Exemple #1
def decline(bag):
    contract = g.tran.query(db.Contract).filter_by(id=bag['id']) \
        .filter(or_(db.Contract.status == 'Pending', db.Contract.status == 'Schedule')) \

    if not contract:
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Контракт не найден')

    if g.company.company_type != 'supplier':
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Вы не являетесь поставщиком!')
    contract.status = 'Declined'
    contract = {
        'id': contract.id,
        'code': contract.code,
        'status': contract.status,
        'advert_id': contract.advert_id,
        'purchaser_company_id': contract.purchaser_company_id,
        'supplier_company_id': contract.supplier_company_id,
        'dirsection_id': contract.dirsection_id,
        'total': contract.total,
        'created_date': contract.created_date

    contr = entity.add({CRUD: db.Contract, BOBJECT: contract})
    return {'doc': contr}
Exemple #2
def put(bag):
    data = {"type": bag["type"]}
    del bag["type"]
    if '_created' in bag:
        del bag["_created"]
    if '_deleted' in bag:
        del bag["_deleted"]

    table_name = data["type"]
    table = getattr(db, table_name)

    if table is None or not issubclass(table, (db.Base, db.CouchSync)):
        raise CbsException(TABLE_NOT_FOUND)

    for key in bag:
        data[key] = bag[key]
    # del_columns(data)

    for column in table.metadata.tables.get(table_name.lower()).columns._data:
        nullable = table.metadata.tables.get(
        if not nullable and not column.startswith(
                "_") and not column == "entry_user_id" and column not in data:
            raise CbsException(KEY_ERROR,
        elif not column.startswith(
                "_") and not column == "entry_user_id" and column not in data:
            data[column] = None

    pg_db = PostgresDatabase()
    _id, _rev = pg_db.store(data, new_edits=True)
    return {"ok": True, "id": _id, "rev": _rev}
Exemple #3
def putUsername(bag):
    user = g.tran.query(db.User).filter(db.User.id != g.user.id, db.User.username == bag[USERNAME]).first()
    if user is not None:
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Такое имя пользователя уже есть')
    result = re.match('^[a-zA-Z]+[\w\-_]+$', bag[USERNAME])
    if not result:
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR,
                           u'Имя пользователя может содержать только латинские буквы, цифры и знаки "-" и "_"!')
    user = g.tran.query(db.User).filter_by(id=g.user.id).first()
    password = sha1(bag[PASSWORD].encode('utf-8') + user.secure.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
    if password == user.password:
        user.username = bag[USERNAME]
        raise CbsException(WRONG_PASSWORD)

    user_data = {
        ID: user.id,
        USERNAME: user.username,
        EMAIL: user.email,
        'role': user.role,
        'rec_date': user.rec_date,
        'data': user.data
    return {'user': user_data}
Exemple #4
def finish(bag):
    inv = g.tran.query(db.Invoice)\
        .filter(and_(db.Invoice.id == int(bag['id']),
                     db.Invoice.status is not True,
                     db.Invoice.purchaser_company_id == g.company._id))\

    if not inv:
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Не найден счет')

    contract = g.tran.query(db.Contract)\
        .filter(and_(db.Contract.id == inv.contract_id,
                     db.Contract.status == 'Active',
                     db.Contract.purchaser_company_id == g.company._id))\

    if not contract:
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Не найден договор')

    inv.status = 'Finished'

    # save

Exemple #5
 def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs):
     # Only for not authenticated users.
     if not hasattr(g, 'user') or not g.user:
         raise CbsException(USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED)
     if g.user.role < 10:
         raise CbsException(USER_NO_ACCESS)
     return fn(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #6
    def save(self, bag):
        if '_created' in bag:
            del bag["_created"]
        if '_deleted' in bag:
            del bag["_deleted"]
        if 'date' not in bag['data']:
            bag["data"]['date'] = str(datetime.now())

        if '_id' in bag:
            query = g.tran.query(db.Document).filter_by(_id=bag['_id']) \
                .filter(db.Document.data.contains(type_coerce({"user_id": g.user.id}, JSONB)),
                        db.Document.document_status != 'committed')
            document = query.first()
            if document is None:
                raise CbsException(USER_NO_ACCESS)
        if g.user.roles_id is None:
            raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR,
                               u'Вам необходимо получить права')
            pg_db = PostgresDatabase()
            bag['type'] = 'Document'
            bag['document_status'] = 'draft'
            bag['data']['user_id'] = g.user.id
            if len(g.user.roles_id) > 0:
                bag['approval']['approval_roles'] = []
                for role_id in bag['approval']['roles_id']:
                        'role_id': role_id
            _id, _rev = pg_db.store(bag, new_edits=True)
        return {"ok": True, "id": _id, "rev": _rev}
Exemple #7
def put(bag):
    user = g.tran.query(db.User).filter_by(id=bag['id']).first()

    if user.username != bag['username']:
        if g.tran.query(db.User).filter_by(username=bag['username']).filter(db.User.id != user.id).count() > 0:
            raise CbsException(USER_ALREADY_EXISTS)
    if user.email != bag['email']:
        if g.tran.query(db.User).filter_by(email=bag['email']).filter(db.User.id != user.id).count() > 0:
            raise CbsException(USER_EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS)

    if 'password' in bag:
        password = sha1(bag[PASSWORD].encode('utf-8') + user.secure.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        if bag[PASSWORD] != user.password and password != user.password and is_admin():
            user.password = password

    user.username = bag['username']
    user.email = bag['email']
    user.data = bag['data']
    if 'roles_id' in bag:
        user.roles_id = bag['roles_id']

    user_data = {
        ID: user.id,
        USERNAME: user.username,
        EMAIL: user.email,
        'role': user.role,
        'roles_id': user.roles_id,
        'rec_date': user.rec_date,
        'data': user.data
    return {'user': user_data}
Exemple #8
def delete(bag):
    if 'company_id' in g.session and not is_admin():
        bag['company_id'] = g.session['company_id']

    # if not is_admin() and "company_id" not in bag:
    #     raise CbsException(USER_NO_ACCESS)

    table_name = bag["type"]
    table = getattr(db, table_name)

    if table is None or not issubclass(table, (db.Base, db.CouchSync)):
        raise CbsException(TABLE_NOT_FOUND)

    if not is_admin():
        item_query = g.tran.query(table).filter_by(_deleted="infinity",
        if table == db.Companies:
            item_query = item_query.filter(table._id == bag["company_id"],
                                           table.user_id == g.user.id)
            if issubclass(table, db.CompanySync):
                item_query = item_query.filter(
                    table.company_id == bag["company_id"])
        elif table == db.Companyemployees:
            item_query = item_query.filter(table.user_id == bag["user_id"])
            if issubclass(table, db.CompanySync):
                item_query = item_query.filter(
                    table.company_id == bag["company_id"])
            item_query = item_query.first()
            if item_query is None:
                raise CbsException(USER_NO_ACCESS)

    pg_db = PostgresDatabase()
    _id, _rev = pg_db.remove(bag["_id"], bag["_rev"])
    return {"ok": True, "id": _id, "rev": _rev}
Exemple #9
def register(bag):
    if 'data' not in bag:
        bag['data'] = {}
    bag['secure'] = pyotp.random_base32()
    bag[PASSWORD] = sha1(bag[PASSWORD] + bag['secure']).hexdigest()

    if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z]+[\w\-_]+$', bag[USERNAME]):
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR,
                           u'Имя пользователя может содержать только латинские буквы, цифры и знаки "-" и "_"!')

    user = g.tran.query(db.User).filter(or_(db.User.username == bag[USERNAME], db.User.email == bag[EMAIL])).first()
    if user:
        raise CbsException(USER_ALREADY_EXISTS)
    user = entity.add({CRUD: db.User, BOBJECT: bag})

    user_data = {
        ID: user.id,
        USERNAME: user.username,
        EMAIL: user.email,
        'role': user.role,
        'roles_id': user.roles_id,
        'rec_date': user.rec_date,
        'data': user.data

    token = redis_session.open_session({'user_id': user.id})

    return {'token': token, 'user': user_data}
Exemple #10
def finish(bag):
    contract = g.tran.query(db.Contract) \
        .filter(and_(db.Contract.id == bag['id'],
                     db.Contract.status == 'Active',
                     db.Contract.purchaser_company_id == g.company._id)) \

    if not contract:
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Не найден договор')

    invoices = g.tran.query(db.Invoice) \
        .filter(and_(db.Invoice.contract_id == contract.id, db.Invoice.status != 'Finished')) \

    if invoices:
        raise CbsException(
            u'Необходимо завершить все платежи по данному контракту!')

    consigments = g.tran.query(db.Consignment) \
        .filter(db.Consignment.contract_id == contract.id, db.Consignment.got_status != True) \

    if consigments:
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Необходимо завершить накладные!')

    contract.status = 'Finished'

    # save

Exemple #11
def check_email(email):
    if has_cyrillic(email):
        raise CbsException(CYRILLIC_LOGIN)
    if not is_valid_email(email):
        raise CbsException(WRONG_EMAIL)

    user = g.tran.query(db.User).filter(db.User.email == email).first()
    if user:
        raise CbsException(USER_EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS)
Exemple #12
def check_role():
    role_type = g.user.roleType
    err_msg = 'У Вас нет полномочий для этой подписи.Необходим учетная запись Руководителя организации.'
    if role_type['roleType'] == 1:
        if role_type['id'] != 8:
            raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, err_msg)
    elif role_type['roleType'] == 2:
        if role_type['id'] != 5:
            raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, err_msg)
Exemple #13
def get(bag):
    if not bag.get('inn'):
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'ИНН организации отсутствует')
    if not bag.get('code'):
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'CPV Код отсутствует')
    url = "http://localhost:8080"
    data = {'inn': bag['inn'], 'code': bag['code']}
    headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}
    r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, timeout=60)
    return {'data': r}
Exemple #14
    def build(doc_type):
        if not doc_type:
            raise CbsException(DOCUMENT_TYPE_UNDEFINED)

            module = importlib.import_module('app.docs.' + doc_type)
            clazz = getattr(module, doc_type.capitalize())
            clazz = clazz()
        except Exception:
            raise CbsException(DOCUMENT_TYPE_UNDEFINED)
        return clazz
Exemple #15
def check_password(bag):
    if has_cyrillic(bag[PASSWORD]):
        raise CbsException(CYRILLIC_PASSWORD)
    elif not has_digit(bag[PASSWORD]):
        raise CbsException(PASSWORD_MUSTBE_LATIN_AND_DIGIT)
    elif not has_latin(bag[PASSWORD]):
        raise CbsException(PASSWORD_MUSTBE_LATIN_AND_DIGIT)
    elif 'confirm_password' in bag and bag[PASSWORD] != bag['confirm_password']:
        raise CbsException(DO_NOT_MATCH_PASSWORDS)
    elif len(bag[PASSWORD]) < 6:
        raise CbsException(PASSWORD_MUSTBE_MORE_THAN_6_SYMBOLS)
Exemple #16
def app_check(bag):
    if bag.get('_id'):
        advert = g.tran.query(db.Advert).filter_by(_deleted='infinity',
        advert_lots = g.tran.query(db.Advert_lot).filter_by(
            _deleted='infinity', advert_id=advert._id).all()
        for lot in advert_lots:
            applications = g.tran.query(db.Application).filter_by(
                _deleted='infinity', advert_lot_id=lot._id).all()
            for app in applications:
                if app.company_id != g.company._id:
                    c_emp_user_ids = []
                    my_c_emp_user_ids = []
                    company_employes = g.tran.query(db.Companyemployees) \
                        .filter(db.Companyemployees.company_id == app.company_id).all()
                    for user in company_employes:
                    my_comp_emp = g.tran.query(db.Companyemployees) \
                        .filter(db.Companyemployees.company_id == g.company._id).all()
                    for user in my_comp_emp:
                    ce = Set(c_emp_user_ids)
                    mce = Set(my_c_emp_user_ids)
                    set_user = list(ce.intersection(mce))
                    if len(set_user) > 0:
                        raise CbsException(
                            u'Уважаемый поставщик, система не пропустит заявку поставщика, если подается'
                            u' одними и теми же лицами от двух и более организаций на опубликованный '
                            u'конкурс либо закупку, в этой связи просим проверить у себя лиц, подавщих '
                            u'заявку от другой организации, но числящийся в вашей организации.'
                            u' Основание: "Статья 6 Конфликт интересов" Закона Кыргызской '
                            u'Республики о государственных закупках')
Exemple #17
    def saveapproval(self, bag):
        if '_created' in bag:
            del bag["_created"]
        if '_deleted' in bag:
            del bag["_deleted"]
        if 'date' not in bag['data']:
            bag["data"]['date'] = str(datetime.now())

        if '_id' in bag:
            query = g.tran.query(db.Document).filter_by(_id=bag['_id']) \
                .filter(db.Document.document_status != 'committed')
            document = query.first()
            if document is None:
                raise CbsException(USER_NO_ACCESS)

        pg_db = PostgresDatabase()
        bag['type'] = 'Document'
        bag['document_status'] = 'draft'
        if len(g.user.roles_id) > 0:
            bag['approval']['approval_roles'] = []
            for role_id in bag['approval']['roles_id']:
                    'role_id': role_id
        _id, _rev = pg_db.store(bag, new_edits=True)
        return {"ok": True, "id": _id, "rev": _rev}
Exemple #18
 def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs):
     if not hasattr(g,
                    'company') and g.company.company_type == 'supplier':
         raise CbsException(
             u'Ваша организация не является поставщиком!')
     return fn(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #19
def pur_submit(bag):
    con_status = ["Schedule", "Review"]
    contract = g.tran.query(db.Contract) \
        .filter_by(id=bag['id']) \
                     db.Contract.purchaser_company_id == g.company._id)) \

    if not contract:
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Не найден договор')

    contract.date_pur_submit = datetime.datetime.now()
    contract.status = 'Pending'

    if bag.get('comment'):
            "pur_company": g.company._id,
            "comment": bag['comment'],
            "date": datetime.datetime.now()

    # save
    entity.add({CRUD: db.Contract, BOBJECT: orm_to_json(contract)})

Exemple #20
def listing(bag):
    invoices = []
    pur_comp = aliased(db.Companies)
    sup_comp = aliased(db.Companies)

    if not bag.get('contract_id'):
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Укажите id договора')

    sql = g.tran.query(db.Invoice, pur_comp.short_name.label('pur_company'), db.DirSection,
                       sup_comp.short_name.label('sup_company')) \
        .outerjoin(pur_comp, and_(db.Invoice.purchaser_company_id == pur_comp._id,
                                  pur_comp._deleted == INFINITY)) \
        .outerjoin(db.Advert, and_(db.Invoice.advert_id == db.Advert._id,
                                   db.Advert._deleted == INFINITY)) \
        .outerjoin(db.DirSection, and_(db.Advert.dirsection_id == db.DirSection._id,
                                       db.DirSection._deleted == INFINITY)) \
        .outerjoin(sup_comp, and_(db.Invoice.supplier_company_id == sup_comp._id,
                                  sup_comp._deleted == INFINITY)) \
        .filter(or_(db.Invoice.purchaser_company_id == g.company._id,
                    db.Invoice.supplier_company_id == g.company._id)) \
        .filter(db.Invoice.contract_id == bag['contract_id'])\

    for ct, pur_company, section, sup_company in sql.all():
        contract = orm_to_json(ct)
        contract['pur_company'] = pur_company if pur_company else ''
        contract['sup_company'] = sup_company if sup_company else ''
        contract['dirsection'] = section.name if section else ''

    return {'docs': invoices}
Exemple #21
def read(bag):
    notification = g.tran.query(db.NotificationCompany).filter_by(
        company_id=g.company._id, id=bag[ID]).first()
    if notification:
        notification.notification_status = 'read'
        return {'notification': notification}
    raise CbsException(NO_DATA)
Exemple #22
def getSpecDict(bag):
    if "id" in bag:
        Advert_lot_specifications = g.tran.query(db.Advert_lot_specification) \
            .filter_by(_deleted='infinity', advert_lot_id=bag['id']).all()
        Advert_lot_dictionary = g.tran.query(db.Advert_lot_dictionaries) \
            .filter_by(_deleted='infinity', advert_lot_id=bag['id']).all()
        s = ''
        code = ''
        for lot_spec in Advert_lot_specifications:
            property = g.tran.query(db.SpecificationProperty) \
            value = g.tran.query(db.SpecificationPropertyValue) \
            s += ' ' + property.name + ": " + value.name + ', '
        for lot_dict in Advert_lot_dictionary:
            table = getattr(db, lot_dict.dirname) if hasattr(
                db, lot_dict.dirname) else None
            dirvalue = g.tran.query(table).filter_by(
                    table._id == lot_dict.dictionary_id).first()
            spec_dict = g.tran.query(db.SpecificationDictionary).filter_by(
            s += ' ' + spec_dict.name + ": " + dirvalue.name + ', '
            if table == db.DirUnits:
                code = dirvalue
        return {'specifications': s, 'dirunitcode': code}
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Не хватает LotId')
Exemple #23
def publish(bag):
    bag_advert = bag['advert']
    result = None

    advert = g.tran.query(db.Advert) \
        .filter_by(_deleted='infinity', _id=bag_advert['_id'], status='Draft') \

    if not advert:
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Объявление не найдено')
    Force_status_list = [
    dirprocumenet = g.tran.query(db.DirProcurement) \
                                               db.DirProcurement._id == advert.dirprocurement_id) \
    if not dirprocumenet:
        result = controller.call(controller_name='announce.put',

    advert = orm_to_json(advert)

    advert['type'] = 'Advert'
    advert['code'] = result.get('orderNumber',
                                get_code()) if result else get_code()
    advert['published_date'] = datetime.datetime.now()
    advert['update_date'] = datetime.datetime.now()
    advert['status'] = 'Published'

    controller.call(controller_name='data.put', bag=advert)

Exemple #24
def get_product(bag):
    if "id" in bag:
        product = g.tran.query(db.Product).filter_by(
            _deleted='infinity').filter(db.Product._id == bag["id"]).first()
        product.specifications = []
        product.dictionaries = []
        dircategory = g.tran.query(
        productspec = g.tran.query(db.ProductSpec).filter_by(_deleted='infinity') \
        productdict = g.tran.query(db.ProductDict).filter_by(_deleted='infinity') \
        product.dircategory = dircategory
        for prodspec in productspec:
            specs = {}
            property = g.tran.query(db.SpecificationProperty) \
            value = g.tran.query(db.SpecificationPropertyValue) \
            specs['property'] = property
            specs['value'] = value
        for proddict in productdict:
            dicts = {}
            table = getattr(db, proddict.dirname) if hasattr(
                db, proddict.dirname) else None
            dirvalue = g.tran.query(table).filter_by(
                    table._id == proddict.dictionary_id).first()
            dicts['dirname'] = proddict.dirname
            dicts['value'] = dirvalue
        return {'doc': product}
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Выберите продукт')
Exemple #25
 def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs):
     # Only for not authenticated users.
     if hasattr(g, 'batch') or hasattr(g, 'user') or request.path in [
             '/user/auth', '/user/register'
         return fn(*args, **kwargs)
     raise CbsException(USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED)
Exemple #26
def remove(bag):
    table_name = bag["type"]
    table = getattr(db, table_name)

    if table is None or not issubclass(table, (db.Base, db.CouchSync)):
        raise CbsException(TABLE_NOT_FOUND)

    if not is_admin():
        item_query = g.tran.query(table).filter_by(_deleted="infinity",
        item_query = item_query.first()
        if item_query is None:
            raise CbsException(USER_NO_ACCESS)

    pg_db = PostgresDatabase()
    _id, _rev = pg_db.remove(bag["_id"], bag["_rev"])
    return {"ok": True, "id": _id, "rev": _rev}
def update(bag):
    remark = g.tran.query(db.DisRemarks).filter_by(_deleted='infinity')\
        .filter(db.DisRemarks.dissov_id == bag["dissov_id"],
                db.DisRemarks.document_id == bag["document_id"],
                db.DisRemarks.disapp_status == bag["status"],
                db.DisRemarks.status == 'new').first()
    if remark:
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'Не исправлено замечание')
    controller.call(controller_name='data.put', bag=bag)
Exemple #28
def listing(bag):
    inn = g.user.company['companyInn']
    if not inn:
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'ИНН организации отсутствует')
    year = datetime.date.today().year
    data = {'companyInn': inn, 'year': year}

    resp = portal_post('plan', data)
    return {'data': resp}
Exemple #29
def get(bag):
    if hasattr(g, 'company'):
        roles = g.tran.query(db.Roles).filter_by(_deleted='infinity').filter(
        count = roles.count()
        roles = orm_to_json(roles.all())
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'У вас не выбрана организация')
    return {'docs': roles, 'count': count}
Exemple #30
def listing(bag):
    if hasattr(g, 'company'):
        procurement_id = '62e43b5e-3cca-4d3f-9680-c106c91ed7cf'
        auctions_data = g.tran.query(db.Advert).filter_by(_deleted='infinity', dirprocurement_id=procurement_id) \
            .order_by(db.Advert.created_date.desc(), db.Advert._created).all()

        if bag.get('filter', {}):
            if bag['filter'].get('status', ''):
                auctions_data = auctions_data.filter(
                    db.Advert.status == bag['filter']['status'])

        auctions = []
        for auction in auctions_data:
            advert_lots = g.tran.query(
                    db.Advert_lot.advert_id == auction._id).all()
            lot_budget = 0
            for advert_lot in advert_lots:
                lot_budget += advert_lot.budget
            dirsection = g.tran.query(db.DirSection) \
                .filter_by(_deleted='infinity').filter(db.DirSection._id == auction.dirsection_id).first()
            organization = g.tran.query(db.Companies) \
                .filter_by(_deleted='infinity') \
                .filter(db.Companies._id == auction.company_id).first()
            dirprocurement = g.tran.query(db.DirProcurement) \
                .filter_by(_deleted='infinity') \
                .filter(db.DirProcurement._id == auction.dirprocurement_id).first()
            if g.lang == "ru":
                dirsectionlabel = dirsection.name
            elif g.lang == "en":
                dirsectionlabel = dirsection.name_en if dirsection.name_en else dirsection.name
            elif g.lang == "kg":
                dirsectionlabel = dirsection.name_kg if dirsection.name_kg else dirsection.name
                dirsectionlabel = dirsection.name
            data = {
                "_id": auction._id,
                "code": auction.code,
                "step": auction.step,
                "status": auction.status,
                "start_date": auction.start_date,
                "published_date": auction.published_date,
                "create_date": auction.created_date,
                "update_date": auction.update_date,
                "dirsection": dirsectionlabel,
                "deadline": auction.deadline,
                "organization": organization.name,
                dirprocurement.name if dirprocurement else {},
                "count_lot": len(advert_lots),
                "budget": lot_budget
        count = len(auctions)
        return {'docs': auctions, 'count': count}
        raise CbsException(GENERIC_ERROR, u'У вас нет выбранной организации')