Exemple #1
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # default sort is "end_date"
        self.ordering = self.request.GET.get("ordering")
        if not self.ordering:
            self.ordering = self.request.session.get("event_sort", "end_date")
            self.request.session["event_sort"] = self.ordering

        bounds = self.request.GET.get("bounds", None)
        self.zoom = self.request.GET.get("zoom", 8)

        if bounds:
                bounds_list = bounds.split(",")
                sw = (bounds_list[0], bounds_list[1])
                ne = (bounds_list[2], bounds_list[3])
                xmin = sw[1]
                ymin = sw[0]
                xmax = ne[1]
                ymax = ne[0]
                bbox = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
                self.bounds = Polygon.from_bbox(bbox)
                if self.request.user.is_authenticated():
                    profile = self.request.user.profile
                    profile.last_known_location_bounds = self.bounds
                    profile.last_map_zoom = self.zoom
            except IndexError:
        if not self.bounds and self.request.user.is_authenticated():
            self.bounds = self.request.user.profile.last_known_location_bounds
            self.zoom = self.request.user.profile.last_map_zoom
        if self.bounds:
            centroid = self.bounds.centroid
            self.latitude = centroid.y
            self.longitude = centroid.x
            neighborhood = rev_geocode_location_component(self.latitude, self.longitude, "neighborhood")
            if not neighborhood:
                # If not succeed in first try, try again (with a bigger net)
                neighborhood = rev_geocode_location_component(self.latitude, self.longitude, "political")
            city = rev_geocode_location_component(self.latitude, self.longitude, "locality")
            if not city:
                # If not succeed in first try, try again (with a bigger net)
                city = rev_geocode_location_component(self.latitude, self.longitude, "administrative_area")
            self.location_name = u"{}, {}".format(neighborhood, city)

        self.category_slug = kwargs.get("cat_slug", None)
        self.category_list = Category.objects.filter(parent_category__isnull=False)

        return super(Events, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #2
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.slug or self.name != self.__original_name:
            unique_slugify(self, self.name)

        super(Venue, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
        # This is a bit hacky, need to do this twice because latitude/longitude are plugged in during
        # call to super's save
        if self.latitude and self.longitude:
            changed = False
            if not self.neighborhood:
                self.neighborhood = rev_geocode_location_component(self.latitude, self.longitude, 'neighborhood')
                changed = True
            if not self.neighborhood:
                #If not succeed in first try, try again (with a bigger net)
                self.neighborhood = rev_geocode_location_component(self.latitude, self.longitude, 'political')
                changed = True
            if not self.city:
                self.city = rev_geocode_location_component(self.latitude, self.longitude, 'locality')
                changed = True
            if not self.state:
                self.state = rev_geocode_location_component(self.latitude, self.longitude,
                changed = True
            if not self.country:
                self.country = rev_geocode_location_component(self.latitude, self.longitude, 'country')
                changed = True
            if not self.zipcode:
                self.zipcode = rev_geocode_location_component(self.latitude, self.longitude, 'postal_code')
                changed = True
            if self.neighborhood:
                self.neighborhood = self.fix_neighborhood(self.neighborhood)

            # If any of the parameters were changed, save the model again
            if changed:
                super(Venue, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
        self.__original_name = self.name