Exemple #1
    def handleMouse(self, info):
        """Mouse handling is a special case. The getch() curses function will
    signal the existence of a mouse event, but the event must be fetched and
    parsed separately."""
        (_, mouseCol, mouseRow, _, bState) = info[0]
        eventTime = info[1]
        rapidClickTimeout = .5

        def findWindow(parent, mouseRow, mouseCol):
            for window in reversed(parent.zOrder):
                if window.contains(mouseRow, mouseCol):
                    return findWindow(window, mouseRow, mouseCol)
            return parent

        window = findWindow(self, mouseRow, mouseCol)
        if window == self:
            app.log.mouse('click landed on screen')
        if self.focusedWindow != window and window.isFocusable:
            app.log.debug('before change focus')
            app.log.debug('after change focus')
        mouseRow -= window.top
        mouseCol -= window.left
        app.log.mouse(mouseRow, mouseCol)
        app.log.mouse("\n", window)
        button1WasDown = self.savedMouseButton1Down
        self.savedMouseButton1Down = False
        #app.log.info('bState', app.curses_util.mouseButtonName(bState))
        if bState & curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED:
            if button1WasDown:
                app.log.mouse(bState, curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED)
                if self.priorClick + rapidClickTimeout <= eventTime:
                    window.mouseRelease(mouseRow, mouseCol,
                                        bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                        bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                        bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
                #  signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, rapidClickTimeout)
                # Some terminals (linux?) send BUTTON1_RELEASED after moving the mouse.
                # Specifically if the terminal doesn't use button 4 for mouse movement.
                # Mouse drag or mouse wheel movement done.
        elif bState & curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED:
            self.savedMouseButton1Down = True
            if (self.priorClick + rapidClickTimeout > eventTime
                    and self.clickedNearby(mouseRow, mouseCol)):
                self.clicks += 1
                self.priorClick = eventTime
                if self.clicks == 2:
                    window.mouseDoubleClick(mouseRow, mouseCol,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
                    window.mouseTripleClick(mouseRow, mouseCol,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
                    self.clicks = 1
                self.clicks = 1
                self.priorClick = eventTime
                self.priorClickRowCol = (mouseRow, mouseCol)
                window.mouseClick(mouseRow, mouseCol,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
        elif bState & curses.BUTTON2_PRESSED:
            window.mouseWheelUp(bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
        elif bState & (curses.BUTTON4_PRESSED | curses.REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION):
            # Notes from testing:
            # Mac seems to send BUTTON4_PRESSED during mouse move; followed by
            #   BUTTON4_RELEASED.
            # Linux seems to send REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION during mouse move; followed by
            #   BUTTON1_RELEASED.
            if self.savedMouseX == mouseCol and self.savedMouseY == mouseRow:
                if bState & curses.REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION:
                    # This is a hack for dtterm mouse wheel on Mac OS X.
                    window.mouseWheelUp(bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                        bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                        bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
                    # This is the normal case:
                    window.mouseWheelDown(bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                          bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                          bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
                if self.savedMouseWindow and self.savedMouseWindow is not window:
                    mouseRow += window.top - self.savedMouseWindow.top
                    mouseCol += window.left - self.savedMouseWindow.left
                    window = self.savedMouseWindow
                window.mouseMoved(mouseRow, mouseCol,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
        elif bState & curses.BUTTON4_RELEASED:
            # Mouse drag or mouse wheel movement done.
            app.log.mouse('got bState',
                          app.curses_util.mouseButtonName(bState), bState)
        self.savedMouseWindow = window
        self.savedMouseX = mouseCol
        self.savedMouseY = mouseRow
Exemple #2
    def handleMouse(self, info):
        """Mouse handling is a special case. The getch() curses function will
    signal the existence of a mouse event, but the event must be fetched and
    parsed separately."""
        (id, mouseCol, mouseRow, mouseZ, bState) = info[0]
        eventTime = info[1]
        rapidClickTimeout = .5

        def findWindow(parent, mouseRow, mouseCol):
            for window in reversed(parent.zOrder):
                if window.contains(mouseRow, mouseCol):
                    return findWindow(window, mouseRow, mouseCol)
            return parent

        window = findWindow(self, mouseRow, mouseCol)
        if window == self:
            app.log.mouse('click landed on screen')
        if self.focusedWindow != window and window.isFocusable:
            app.log.debug('before change focus')
            app.log.debug('after change focus')
        mouseRow -= window.top
        mouseCol -= window.left
        app.log.mouse(mouseRow, mouseCol)
        app.log.mouse("\n", window)
        #app.log.info('bState', app.curses_util.mouseButtonName(bState))
        if bState & curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED:
            app.log.mouse(bState, curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED)
            if self.priorClick + rapidClickTimeout <= eventTime:
                window.mouseRelease(mouseRow, mouseCol,
                                    bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                    bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                    bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
        elif bState & curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED:
            if (self.priorClick + rapidClickTimeout > eventTime
                    and self.clickedNearby(mouseRow, mouseCol)):
                self.clicks += 1
                self.priorClick = eventTime
                if self.clicks == 2:
                    window.mouseDoubleClick(mouseRow, mouseCol,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
                    window.mouseTripleClick(mouseRow, mouseCol,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                            bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
                    self.clicks = 1
                self.clicks = 1
                self.priorClick = eventTime
                self.priorClickRowCol = (mouseRow, mouseCol)
                window.mouseClick(mouseRow, mouseCol,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
        elif bState & curses.BUTTON2_PRESSED:
            window.mouseWheelUp(bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
        elif bState & curses.BUTTON4_PRESSED:
            if self.savedMouseX == mouseCol and self.savedMouseY == mouseRow:
                window.mouseWheelDown(bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                      bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                      bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
                if self.savedMouseWindow and self.savedMouseWindow is not window:
                    mouseRow += window.top - self.savedMouseWindow.top
                    mouseCol += window.left - self.savedMouseWindow.left
                    window = self.savedMouseWindow
                window.mouseMoved(mouseRow, mouseCol,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
        elif bState & curses.REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION:
            if self.savedMouseX == mouseCol and self.savedMouseY == mouseRow:
                # This is a hack for dtterm on Mac OS X.
                window.mouseWheelUp(bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                    bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                    bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
                if self.savedMouseWindow and self.savedMouseWindow is not window:
                    mouseRow += window.top - self.savedMouseWindow.top
                    mouseCol += window.left - self.savedMouseWindow.left
                    window = self.savedMouseWindow
                window.mouseMoved(mouseRow, mouseCol,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_SHIFT,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_CTRL,
                                  bState & curses.BUTTON_ALT)
            app.log.mouse('got bState',
                          app.curses_util.mouseButtonName(bState), bState)
        self.savedMouseWindow = window
        self.savedMouseX = mouseCol
        self.savedMouseY = mouseRow