Exemple #1
    def test_update_updates_game(self):
        update_url = "/games/{}".format(self.game.get_id())
        game_number = self.game.get_id() * 100
        name = get_incremental_game_name(game_number)
        description = get_incremental_game_description(game_number)
        match_size = self.game.get_match_size()
        game_data = {"name": name, "description": description, "is_active": False}
        response = self.put(update_url, data=game_data)
        self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code)
        game = json.loads(response.data)
        self.assertEqual(name, game.get("name"))
        self.assertEqual(description, game.get("description"))
        self.assertEqual(match_size, game.get("match_size"))
        self.assertEqual(False, game.get("is_active"))

        # Make sure the game was actually updated in the database
        saved_game = GamesService.get_instance().get(int(game.get("id")))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_id(), game.get("id"))
        self.assertEqual(Game.dump_datetime(saved_game.get_date_created()), game.get("date_created"))
        self.assertEqual(Game.dump_datetime(saved_game.get_date_modified()), game.get("date_modified"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_name(), game.get("name"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_description(), game.get("description"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_match_size(), game.get("match_size"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_is_active(), game.get("is_active"))
Exemple #2
    def test_create_returns_created_status(self):
        game_id = self.NUM_GAMES + 1
        create_url = "/games"
        name = get_incremental_game_name(game_id)
        description = get_incremental_game_description(game_id)
        game_data = {"name": name, "description": description, "match_size": 2}
        response = self.post(create_url, data=game_data)
        self.assertEqual(201, response.status_code)
        game = json.loads(response.data)
        self.assertEqual(name, game.get("name"))
        self.assertEqual(description, game.get("description"))
        self.assertEqual(2, game.get("match_size"))
        self.assertEqual(True, game.get("is_active"))

        # Make sure the game was actually saved to the database
        saved_game = GamesService.get_instance().get(int(game.get("id")))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_id(), game.get("id"))
        self.assertEqual(Game.dump_datetime(saved_game.get_date_created()), game.get("date_created"))
        self.assertEqual(Game.dump_datetime(saved_game.get_date_modified()), game.get("date_modified"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_name(), game.get("name"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_description(), game.get("description"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_match_size(), game.get("match_size"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_is_active(), game.get("is_active"))
Exemple #3
def index():
        "offset": "offset",
        "limit": "limit"

    Response [422] (invalid parameters):
        "errors": {
            "name of parameter that failed validation": [
                "Reason for validation failure"
            "name of another parameter that failed validation": [
                "Reason for validation failure"
        "inputs": {
            "offset": "value passed in. empty string if missing",
            "limit": "value passed in. empty string if missing"

    Response [200] (success):
            "id": "current value",
            "date_created": "current value",
            "date_modified": "current value",
            "name": "current value",
            "description": "current value",
            "match_size": "current value",
            "definition_filler_count": "current value",
            "is_active": "current value"
            "id": "current value",
            "date_created": "current value",
            "date_modified": "current value",
            "name": "current value",
            "description": "current value",
            "match_size": "current value",
            "definition_filler_count": "current value",
            "is_active": "current value"
    # Get the input validator
    inputs = ListInputs(get_inputs())

    # Verify the list inputs
    if inputs.validate():

        games = GamesService.get_instance().get_list(inputs.limit.data, inputs.offset.data)

        return render_view('games/index', 200, games={game.get_id(): game.serialized for game in games})

    return render_view('422', 422, errors=inputs.errors, inputs=inputs.serialized())
Exemple #4
def create():
    # Get the input validator
    inputs = CreateInputs(get_inputs())

    # Verify the match creation inputs
    if inputs.validate_on_submit():
        # Ensure we have a valid game
        game = GamesService.get_instance().get(inputs.game_id.data)
        if game:
            # If an opponent is specified, match with that opponent
            if inputs.opponent_id.data:
                # Ensure that the opponent is a valid user
                opponent = PlayersService.get_instance().get(inputs.opponent_id.data)
                if not opponent:
                    return render_view('422', 422, errors=OPPONENT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, inputs=inputs.serialized())

                # First attempt to find a match already requested by the desired opponent
                match = MatchesService.get_instance().get_opponent_match(
                    game.get_id(), get_current_user(), opponent.get_id()

                # If the match is found, add the player to it and start the match if it's full
                if match:

                # If no match is found, create one that is assigned to the desired opponent,
                # but leave it in the waiting state
                    match = Match(game, get_current_user())
                    match.add_player(opponent, should_start=False)

            # Otherwise, match with a random opponent
                # First, attempt to find a match that is looking for an opponent
                match = MatchesService.get_instance().get_random_match(game.get_id(), get_current_user())

                # If the match is found, add the player to it and start the match if it's full
                if match:

                # If no match is found, create one that is waiting for an opponent
                    match = Match(game, get_current_user())

                return render_view('matches/show', 201, match=match.serialized)
            except Exception as e:
                return render_view('422', 422, errors={e.__class__.__name__: [e.message]}, inputs=inputs.serialized())

        return render_view('422', 422, errors=GAME_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, inputs=inputs.serialized())

    return render_view('422', 422, errors=inputs.errors, inputs=inputs.serialized())
Exemple #5
def delete(game_id):

    Response [422] (game with game_id doesn't exist):
        "errors": {
            "GameNotFound": [
                "Unable to find Game"
        "inputs": {
            "id": "game_id"

    Response [422] (save failure - unable to set game as inactive):
        "errors": {
            "IntegrityError": [
                "Reason saving to the db failed"
        "inputs": {
            "id": "game_id"

    Response [200] (success):
        "id": "current value",
        "date_created": "current value",
        "date_modified": "current value",
        "name": "current value",
        "description": "current value",
        "match_size": "current value",
        "definition_filler_count": "current value",
        "is_active": "current value"
    # Get the game
    game = GamesService.get_instance().get(game_id)

    # Verify the game creation inputs
    if game:
            game.update(**{'is_active': False})
            return render_view('games/show', 200, game=game.serialized)
        except Exception as e:
            return render_view('422', 422, errors={e.__class__.__name__: [e.message]}, inputs={'id': game_id})

    return render_view('422', 422, errors=NOT_FOUND_ERROR, inputs={'id': game_id})
Exemple #6
    def test_delete_deletes_game(self):
        delete_url = "/games/{}".format(self.game.get_id())
        self.assertEqual(True, self.game.get_is_active())
        response = self.delete(delete_url)
        self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code)
        game = json.loads(response.data)
        self.assertEqual(False, game.get("is_active"))

        # Make sure the game was actually updated in the database
        saved_game = GamesService.get_instance().get(int(game.get("id")))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_id(), game.get("id"))
        self.assertEqual(Game.dump_datetime(saved_game.get_date_created()), game.get("date_created"))
        self.assertEqual(Game.dump_datetime(saved_game.get_date_modified()), game.get("date_modified"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_name(), game.get("name"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_description(), game.get("description"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_match_size(), game.get("match_size"))
        self.assertEqual(saved_game.get_is_active(), game.get("is_active"))
Exemple #7
def show(game_id):

    Response [422] (game with game_id doesn't exist):
        "errors": {
            "GameNotFound": [
                "Unable to find Game"
        "inputs": {
            "id": "game_id"

    Response [200] (success):
        "id": "current value",
        "date_created": "current value",
        "date_modified": "current value",
        "name": "current value",
        "description": "current value",
        "match_size": "current value",
        "definition_filler_count": "current value",
        "is_active": "current value"
    # Get the game
    game = GamesService.get_instance().get(game_id)

    if game:
        return render_view('games/show', 200, game=game.serialized)

    return render_view('422', 422, errors=NOT_FOUND_ERROR, inputs={'id': game_id})
Exemple #8
def update(game_id):
        "name": "name",
        "description": "description",
        "is_active": "is_active"

    Response [422] (game with game_id doesn't exist):
        "errors": {
            "GameNotFound": [
                "Unable to find Game"
        "inputs": {
            "id": "game_id"

    Response [422] (invalid parameters):
        "errors": {
            "name of parameter that failed validation": [
                "Reason for validation failure"
            "name of another parameter that failed validation": [
                "Reason for validation failure"
        "inputs": {
            "id": "game_id",
            "name": "value passed in. empty string if missing",
            "description": "value passed in. empty string if missing",
            "is_active": "value passed in. empty string if missing"

    Response [422] (save failure):
        "errors": {
            "IntegrityError": [
                "Reason saving to the db failed, such as name uniqueness"
        "inputs": {
            "id": "game_id",
            "name": "value passed in. empty string if missing",
            "description": "value passed in. empty string if missing",
            "is_active": "value passed in. empty string if missing"

    Response [422] (illegal update request - protected attribute, like match_size, passed in as input):
        "errors": {
            "AttributeError": [
                "Update to Game is not supported with changes to match_size"
        "inputs": {
            "id": "game_id",
            "name": "value passed in. empty string if missing",
            "description": "value passed in. empty string if missing",
            "is_active": "value passed in. empty string if missing"

    Response [200] (success):
        "id": "current value",
        "date_created": "current value",
        "date_modified": "current value",
        "name": "current value",
        "description": "current value",
        "match_size": "current value",
        "definition_filler_count": "current value",
        "is_active": "current value"
    # Get the game
    game = GamesService.get_instance().get(game_id)

    # Verify the game creation inputs
    if game:

        # Get the input validator
        inputs = UpdateInputs(get_inputs())
        combined_inputs = dict(inputs.serialized().items() + {'id': game_id}.items())

        if inputs.validate_on_submit():

                game.update(**get_mixed_dict_from_multidict(get_inputs(), inputs))
                return render_view('games/show', 200, game=game.serialized)
            except Exception as e:
                return render_view('422', 422, errors={e.__class__.__name__: [e.message]}, inputs=combined_inputs)

        return render_view('422', 422, errors=inputs.errors, inputs=combined_inputs)

    return render_view('422', 422, errors=NOT_FOUND_ERROR, inputs={'id': game_id})