def test_will_not_run_with_missing_name(reset_mockTime): conf = { "frequency": "* * *", } with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo: BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) assert "'name'" in str(excinfo.value)
def test_view_backups( reset_mockTime, patch_datetime_now, populate_conf_dir, populate_data_dir, tmp_path, capsys, ): expected = "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170555.tgz\n" # Set the backup directory. backup_dir = tmp_path / BASE_BACKUP_DIR # Create the click context that backup_manager expects to deal with ctx = create_click_ctx( Path(populate_conf_dir), Path(populate_data_dir), Path(backup_dir) ) # Create our configuration conf = { "name": "full", "backup_limit": 0, } # Create a backup to view. with capsys.disabled(): backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) backup_config.backup(ctx) backup_manager = BackupManager(conf) backup_manager.view_backups(ctx) captured = capsys.readouterr() output = captured.out assert expected == output
def test_simple_S3_remote_backup_parsing(reset_mockTime): conf = { "name": "full", "remote_backups": [ { "name": "s3_sunday", "strategy_type": "S3", "frequency": "* * 0", "configuration": { "bucket_name": "name", "access_key": "asdf123", "secret_key": "qwer456", "bucket_path": "home/weekly", "tags": {"frequency": "weekley", "type": "data"}, }, } ], } backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) assert backup_config.remote_backups[0].name == "s3_sunday" assert backup_config.remote_backups[0].strategy_type == "S3" assert backup_config.remote_backups[0].frequency == "* * 0" assert backup_config.remote_backups[0].strategy.bucket_name == "name" assert backup_config.remote_backups[0].strategy.access_key == "asdf123" assert backup_config.remote_backups[0].strategy.secret_key == "qwer456" assert backup_config.remote_backups[0].strategy.bucket_path == "home/weekly" assert backup_config.remote_backups[0].strategy.tags["frequency"] == "weekley" assert backup_config.remote_backups[0].strategy.tags["type"] == "data"
def test_frequency_always_run(): conf = {"name": "full", "frequency": "* * *"} backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) result = backup_config.should_run() assert result
def test_backup_with_limit_keep_last_5( reset_mockTime, patch_datetime_now, populate_conf_dir, populate_data_dir, tmp_path ): # Set the backup directory. backup_dir = tmp_path / BASE_BACKUP_DIR # Create the click context that backup_manager expects to deal with. ctx = create_click_ctx( Path(populate_conf_dir), Path(populate_data_dir), Path(backup_dir) ) # Create our configuration. conf = { "name": "full", "backup_limit": 5, } expected_result = set( { "TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170600.tgz", "TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170601.tgz", "TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170602.tgz", "TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170603.tgz", "TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170604.tgz", } ) backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) for x in range(10): backup = backup_config.backup(ctx) mock_time.increment() # Compare as a set so list order does not matter. assert set(os.listdir(os.path.dirname(backup))) == expected_result
def test_data_dir_include_and_exclude_list( reset_mockTime, populate_conf_dir, populate_data_dir, tmp_path ): # Set the backup directory. backup_dir = tmp_path / BASE_BACKUP_DIR # Create the click context that backup_manager expects to deal with. ctx = create_click_ctx( Path(populate_conf_dir), Path(populate_data_dir), Path(backup_dir) ) # Build our list of expected files to find in the backup expected_files = get_expected_files(populate_data_dir, DATA_FILES_ALL).union( get_expected_files(populate_conf_dir, CONF_FILES_ALL) ) expected_files = get_expected_files(populate_conf_dir, set([".hidden/11.log"])) expected_files = expected_files.union( get_expected_files(populate_data_dir, (set(["populated_folder/third.log"]))) ) # Create our configuration. conf = { "name": "full", "file_filter": { "data_dir": {"include_list": ["**/*.log"], "exclude_list": ["**/?.log"]}, "conf_dir": { "include_list": [".hidden/**/*"], "exclude_list": ["**/*.txt"], }, }, } backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) backup = backup_config.backup(ctx) assert Path(backup).exists() assert get_tar_contents(backup) == expected_files
def test_minimum_config_required_for_local_backup( reset_mockTime, populate_conf_dir, populate_data_dir, tmp_path ): """ Try to create a backup file with the minimum of config set. Check that the file was created and that its contents were expected. """ # Set the backup directory. backup_dir = tmp_path / BASE_BACKUP_DIR # Create the click context that backup_manager expects to deal with ctx = create_click_ctx( Path(populate_conf_dir), Path(populate_data_dir), Path(backup_dir) ) # Build our list of expected files to find in the backup expected_files = get_expected_files(populate_data_dir, DATA_FILES_ALL).union( get_expected_files(populate_conf_dir, CONF_FILES_ALL) ) # Create our configuration conf = { "name": "full", } backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) backup = backup_config.backup(ctx) assert Path(backup).exists() assert get_tar_contents(backup) == expected_files
def test_view_backups_multiple_backup_strategies( reset_mockTime, patch_datetime_now, populate_conf_dir, populate_data_dir, tmp_path, capsys, ): expected = ( "logs/TEST_APP_LOGS_2020-12-25T170556.tgz\n" "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170555.tgz\n" ) # Set the backup directory. backup_dir = tmp_path / BASE_BACKUP_DIR # Create the click context that backup_manager expects to deal with ctx = create_click_ctx( Path(populate_conf_dir), Path(populate_data_dir), Path(backup_dir) ) # Create our configuration conf_full = { "name": "full", "backup_limit": 0, } conf_logs = { "name": "logs", "file_filter": { "data_dir": {"include_list": ["1.txt", "**/first.txt"]}, "conf_dir": {"include_list": ["**/*.txt"]}, }, } # Create a backup to view. with capsys.disabled(): backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf_full) backup_config.backup(ctx) mock_time.increment() backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf_logs) backup_config.backup(ctx) mock_time.increment() backup_manager = BackupManager([]) backup_manager.view_backups(ctx) captured = capsys.readouterr() output = captured.out assert expected == output
def test_frequency_first_of_month_correct_date(reset_mockTime, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr( "time.time", lambda: 1614568341, # 1st of march ) conf = {"name": "full", "frequency": "1 * *"} backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) result = backup_config.should_run() assert result
def test_defaults_set_correctly_empty_filter_dirs(reset_mockTime): conf = { "name": "full", "frequency": "", "backup_limit": "", "remote_backups": "", "file_filter": {"data_dir": {}, "conf_dir": {}}, } backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) assert backup_config.file_filter.data_dir.include_list == ["**/*"] assert backup_config.file_filter.data_dir.exclude_list == ["[]"] assert backup_config.file_filter.conf_dir.include_list == ["**/*"] assert backup_config.file_filter.conf_dir.exclude_list == ["[]"]
def test_defaults_set_correctly_when_missing(reset_mockTime): conf = { "name": "full", } backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) assert == "full" assert backup_config.backup_limit == 0 assert backup_config.file_filter.data_dir.include_list == ["**/*"] assert backup_config.file_filter.data_dir.exclude_list == ["[]"] assert backup_config.file_filter.conf_dir.include_list == ["**/*"] assert backup_config.file_filter.conf_dir.exclude_list == ["[]"] assert backup_config.remote_backups == [] assert backup_config.frequency == "* * *"
def test_view_multiple_backups_descending_order( reset_mockTime, patch_datetime_now, populate_conf_dir, populate_data_dir, tmp_path, capsys, ): expected = ( "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170604.tgz\n" + "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170603.tgz\n" + "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170602.tgz\n" + "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170601.tgz\n" + "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170600.tgz\n" + "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170559.tgz\n" + "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170558.tgz\n" + "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170557.tgz\n" + "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170556.tgz\n" + "full/TEST_APP_FULL_2020-12-25T170555.tgz\n" ) # Set the backup directory. backup_dir = tmp_path / BASE_BACKUP_DIR # Create the click context that backup_manager expects to deal with ctx = create_click_ctx( Path(populate_conf_dir), Path(populate_data_dir), Path(backup_dir) ) # Create our configuration conf = { "name": "full", "backup_limit": 0, } # Create backups to view. with capsys.disabled(): backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) for x in range(10): backup_config.backup(ctx) mock_time.increment() backup_manager = BackupManager(conf) backup_manager.view_backups(ctx) captured = capsys.readouterr() output = captured.out assert expected == output
def test_data_dir_missing_exclude_list( reset_mockTime, populate_conf_dir, populate_data_dir, tmp_path ): # Set the backup directory. backup_dir = tmp_path / BASE_BACKUP_DIR # Create the click context that backup_manager expects to deal with. ctx = create_click_ctx( Path(populate_conf_dir), Path(populate_data_dir), Path(backup_dir) ) # Build our list of expected files to find in the backup expected_files = get_expected_files(populate_data_dir, DATA_FILES_ALL).union( get_expected_files(populate_conf_dir, CONF_FILES_ALL) ) # Create our configuration. conf = {"name": "full", "file_filter": {"data_dir": {"exclude_list": ""}}} backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) backup = backup_config.backup(ctx) assert Path(backup).exists() assert get_tar_contents(backup) == expected_files
def test_backup_with_limit_keep_5( reset_mockTime, patch_datetime_now, populate_conf_dir, populate_data_dir, tmp_path ): # Set the backup directory. backup_dir = tmp_path / BASE_BACKUP_DIR # Create the click context that backup_manager expects to deal with. ctx = create_click_ctx( Path(populate_conf_dir), Path(populate_data_dir), Path(backup_dir) ) # Create our configuration. conf = { "name": "full", "backup_limit": 5, } backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) for x in range(10): backup = backup_config.backup(ctx) mock_time.increment() assert len(os.listdir(os.path.dirname(backup))) == 5
def test_backup_with_unsafe_name_for_files( reset_mockTime, patch_datetime_now, populate_conf_dir, populate_data_dir, tmp_path ): # Set the backup directory. backup_dir = tmp_path / BASE_BACKUP_DIR # Create the click context that backup_manager expects to deal with. ctx = create_click_ctx( Path(populate_conf_dir), Path(populate_data_dir), Path(backup_dir) ) # Create our configuration. conf = { "name": "Backup: Weekly > Sunday", } expected_result = [ "TEST_APP_BACKUP-WEEKLY-SUNDAY_2020-12-25T170555.tgz", ] backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) backup = backup_config.backup(ctx) # Compare as a set so list order does not matter. assert os.listdir(os.path.dirname(backup)) == expected_result
def backup_tgz(populate_conf_dir, populate_data_dir, tmpdir_factory) -> Path: """ Populate a common backup directory and create a backup to be used by all tests. As this is a session fixture any changes to this will effect all tests. Returns: backup: (Path). The backup created. """ backup_dir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp(BASE_BACKUP_DIR) # Create the click context that backup_manager expects to deal with ctx = create_click_ctx( Path(populate_conf_dir), Path(populate_data_dir), Path(backup_dir) ) # Create our configuration conf = { "name": "full", } backup_config = BackupConfig.from_dict(conf) backup = backup_config.backup(ctx) return backup