arcpy.AddMessage( str( time.strftime("Reclassify: %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))) arcpy.AddMessage("Reclassifying slope...") reclass = sa.Reclassify(scratchSlope, "VALUE", remap, missing_values) deleteme.append(reclassSlope) #clean edges boundaryClean = os.path.join(scratch, "boundaryClean") if debug == True: arcpy.AddMessage( str( time.strftime("BoundaryClean: %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))) clean = sa.BoundaryClean(reclassSlope, "NO_SORT", "TWO_WAY") deleteme.append(boundaryClean) # Convert reclassified slope ranges to polygon features slopePoly = os.path.join(scratch, "slopePoly") if debug == True: arcpy.AddMessage( str( time.strftime("RasterToPolygon: %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))) arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(boundaryClean, slopePoly, "NO_SIMPLIFY", "VALUE") arcpy.AddField_management(slopePoly, "SlopeCat", "SHORT") arcpy.CalculateField_management(slopePoly, "SlopeCat", "!gridcode!", "PYTHON_9.3")
arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # Input variables HabRaster = sys.argv[1] CleanBoundary = sys.argv[2] MinPatchSize = sys.argv[3] # Output variables PatchRaster = sys.argv[4] # Boundary clean the patches, if asked if CleanBoundary == 'true': arcpy.AddMessage("Cleaning patch boundaries") HabRaster2 = sa.BoundaryClean(HabRaster, "NO_SORT", "TWO_WAY") else: HabRaster2 = HabRaster # RegionGroup the HabSource into Patches arcpy.AddMessage("Finding habitat clusters") AllPatches = sa.RegionGroup(HabRaster2, "EIGHT", "WITHIN", "NO_LINK") # Convert minimum patch size HA to cells (based on cell size of HabRaster) arcpy.AddMessage("Converting minimum size to cells") cellSizeResult = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(HabRaster, "CELLSIZEX") cellSize = float(cellSizeResult.getOutput(0)) minCellSize = round(10000.0 * float(MinPatchSize) / (cellSize**2)) # Remove patches below the cell size arcpy.AddMessage("Removing patches smaller than %s HA (%d cells)" %