def add_appdata_file(self):

        # do we have an AppData file?
        filename = './tmp/usr/share/appdata/' + self.app_id + '.appdata.xml'
        fn_extra = '../appdata-extra/' + self.type_id + '/' + self.app_id + '.appdata.xml'
        if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.exists(fn_extra):
                           "deleting %s as upstream AppData file exists" % fn_extra)

        # just use the extra file in places of the missing upstream one
        if os.path.exists(fn_extra):
            filename = fn_extra

        # need to extract details
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            return False

        data = AppData()
        if not data.extract(filename):
                           "AppData file '%s' could not be parsed" % filename)
            return False

        # check AppData file validates
        enable_validation = self.type_id != 'font'
        if enable_validation and os.path.exists('/usr/bin/appdata-validate'):
            env = os.environ
            p = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/appdata-validate',
                                  '--relax', filename],
                                 cwd='.', env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            if p.returncode:
                for line in p.stdout:
                    line = line.replace('\n', '').decode('utf-8')
                                   "AppData did not validate: %s" % line)

        # check the id matches
        if data.get_id() != self.app_id and data.get_id() != self.app_id_full:
                           "The AppData id does not match: " + self.app_id)
            return False

        # check the licence is okay
        if data.get_licence() not in self.cfg.get_content_licences():
                           "The AppData licence is not okay for " +
                           self.app_id + ': \'' +
                           data.get_licence() + '\'')
            return False

        # if we have an override, use it for all languages
        tmp = data.get_names()
        if tmp:
            self.names = tmp

        # if we have an override, use it for all languages
        tmp = data.get_summaries()
        if tmp:
            self.comments = tmp

        # get metadata
        tmp = data.get_metadata()
        if tmp:
            # and extra packages we want to add in?
            if 'ExtraPackages' in tmp:
                for pkg in tmp['ExtraPackages'].split(','):
                    if pkg not in self.pkgnames:
                del tmp['ExtraPackages']

        # get optional bits
        tmp = data.get_urls()
        if tmp:
            for key in tmp:
                self.urls[key] = tmp[key]
        tmp = data.get_project_group()
        if tmp:
            self.project_group = tmp
            self.descriptions = data.get_descriptions()
        except StandardError, e:
                           "failed to add description: %s" % str(e))