def process_hei_encounter(enc, apr_id, save=False): entry = RegistryEntry() = RegistryEntry.SITE_FACES entry.child_id = enc.patient_id entry.cohort_date = entry.child_initial_enc_id = enc.encounter_id duplicate_entries = RegistryEntry.objects.filter(site=RegistryEntry.SITE_FACES, child_id=entry.child_id) if duplicate_entries.count() > 0: entry.voided = True entry.voided_reason = entry.VOIDED_DUPLICATE_CHILD_ENTRY # TODO May need to add a check to look at the section titled: # FINAL HEI OUTCOMES AT EXIT entry.outcome = RegistryEntry.OUTCOME_LIVE entry.date_of_outcome = enc.patient.patient.birthdate entry.gender = enc.patient.patient.gender entry.age_first_seen = (entry.cohort_date - entry.date_of_outcome).days # Void entry if they were not seen in the first 3 months if entry.age_first_seen > 90: entry.voided = True entry.voided_reason = RegistryEntry.VOIDED_TOO_OLD_AT_PAEDS_ENC if save: mom = get_mom(entry.child_id) if mom != None: entry.mother_id = mom else: entry.voided = True entry.voided_reason = RegistryEntry.VOIDED_MOTHER_NOT_LINKED if save: return entry if save: add_mother_values_except_arvs(entry) if save: add_mother_arvs(entry, save=save) add_child_values(entry) # If we're not voided assign an APR ID if entry.voided == False: entry.apr_id = apr_id if save: return entry
def process_nonlive_encounter(outcome_type, enc, cur_apr_id, save=False): """ Encounter is the blue card from when the mother had a marked stillborn/miscarriage etc. """ entry = RegistryEntry() = RegistryEntry.SITE_FACES entry.mother_id = enc.patient_id entry.cohort_date = entry.outcome = outcome_type entry.date_of_outcome = # If an entry with this mother already exists we will consider it a duplicate, # considering that our entire timeline is just under 2 years. duplicate_entries = RegistryEntry.objects.filter(site=RegistryEntry.SITE_FACES, mother_id=entry.mother_id) if duplicate_entries.count() > 0: entry.voided = True entry.voided_reason = entry.VOIDED_DUPLICATE_CHILD_ENTRY if save: return entry if save: try: add_mother_values_except_arvs(entry) add_mother_arvs(entry, save=save) except Patient.DoesNotExist: entry.voided = True entry.voided_reason = RegistryEntry.VOIDED_STILLBIRTH_MOTHER_MISSING # If we're not voided assign an APR ID if entry.voided == False: entry.apr_id = cur_apr_id if save: return entry
def build_stage_1(): """ In stage 1 of generation we: 1. Get the initial HEI Encounters 2. Create a RegistryEntry for each one 3. Calculate the age of the child at HEI presentation for each one 4. Check if the mother is linked 5. Add the obs for the HEI initial encounter Essentially, we do anything we can that's on the HEI form (except maybe format the actual defects in the event that there are some). Also, we see if we can link the mom. """ # 1 hei_enc = get_hei_encounters() # 2 for enc in hei_enc: entry = RegistryEntry() = RegistryEntry.SITE_FACES entry.child_id = enc.patient_id entry.cohort_date = # TODO May need to add a check to look at the section titled: # FINAL HEI OUTCOMES AT EXIT entry.outcome = RegistryEntry.OUTCOME_LIVE entry.date_of_outcome = enc.patient.patient.birthdate entry.gender = enc.patient.patient.gender entry.check_initial_paeds_lookup = True # 3 entry.age_first_seen = (entry.cohort_date - entry.date_of_outcome).days # 4 mom = get_mom(entry.child_id) if mom != None: entry.mother_id = mom entry.check_mother_linked = True mom_patient = Patient.objects.using(FACES_OPENMRS_DB).get(pk=entry.mother_id) for mom_enc in mom_patient.encounter_set.all(): encounter_to_encobs(entry, mom_enc, link_field='mother_entry') entry.check_added_moms_obs = True else: entry.voided = True entry.voided_reason = RegistryEntry.VOIDED_MOTHER_NOT_LINKED set_mother_values(entry) # 5 encounter_to_encobs(entry, enc) entry.check_added_child_obs = True set_child_values(entry)
def set_non_livebirth_entry(outcome_type, enc): """ Encounter is the blue card from when the mother had a marked stillborn/miscarriage etc. """ entry = RegistryEntry() = RegistryEntry.SITE_FACES entry.cohort_date = entry.outcome = outcome_type entry.date_of_outcome = for mom_enc in enc.patient.encounter_set.all(): encounter_to_encobs(entry, mom_enc, link_field='mother_entry') entry.check_added_moms_obs = True try: set_mother_values(entry) except Patient.DoesNotExist: entry.voided = True entry.voided_reason = RegistryEntry.VOIDED_STILLBIRTH_MOTHER_MISSING
def run378form(f378, cur_apr_id, save_entries=False):"Starting 378 encounter: %s" % (f378.encounter_id,)) # If we've already done this specific encounter we should skip it and # move on. entry = RegistryEntry() if RegistryEntry.objects.filter(child_initial_enc_id=f378.encounter_id).count() > 0:"This encounter id was already processed, skipping and moving on.") return entry # 1. Encounter ID entry.child_initial_enc_id = f378.encounter_id # 2. Age in days since encounter entry.age_first_seen = age_in_days_at_encounter(f378) # 3. Child Patient ID entry.child_id = f378.patient_id # Has this child been used previously, if so void the encounter. duplicate_entries = RegistryEntry.objects.filter( site=RegistryEntry.SITE_AMPATH, child_id=entry.child_id) if duplicate_entries.count() > 0: entry.voided = True entry.voided_reason = entry.VOIDED_DUPLICATE_CHILD_ENTRY entry.voided_duplicate = True child_patient = f378.patient # 4. Mom Patient ID entry.mother_id = get_linked_mother(f378) # 5. Length of Mom's ARV History entry.length_of_moms_arv_history = previous_encounters_in_days( entry.mother_id, = RegistryEntry.SITE_AMPATH entry.cohort_date = entry.outcome = entry.OUTCOME_LIVE entry.date_of_outcome = child_patient.patient.birthdate entry.age_first_seen = (entry.cohort_date - entry.date_of_outcome).days entry.gender = child_patient.patient.gender init_obs = f378.obs_set # Birth Defect Noted """ Field: Birth Defect If concept 6246 or 6245 is used, we use that checkbox value. If the birth defect checkbox is left blank, then we look to see if any of the following concepts are recorded, and if they are we record those birth defects: 8320, 8321, 8322, 8323, 8324, 8325, 8326, 8327, 8328 aprfield""" if init_obs.filter(concept_id=6246, value_coded=6242).count() > 0: entry.birth_defect = RegistryEntry.DEFECT_NO elif init_obs.filter(concept_id=6245, value_coded=6242).count() > 0: entry.birth_defect = RegistryEntry.DEFECT_YES else: congab_concepts = [8320, 8321, 8322, 8323, 8324, 8325, 8326, 8327, 8328] congab_obs = init_obs.filter(concept_id__in = congab_concepts, voided=0) if congab_obs.count() > 0: entry.birth_defect = RegistryEntry.DEFECT_YES else: entry.birth_defect = RegistryEntry.DEFECT_UNKNOWN # Birth Weight weight_obs = init_obs.filter(concept_id=5916) if weight_obs.count() > 0: entry.birth_weight = weight_obs[0].value_numeric * 1000 if save_entries: if entry.mother_id: entry.check_mother_linked = True mother = Patient.objects.using(AMRS_DB).get( patient_id=entry.mother_id) # Date First Seen... # LMP and/or EDD begin_date = entry.date_of_outcome - datetime.timedelta(360) log_data(entry, "Beginning date of LMP Search: %s" % (begin_date,), 'lmp') lmp_obs = Obs.objects.using(AMRS_DB).filter( concept_id=1836, obs_datetime__gte=begin_date, obs_datetime__lte=entry.date_of_outcome, person_id=entry.mother_id, voided=0, ).order_by('-obs_datetime') if lmp_obs.count() > 0: entry.lmp = lmp_obs[0].value_datetime for lmp in lmp_obs: log_data(entry, "Potential LMP Obs/Date: %s , %s" % (lmp.obs_id, lmp.value_datetime), 'lmp', 1836) # Age at Conception entry.age_at_conception = calculate_age(mother.patient.birthdate, entry.date_of_outcome - datetime.timedelta(days=270)) # Mother ARVS arvset = set_mother_arvs(entry) if len(arvset) == 0: entry.voided = True entry.voided_reason = entry.VOIDED_NO_ARV_HISTORY entry.voided_no_arv_history = True else: entry.check_mother_linked = False entry.voided = True entry.voided_reason = RegistryEntry.VOIDED_MOTHER_NOT_LINKED entry.voided_mother_not_linked = True # If we're not voided assign an APR ID if entry.voided == False: entry.apr_id = cur_apr_id if save_entries: return entry