Exemple #1
def test_plugin_discord_general(mock_post):
    NotifyDiscord() General Checks

    # Disable Throttling to speed testing
    plugins.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0

    # Initialize some generic (but valid) tokens
    webhook_id = 'A' * 24
    webhook_token = 'B' * 64

    # Prepare Mock
    mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
    mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok

    # Invalid webhook id
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        plugins.NotifyDiscord(webhook_id=None, webhook_token=webhook_token)
    # Invalid webhook id (whitespace)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        plugins.NotifyDiscord(webhook_id="  ", webhook_token=webhook_token)

    # Invalid webhook token
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        plugins.NotifyDiscord(webhook_id=webhook_id, webhook_token=None)
    # Invalid webhook token (whitespace)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        plugins.NotifyDiscord(webhook_id=webhook_id, webhook_token="   ")

    obj = plugins.NotifyDiscord(webhook_id=webhook_id,

    # Test that we get a string response
    assert isinstance(obj.url(), six.string_types) is True

    # This call includes an image with it's payload:
    assert obj.notify(body='body', title='title',
                      notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True

    # Simple Markdown Single line of text
    test_markdown = "body"
    desc, results = obj.extract_markdown_sections(test_markdown)
    assert isinstance(results, list) is True
    assert len(results) == 0

    # Test our header parsing when not lead with a header
    test_markdown = """
    A section of text that has no header at the top.
    It also has a hash tag # <- in the middle of a

    ## Heading 1

    # Heading 2

    more content
    on multi-lines

    desc, results = obj.extract_markdown_sections(test_markdown)
    # we have a description
    assert isinstance(desc, six.string_types) is True
    assert desc.startswith('A section of text that has no header at the top.')
    assert desc.endswith('string.')

    assert isinstance(results, list) is True
    assert len(results) == 2
    assert results[0]['name'] == 'Heading 1'
    assert results[0]['value'] == '```md\nbody\n```'
    assert results[1]['name'] == 'Heading 2'
    assert results[1]['value'] == \
        '```md\nmore content\n    on multi-lines\n```'

    # Test our header parsing
    test_markdown = "## Heading one\nbody body\n\n" + \
        "# Heading 2 ##\n\nTest\n\n" + \
        "more content\n" + \
        "even more content  \t\r\n\n\n" + \
        "# Heading 3 ##\n\n\n" + \
        "normal content\n" + \
        "# heading 4\n" + \
        "#### Heading 5"

    desc, results = obj.extract_markdown_sections(test_markdown)
    assert isinstance(results, list) is True
    # No desc details filled out
    assert isinstance(desc, six.string_types) is True
    assert not desc

    # We should have 5 sections (since there are 5 headers identified above)
    assert len(results) == 5
    assert results[0]['name'] == 'Heading one'
    assert results[0]['value'] == '```md\nbody body\n```'
    assert results[1]['name'] == 'Heading 2'
    assert results[1]['value'] == \
        '```md\nTest\n\nmore content\neven more content\n```'
    assert results[2]['name'] == 'Heading 3'
    assert results[2]['value'] == \
        '```md\nnormal content\n```'
    assert results[3]['name'] == 'heading 4'
    assert results[3]['value'] == '```\n```'
    assert results[4]['name'] == 'Heading 5'
    assert results[4]['value'] == '```\n```'

    # Create an apprise instance
    a = Apprise()

    # Our processing is slightly different when we aren't using markdown
    # as we do not pre-parse content during our notifications
    assert a.add(
            webhook_id=webhook_id, webhook_token=webhook_token)) is True

    # This call includes an image with it's payload:
    plugins.NotifyDiscord.discord_max_fields = 1

    assert a.notify(body=test_markdown,
                    body_format=NotifyFormat.TEXT) is True

    # Throw an exception on the forth call to requests.post()
    # This allows to test our batch field processing
    response = mock.Mock()
    response.content = ''
    response.status_code = requests.codes.ok
    mock_post.return_value = response
    mock_post.side_effect = [
        response, response, response,

    # Test our markdown
    obj = Apprise.instantiate('discord://{}/{}/?format=markdown'.format(
        webhook_id, webhook_token))
    assert isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyDiscord)
    assert obj.notify(body=test_markdown,
                      notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is False
    mock_post.side_effect = None

    # Empty String
    desc, results = obj.extract_markdown_sections("")
    assert isinstance(results, list) is True
    assert len(results) == 0

    # No desc details filled out
    assert isinstance(desc, six.string_types) is True
    assert not desc

    # String without Heading
    test_markdown = "Just a string without any header entries.\n" + \
        "A second line"
    desc, results = obj.extract_markdown_sections(test_markdown)
    assert isinstance(results, list) is True
    assert len(results) == 0

    # No desc details filled out
    assert isinstance(desc, six.string_types) is True
    assert desc == 'Just a string without any header entries.\n' + \
        'A second line'

    # Use our test markdown string during a notification
    assert obj.notify(
        body=test_markdown, title='title', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True

    # Create an apprise instance
    a = Apprise()

    # Our processing is slightly different when we aren't using markdown
    # as we do not pre-parse content during our notifications
    assert a.add(
            webhook_id=webhook_id, webhook_token=webhook_token)) is True

    # This call includes an image with it's payload:
    assert a.notify(body=test_markdown,
                    body_format=NotifyFormat.TEXT) is True

    assert a.notify(body=test_markdown,
                    body_format=NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN) is True

    # Toggle our logo availability
    a.asset.image_url_logo = None
    assert a.notify(body='body', title='title',
                    notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True
Exemple #2
def test_discord_plugin(mock_post):
    API: NotifyDiscord() General Checks

    # Disable Throttling to speed testing
    plugins.NotifyBase.request_rate_per_sec = 0

    # Initialize some generic (but valid) tokens
    webhook_id = 'A' * 24
    webhook_token = 'B' * 64

    # Prepare Mock
    mock_post.return_value = requests.Request()
    mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok

    # Invalid webhook id
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        plugins.NotifyDiscord(webhook_id=None, webhook_token=webhook_token)
    # Invalid webhook id (whitespace)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        plugins.NotifyDiscord(webhook_id="  ", webhook_token=webhook_token)

    # Invalid webhook token
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        plugins.NotifyDiscord(webhook_id=webhook_id, webhook_token=None)
    # Invalid webhook token (whitespace)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        plugins.NotifyDiscord(webhook_id=webhook_id, webhook_token="   ")

    obj = plugins.NotifyDiscord(webhook_id=webhook_id,

    # Test that we get a string response
    assert isinstance(obj.url(), six.string_types) is True

    # This call includes an image with it's payload:
    assert obj.notify(body='body', title='title',
                      notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True

    # Test our header parsing
    test_markdown = "## Heading one\nbody body\n\n" + \
        "# Heading 2 ##\n\nTest\n\n" + \
        "more content\n" + \
        "even more content  \t\r\n\n\n" + \
        "# Heading 3 ##\n\n\n" + \
        "normal content\n" + \
        "# heading 4\n" + \
        "#### Heading 5"

    results = obj.extract_markdown_sections(test_markdown)
    assert isinstance(results, list) is True
    # We should have 5 sections (since there are 5 headers identified above)
    assert len(results) == 5
    assert results[0]['name'] == 'Heading one'
    assert results[0]['value'] == '```md\nbody body\n```'
    assert results[1]['name'] == 'Heading 2'
    assert results[1]['value'] == \
        '```md\nTest\n\nmore content\neven more content\n```'
    assert results[2]['name'] == 'Heading 3'
    assert results[2]['value'] == \
        '```md\nnormal content\n```'
    assert results[3]['name'] == 'heading 4'
    assert results[3]['value'] == '```md\n\n```'
    assert results[4]['name'] == 'Heading 5'
    assert results[4]['value'] == '```md\n\n```'

    # Test our markdown
    obj = Apprise.instantiate('discord://{}/{}/?format=markdown'.format(
        webhook_id, webhook_token))
    assert isinstance(obj, plugins.NotifyDiscord)
    assert obj.notify(
        body=test_markdown, title='title', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True

    # Empty String
    results = obj.extract_markdown_sections("")
    assert isinstance(results, list) is True
    assert len(results) == 0

    # String without Heading
    test_markdown = "Just a string without any header entries.\n" + \
        "A second line"
    results = obj.extract_markdown_sections(test_markdown)
    assert isinstance(results, list) is True
    assert len(results) == 0

    # Use our test markdown string during a notification
    assert obj.notify(
        body=test_markdown, title='title', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True

    # Create an apprise instance
    a = Apprise()

    # Our processing is slightly different when we aren't using markdown
    # as we do not pre-parse content during our notifications
    assert a.add(
            webhook_id=webhook_id, webhook_token=webhook_token)) is True

    # This call includes an image with it's payload:
    assert a.notify(body=test_markdown,
                    body_format=NotifyFormat.TEXT) is True

    assert a.notify(body=test_markdown,
                    body_format=NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN) is True

    # Toggle our logo availability
    a.asset.image_url_logo = None
    assert a.notify(body='body', title='title',
                    notify_type=NotifyType.INFO) is True