def reconcilePost(sdeDefault, versionName, defaultVersion): # reconcile and post a version addMessageLocal("Reconcile and Post Version... ") if versionName.split(".")[0] == versionName: # default to DBO versionName = "DBO." + versionName retcode = False addMessageLocal("Reconciling " + versionName + "...") try: retcode = arcpy.ReconcileVersion_management( sdeDefault, versionName, defaultVersion, "BY_OBJECT", "FAVOR_TARGET_VERSION", "LOCK_ACQUIRED", "NO_ABORT", "POST") if str(retcode) == sdeDefault: retcode = True else: addMessageLocal("Unexpected result: " + str(retcode) + ", continuing...") retcode = True except: addMessageLocal("Reconcile failed: \n" + str(retcode) + "\n" + sdeDefault) retcode = False arcpy.env.workspace = sdeDefault arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(sdeDefault) return retcode
def main(): try: import time print "Started at " + time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H.%M.%S", time.localtime()) xFlag = 0 import arcpy, os, sys, shutil # Get parameters from config file sys.path.append( "//ccgisfiles01m/gisdata/prdba/crupdates/CCPythonLib/Appl/") import getConfig dbPrConn = getConfig.main('user', 'crscl', 'path', 'sclAdmin') # Reconcile and Post Final to Admin xStep = 'reconcile and post final to admin' arcpy.ReconcileVersion_management(dbPrConn, "SCLFINAL.Final", "SCLADMIN.Admin", "BY_OBJECT", "FAVOR_TARGET_VERSION", "LOCK_ACQUIRED", "ABORT_CONFLICTS", "POST") # Reconcile and Post Admin to Default xStep = 'reconcile and post admin to default' arcpy.ReconcileVersion_management(dbPrConn, "SCLADMIN.Admin", "sde.DEFAULT", "BY_OBJECT", "FAVOR_TARGET_VERSION", "LOCK_ACQUIRED", "ABORT_CONFLICTS", "POST") # Compress database xStep = 'compress database' arcpy.Compress_management(dbPrConn) print "\nCompleted at " + time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H.%M.%S", time.localtime()) except: xFlag = 1 ex = sys.exc_info()[1] eMsg = ex.args[0] xStep = '{0}: {1}'.format(xStep, eMsg) print 'Error at the following process: {0}'.format(xStep) finally: return (xStep, xFlag)
def Post(SDE_DEFAULT, version, p): arcpy.env.workspace = SDE_DEFAULT parent = p arcpy.ReconcileVersion_management(SDE_DEFAULT, version, parent, "BY_ATTRIBUTE", "FAVOR_TARGET_VERSION", "LOCK_ACQUIRED", "NO_ABORT") arcpy.AddMessage("Post to SDE complete.") print "Post to SDE complete."
def reconcile_prod():"Begin reconcile prod") try: logging.debug("Reconciling data from Production Edit version to production DEFAULT") arcpy.ReconcileVersion_management(production_edit_workspace, prod_edit_version, "dbo.DEFAULT", "BY_OBJECT", "FAVOR_TARGET_VERSION", "NO_LOCK_AQUIRED", "NO_ABORT", "POST") logging.debug("Finished reconciling data from Production Edit version to production DEFAULT") return True except arcpy.ExecuteError: msgs = arcpy.GetMessages(2) arcpy.AddError(msgs) logging.error("ArcGIS error: %s", msgs) except Exception as e: msg = e.message arcpy.AddError(msg) logging.error("Python error: %s", msg)"End reconcile prod") return False;
def reconcile_staging():"Begin reconcile staging") try: logging.debug("Reconciling data from staging GIS to staging DEFAULT") arcpy.ReconcileVersion_management(staging_workspace, staging_edit_version, "dbo.DEFAULT", "BY_OBJECT", "FAVOR_EDIT_VERSION", "NO_LOCK_AQUIRED", "NO_ABORT", "POST") logging.debug( "Finished reconciling data from staging GIS to staging DEFAULT") except arcpy.ExecuteError: msgs = arcpy.GetMessages(2) arcpy.AddError(msgs) logging.error("ArcGIS error: %s", msgs) except Exception as e: msg = e.message arcpy.AddError(msg) logging.error("Python error: %s", msg)"End reconcile staging") return