Exemple #1
def auth_archiver():
    logger = get_logger()

    logger.debug("Headers: {}".format(request.headers))
    logger.debug("Cookies: {}".format(request.cookies))

    basic_headers = {
        "WWW-Authenticate": "Basic",
        "Cache-Control": "no-store",
        "Set-Cookie": "valid=yes; Max-Age=10; HttpOnly",

    # Check if the auth has expired
    if "valid" not in request.cookies:
        logger.warn("Authorization expired!")
        return f"Authorization expired", 401, basic_headers

    auth = Auth(request.headers)
    user, passw = auth.get_user_pass()

    if not auth.authenticate(user, passw):
        logger.warn("Access denied!")
        return f"Access denied!", 401, basic_headers

    return f"Authorized!", 200
Exemple #2
def auth_token_expire():
    """ Forcefully expire a "TOKEN" passed by a cookies """
    logger = get_logger()
    if "TOKEN" not in request.cookies:
        logger.warn("No TOKEN found.")
        return f"TOKEN not found", 401

    res = flask.make_response()
    res.set_cookie("TOKEN", value="deleted", expires=datetime.datetime.now())
    return res
Exemple #3
def auth_token_authorization():
    """ Get the Authorization Basic from TOKEN """
    logger = get_logger()

    # Check if the auth has expired
    # Check if TOKEN
    #  Check if TOKEN is valid, return the authorization and add it to the request
    #  Signal that client should be disconnected?

    if "TOKEN" not in request.cookies:
        logger.warn("TOKEN not found in cookies.")
        return f"TOKEN not found", 401

        authorization = get_from_token(request.cookies["TOKEN"])
        return f"Authorized", 200, {"Authorization": authorization}
    except Exception as e:
        return f"{e}", 401
Exemple #4
def auth_token_generate():
    """ Generate a TOKEN cookie using LDAP and Basic Authorization """
    logger = get_logger()

        auth = Auth(request.headers)
        user, passw = auth.get_user_pass()
    except Exception as e:
        return f"{e}", 401

    if not auth.authenticate(user, passw):
        logger.warn("Access denied!")
        return f"Access denied!", 401

    token = generate_token(auth.authorization)
    response = make_response("Token generated", 200)
    response.set_cookie("TOKEN", token)

    return response
Exemple #5
import base64
import ldap

from application.utils import get_logger

logger = get_logger()

class Auth:
    def __init__(self, headers):
        # fmt: off
        self.authorization = headers.get("Authorization", None)
        self.bind_dn = headers.get("X-Ldap-BindDN", "cn=admin,dc=lnls,dc=br")
        self.bind_pass = headers.get("X-Ldap-BindPass", None)
        self.group_base_dn = headers.get(
            "X-Ldap-Group-BaseDN", "ou=epics-archiver,ou=groups,dc=lnls,dc=br")
        self.group_cns = headers.get("X-Ldap-Group-CNs",
        self.realm = headers.get("X-Ldap-Realm",
                                 "EPICS Archiver - MGMT Actions")
        self.starttls = headers.get("X-Ldap-Starttls", "false")
        self.url = headers.get("X-Ldap-URL", "ldap://")
        self.user_base_dn = headers.get("X-Ldap-User-BaseDN",
        # fmt: on

    def get_user_pass(self):

        if self.authorization is None:
            raise Exception("No Authorization header!")