def test_handle_translate2(): app.test_mode() # msg = {} # msg['text'] = '没有人 overnight 的' # msg['from'] = {} # msg['message_id'] = 0 # msg['chat'] = {'id' : 0} app.handle('没有人 overnight 的', 0, 0)
def test_handle_command_lyrics(): app.test_mode() # msg = {} # msg['text'] = '/lyrics the art of dying by gojira' # msg['from'] = {} # msg['message_id'] = 0 # msg['chat'] = {'id' : 0} app.handle('/lyrics the art of dying by gojira', 0, 0)
def test_handle_translate1(): app.test_mode() # msg = {} # msg['text'] = 'dui you ne?' # msg['from'] = {} # msg['message_id'] = 0 # msg['chat'] = {'id' : 0} app.handle('dui you ne?', 0, 0)
def test_lyrics1(): app.test_mode() app.handle_command('/lyrics backbone by gojira', 0)
def test_wiki3(): app.test_mode() app.handle_command('/wiki asdhajshdkhwirqwiofhaishd', 0)
def test_wiki2(): app.test_mode() app.handle_command('/wiki battery', 0)
def test_wiki1(): app.test_mode() app.handle_command('/wiki metallica', 0)
def test_no_command(): app.test_mode() assert app.handle_command('peanut', 0) == False
def test_animelyrics_no_lyrics(): app.test_mode() app.handle_command('/animelyrics omgwtfbbq', 0)
def test_animelyrics(): app.test_mode() app.handle_command('/animelyrics renai circulation', 0)
def test_lyrics4(): app.test_mode() app.handle_command( '/lyrics asdwqjwodjaosjdoqjwodjaosd by qiwjdoijasidjoqiwjdoiajsodijqwd', 0)
def test_lyrics3(): app.test_mode() app.handle_command('/lyrics asdwqjwodjaosjdoqjwodjaosd', 0)
def test_lyrics2(): app.test_mode() app.handle_command('/lyrics Rapid Elemental Dissolve', 0)