class TestPyModule(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.emptyFile = testDir + '/pythonfiles/'
        self.emptyStringFile = '# Empty python file\n# Some more'
        self.realFile = testDir + '/pythonfiles/'
        self.indentationFile = testDir + '/pythonfiles/'
        self.parser = PyModule(self.realFile)
        self.function = self.parser.functions['someMethod']
        self.oneLineFunction = self.parser.functions['oneLineMethod']
        self.klass = self.parser.classes['ParserTest']
        self.method = self.klass.methods['parserMethod']
        self.manualMethod = self.klass.methods['parserMethod2']

    def testReadFile1(self):
        """ Don't barf on an empty file

    def testReadFile2(self):
        """ Also accept a file pointer instead of a filename
        file = open(self.emptyFile)

    def testReadFile3(self):
        """ Don't barf on an empty string-file
        parser = PyModule(self.emptyStringFile, mode='string')

    def testReadFile4(self):
        """ Barf on an empty string-file without correct mode
        self.assertRaises(IOError, self.parser.readFile,

    def testFindClassesAndFunctions(self):
        """ Find the correct number of classes and functions

        tests/pythonfiles/ contains: 1 class + 1 function
        self.assertEquals(len(self.parser.classes), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.parser.functions), 2)

    def testFindProtectedSections(self):
        """ Find the correct number of protected sections

        tests/pythonfiles/ contains 4 protected sections:
        module-header, after-schema, class-header, module-footer.
        self.assertEquals(len(self.parser.protectedSections), 4)

    def testFindProtectionDeclarations(self):
        """ Find the correct number of protection declarations

        tests/pythonfiles/ contains 2 protection
        self.assertEquals(len(self.parser.protectionDeclarations), 2)
 def setUp(self):
     self.emptyFile = testDir + '/pythonfiles/'
     self.emptyStringFile = '# Empty python file\n# Some more'
     self.realFile = testDir + '/pythonfiles/'
     self.indentationFile = testDir + '/pythonfiles/'
     self.parser = PyModule(self.realFile)
     self.function = self.parser.functions['someMethod']
     self.oneLineFunction = self.parser.functions['oneLineMethod']
     self.klass = self.parser.classes['ParserTest']
     self.method = self.klass.methods['parserMethod']
     self.manualMethod = self.klass.methods['parserMethod2']