_TOPIC_TAIL_LENGTH] # .upper() # ) if not topic: try: topic = msg["market"] except KeyError as e: LOGGER.error( "We weren't able to find the market for this message {}"\ .format(msg) ) continue market = topic base, quote = give_base_quote(market) if market not in orderbook_dicts.keys(): continue orderbook_dicts[market].update_levels_from_partial(msg) rate = orderbook_dicts[market].best_price["price"] add_to_graph(graph, rates, base, rate, quote, TRANSACTION_COST) # ensure all orderbooks are populated before continuing... Not a check # that should really be in the exec loop. orderbooks_populated = True for m, lob in orderbook_dicts.items(): if not orderbooks_populated: break if not lob.last_update: orderbooks_populated = False"{} still not populated".format(m)) if not orderbooks_populated: continue max_q = 0 path_profit = 0 # find_cycles will return cycles sorted by profit multiplier, however actual # profit may be 0 because the quantites available are too small. We should # loop through arbs to see if they provide some profit. # this should be modified to the most profitable path we haven't run this # second. This implementation is PoC of this being the problem. for arbitrage in find_cycles(graph, rates): path = arbitrage["currencies"] trades = [] # get trade market and directions for the path for i in range(len(path) - 1): market, direction = give_pair_market_direction( CONFIG.MARKETS, path[i], path[i + 1]) trades.append({"market": market, "direction": direction}) path_str = "".join(sorted([c["market"] for c in trades])) try: path_last_executed = executed_trades[path_str] except KeyError as e: executed_trades[path_str] = 0 path_last_executed = executed_trades[path_str] if time.time() - path_last_executed < 3: continue executed_trades[path_str] = time.time() max_q = round( give_max_quantity_through_path(trades, rates, orderbook_dicts, 50), 2) # hopefully less quantity equals less risk if max_q > 50.0: max_q = 50.00 # calculate some things path_return = round(max_q * arbitrage["value"], 2) path_profit = round(path_return - max_q, 2) trade_str = "->".join([x["market"] for x in trades]) if path_profit < 0.05: continue if path_profit > 0.05: break # CHECK THE PATH ACTUALLY ADDS UP if max_q > 1 and path_profit > 0.01: # max_q IS FIAT QUANTITY. NEED CRYPTO QUANTITY. base, quote = give_base_quote(trades[0]["market"]) max_q_fiat = max_q max_q = max_q / rates[base][quote] try: max_q = closest_tradeable_quantity( markets_info[trades[0]["market"]], max_q) except QuantityTooSmallError:"QUANTITY_TOO_SMALL for market".format( trades[0]["market"])) continue # 25% is a little optimistic, let's sanity check this! if arbitrage["value"] > 1.25:"SKIPPING UNREALISTIC PATH VALUE: ".format( arbitrage["currencies"], arbitrage["value"])) "ORDERBOOK BEST PRICES: ", [ orderbook_dicts[x["market"]].best_price["price"] for x in trades ], ) # here investigate the orderbooks for markets in the path with # particular emphasis on their content and last_update timestamp opportunity_tag = str(uuid.uuid4())"{} {} {} {}".format(str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), trade_str, max_q_fiat, path_profit)) if CONFIG.EXECUTE:"{} {} {} {}".format( str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), trade_str, max_q_fiat, path_profit)) report_queue.put({ "obj_type": const.OBJ_TYPE_OPPPORTUNITY, "path": str(trades), "max_q_fiat": max_q_fiat, "path_profit": path_profit, "timestamp": time.time(), "opportunity_tag": opportunity_tag }) # We need a pre-execution check to ensure that the orderbooks were # up to date when the path was generated. now = time.time() break_execute = False for t in trades: if (now - orderbook_dicts[t["market"]].last_update > CONFIG.STALE_TIMEOUT): break_execute = True if break_execute:"STALE PATH") str(now - orderbook_dicts[t["market"]].last_update)) continue del (now) # Update the balance; We've allocated this money. current_bal = current_bal - max_q # put a job onto the executor. if execute_lock: execute_lock = False execute_trade_queue.put({ "type": const.EXECUTE_PATH_TYPE, "path": trades, "rates": rates, "quantity": closest_tradeable_quantity( markets_info[trades[0]["market"]], max_q), "initial_quantity": max_q_fiat, "opportunity_tag": opportunity_tag }) report_queue.put({ "obj_type": const.OBJ_TYPE_EVENT, "event": const.EVENT_OPPORTUNITY_SENT_TO_EXECUTOR, "timestamp": time.time(), "opportunity_tag": opportunity_tag }) else: continue else: report_queue.put({ "obj_type": const.OBJ_TYPE_OPPPORTUNITY, "path": str(trades), "max_q_fiat": max_q_fiat, "path_profit": path_profit, "timestamp": time.time(), "opportunity_tag": opportunity_tag })"{} {} {} {}".format( str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), trade_str, max_q_fiat, path_profit))
def test_all(self): for m in ALL_MARKETS: b, q = utils.give_base_quote(m) self.assertTrue(b != "") self.assertIn(q, ["ETH", "BTC", "USDT", "BNB"])
def test_five(self): b, q = utils.give_base_quote("BTCGBP") self.assertEqual(b, "BTC") self.assertEqual(q, "GBP")
def test_four(self): b, q = utils.give_base_quote("BTCCHF") self.assertEqual(b, "BTC") self.assertEqual(q, "CHF")
def test_three(self): b, q = utils.give_base_quote("BNBETH") self.assertEqual(b, "BNB") self.assertEqual(q, "ETH")
def test_two(self): b, q = utils.give_base_quote("BNBUSDT") self.assertEqual(b, "BNB") self.assertEqual(q, "USDT")
def test_one(self): b, q = utils.give_base_quote("BTCUSDT") self.assertEqual(b, "BTC") self.assertEqual(q, "USDT")
def execute_loop(execute_queue, report_queue, market_info, this_ip=None): client = Client(CONFIG.API_PUB, CONFIG.API_PRI) which_order = { "dry": client.create_test_order, "production": client.create_order, } make_order = which_order["production"] nwmon = utils.SimpleNwmon() while True: try: execorder = json.loads(execute_queue.get(False)) except Exception as e: continue if execorder["type"] == "SHUTDOWN": quit() if "rates" not in execorder: continue limits_ok = nwmon.can_complete_path(len(execorder["path"])) if not limits_ok: continue rates = execorder["rates"] orders = [] EXPECTED_PATH = True # for loops are slow, use a while len trades -1 or something for trade in execorder["path"]: # determine the quantity dependant on the previous quantities this_base, this_quote = utils.give_base_quote(trade["market"]) if len(orders) > 0: prev_base, prev_quote = utils.give_base_quote(orders[-1]["symbol"]) if this_base == prev_base: this_quantity = float(orders[-1]["executedQty"]) else: # we need to work out the order quantity based on the # previously executed quantities. if trade["direction"] == BUY: # previously_executed / base/quote rate this_quantity = utils.closest_tradeable_quantity( market_info[trade["market"]], float(orders[-1]["executedQty"]) / rates[this_base][this_quote], ) if trade["direction"] == SELL: # prev qty * avg_price / base/quote rate exec_prices = [ float(execorder["qty"]) * float(execorder["price"]) for x in orders[-1]["fills"] ] avg_exec_price = round( sum(exec_prices) / float(orders[-1]["executedQty"]), 8 ) # * for sell not / this_quantity = ( float(orders[-1]["executedQty"]) * avg_exec_price * rates[this_base][this_quote] ) this_quantity = utils.closest_tradeable_quantity( market_info[trade["market"]], this_quantity ) else: this_quantity = float(execorder["quantity"]) try: order = make_order( symbol=trade["market"], side=trade["direction"], type="LIMIT", quantity=utils.closest_tradeable_quantity( market_info[trade["market"]], this_quantity ), price=str(round(rates[this_base][this_quote], 8)), timeInForce=("FOK"), # Fill immediately or cancel newOrderRespType="FULL", ) if order["status"] == "FILLED": orders.append(order) nwmon.iterate_order() continue else: nwmon.iterate_order() raise TooSlowException("Too slow.") except (BinanceAPIException, TooSlowException, Exception) as e: # should log error EXPECTED_PATH = False if len(orders) > 0: prev_base, prev_quote = utils.give_base_quote(orders[-1]["symbol"]) direction = orders[-1]["side"] if direction == BUY: currency = prev_base if direction == SELL: currency = prev_quote # membership check quicker if config.ALL_MARKETS was a dict if currency + "USDT" not in config.ALL_MARKETS: order = order_method( symbol=currency + "BTC", side=SELL, type="MARKET", quantity=closest_tradeable_quantity( market_info[str(currency + "BTC")], float(orders[-1]["executedQty"]) ), newOrderRespType="FULL", ) # Next currency will be in > BTC to USDT currency = "BTC" orders.append(order) nwmon.iterate_order() order = order_method( symbol=currency + "USDT", side=SELL, type="MARKET", quantity=closest_tradeable_quantity( market_info[str(currency + "USDT")], float(orders[-1]["executedQty"]), ), newOrderRespType="FULL", ) orders.append(order) nwmon.iterate_order() # this break will exit the for each trade in trades loop # but finally will still be executed. break # cancel this path finally: # calculate profit input_q = execorder["quantity"] output_q = 0 if len(orders) > 1: for fill in orders[-1]["fills"]: # Commission will always be the source proceeds = proceeds + float(fill["price"]) * float(fill["qty"]) profit = output_q - input_q profit_percent = proit / input_q * 100 else: profit = 0 profit_percent = 0 proceeds = exec_prices["initial_quantity"] result = { "type": const.EXECUTE_RESULT_TYPE, "obj_type": const.OBJ_TYPE_RESULT, "path": execorder["path"], "orders": orders, "completed_path": EXPECTED_PATH, "profit": profit, "profit_percent": profit_percent, "opportunity_tag": execorder["opportunity_tag"] } report_queue.put(result) execute_queue.put(result)