def createPeakJpeg(imgdata, peaktree, params, procimgarray=None):
	if 'templatelist' in params:
		count =   len(params['templatelist'])
	else: count = 1
	bin =     int(params["bin"])
	diam =    float(params["diam"])
	apix =    float(params["apix"])
	binpixrad  = diam/apix/2.0/float(bin)
	imgname = imgdata['filename']

	jpegdir = os.path.join(params['rundir'],"jpgs")
	apParam.createDirectory(jpegdir, warning=False)

	if params['uncorrected']:
		imgarray = apDBImage.correctImage(imgdata)
		imgarray = imgdata['image']

	if procimgarray is not None:
		#instead of re-processing image use one that is already processed...
		imgarray = procimgarray
		imgarray = apImage.preProcessImage(imgarray, bin=bin, planeReg=False, params=params)

	outfile = os.path.join(jpegdir, imgname+".prtl.jpg")
	msg = not params['background']
	subCreatePeakJpeg(imgarray, peaktree, binpixrad, outfile, bin, msg)

def createPeakJpeg(imgdata, peaktree, params, procimgarray=None):
        if 'templatelist' in params:
                count =   len(params['templatelist'])
        else: count = 1
        bin =     int(params["bin"])
        diam =    float(params["diam"])
        apix =    float(params["apix"])
        binpixrad  = diam/apix/2.0/float(bin)
        imgname = imgdata['filename']

        jpegdir = os.path.join(params['rundir'],"jpgs")
        apParam.createDirectory(jpegdir, warning=False)

        if params['uncorrected']:
                imgarray = apDBImage.correctImage(imgdata)
                imgarray = imgdata['image']

        if procimgarray is not None:
                #instead of re-processing image use one that is already processed...
                imgarray = procimgarray
                imgarray = apImage.preProcessImage(imgarray, bin=bin, planeReg=False, params=params)

        outfile = os.path.join(jpegdir, imgname+".prtl.jpg")
        msg = not params['background']
        subCreatePeakJpeg(imgarray, peaktree, binpixrad, outfile, bin, msg)

Exemple #3
def processAndSaveImage(imgdata, params):
    imgpath = os.path.join(params['rundir'], imgdata['filename'] + ".dwn.mrc")
    if os.path.isfile(imgpath):
        return False

    #downsize and filter leginon image
    if params['uncorrected']:
        imgarray = apDBImage.correctImage(imgdata)
        imgarray = imgdata['image']
    imgarray = apImage.preProcessImage(imgarray, params=params, msg=False)
    apImage.arrayToMrc(imgarray, imgpath, msg=False)

    return True
def processAndSaveImage(imgdata, params):
	imgpath = os.path.join(params['rundir'], imgdata['filename']+".dwn.mrc")
	if os.path.isfile(imgpath):
		return False

	#downsize and filter leginon image
	if params['uncorrected']:
		imgarray = apDBImage.correctImage(imgdata)
		imgarray = imgdata['image']
	imgarray = apImage.preProcessImage(imgarray, params=params, msg=False)
	apImage.arrayToMrc(imgarray, imgpath, msg=False)

	return True
def runAce(matlab, imgdata, params, showprev=True):
        imgname = imgdata['filename']

        if showprev is True:
                bestctfvalue, bestconf = ctfdb.getBestCtfValueForImage(imgdata)
                if bestctfvalue:
                        print ( "Prev best: '"+bestctfvalue['acerun']['name']+"', conf="+
                                apDisplay.colorProb(bestconf)+", defocus="+str(round(-1.0*abs(bestctfvalue['defocus1']*1.0e6),2))+
                                " microns" )

        if params['uncorrected']:
                imgarray = apDBImage.correctImage(imgdata)
                imgpath = os.path.join(params['rundir'],tmpname)
                apImage.arrayToMrc(imgarray, imgpath)
                print "processing", imgpath
                imgpath = os.path.join(imgdata['session']['image path'], imgname+'.mrc')

        nominal = None
        if params['nominal'] is not None:
        elif params['newnominal'] is True:
                nominal = ctfdb.getBestDefocusForImage(imgdata, msg=True)
        if nominal is None:
                nominal = imgdata['scope']['defocus']

        if nominal is None or nominal > 0 or nominal < -15e-6:
                        apDisplay.printWarning("Nominal should be of the form nominal=-1.2e-6"+\
                                " for -1.2 microns NOT:"+str(nominal))

        #Neil's Hack
        #if 'autosample' in params and params['autosample']:
        #       x = abs(nominal*1.0e6)
        #       val = 1.585 + 0.057587 * x - 0.044106 * x**2 + 0.010877 * x**3
        #       resamplefr_override = round(val,3)
        #       print "resamplefr_override=",resamplefr_override
        #       pymat.eval(matlab, "resamplefr="+str(resamplefr_override)+";")

        pymat.eval(matlab,("dforig = %e;" % nominal))

        if params['stig'] == 0:
                plist = (imgpath, params['outtextfile'], params['display'], params['stig'],\
                        params['medium'], -nominal, params['tempdir']+"/")
                acecmd = makeMatlabCmd("ctfparams = ace(",");",plist)
                plist = (imgname, imgpath, params['outtextfile'], params['opimagedir'], \
                        params['matdir'], params['display'], params['stig'],\
                        params['medium'], -nominal, params['tempdir']+"/", params['resamplefr'])
                acecmd = makeMatlabCmd("ctfparams = measureAstigmatism(",");",plist)

        #print acecmd

        matfile = os.path.join(params['matdir'], imgname+".mrc.mat")
        if params['stig']==0:
                savematcmd = "save('"+matfile+"','ctfparams','scopeparams', 'dforig');"

        ctfvalue = pymat.get(matlab, 'ctfparams')

        ctfdb.printResults(params, nominal, ctfvalue)

        return ctfvalue
def runAce(matlab, imgdata, params, showprev=True):
	imgname = imgdata['filename']

	if showprev is True:
		bestctfvalue = ctfdb.getBestCtfByResolution(imgdata)
		if bestctfvalue:
			bestconf = ctfdb.calculateConfidenceScore(bestctfvalue)
			print ( "Prev best: '"+bestctfvalue['acerun']['name']+"', conf="+
				apDisplay.colorProb(bestconf)+", defocus="+str(round(-1.0*abs(bestctfvalue['defocus1']*1.0e6),2))+
				" microns" )

	if params['uncorrected']:
		imgarray = apDBImage.correctImage(imgdata)
		imgpath = os.path.join(params['rundir'],tmpname)
		apImage.arrayToMrc(imgarray, imgpath)
		print "processing", imgpath
		imgpath = os.path.join(imgdata['session']['image path'], imgname+'.mrc')

	nominal = None
	if params['nominal'] is not None:
	elif params['newnominal'] is True:
		bestctfvalue = ctfdb.getBestCtfByResolution(imgdata)
		nominal = bestctfvalue['defocus1']
	if nominal is None:
		nominal = imgdata['scope']['defocus']

	if nominal is None or nominal > 0 or nominal < -15e-6:
			apDisplay.printWarning("Nominal should be of the form nominal=-1.2e-6"+\
				" for -1.2 microns NOT:"+str(nominal))

	#Neil's Hack
	#if 'autosample' in params and params['autosample']:
	#	x = abs(nominal*1.0e6)
	#	val = 1.585 + 0.057587 * x - 0.044106 * x**2 + 0.010877 * x**3
	#	resamplefr_override = round(val,3)
	#	print "resamplefr_override=",resamplefr_override
	#	pymat.eval(matlab, "resamplefr="+str(resamplefr_override)+";")

	pymat.eval(matlab,("dforig = %e;" % nominal))

	if params['stig'] == 0:
		plist = (imgpath, params['outtextfile'], params['display'], params['stig'],\
			params['medium'], -nominal, params['tempdir']+"/")
		acecmd = makeMatlabCmd("ctfparams = ace(",");",plist)
		plist = (imgname, imgpath, params['outtextfile'], params['opimagedir'], \
			params['matdir'], params['display'], params['stig'],\
			params['medium'], -nominal, params['tempdir']+"/", params['resamplefr'])
		acecmd = makeMatlabCmd("ctfparams = measureAstigmatism(",");",plist)

	#print acecmd

	matfile = os.path.join(params['matdir'], imgname+".mrc.mat")
	if params['stig']==0:
		savematcmd = "save('"+matfile+"','ctfparams','scopeparams', 'dforig');"

	ctfvalue = pymat.get(matlab, 'ctfparams')

	printResults(params, nominal, ctfvalue)

	return ctfvalue