def create_snap_raster(self, feature, scratch, output_file, cellsize=10, spacing=10): """ Create a Snap Raster based on input feature. Snap raster units are based on the units of the input dataset.""" import utilities.image as image # @UnresolvedImport desc = arcpy.Describe(feature) gXMin = int(round(desc.extent.XMin, -1)) - cellsize * spacing gYMin = int(round(desc.extent.YMin, -1)) - cellsize * spacing gXMax = int(round(desc.extent.XMax, -1)) + cellsize * spacing gYMax = int(round(desc.extent.YMax, -1)) + cellsize * spacing arcpy.env.extent = arcpy.Extent(gXMin, gYMin, gXMax, gYMax) arcpy.env.cellSize = cellsize arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = desc.spatialReference arcpy.CreateRandomRaster_management(scratch, 'RandomRaster', 'INTEGER 0 0', arcpy.Extent, str(cellsize)) image = image.Single_Image(scratch + '\\RandomRaster') for row in range(0, image.get_rows(), spacing): for col in range(0, image.get_columns(), spacing): image.set_value(row, col, 1) arcpy.Delete_management(scratch + '\\RandomRaster') return output_file
def onRectangle(self, rectangle_geometry): #save the parameters for the domain file_loc = pythonaddins.SaveDialog("Save your file","", "") file_loc = os.path.split(file_loc) out_path = file_loc[0] out_name = file_loc[1] resolution = setRes.text #and actually captures the extent used (onRectangle saves rectangle_geometry as an extent object) extent = rectangle_geometry #create temporary raster, then get unique cell values raster = ap.CreateRandomRaster_management(out_path, out_name, "NORMAL", extent, resolution) return raster #these rasters should generally
def dem_noise2(self, noise_factor=None): arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.extent = self._in_dem r_metadata = arcpy.Raster(self._in_dem) self._noise_order = self.noise_factor_dictionary(noise_factor) sufix = str(noise_factor) noise_raster = "noise{}.tif".format(sufix) noise_raster_path = os.path.join(self._temp_folder, noise_raster) neighborhood_smooth =, height=self._noise_order, units="CELL") arcpy.CreateRandomRaster_management(self._temp_folder, noise_raster, "NORMAL {} {}".format(self._mean, self._stdev), self._in_dem, r_metadata.meanCellHeight) noise_smooth =, neighborhood=neighborhood_smooth, statistics_type="MEAN", ignore_nodata="DATA") + "\\noise_smooth{}.tif".format(sufix)) outRaster = (noise_smooth + * arcpy.Raster(self._mask) # arcpy.Delete_management(points_interpolation) # arcpy.Delete_management(os.path.join(self._temp_folder, random_points)) # arcpy.Delete_management(noise) # del noise return self._out_dem
def DemNoise(self, inDEM, outDEM, mean, stdev, mask, noise_order): arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.extent = inDEM # Process: Create Random Raster tempPath = tempfile.gettempdir() print(tempPath) rMetadata = arcpy.Raster(inDEM) # Process: Create Random Points arcpy.CreateRandomPoints_management(tempPath, "randomPoints.shp", None, mask, "1000", "10 Meters", "POINT", "0") arcpy.CreateRandomRaster_management(tempPath, "noise.tif", "NORMAL {} {}".format(mean, stdev), inDEM, rMetadata.meanCellHeight) # Process: Extract Values to Points, "randomPoints.shp"), os.path.join(tempPath, "noise.tif"), os.path.join(tempPath, "PointsInterpolation.shp"), "INTERPOLATE", "VALUE_ONLY") # Process: Trend noise =, "PointsInterpolation.shp"), z_field="RASTERVALU", cell_size=rMetadata.meanCellWidth, order=noise_order, regression_type="LINEAR", out_rms_file=None) # Process: Raster Calculator outRaster = (noise + * arcpy.Raster(mask) # arcpy.Clip_management(outRaster, in_template_dataset=mask, out_raster=outDEM, clipping_geometry="ClippingGeometry", maintain_clipping_extent="MAINTAIN_EXTENT") arcpy.Delete_management(os.path.join(tempPath, "PointsInterpolation.shp")) arcpy.Delete_management(os.path.join(tempPath, "randomPoints.shp")) # arcpy.Delete_management(noise) del noise return outDEM
dem = 'cley_lidar.asc' ) # Enters ARCGIS name of DEM file (it must in the same folder as this script) extent = dem.extent # Sets study area to have the same extent as that of 'dem' cellSize = ( dem.meanCellHeight + dem.meanCellWidth ) / 2 # Sets cell size of output raster layers to be the same as that of 'dem' random.seed() # Initializes random number generator nsims = 100 # Sets number of simulations for i in range( nsims): # Initializes for loop from 1 through 100 iterations print 'Simulating DEM.Simulation {0}'.format(i + 1) pre_rand = arcpy.CreateRandomRaster_management( out_path=arcpy.env. workspace, # Location of the output the raster dataset out_name='pre_rand', # Name of output random layer distribution= 'UNIFORM 0 1', # Random probability model (Uniform in the range 0 to 1) raster_extent=extent, # Extent of the random layer cellsize=cellSize) # Cell size of the random layer rand = 150.0 - ( * 300.0 ) # Creates random height values based on RMS error signature of the terrain model raster layer 'dem''rand') # Saves 'rand' raster layer to disk print 'rand saved' arcpy.Delete_management(pre_rand) # Deletes 'pre_rand' raster layer dtm = dem + rand # Creates a new terrain model raster layer with random values added to the terrain model raster layer 'dem''dtm') # Saves 'dtm' raster layer to disk print 'dtm saved' inund = dtm > 890, 1, 0 ) # Reclassifies the randomised terrain model raster layer into above (1) and below (0) sea level
#Execute expand tool. outExpand = Expand(inRaster, numberCells, zoneValues) #Save the output of the expand tool run."expandAllLandCover.img") # Note that there is no expansion for potato/vegetable rotations because there is only one generalized class for them - value "500" #STEP 3 # Create random raster of values 0 through 100 for apportioning continuous corn rotations into 50% dairy and 50% cash grain from the nearest expanded management schemes of those respective rotations types. Previous field-scale analysis in Pleasant Valley as welk as conversation with county/regional conservation staff showed that dairy was misclassified as continuous corn approximately 50% of the time and as cash grain 50% of the time. # This step creates the random raster arcpy.CreateRandomRaster_management(env.scratchFolder, "random", "UNIFORM 0.0 100.0", CropCodeRaster, env.cellSize) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(env.scratchFolder + '/random', env.scratchGDB + '/random') random = Raster(env.scratchGDB + '/random') # This step splits the continuous corn CDL analysis pixels into 50% dairy pixels and 50% cash grain pixels using uniform random values step1 = Con(BooleanAnd(inCDLRasterCLU == 1, random1 <= 50), 3, inCDLRasterCLU) step2 = Con(step1 == 1, 2, step1) #STEP 4 #Merge individual land management raster files into their respective CDL defined rotation categories. #Execute Con Function. Used "if, else" statements to create pixel-based land cover with land management incorporated.
rastName="/testRastGrid.tif" rastName2="/testRastGrid2.tif" fcName="grid_mainland_afr.shp" print "Getting extent from: {0}".format(aoi) desc = arcpy.Describe(aoi) extent = desc.extent extent= str(extent.XMin)+" "+str(extent.YMin) +" "+str(extent.XMax)+" "+str(extent.YMax) coordSys=desc.spatialReference print "Creating random raster" arcpy.CreateRandomRaster_management(out_path=tempFolder+"/",out_name=rastName,distribution="NORMAL 0.0 10000000.0",raster_extent=extent, cellsize=cellSize) arcpy.env.workspace = tempFolder+"/" print "Making integer""""Int(rastName)""",rastName2) print "Converting raster to polygon" arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(in_raster=rastName2,out_polygon_features=outFolder+"/"+fcName,simplify="NO_SIMPLIFY",raster_field="Value") arcpy.Delete_management(rastName) arcpy.Delete_management(rastName2) arcpy.env.workspace = outFolder+"/" gridCellID="cell_id" arcpy.AddField_management(fcName,gridCellID,"LONG")