def macierzeRastrowe(x): if x == "wilgObjRaster": wilgObjRaster = "wilgObjRaster" arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(wydzieleniaShp, wilgObjField, wilgObjRaster, cellsize) return wilgObjRaster elif x == "wskInfEfRaster": wskInfEfRaster = "wskInfEfRaster" arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(wydzieleniaShp, wskInfEfField, wskInfEfRaster, cellsize) return wskInfEfRaster elif x == "wspolFiltrRaster": wspolFiltrRaster = "wspolFiltrRaster" arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(wydzieleniaShp, wspolFiltrField, wspolFiltrRaster, cellsize) return wspolFiltrRaster else: porowEfekRaster = "porowEfekRaster" arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(wydzieleniaShp, porowEfekField, porowEfekRaster, cellsize) return porowEfekRaster
def exportInventory(self, inventory_raster_out, resolution): pp = self.ProgressPrinter.newProcess(inspect.stack()[0][3], 1, 1).start() print "\tExporting inventory to raster..." arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True classifier_names = self.inventory.getClassifiers() fields = { "age": self.inventory.getFieldNames()["age"], "species": self.inventory.getFieldNames()["species"] # "ownership": self.inventory.getFieldNames()["ownership"], # "FMLB": self.inventory.getFieldNames()["FMLB"], # "THLB": self.inventory.getFieldNames()["THLB"] } for classifier_name in classifier_names: field_name = self.inventory.getClassifierAttr(classifier_name) file_path = os.path.join(inventory_raster_out, "{}.tif".format(classifier_name)) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion("inventory_gridded", field_name, file_path, resolution) self.inventory.addRaster(file_path, classifier_name, self.createAttributeTable( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), "{}.tif.vat.dbf".format(classifier_name)), field_name)) # arcpy.DeleteField_management(file_path, field_name) for attr in fields: field_name = fields[attr] file_path = os.path.join(inventory_raster_out,"{}.tif".format(attr)) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion("inventory_gridded", field_name, file_path, resolution) self.inventory.addRaster(file_path, attr, self.createAttributeTable( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), "{}.tif.vat.dbf".format(attr)), field_name)) # arcpy.DeleteField_management(file_path, field_name) pp.finish()
def exposure(in_property_layer,nearby_properties_layer,ocean_layer): print "\t...commencing raster processing..." try: cellsize = 10 # remap objects for the reclassifications combined_remap = RemapValue([["NODATA", 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [10, 10], [11, 10], [200, 1]]) euc_dir_remap = RemapRange([[-1, -1, 0], [-1, 22.5, 1], [22.5, 67.5, 2], [67.5, 112.5, 3], [112.5, 157.5, 4], [157.5, 202.5, 5], [202.5, 247.5, 6], [247.5, 292.5, 7], [292.5, 337.5, 8], [337.5, 360, 1]]) # generate land_ocean raster arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(ocean_layer, "HY_CS_CODE", "_ocean", cellsize) land_ocean = Reclassify("_ocean", "VALUE", combined_remap) # create surface from nearby property points arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(nearby_properties_layer, offset_fieldname, "point_heights", cellsize) vis_surface = Reclassify("point_heights", "VALUE", combined_remap, "DATA") # Apparently we have to save the input FC to disk now. # This adds a whole second to the processing =\ arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(in_property_layer, r"C:\ExposureDetection\scratch", "inprop.shp") # Do the viewshed & find visible ocean viewshed = Viewshed(vis_surface, r"C:\ExposureDetection\scratch\inprop.shp") visible_ocean = (land_ocean == 1) & (viewshed > 0) # Euclidean direction & classify into zones euc_dir = EucDirection(in_property_layer,analysis_distance) euc_zones = Reclassify(euc_dir, "VALUE", euc_dir_remap, "DATA") # Do the stats print "\t...calculating statistics..." ZonalStatisticsAsTable(euc_zones, "VALUE", visible_ocean, "zStats") # Now go off and get the deets from that table. return getExposureResults("zStats") except ExecuteError as e: print " Raster processing failed! ".center(79,"=") print "Error was:", e # Return null values for failed rows. return (None, ) * 8
def RastToShp(rastinfile, year_day, flag): """Creates the output extent to be used in the rest of the script. Allows all images to be snapped to a constant grid, for direct matrix to matrix comparison""" if flag == 'N': arcrast = TMP + year_day + "_recasttif.tif" tmptif = arcpy.Raster(rastinfile) #This step can be necessary for Arc tools to work properly on .tif files arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(arcrast) if flag == 'Y': arcrast = TMP + year_day + "_recasttif.tif" arcpy.CopyRaster_management(rastinfile, arcrast, '', '-9999', '-9999') arcpy.env.extent = arcrast clipshp_tmp = TMP + year_day + "_clipshp_tmp.shp" EXT_data =, 1, 0, '"Value" > 0') #Choose only areas with data tmp_ext = TMP + year_day + "_clipshp_con.tif" del EXT_data arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(tmp_ext, clipshp_tmp, "NO_SIMPLIFY", "Value") #Convert to Shpfile clipshp = TMP + year_day + "_ext.shp" clipshp_tmp2 = TMP + year_day + "_ext_tmp2.shp" arcpy.Select_analysis(clipshp_tmp, clipshp_tmp2, '"GRIDCODE" = 1') arcpy.Buffer_analysis(clipshp_tmp2, clipshp, "-2 Kilometers") #Negative buffer to remove edge effects cliprast = TMP + year_day + '_ext_tif.tif' arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(clipshp, "GRIDCODE", cliprast, 30) #Convert back to TIF file to use as output extent arcpy.Delete_management(clipshp) arcpy.Delete_management(clipshp_tmp) arcpy.Delete_management(clipshp_tmp2) arcpy.Delete_management(tmp_ext) return cliprast, arcrast
def rasterize(indir, outdir, season): output_data = outdir + "\\" + season + ".tif" input_data = indir + '\\' + season + ".shp" #Output_variance_of_prediction_raster="", "Max_NDVI", output_data, "Spherical 0.000001", "1.0", "VARIABLE 12", Output_variance_of_prediction_raster) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(input_data, "date", output_data, "10.0")
def runFeatToRast(tracts, projectGDBPath): # print("\nGenerating cancer rate raster...") # Set environment settings arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Users\rkpalmerjr\Documents\School\WISC\Fall_2019\GEOG_777_Capstone_in_GIS_Development\Project_1\TESTING\Test_1\Scratch" dataFolder = r"C:\Users\rkpalmerjr\Documents\School\WISC\Fall_2019\GEOG_777_Capstone_in_GIS_Development\Project_1\GEOG777_Project_1_Nitrate_Cancer\Data" # Set local variables for Feature to Raster inFeatures = os.path.join(dataFolder, tracts) field = "canrate" canrateRaster = os.path.join(projectGDBPath, "canrate") # cellSize = # Execute Feature to Raster arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(inFeatures, field, canrateRaster, "") # Delete local variables del dataFolder, inFeatures, field # print("\nCancer rate raster generated.") # Return canrateRaster to global scope return canrateRaster
def features_to_raster(feature_class, outfile, field, template=None, transform_method=None, where=''): '''convert a feature-class to a raster-file template : str, optional full path to template raster, outfput file will get same projection and raster size ''' proj_tmp = join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, 'proj_tmp') where_tmp = join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, 'where_tmp') arcpy.Delete_management(where_tmp) arcpy.Delete_management(proj_tmp) in_features = arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion( feature_class, *split(where_tmp), where_clause=where) if template: desc = arcpy.Describe(template) sr = desc.spatialReference in_features = arcpy.Project_management( in_features, proj_tmp, sr, transform_method=transform_method) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(in_features, field, outfile, cell_size=template) arcpy.Delete_management(where_tmp) arcpy.Delete_management(proj_tmp) return outfile
def runFeatToRast(tracts, projectGDBPath): # arcpy.AddMessage("\nGenerating cancer rate raster...") # Set local variables for Feature to Raster inFeatures = tracts field = "canrate" canrateRasterPath = os.path.join(projectGDBPath, "canrateRaster") # cellSize = # Execute Feature to Raster arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(inFeatures, field, canrateRasterPath, "") # Get Feature to Raster Messages arcpy.AddMessage("\n" + arcpy.GetMessages()) # Create a raster layer to add to the MXD canrateRasterLyr = arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management( canrateRasterPath, "canrateRaster") # Add the output to the MXD arcpy.SetParameterAsText(6, canrateRasterLyr) # arcpy.AddMessage("\nCancer rate raster generated:\n" + canrateRasterPath) # Delete local variables del inFeatures, field, canrateRasterPath # Return canrateRaster to global scope return canrateRasterLyr
def create_cost_layer(folder, dem_raster, shapefile, out_raster_file, buffer_m): #setup folder for temporary results #get cellsize and spatial reference for new raster sp = dem_raster.spatialReference cellSize = dem_raster.meanCellWidth #reproject it to same projection as dem vectorFile = os.path.join(folder, shapefile) vectorFileProj = os.path.join(temp, "projected_" + shapefile) arcpy.Project_management(vectorFile, vectorFileProj, sp) #get buffer bufferFile = os.path.join(temp, "buffer_" + shapefile) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(vectorFileProj, bufferFile, str(buffer_m) + " meters") arcpy.AddMessage("buffer done!") #feature to raster rasterFile = os.path.join(temp, "raster_" + shapefile.strip(".shp") + ".tif") arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(bufferFile, "BUFF_DIST", rasterFile, cellSize) arcpy.AddMessage("feature to raster done!") #reclassify to a raster with [0, 1] raster = cost_raster =, 0, 1) costFile1 = os.path.join(temp, out_raster_file) arcpy.AddMessage("reclassify " + shapefile + " done!")
def shp_to_raster(workspace, excel, shp, c_field, save_path): arcpy.env.workspace = workspace if arcpy.Exists("temp.shp"): arcpy.Delete_management("temp.shp") work_book = xlrd.open_workbook(excel) sheet = work_book.sheet_by_index(0) for x in range(0, sheet.nrows, 3): desc = arcpy.Describe(shp) spatial_reference = desc.spatialReference arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(workspace, "temp.shp", "POLYGON", shp, "DISABLED", "DISABLED", spatial_reference) fields = ["FID", "JUDGE_CLAS", "SHAPE@"] values = [] file_name = sheet.cell(x, 4).value where_clause = """"file_name" = '""" + file_name.replace("tif", "shp") + "'" cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(shp, where_clause) for row in cursor: values.append([row.FID, row.JUDGE_CLAS, row.Shape]) print (file_name) insert_cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor("temp.shp", fields) for insert_row in values: insert_cursor.insertRow(insert_row) del insert_cursor arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion("temp.shp", c_field, save_path+"/"+file_name.replace("shp", "tif"), 0.6) # update_cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor("temp.shp", fields) # for _ in update_cursor: # update_cursor.deleteRow() # del update_cursor arcpy.Delete_management("temp.shp")
def featureToRaster(inFeature, outRaster, cellSize, field): raster_naturales = arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion( inFeature, field, outRaster, cellSize, )
def cc_copy_inputs(): """Clip Climate Linkage Mapper inputs to smallest extent.""" lm_util.gprint("\nCOPYING LAYERS AND, IF NECESSARY, REDUCING EXTENT") ext_poly = "ext_poly" # Extent polygon climate_extent = arcpy.Raster(cc_env.climate_rast).extent if cc_env.resist_rast is not None: resist_extent = arcpy.Raster(cc_env.resist_rast).extent xmin = max(climate_extent.XMin, resist_extent.XMin) ymin = max(climate_extent.YMin, resist_extent.YMin) xmax = min(climate_extent.XMax, resist_extent.XMax) ymax = min(climate_extent.YMax, resist_extent.YMax) # Set to minimum extent if resistance raster was given arcpy.env.extent = arcpy.Extent(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # Want climate and resistance rasters in same spatial ref # with same nodata cells proj_resist_rast =,, cc_env.resist_rast) else: xmin = climate_extent.XMin ymin = climate_extent.YMin xmax = climate_extent.XMax ymax = climate_extent.YMax ones_resist_rast =,, 1) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(cc_env.climate_rast, cc_env.prj_climate_rast) # Create core raster arcpy.env.extent = arcpy.Extent(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) lm_util.delete_data(cc_env.prj_core_rast) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion( cc_env.core_fc, cc_env.core_fld, cc_env.prj_core_rast, arcpy.Describe(cc_env.climate_rast).MeanCellHeight) arcpy.env.extent = None # Create array of boundary points array = arcpy.Array() pnt = arcpy.Point(xmin, ymin) array.add(pnt) pnt = arcpy.Point(xmax, ymin) array.add(pnt) pnt = arcpy.Point(xmax, ymax) array.add(pnt) pnt = arcpy.Point(xmin, ymax) array.add(pnt) # Add in the first point of the array again to close polygon boundary array.add(array.getObject(0)) # Create a polygon geometry object using the array object ext_feat = arcpy.Polygon(array) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(ext_feat, ext_poly) # Clip core feature class arcpy.Clip_analysis(cc_env.core_fc, ext_poly, cc_env.prj_core_fc)
def soil_clip_analysis(soil_BNG, Soil_type, DTM_cell_size, buffer_catchment, buffer_extent, river_catchment_BNG, catch_extent): # Check the soil type desc_soil = arcpy.Describe(soil_BNG) soil_raster_feature = desc_soil.datasetType arcpy.AddMessage("The soil is a " + soil_raster_feature) if soil_raster_feature == 'FeatureClass': soil_clip = arcpy.Clip_analysis(soil_BNG, river_catchment_BNG) if Soil_type == 'UK HOST': arcpy.AddMessage("UK HOST soil data selected") soil_clipped = arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion( soil_clip, "HOST", "Temp7", DTM_cell_size) soil_clip_raster = arcpy.Clip_management(soil_clipped, catch_extent, "MODEL_Soil_HOST", river_catchment_BNG, "#", "ClippingGeometry") #soil_clip_raster =, river_catchment_BNG, "MODEL_Soil_HOST") elif Soil_type == 'FAO': arcpy.AddMessage("FAO soil data selected") soil_clipped = arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion( soil_BNG, "SNUM", "Temp8", DTM_cell_size) soil_clip_raster = soil_clipped, river_catchment_polygon, "MODEL_Soil_FAO") #soil_clip_raster = arcpy.Clip_management(Soil_clip, extent, "MODEL_Soil_FAO", River_catchment_poly, "#", "ClippingGeometry") else: if Soil_type == 'UK HOST': Soil_clip = arcpy.Clip_management(soil_BNG, catch_extent, "MODEL_Soil_HOST", river_catchment_BNG, "#", "ClippingGeometry") elif Soil_type == 'FAO': Soil_clip = arcpy.Clip_management(soil_BNG, catch_extent, "MODEL_Soil_FAO", river_catchment_BNG, "#", "ClippingGeometry") arcpy.AddMessage("Soil clipped to catchment") arcpy.AddMessage("-------------------------")
def __convert_hydro_to_raster(self, input_features, input_field, output_raster, cell_size): arcpy.AddMessage('Converting hydrography to raster surface...') arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(in_features=input_features, field=input_field, out_raster=output_raster, cell_size=cell_size) return output_raster
def convertProposedToRasterDebit(ProposedSurfaceDisturbance, cellSize): arcpy.AddMessage("Preparing Proposed Surface Disturbance for processing") # Check feature type of provided feature class desc = arcpy.Describe(ProposedSurfaceDisturbance) # Make feature layer of proposed surface disturbance features = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(ProposedSurfaceDisturbance, "lyr") # Generate list of unique subtypes in Proposed_Surface_Disturbance uniqueProposedSubtypes = list(set([row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor( ProposedSurfaceDisturbance, "Subtype")])) arcpy.AddMessage("Proposed Surface Disturbance contains " + str(uniqueProposedSubtypes)) for subtype in uniqueProposedSubtypes: # Select features of specified subtype field = "Subtype" where_clause = """{} = '{}'""".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters (features, field), subtype) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(features, "NEW_SELECTION", where_clause) # Count features selected to ensure >0 feature selected test = arcpy.GetCount_management(features) count = int(test.getOutput(0)) # Convert to raster if count > 0: in_features = features value_field = "Weight" out_rasterdataset = os.path.join("Proposed_" + subtype) cell_assignment = "MAXIMUM_AREA" priority_field = "Weight" if desc.shapeType == "Polygon": arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion(in_features, value_field, out_rasterdataset, cell_assignment, priority_field, cellSize) else: # Consider changing to buffer of ? meters arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(in_features, value_field, out_rasterdataset, cellSize) # Clear selected features arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(features, "CLEAR_SELECTION") return uniqueProposedSubtypes
def shp2raster(input_shp, field, snapraster, outpath): print("Start " + input_shp) arcpy.env.snapRaster = snapraster arcpy.env.cellSize = snapraster arcpy.env.extent = snapraster arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = snapraster # Execute FeatureToRaster arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(input_shp, field, outpath) print(outpath + " had been rasterized!") return
def wall(): arcpy.env.workspace = nhd arcpy.env.compression = "NONE" arcpy.env.snapRaster = huc6mosaic arcpy.env.cellSize = "10" albers = arcpy.SpatialReference() albers.factoryCode = 102039 albers.create() NAD83 = arcpy.SpatialReference() NAD83.factoryCode = "4269" NAD83.create() arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = "TRUE" # Project HUC12 and Flowlines to USGS Albers then select the local HUC8s arcpy.Project_management("WBD_HU8", "huc8albers", albers, "", NAD83) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("NHDFlowline", "Flowline") arcpy.Project_management("Flowline", "flowlinealbers", albers, "", NAD83) arcpy.AddMessage("Projected HUC8s and Flowlines to Albers.") # Select out Subregion's HUC8s to fc "WBD_HU8_Local" arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("huc8albers", "huc8", "", nhd) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("flowlinealbers", "flowline_layer", "", nhd) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("huc8", "INTERSECT", "flowline_layer") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("huc8", "WBD_HU8_Local") arcpy.AddMessage("Selected local HUC8s.") # Convert to lines and add a field to local HUC8s for wall height arcpy.PolygonToLine_management("WBD_HU8_Local", "WallLines") arcpy.AddField_management("WallLines", "WallHeight", "DOUBLE", "", "", "7") arcpy.CalculateField_management("WallLines", "WallHeight", hgt, "PYTHON") # Convert wall lines to raster arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion("WallLines", "WallHeight", outfolder + "\\" + "Walls.tif") walls = os.path.join(outfolder, "Walls.tif") subregion_number = os.path.basename(nhd) nhdsubregion = subregion_number[4:8] # Add rasters together arcpy.env.workspace = infolder rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("NED*") for raster in rasters: arcpy.env.extent = raster wallsObject = Raster(walls) elevObject = Raster(raster) walled_ned = Con(IsNull(wallsObject), elevObject, (wallsObject + elevObject)), os.path.basename(raster))) return
def getImperv(inShpPath, inlandUsePath, indexField, weights): # Process Path if not os.path.exists('Process'): os.makedirs('Process') processPath = "./Process/" # Process Data Path outShpTempPath = processPath + "subcaTemp.shp" outLandTempPath = processPath + "landTemp.shp" outLandRasterPath = processPath + "landUseRaster" outTablePath = processPath + "impervTable.dbf" # Output Path if not os.path.exists('Result'): os.makedirs('Result') # Output Data Path outShpPath = "./Result/subcatchments.shp" # Execute CopyFeatures arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(inShpPath, outShpTempPath) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(inlandUsePath, outLandTempPath) # Check out the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension license arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial") # Execute AddField arcpy.AddField_management(outLandTempPath, "Weight", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "weight", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") # Calculate Weight codeBlock = """ def getWeight(type, weights): return weights[type]""" expression = "getWeight( !category! ," + json.dumps(weights) + ")" arcpy.CalculateField_management(outLandTempPath, "Weight", expression, "PYTHON", codeBlock) # Execute FeatureToRaster arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(outLandTempPath, "Weight", outLandRasterPath, 5) # Execute ZonalStatisticsAsTable outImperv = ZonalStatisticsAsTable(outShpTempPath, indexField, outLandRasterPath, outTablePath, "NODATA", "MEAN") # Execute AddField arcpy.AddField_management(outShpTempPath, "Imperv", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "imperv", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") # Create a feature layer layerName = "subcaShp" arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(outShpTempPath, layerName) # Join the feature layer to a table arcpy.AddJoin_management(layerName, indexField, outImperv, indexField) # Calculate Slope arcpy.CalculateField_management(layerName, "Imperv", "!impervTable.MEAN!", "PYTHON") # Remove the join arcpy.RemoveJoin_management(layerName, "impervTable") # Copy the layer to a new permanent feature class arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(layerName, outShpPath) return outShpPath
def shp2raster(year): # Set environment settings env.workspace = "F:/NEW(1)/Feature" indicators = ["IJI", "PAFRAC", "DIVISION", "CONTAG", "SHEI", "SHDI"] # Set local variables inFeature = year + ".shp" for indicator in indicators: outRaster = "F:/NEW(1)/GRID/" + indicator + "/" + year + ".tif" cellSize = 3000 field = indicator # Execute FeatureToRaster arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(inFeature, field, outRaster, cellSize)
def is_south_building_taller(shape_file, x_coords, y_coords): """This method should return true if building south of the building at x y coords is taller This method converts the shape file to raster and uses a moving window to look at the polygon south TODO: Method is unfinished """ raster_ext = 'raster.tif' if arcpy.Exists(raster_ext): arcpy.Delete_management(raster_ext) print("WARNING: deleting file " + raster_ext) raster_file = arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(shape_file, "elevation", raster_ext)
def convert_afe_to_final_tiles(phyreg_ids): ''' This function converts AFE outputs to final TIFF files. phyreg_ids: list of physiographic region IDs to process ''' phyregs_layer = canopy_config.phyregs_layer naipqq_layer = canopy_config.naipqq_layer naipqq_phyregs_field = canopy_config.naipqq_phyregs_field snaprast_path = canopy_config.snaprast_path results_path = canopy_config.results_path arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = False arcpy.env.snapRaster = snaprast_path arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(phyregs_layer, where_clause='PHYSIO_ID in (%s)' % ','.join(map(str, phyreg_ids))) with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(phyregs_layer, ['NAME', 'PHYSIO_ID']) as cur: for row in cur: name = row[0] print(name) # CreateRandomPoints cannot create a shapefile with - in its # filename name = name.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_') phyreg_id = row[1] outdir_path = '%s/%s/Outputs' % (results_path, name) if len(os.listdir(outdir_path)) == 0: continue arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(naipqq_layer, where_clause="%s like '%%,%d,%%'" % (naipqq_phyregs_field, phyreg_id)) with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(naipqq_layer, ['FileName']) as cur2: for row2 in sorted(cur2): filename = row2[0][:-13] rshpfile_path = '%s/r%s.shp' % (outdir_path, filename) rtiffile_path = '%s/r%s.tif' % (outdir_path, filename) frtiffile_path = '%s/fr%s.tif' % (outdir_path, filename) if os.path.exists(frtiffile_path): continue if os.path.exists(rshpfile_path): arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(rshpfile_path, 'CLASS_ID', frtiffile_path, 1) elif os.path.exists(rtiffile_path): arcpy.Reclassify_3d(rtiffile_path, 'Value', '1 0;2 1', frtiffile_path) # clear selection arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(phyregs_layer, 'CLEAR_SELECTION') arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(naipqq_layer, 'CLEAR_SELECTION') print('Completed')
def feature2raster(input_features, shp_workspace, images_workspace, field_name, resolution, proj): arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.workspace = shp_workspace # define projection sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(proj) arcpy.DefineProjection_management(input_features, sr) raster_name = os.path.join(images_workspace, input_features[:-4] + ".tif") out = arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(input_features, field_name, raster_name, resolution) print(out)
def wall(nhd_gdb, rasters_list, outfolder, height='500', projection=arcpy.SpatialReference(102039)): """For one or more HU8s within the same subregion (nhd_gdb variable), adds walls at the boundaries to force flow direction that do not cross the boundary.""" env.workspace = 'in_memory' env.outputCoordinateSystem = projection env.compression = "NONE" env.snapRaster = rasters_list[0] # they all have the same snap env.cellSize = '10' env.pyramids = "PYRAMIDS -1 SKIP_FIRST" arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") # HU8 layer huc8_fc = os.path.join(nhd_gdb, "WBD_HU8") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(huc8_fc, "huc8_layer") # create output folder with HUC4 in the name huc4_code ='\d{4}', os.path.basename(nhd_gdb)).group() walled_dir = os.path.join(outfolder, 'walled' + huc4_code) if not os.path.exists(walled_dir): os.mkdir(walled_dir) # make the walls raster arcpy.PolygonToLine_management(huc8_fc, 'wall_lines') arcpy.AddField_management('wall_lines', "height", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management('wall_lines', "height", '500', "PYTHON") arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion('wall_lines', "height", 'wall_raster') wallsObject = Raster('wall_raster') for raster in rasters_list: out_name = os.path.join( walled_dir, os.path.basename(raster).replace('fel.tif', '_wfel.tif')) cu.multi_msg('Creating output {0}'.format(out_name)) env.extent = raster elevObject = Raster(raster) walled_ned = Con(IsNull(wallsObject), elevObject, (wallsObject + elevObject)) for item in ['huc8_layer', 'wall_lines', 'wall_raster']: arcpy.Delete_management(item) arcpy.ResetEnvironments() arcpy.CheckInExtension("Spatial")
def main(datadir, pointfile, refraster, outfile): """ coverts feature to raster""" # Set environment settings env.workspace = datadir # Local variables: dp_file = os.path.join(env.workspace, pointfile) wt_tif = os.path.join(env.workspace, outfile) arcpy.env.extent = os.path.join(env.workspace, refraster) arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = os.path.join(env.workspace, refraster) cellsize = 30 # Process: Feature to Raster arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(dp_file, "Gval", wt_tif, cellsize)
def streamBurning(DEM_orig, scratch_gdb, seg_network_a, home, home_name): print("stream burning process") arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(DEM_orig) dem_orig_b = Con(IsNull(DEM_orig), 0, DEM_orig) + "/DEM_square") # set up river network raster network_raster = scratch_gdb + "/network_raster" arcpy.env.extent = dem_orig_b arcpy.env.cellsize = dem_orig_b arcpy.env.snapRaster = dem_orig_b arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = dem_orig_b print('convert network to raster') net_fields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(seg_network_a)] if "burn_val" in net_fields: arcpy.DeleteField_management(seg_network_a, "burn_val") del net_fields arcpy.AddField_management(seg_network_a, "burn_val", "SHORT") arcpy.CalculateField_management(seg_network_a, "burn_val", "10") # arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion( seg_network_a, "burn_val", network_raster, dem_orig_b) # THINK IT IS WORTH CHANGING THE ATTRIBUTE VALUE network_raster_a = Con( IsNull(network_raster), 0, 30) # changed to 30 to see if it improves stream ordering + "/net_ras_fin") arcpy.ResetEnvironments() # This is just a map algebra thing to replace the stuff above that uses numpy (the numpy stuff works but is # limited in terms of how much it can process. print("stream burning DEM") rivers_ting = Raster(scratch_gdb + "/net_ras_fin") dem_ting = Raster(scratch_gdb + "/DEM_square") stream_burn_dem_a = dem_ting - rivers_ting + "/raster_burn") sb_DEM = os.path.join(home, "{0}strBurndDEm.tif".format(home_name)) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(scratch_gdb + "/raster_burn", sb_DEM) print("stream burning complete") return stream_burn_dem_a, network_raster, sb_DEM
def Burn(Buildings, DEM, DEMfinal, locationtemp1, DEM_extent, gv): # Create a raster with all the buildings Outraster = locationtemp1 + '\\' + 'AllRaster' arcpy.env.extent = DEM_extent # These coordinates are extracted from the environment settings/once the DEM raster is selected directly in ArcGIS, arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion( Buildings, 'height_ag', Outraster, '0.5') # creating raster of the footprints of the buildings # Clear non values and add all the Buildings to the DEM OutNullRas = # identify noData Locations Output = == 1, 0, Outraster) RadiationDEM = + Output gv.log('complete burning buildings into raster') return arcpy.GetMessages()
def getCountryClipRaster(country_name, scratch_workspace_basepath): AddMsgAndPrint('Getting Clip Features') try: #in_features = "FILE PATH"\TRMM Tools\\SampleGauls\\SimpleGauls.shp" #in_features = "FILE PATH"\\SERVIR\\ReferenceNode\\GPServices\\TRMM Tools\\SampleGauls\\SimpleGauls.shp" #out_feature_class = os.path.join(scratch_workspace_basepath, "temp_fc") out_feature_class = scratch_fgdb_fullpath+"\\temp_fc" arcpy.Select_analysis(inClipFeatures, out_feature_class, "\"ADM0_NAME\" = \'"+country_name+"\'") clip_raster = out_feature_class+"_ras" arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(out_feature_class+".shp", 'value', clip_raster, 0.25) return clip_raster except Exception as e: AddMsgAndPrint(e.message) arcpy.AddError(e.message)
def wall(nhd_gdb, rasters_list, outfolder, height='500', projection=arcpy.SpatialReference(102039)): """For one or more HU8s within the same subregion (nhd_gdb variable), adds walls at the boundaries to force flow direction that do not cross the boundary.""" env.workspace = 'in_memory' env.outputCoordinateSystem = projection env.compression = "NONE" env.snapRaster = rasters_list[0] # they all have the same snap env.cellSize = '10' env.pyramids = "PYRAMIDS -1 SKIP_FIRST" arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") # HU8 layer huc12_fc = os.path.join(nhd_gdb, "WBDHU12") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(huc12_fc, "huc12_layer") # make the walls raster arcpy.PolygonToLine_management(huc12_fc, 'wall_lines') arcpy.AddField_management('wall_lines', "height", "DOUBLE") arcpy.CalculateField_management('wall_lines', "height", '500000', "PYTHON") arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion('wall_lines', "height", 'wall_raster') wallsObject = Raster('wall_raster') for raster in rasters_list: out_name = os.path.join(raster.replace('.tif', '_walled.tif')) arcpy.AddMessage('Creating output {0}'.format(out_name)) env.extent = raster elevObject = Raster(raster) walled_ned = Con( IsNull(wallsObject), elevObject, Con(LessThan(elevObject, -58000), elevObject, wallsObject)) for item in ['huc8_layer', 'wall_lines', 'wall_raster']: arcpy.Delete_management(item) arcpy.ResetEnvironments() arcpy.CheckInExtension("Spatial") return out_name
def burn_streams(subregion_ned, nhd_gdb, burnt_out, projection=arcpy.SpatialReference(102039)): env.snapRaster = subregion_ned env.outputCoordinateSystem = projection env.compression = "LZ77" # compress temp tifs for speed env.extent = subregion_ned env.workspace = 'in_memory' flowline = os.path.join(nhd_gdb, 'NHDFlowline') # Copy flowlines to shapefile that will inherit environ output coord system # just easier to have a copy in the correct projection later arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(flowline, 'flowline_proj') ## arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion("NHDFlowline", "in_memory", flow_line) cu.multi_msg("Prepared NHDFlowline for rasterizing.") # Feature to Raster- rasterize the NHDFlowline # will inherit grid from env.snapRaster arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion('flowline_proj', "OBJECTID", 'flowline_raster', "10") cu.multi_msg("Converted flowlines to raster.") # Raster Calculator- burns in streams, beveling in from 500m cu.multi_msg( "Burning streams into raster, 10m deep and beveling in from 500m out. This may take a while...." ) arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") distance = EucDistance('flowline_proj', cell_size="10") streams = Reclassify( Raster('flowline_raster') > 0, "Value", "1 1; NoData 0") burnt = Raster(subregion_ned) - (10 * streams) - (0.02 * (500 - distance) * (distance < 500)) cu.multi_msg("Saving output raster...") # Delete intermediate rasters and shapefiles for item in ['flowline_proj', 'flowline_raster']: arcpy.Delete_management(item) arcpy.CheckInExtension("Spatial") cu.multi_msg("Burn process completed") arcpy.ResetEnvironments()
def catchment_preparation(river_catchment, cell_size): river_catchment_raster = arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(river_catchment, "OBJECTID", "MODEL_river_catchment_ras", cell_size) river_catchment_polygon = arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(river_catchment_raster, "MODEL_river_catchment_poly", "NO_SIMPLIFY", "#") lst = arcpy.ListFields(river_catchment_polygon) SBS_exists = 'false' GRID_exists = 'false' for f in lst: if == "SBS_CODE": SBS_exists = 'true' arcpy.AddMessage("SBS_CODE exists") elif == "grid_code": GRID_exists = 'true' arcpy.AddMessage("grid_code exists") if SBS_exists == 'false': arcpy.AddField_management(river_catchment_polygon, "SBS_CODE", "SHORT") arcpy.AddMessage("added SBS_CODE") if GRID_exists == 'false': arcpy.AddField_management(river_catchment_polygon, "grid_code", "SHORT") arcpy.AddMessage("added grid_code") # Create update cursor for feature class rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(river_catchment_polygon) for row in rows: row.SBS_CODE = 0 row.grid_code = 0 rows.updateRow(row) # Delete cursor and row objects to remove locks on the data del row del rows arcpy.AddMessage("Corrected catchment") arcpy.AddMessage("-------------------------") return river_catchment_polygon