def create_lasdataset(laz, las, lasd): # unzip laz files and write to appropriate sub directories # create lasdataset (ESRI format) using arcpy print('Creating LAS dataset') os.chdir(laz)"T:/GIS/Projects/LiDAR/Project/tools/laszip *.laz") print('Moving las files to las directory') call = "move *.las C:\Projects\\3DBuilding\data\lidar\las" print('Creating LAS Dataset') arcpy.CreateLasDataset_management(las, lasd) print('Finished!')
def pull_OpenTopo(lidar_path, OpenTopo): lasd = os.path.join(lidar_path, "lidar.lasd") lasfiles = [] #Define the root url for the Lidar website we're going to scrape from #Open and read out Lidar Website Html htmlfile_lev1 = u.urlopen(OpenTopo) htmltext_lev1 = #Split html string output from page to prepare for download URL extrapolation (via Regex) htmltext_split = htmltext_lev1.split('<td class="colname">') #Pull out and download URL's per lidar element (file) num_files = 0 for item in htmltext_split: regex_lid = '<a href="(.+?)">.*</a>' pattern_lid = re.compile(regex_lid) lidar_URL = re.findall(pattern_lid, item) if lidar_URL and lidar_URL[0] != "../": num_files += 1 arcpy.AddMessage(str(num_files) + " files to be downloaded.") i = 0 for item in htmltext_split: regex_lid = '<a href="(.+?)">.*</a>' pattern_lid = re.compile(regex_lid) lidar_URL = re.findall(pattern_lid, item) #Take download URL and execute - note that the Lidar files will save in the same folder as this python script if lidar_URL and lidar_URL[0] != "../": newURL = OpenTopo + lidar_URL[0] #print newURL laz = lidar_URL[0][:-4] + ".laz" las = lidar_URL[0][:-4] + ".las" u.urlretrieve(newURL, laz) # Unzip LAZ args = "E:\\TFS_Fire\\fire-tools\\laszip-cli.exe -i " + laz + " -o " + las i += 1 las = os.path.join(LAS_path, las) lasfiles.extend([las]) arcpy.AddMessage(str(i) + " of " + str(num_files)) arcpy.CreateLasDataset_management(lasfiles, lasd)
def las_to_GandFrreturns(las_files, mask, name): '''This function takes a list of las files, creates a las dataset. Then it create a lasd for first and ground returns. After which it rasterizes the lasd and masks them to a specified area. las_files: a list of the paths for all the las files mask: ''' lasd = arcpy.CreateLasDataset_management(las_files, name) g_lasd = arcpy.MakeLasDatasetLayer_management(lasd, "ground", 2) g_ras = arcpy.LasDatasetToRaster_conversion( g_lasd, "g_rast.img", "ELEVATION", "BINNING AVERAGE NATURAL_NEIGHBOR", "FLOAT", "CELLSIZE", 0.5) g_mask =, mask)"g_mask" + name + ".img") f_lasd = arcpy.MakeLasDatasetLayer_management(lasd, "first", '', 1) f_ras = arcpy.LasDatasetToRaster_conversion( f_lasd, "f_rast.img", "ELEVATION", "BINNING MAXIMUM NATURAL_NEIGHBOR", "FLOAT", "CELLSIZE", 0.5) f_mask =, mask, name)"f_mask" + name + ".img") return f_mask, g_mask
raise Exception( 'Riparian buffer width required if stream network is specified') ###################### progress = 0 support_folder = os.path.join(out_folder, 'support') os.mkdir(out_folder) os.mkdir(support_folder) arcpy.AddMessage("Generating footprint and .lasd") # make lasd inlasd = os.path.join(support_folder, 'support.lasd') arcpy.CreateLasDataset_management(inlas, inlasd) # make footprint. if a clipping file was specified, the footprint will be of the extracted las footprint_name = os.path.join(support_folder, 'las_footprint.shp') files = [f for f in listdir(inlas) if isfile(join(inlas, f))] spatial_ref = arcpy.Describe(os.path.join(inlas, files[0])).spatialReference if files[0][-4:] == '.las': file_type = '.las' elif files[0][-5:] == '.zlas': file_type = '.zlas' else: raise Exception('Input files must be las or zlas') cell_edge_length = 1 / spatial_ref.metersPerUnit
output_gdb_path = "E:\\Caitlin\\ROSETTA\\ROSETTA Database\\ROSETTA.gdb\\" # las_array is a list of lists, where each inner list represents one raster # las_array = [["output filename", "input file path", "input file path", ...], # ["output filename," "input file path", "input file path", ...] # ... ... ] las_array = [[ "AN03_F1004_1", "X:\\trunk\\icepod\\antarctica\\20162017\\lidar\\vq580\\pointcloud\\F1004\\las\\full_swath\AN03_F1004_20161127_204658_LIDAR_VQ580_Record1.las" ]] ####################################################### for las_list in las_array: name = las_list[0] path_list = las_list[1:] arcpy.CreateLasDataset_management(path_list, lasd_output_path + name + ".lasd", "NO_RECURSION", "", arcpy.SpatialReference(4326), "COMPUTE_STATS", "RELATIVE_PATHS", "NO_FILES") arcpy.LasDatasetToRaster_conversion(lasd_output_path + name + ".lasd", output_gdb_path + name, "ELEVATION", 'BINNING AVERAGE SIMPLE', 'FLOAT', 'CELLSIZE', 0.00001, 1) #arcpy.RasterToOtherFormat_conversion(output_gdb_path + name, raster_output_path, {"TIFF"})
def processJob(ProjectJob, project, createQARasters=False, createMissingRasters=True, overrideBorderPath=None): aaa = a = aaa lasd_boundary = None ProjectFolder = ProjectFolders.getProjectFolderFromDBRow( ProjectJob, project) ProjectID = ProjectJob.getProjectID(project) ProjectUID = ProjectJob.getUID(project) target_path = ProjectFolder.derived.path # Get the LAS QA Info to determine if it is classified or not las_qainfo = getLasQAInfo(ProjectFolder) if las_qainfo.num_las_files <= 0: arcpy.AddError( "Project with Job ID {} has no .las files in DELIVERED LAS_CLASSIFIED or LAS_UNCLASSIFIED folders, CANNOT CONTINUE." .format(ProjectFolder.projectId)) else: ProjectFolders.createAnalysisFolders(target_path, las_qainfo.isClassified) # Make the STAT folder if it doesn't already exist stat_out_folder = ProjectFolder.derived.stats_path if not os.path.exists(stat_out_folder): os.makedirs(stat_out_folder) arcpy.AddMessage( "created Derived STAT folder '{}'".format(stat_out_folder)) else: arcpy.AddMessage("STAT folder '{}'".format(stat_out_folder)) # Make the scratch file GDB for the project if not os.path.exists(las_qainfo.filegdb_path): arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(target_path, las_qainfo.filegdb_name) Utility.addToolMessages() else: arcpy.AddMessage( "Derived fGDB sand box already exists. Using '{}'".format( las_qainfo.filegdb_path)) las_qainfo.lasd_spatial_ref = checkSpatialOnLas( las_qainfo.las_directory, target_path, createQARasters, las_qainfo.isClassified) if las_qainfo.lasd_spatial_ref is None: arcpy.AddError( "ERROR: Neither spatial reference in PRJ or LAS files are valid CANNOT CONTINUE." ) arcpy.AddError( "ERROR: Please create a projection file (.prj) in the LAS folder using the '3D Analyst Tools/Conversion/From File/Point File Information' tool." ) elif not las_qainfo.isValidSpatialReference(): las_qainfo.lasd_spatial_ref = None arcpy.AddError( "ERROR: Spatial Reference for the las files is not standard (see above)" ) arcpy.AddError( "ERROR: Please create a projection file (.prj) in the LAS folder using the '3D Analyst Tools/Conversion/From File/Point File Information' tool." ) try: arcpy.AddError("ERROR: '{}'".format( Utility.getSpatialReferenceInfo( las_qainfo.lasd_spatial_ref))) except: pass elif las_qainfo.isUnknownSpatialReference(): las_qainfo.lasd_spatial_ref = None arcpy.AddError( "ERROR: Please provide a projection file (.prj) that provides a valid transformation in the LAS directory." ) arcpy.AddError( "ERROR: Please create a projection file (.prj) in the LAS folder using the '3D Analyst Tools/Conversion/From File/Point File Information' tool." ) arcpy.AddError( "ERROR: Spatial Reference for the las files is not standard") try: arcpy.AddError("ERROR: '{}'".format( Utility.getSpatialReferenceInfo( las_qainfo.lasd_spatial_ref))) except: pass if las_qainfo.lasd_spatial_ref is None: raise Exception( "Error: Spatial Reference is invalid, unknown, or not specified." ) else: # prj_Count, prj_File = Utility.fileCounter(las_qainfo.las_directory, '.prj') # if prj_Count > 0 and prj_File is not None and len(str(prj_File)) > 0: # prj_spatial_ref = os.path.join(las_qainfo.las_directory, prj_File) # # if prj_Count > 0: # las_qainfo.setProjectionFile(prj_File) # las_spatial_ref = os.path.join(las_qainfo.las_directory, prj_File) # arcpy.AddMessage("Found a projection file with the las files, OVERRIDE LAS SR (if set) '{}'".format(las_spatial_ref)) # arcpy.AddMessage(Utility.getSpatialReferenceInfo(las_qainfo.getSpatialReference())) # else: # arcpy.AddMessage("Using projection (coordinate system) from las files if available.") fileList = getLasFileProcessList(las_qainfo.las_directory, target_path, createQARasters, las_qainfo.isClassified) createLasStatistics(fileList, target_path, las_qainfo.lasd_spatial_ref, las_qainfo.isClassified, createQARasters, createMissingRasters, overrideBorderPath) # Create the project's las dataset. Don't do this before you validated that each .las file has a .lasx if os.path.exists(las_qainfo.las_dataset_path): arcpy.AddMessage("Using existing LAS Dataset {}".format( las_qainfo.las_dataset_path)) # arcpy.AddMessage("Deleting existing LAS Dataset {}".format(las_qainfo.las_dataset_path)) # arcpy.Delete_management(las_qainfo.las_dataset_path) else: a = # note: don't use method in A04_B because we don't want to compute statistics this time arcpy.CreateLasDataset_management( input=las_qainfo.las_directory, out_las_dataset=las_qainfo.las_dataset_path, folder_recursion="RECURSION", in_surface_constraints="", spatial_reference=las_qainfo.lasd_spatial_ref, compute_stats="NO_COMPUTE_STATS", relative_paths="RELATIVE_PATHS", create_las_prj="FILES_MISSING_PROJECTION") Utility.addToolMessages() a = doTime( a, "Created LAS Dataset '{}'".format( las_qainfo.las_dataset_path)) desc = arcpy.Describe(las_qainfo.las_dataset_path) # las_qainfo.lasd_spatial_ref = desc.SpatialReference las_qainfo.LASDatasetPointCount = desc.pointCount las_qainfo.LASDatasetFileCount = desc.fileCount arcpy.AddMessage( "LASDatasetPointCount {} and LASDatasetFileCount {}".format( desc.pointCount, desc.fileCount)) lasd_boundary, las_footprint = A04_C_ConsolidateLASInfo.createRasterBoundaryAndFootprints( las_qainfo.filegdb_path, target_path, ProjectID, ProjectFolder.path, ProjectUID) mxd = createMXD(las_qainfo, target_path, ProjectID) # if createQARasters: arcpy.AddMessage("Creating QA raster mosaics") mosaics = A04_C_ConsolidateLASInfo.createQARasterMosaics( las_qainfo.isClassified, las_qainfo.filegdb_path, las_qainfo.lasd_spatial_ref, target_path, mxd, las_footprint, lasd_boundary) if mxd is not None: a = try: mxd_path = mxd.filePath for [md_path, md_name] in mosaics: arcpy.AddMessage( "Adding QA raster mosaic {} to mxd {}".format( md_path, mxd_path)) try: if not arcpy.Exists(md_path): a = doTime( a, "\tMD doesn't exist {}. Can't add to MXD {}. Is it open?" .format(md_path, mxd_path)) else: df = mxd.activeDataFrame if isLayerExist(mxd, df, md_name): a = doTime( a, "\t MD {} already exists in MXD {}". format(md_name, mxd_path)) else: if len(str(md_name)) > 0: try: lyr_md = arcpy.MakeMosaicLayer_management( in_mosaic_dataset=md_path, out_mosaic_layer=md_name ).getOutput(0) df = mxd.activeDataFrame arcpy.mapping.AddLayer( df, lyr_md, 'BOTTOM') # lyr_md.visible = False a = doTime( a, "\tAdded MD {} to MXD {} as {}" .format( md_name, mxd_path, lyr_md)) except: a = doTime( a, "\tfailed to add MD {} to MXD {}. Is it open?" .format(md_path, mxd_path)) except: try: a = doTime( a, "\tfailed to add MD to MXD {}. Is it open?" .format(mxd_path)) except: pass except: try: a = doTime( a, "\tfailed to save MXD {}. Is it open?".format( mxd_path)) except: pass bbb = td = (bbb - aaa).total_seconds() arcpy.AddMessage("Completed {} in {}".format(las_qainfo.las_dataset_path, td)) return las_qainfo, lasd_boundary
def checkSpatialOnLas(start_dir, target_path, createQARasters, isClassified): las_spatial_ref = None prj_spatial_ref = None las_f_path = getLasFileProcessList(start_dir, target_path, createQARasters, isClassified, returnFirst=True) lasd_f_path = "{}d".format(las_f_path) a = deleteFileIfExists(lasd_f_path, True) arcpy.AddMessage( "{} Testing spatial reference on .las file: '{}' '{}'".format(, las_f_path, lasd_f_path)) arcpy.CreateLasDataset_management(input=las_f_path, spatial_reference=None, out_las_dataset=lasd_f_path, folder_recursion="NO_RECURSION", in_surface_constraints="", compute_stats="COMPUTE_STATS", relative_paths="RELATIVE_PATHS", create_las_prj="NO_FILES") doTime(a, "\t{} Created LASD {}".format(, lasd_f_path)) desc = arcpy.Describe(lasd_f_path) if desc is not None: las_spatial_ref = desc.SpatialReference if las_spatial_ref is not None: try: arcpy.AddMessage("\tFound spatial reference in LAS: {}".format( las_spatial_ref.exportToString())) except: pass prj_Count, prj_File = Utility.fileCounter(start_dir, '.prj') arcpy.AddMessage("\tFound {} PRJ files, the first is: {}".format( prj_Count, prj_File)) if prj_Count > 0 and prj_File is not None and len(str(prj_File)) > 0: prj_Path = os.path.join(start_dir, prj_File) arcpy.AddMessage( "\tReading spatial reference from PRJ file: {}".format(prj_Path)) prj_spatial_ref = arcpy.SpatialReference(prj_Path) arcpy.AddMessage("\tGot from PRJ file spatial reference: {}".format( if prj_spatial_ref is not None: try: arcpy.AddMessage("\tFound spatial reference in PRJ: {}".format( prj_spatial_ref.exportToString())) except: pass arcpy.AddMessage("Decoding LAS File Spatial Reference") las_horz_cs_name, las_horz_cs_unit_name, las_horz_cs_factory_code, las_vert_cs_name, las_vert_cs_unit_name = Utility.getSRValues( las_spatial_ref) prj_horz_cs_name, prj_horz_cs_unit_name, prj_horz_cs_factory_code, prj_vert_cs_name, prj_vert_cs_unit_name = None, None, None, None, None if prj_spatial_ref is not None: arcpy.AddMessage("Decoding PRJ File Spatial Reference") prj_horz_cs_name, prj_horz_cs_unit_name, prj_horz_cs_factory_code, prj_vert_cs_name, prj_vert_cs_unit_name = Utility.getSRValues( prj_spatial_ref) arcpy.AddMessage( "LAS File Spatial Reference:\n\tH_Name: '{}'\n\tH_Unit: '{}'\n\tH_WKID: '{}'\n\tV_Name: '{}'\n\tV_Unit: '{}'" .format(las_horz_cs_name, las_horz_cs_unit_name, las_horz_cs_factory_code, las_vert_cs_name, las_vert_cs_unit_name)) arcpy.AddMessage( "PRJ File Spatial Reference:\n\tH_Name: '{}'\n\tH_Unit: '{}'\n\tH_WKID: '{}'\n\tV_Name: '{}'\n\tV_Unit: '{}'" .format(prj_horz_cs_name, prj_horz_cs_unit_name, prj_horz_cs_factory_code, prj_vert_cs_name, prj_vert_cs_unit_name)) prj_horz_name_isValid = isSrValueValid(prj_horz_cs_name) prj_vert_name_isValid = isSrValueValid(prj_vert_cs_name) prj_horz_unit_isValid = isSrValueValid(prj_horz_cs_unit_name) prj_vert_unit_isValid = isSrValueValid(prj_vert_cs_unit_name) las_horz_name_isValid = isSrValueValid(las_horz_cs_name) las_vert_name_isValid = isSrValueValid(las_vert_cs_name) las_horz_unit_isValid = isSrValueValid(las_horz_cs_unit_name) las_vert_unit_isValid = isSrValueValid(las_vert_cs_unit_name) prj_isValid = prj_horz_name_isValid and prj_vert_name_isValid and prj_horz_unit_isValid and prj_vert_unit_isValid las_isValid = las_horz_name_isValid and las_vert_name_isValid and las_horz_unit_isValid and las_vert_unit_isValid sr_horz_name_isSame = prj_horz_name_isValid and las_horz_name_isValid and prj_horz_cs_name == las_horz_cs_name sr_horz_unit_isSame = prj_horz_unit_isValid and las_horz_unit_isValid and prj_horz_cs_unit_name == las_horz_cs_unit_name sr_vert_name_isSame = prj_vert_name_isValid and las_vert_name_isValid and prj_vert_cs_name == las_vert_cs_name sr_vert_unit_isSame = prj_vert_unit_isValid and las_vert_unit_isValid and prj_vert_cs_unit_name == las_vert_cs_unit_name sr_horz_isSame = sr_horz_name_isSame and sr_horz_unit_isSame sr_vert_isSame = sr_vert_name_isSame and sr_vert_unit_isSame sr_isSame = sr_horz_isSame and sr_vert_isSame if prj_isValid or las_isValid: if sr_horz_isSame: arcpy.AddMessage( " The LAS and PRJ horizontal spatial references MATCH". format(Utility.getSpatialReferenceInfo(prj_spatial_ref))) else: arcpy.AddWarning( "WARNING: The LAS and PRJ horizontal spatial references DO NOT MATCH." ) if sr_vert_isSame: arcpy.AddMessage( " The LAS and PRJ vertical spatial references MATCH". format(Utility.getSpatialReferenceInfo(prj_spatial_ref))) else: arcpy.AddWarning( "WARNING: The LAS and PRJ vertical spatial references DO NOT MATCH." ) if sr_isSame: arcpy.AddMessage( " The LAS and PRJ spatial references MATCH".format( Utility.getSpatialReferenceInfo(prj_spatial_ref))) else: arcpy.AddWarning( "WARNING: The LAS and PRJ spatial references DO NOT MATCH.") result = None if prj_isValid: arcpy.AddMessage( " Found a valid spatial reference in a PRJ file. Using this as the spatial reference: {}" .format(Utility.getSpatialReferenceInfo(prj_spatial_ref))) result = os.path.join(start_dir, prj_File) elif las_isValid: arcpy.AddMessage( " Found a valid spatial reference in a LAS file. Using this as the spatial reference: {}" .format(Utility.getSpatialReferenceInfo(las_spatial_ref))) result = las_spatial_ref return result
#DEM by tile # get file names #os.listdir(DOWNLOADS_DIR) arcpy.env.workspace = DOWNLOADS_DIR lasFiles = [ f for f in os.listdir(DOWNLOADS_DIR) if f.endswith(('.LAS', '.las')) ] #lasFiles = lasFiles[0:10] #f = lasFiles[0] for f in lasFiles: print("Processing %s..." % f) ff = os.path.splitext(f)[0] lasD = os.path.join(outLAS, 'tmp.lasd') #; print lasD print(" Creating %s..." % lasD) arcpy.CreateLasDataset_management(os.path.join(DOWNLOADS_DIR, f), lasD, recursion, surfCons, sr) print(" %s created!" % lasD) #Create DEM outDEMras = os.path.join(outDEM, ff + '_DEM.tif') if not os.path.exists(outDEMras): print("Begin %s processing..." % (ff + '_DEM.tif')) lasDEM = arcpy.CreateUniqueName(ff + '_DEM') returnValue = '' #[2,9]#'ANY'#['LAST', 'SINGLE'] class_code = [2, 9] print(" Creating LAS layer...") arcpy.MakeLasDatasetLayer_management(lasD, lasDEM, class_code) print(" Creating surface...") arcpy.conversion.LasDatasetToRaster( lasDEM, outDEMras, 'ELEVATION', 'BINNING MINIMUM NATURAL_NEIGHBOR', 'FLOAT', 'CELLSIZE', cellSize, zFactor)
"", "*****", "SAVE_USERNAME", "", "", "TRANSACTIONAL", "", "") # Process: Create Table arcpy.CreateTable_management(FIA_Data_sde, "FIA DATA", "", "") # Process: Pivot Table arcpy.PivotTable_management(FIA_DATA, "", "", "", FIADATA_PivotTable) # Process: Add Join arcpy.AddJoin_management("", "", FIADATA_PivotTable, "", "KEEP_ALL") # Process: Create Feature Dataset arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management("", "", "") # Process: Exploratory Regression arcpy.ExploratoryRegression_stats("", "", "", "", Output_Report_File, Output_Results_Table, "5", "1", "0.5", "0.05", "7.5", "0.1", "0.1") # Process: Create LAS Dataset arcpy.CreateLasDataset_management("", Output_LAS_Dataset, "NO_RECURSION", "", "", "NO_COMPUTE_STATS", "ABSOLUTE_PATHS") # Process: LAS Point Statistics as Raster arcpy.LasPointStatsAsRaster_management(Output_LAS_Dataset, Output_Raster, "PULSE_COUNT", "CELLSIZE", "10") # Process: Extract by Points, "", output, "INSIDE")