def check_passwd_ldap(self, validate_thispass=None): """Check to see if this user will authenticate with LDAP.""" if not LDAP_TYPE: LOGGING.error('LDAP authentication is disabled') return False searchFilter = "(&(objectcategory=person)(samaccountname=%s))" % self.username if LDAP_TYPE == 'ldap': searchFilter = "(&(%s=%s)%s)" % (LDAP_USERNAMEFIELD, self.username, LDAP_FILTER)'Ldap searchFilter "%s"', searchFilter) result = self.ldap_search(searchFilter, LDAP_SEARCH_BASE) if not result: LOGGING.warning('User "%s" does not exist', self.username) return False ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER) ldp = ldap.initialize(LDAP_URI) ldp.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) ldp.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3) ldp.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND) ldp.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND, True) ldp.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, 255) ldp.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 if not validate_thispass: validate_thispass = self.password try: ldap_username = result[0][0][0] ldp.simple_bind_s(ldap_username, validate_thispass)'User "%s" logged in successfully', self.username) except Exception: LOGGING.error('User "%s" input a wrong password', self.username) return False # create user if not exist in the db if not User.query.filter(User.username == self.username).first(): try: # try to get user's firstname & lastname from LDAP # this might be changed in the future self.firstname = result[0][0][1]['givenName'][0] self.lastname = result[0][0][1]['sn'][0] = result[0][0][1]['mail'][0] except Exception: self.firstname = self.username self.lastname = '' # first register user will be in Administrator role self.role_id = Role.query.filter_by(name='User').first().id if User.query.count() == 0: self.role_id = Role.query.filter_by( name='Administrator').first().id self.create_user()'Created user "%s" in the DB', self.username) return True
def is_validate(self, method): """Validate user credential.""" if method == 'LOCAL': user_info = User.query.filter( User.username == self.username).first() if user_info: if user_info.password and self.check_passwd_local( user_info.password):'User "%s" logged in successfully', self.username) return True LOGGING.error('User "%s" input a wrong password', self.username) return False LOGGING.warning('User "%s" does not exist', self.username) return False if method == 'LDAP': return self.check_passwd_ldap() LOGGING.error('Unsupported authentication method') return False