def post(self): if not appuser.verify_secure_comms(self): return data = appuser.read_params(self, ["uidp", "tlid", "st", "svs", "pts"]) if data["uidp"] and data["tlid"] and data["pts"]: write_dc_entry(self, "tlsave", data) appuser.return_json(self, "[]")
def get(self): acc = appuser.authenticated(self.request) if not acc: return srverr(self, 401, "Authentication failed") params = appuser.read_params(self, ["tlid"]); tlid = int(params["tlid"]) vq = appuser.VizQuery(TLComp, "WHERE tlid=:1 LIMIT 50", tlid) res = vq.fetch(50, read_policy=db.EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY, deadline=40) appuser.return_json(self, res)
def get(self): if not appuser.verify_secure_comms(self): return acc = appuser.authenticated(self.request) if not acc: return srverr(self, 401, "Authentication failed") params = appuser.read_params(self, ["orgid"]) orgid = params["orgid"] # str org = appuser.cached_get(orgid, {"dboc": Organization, "byid": orgid}) appuser.return_json(self, [org])
def post(self): acc = appuser.authenticated(self.request) if not acc: return srverr(self, 401, "Authentication failed") params = appuser.read_params(self, [ "instid", "name", "ctype", "cids", "svs", "slug", "title", "subtitle", "featured", "lang", "comment", "about" ]) timeline = update_or_create_timeline(self, acc, params) if timeline: updated = update_timeline_list(acc.built, timeline) if updated != acc.built: acc.built = updated appuser.cached_put(, acc) appuser.return_json(self, [timeline, acc])
def get(self): if not appuser.verify_secure_comms(self): return acc = appuser.authenticated(self.request) if not acc: return srverr(self, 401, "Authentication failed") params = appuser.read_params(self, ["orgid"]) if not params["orgid"] or int(params["orgid"]) != acc.orgid: return appuser.srverr(self, 403, "Not your Organization") vq = appuser.VizQuery(appuser.AppUser, "WHERE orgid=:1", int(params["orgid"])) res = vq.fetch(500, read_policy=db.EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY, deadline=20) oms = [] for user in res: # only public info and org info, no email etc.. oms.append(public_member_record(user))"Org " + params["orgid"] + " has " + str(len(oms)) + " members") appuser.return_json(self, oms)
def post(self): if not appuser.verify_secure_comms(self): return acc = appuser.authenticated(self.request) if not acc: return srverr(self, 401, "Authentication failed") fields = [ "orgid", "name", "code", "contacturl", "projecturl", "groups", "regions", "categories", "tags" ] params = appuser.read_params(self, fields) orgid = int(params["orgid"]) org = Organization.get_by_id(orgid) if acc.orgid != orgid or acc.lev != 2: return appuser.srverr(self, 403, "Not Organization Administrator") org = update_organization(org, params) if org: appuser.return_json(self, [org])
def post(self): acc = appuser.authenticated(self.request) if not acc: return srverr(self, 401, "Authentication failed") params = appuser.read_params(self, ["tlid", "tlname", "tltitle", "tlsubtitle"]); tlid = params["tlid"] started = json.loads(acc.started) proginst = [pi for pi in started if pi["tlid"] == tlid] if not len(proginst): return appuser.srverr(self, 400, "Timeline " + tlid + " (" + params["tlname"] + ") not found") proginst = proginst[0] tstamp = appuser.nowISO() comp = TLComp(userid=acc.key().id(), tlid=int(tlid),, tlname=params["tlname"], data=json.dumps(proginst), created=tstamp) comp.put() # Update the account and return the updated version started = [pi for pi in started if pi["tlid"] != tlid] completed = json.loads(acc.completed) compinst = [ci for ci in completed if ci["tlid"] == tlid] if len(compinst): compinst = compinst[0] if "count" not in compinst: # completed before count introduced compinst["count"] = 1 # at least one completion, start there compinst["name"] = params["tlname"] # update name in case changed else: compinst = {"tlid":tlid, "name":params["tlname"], "count":0, "first":tstamp} compinst["latest"] = tstamp compinst["count"] += 1 compinst["title"] = params["tltitle"] compinst["subtitle"] = params["tlsubtitle"] compinst["stats"] = completion_stats(proginst) completed = [ci for ci in completed if ci["tlid"] != tlid] completed.append(compinst) acc.started = json.dumps(started) acc.completed = json.dumps(completed) cached_put(, acc) appuser.return_json(self, [acc, {"token":appuser.token_for_user(acc)}])
def post(self): if not appuser.verify_secure_comms(self): return acc = appuser.authenticated(self.request) if not acc: return srverr(self, 401, "Authentication failed") if not acc.orgid or acc.lev != 2: return appuser.srverr(self, 403, "Not an Administrator") params = appuser.read_params(self, ["membermail"]) mem = appuser.account_from_email(params["membermail"]) if not mem: return appuser.srverr(self, 404, "User not found") if mem.orgid: if mem.orgid == acc.orgid: return appuser.srverr(self, 400, "Already a member") else: return appuser.srverr(self, 403, "Member of other Org") mem.orgid = acc.orgid mem.lev = 0 appuser.cached_put(, mem) appuser.return_json(self, [public_member_record(mem)])
def post(self): # ptupld could be sending password in params so refuse if not secured if not appuser.verify_secure_comms(self): return acc = appuser.authenticated(self.request) if not acc: return srverr(self, 401, "Authentication failed") appuser.dump_params(self) params = appuser.read_params(self, [ "ptid", "date", "text", "refs", "qtype", "groups", "regions", "categories", "tags", "codes", "orgid", "source", "srclang", "stats", "translations", "pic", "picdelcb" ]) # need to return proper content to form submission iframe regardless self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html;charset=UTF-8' try: pt = update_or_create_point(self, acc, params) except Exception as e: # Client looks for text containing "failed: " + for error reporting self.response.out.write("Point update failed: " + str(e)) return self.response.out.write("ptid: " + str(pt.key().id()))
def post(self): if not appuser.verify_secure_comms(self): return acc = appuser.authenticated(self.request) if not acc: return srverr(self, 401, "Authentication failed") params = appuser.read_params(self, ["orgid", "userid", "lev"]) if not params["orgid"] or int(params["orgid"]) != acc.orgid: return appuser.srverr(self, 403, "Not your Organization") orgid = int(params["orgid"]) userid = int(params["userid"]) lev = int(params["lev"]) if acc.key().id() != userid and acc.lev != 2: return appuser.srverr(self, 403, "Not an Administrator") if acc.key().id() == userid and lev > acc.lev: return appuser.srverr(self, 403, "Can't promote yourself") user = appuser.AppUser.get_by_id(userid) if lev < 0: user.orgid = 0 user.lev = 0 else: user.lev = lev appuser.cached_put(, user) appuser.return_json(self, [])