def calc_CO2_emissions(): # Get the value of the input parameter inputFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # Polyline feature class wildlife_units = arcpy.GetParameterAsText( 1 ) # Field from input FC representing number of wildlife units transferred capacity_per_trip = arcpy.GetParameter( 2) # Transportation capacity (wildlife units per trip) CO2_emission = arcpy.GetParameter(3) # Amount of CO2 emission (kg/unit) scenarioFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText( 4) # Scenario: Polyline feature class wildlife_units_scn = arcpy.GetParameterAsText( 5 ) # Field from scenario FC representing number of wildlife units transferred capacity_per_trip_scn = arcpy.GetParameter( 6) # Scenario: Transportation capacity (wildlife units per trip) CO2_emission_scn = arcpy.GetParameter( 7) # Scenario: Amount of CO2 emission (kg/unit) try: # create empty list to append all output layers outList = [] ### ADD FIELD: creating new field to store CO2 total emission per trip ### arcpy.AddMessage( 'Adding CO2 Emission Field to Input Feature Class ...') arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Adding CO2 Emission Field to Input Feature Class ...') # add new CO2 emission field arcpy.AddField_management(in_table=inputFC, field_name="CO2_EMISSIONS_KG", field_type="LONG") ### ADD FIELD: creating new field to store CO2 total emission per trip ### arcpy.AddMessage('Calculating CO2 Emissions for Each Flow ...') arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Calculating CO2 Emissions for Each Flow ...') tot_emissions = 0 with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor( inputFC, ['SHAPE@LENGTH', wildlife_units, 'CO2_EMISSIONS_KG']) as cursor: for row in cursor: total_trips = math.ceil(float(row[1]) / capacity_per_trip) #SHAPE@LENGTH will be likely in meters (depending on coordinate system) row[2] = row[0] * total_trips * CO2_emission tot_emissions += row[2] cursor.updateRow(row) outList.append(inputFC) arcpy.AddMessage( "The current scenario produces an estimated amount of CO2 equal to: " + str(tot_emissions) + " kilograms") if scenarioFC and scenarioFC != "#": ### ADD FIELD: creating new field to store CO2 total emission per trip ### arcpy.AddMessage( 'Adding CO2 Emission Field to Scenario Feature Class ...') arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Adding CO2 Emission Field to Scenario Feature Class ...') # add new CO2 emission field arcpy.AddField_management(in_table=scenarioFC, field_name="CO2_EMISSIONS_KG", field_type="LONG") ### ADD FIELD: creating new field to store CO2 total emission per trip ### arcpy.AddMessage( 'Calculating CO2 Emissions for Each Flow in Scenario Feature Class...' ) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Calculating CO2 Emissions for Each Flow in Scenario Feature Class...' ) tot_emissions_scn = 0 with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor( scenarioFC, ['SHAPE@LENGTH', wildlife_units_scn, 'CO2_EMISSIONS_KG' ]) as cursor: for row in cursor: total_trips_scn = math.ceil( float(row[1]) / capacity_per_trip_scn) #SHAPE@LENGTH will be likely in meters (depending on coordinate system) row[2] = row[0] * total_trips_scn * CO2_emission_scn tot_emissions_scn += row[2] cursor.updateRow(row) outList.append(scenarioFC) arcpy.AddMessage( "The future scenario produces an estimated amount of CO2 equal to: " + str(tot_emissions_scn) + " kilograms") diff_tot_emissions = tot_emissions_scn - tot_emissions if diff_tot_emissions > 0: arcpy.AddMessage( "The future scenario will increase the estimated amount of CO2 by: " + str(tot_emissions) + " kilograms") elif diff_tot_emissions < 0: arcpy.AddMessage( "The future scenario will decrease the estimated amount of CO2 by: " + str(tot_emissions) + " kilograms") else: arcpy.AddMessage( "The future scenario will produce no change in the estimated amount of CO2!" ) #### Set Parameters #### results = ";".join(outList) arcpy.SetParameterAsText(8, results) except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] arcpy.AddError('An error occurred: {}'.format(e.args[0]))
arcpy.AddFields_management(final_output_fc_path, stats_tbl_fields) stats_table_fields_list = [ for f in stats_table_fields] stats_table_fields_list.insert(0, 'SHAPE@') # final_outfc_fields = ','.join(stats_table_fields_list) cnt = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(in_mem_stats_tbl)[0]) arcpy.SetProgressor('step', f'Inserting {cnt} rows into output feature class ...', 0, cnt, 1) # add features with geometry to the output feature class counter = 1 with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(in_mem_stats_tbl, '*') as cursor: for row in cursor: arcpy.SetProgressorPosition(counter) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel(f'Inserting row {counter} of {cnt} ...') stats_cursor_fields = cursor.fields search_val = row[stats_cursor_fields.index(in_pxw_join_field)] if in_should_transform_fields and in_transform_fields.rowCount > 0: for i in range(0, in_transform_fields.rowCount): find_val = in_transform_fields.getValue(i, 0) rep_val = in_transform_fields.getValue(i, 1) if find_val and rep_val == 'None': search_val = search_val.replace(find_val, '') elif find_val and rep_val == '': search_val = f'{find_val}{search_val}' elif find_val == '' and rep_val: search_val = f'{search_val}{rep_val}'
import os, glob, ntpath, arcgis, arcpy, sys, timeit, datetime from arcgis.gis import GIS from import create_image_collection arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Attempting to login...") #import parameters portal_url = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) portal_username = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) portal_password = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) prj_name = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) local_image_folder_path = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) #Login starttime = time.time() try: gis = GIS(url=portal_url, username=portal_username, password=portal_password) gis_user = except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] print(e.args[0]) arcpy.AddError(e.args[0]) sys.exit(arcpy.AddError("Program came to an abrupt end, please correct error message stated above and try again. ")) endtime = time.time() arcpy.AddMessage("Logging in took: {} seconds".format(round(endtime - starttime,2))) gis_user_folders = gis_user.folders gis_user_folderTitles = [f.get("title") for f in gis_user_folders]
for row in rows: updateDict[musym] = str(row[0]) del row, rows, wc #for k,v in updateDict.iteritems(): #arcpy.AddMessage(k + v) aCnt = len(updateDict) arcpy.SetProgressor("Step", "Initializing tool", 0, aCnt, 1) c = 0 for key in updateDict: time.sleep(0.05) c += 1 arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Updating " + key + " (" + str(c) + " of " + str(aCnt) + ")") upVal = updateDict.get(key) if len(upVal) > 6: arcpy.AddWarning('Illegal value for ' + key + ', greater than 6 characters (' + upVal + ')') arcpy.SetProgressorPosition() elif upVal == 'None': arcpy.AddWarning('No update value specified for ' + key) arcpy.SetProgressorPosition() else: n = 0 wc = '"AREASYMBOL" = ' "'" + areaParam + "' AND \"MUSYM\" = '" + key + "'" with arcpy.da.Editor(aWS) as edit: ##
for interp in interpLst: outTbl = arcpy.ValidateTableName(interp) outTbl = outTbl.replace("__", "_") tblName = 'tbl_' + outTbl + aggMod if interp.find("{:}") <> -1: interp = interp.replace("{:}", ";") # for eSSA in areaList: for state in states: p = [x for x in areaList if x[:2] == state] theReq = ",".join(map("'{0}'".format, p)) n = n + 1 arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Collecting ' + interp + ' for: ' + state + " (" + str(n) + ' of ' + str(jobCnt) + ')') #send the request intrpLogic, intrpData, intrpMsg = getIntrps( interp, theReq, aggMethod) #if it was successful... if intrpLogic: if len(intrpData) == 0: AddMsgAndPrint( 'No records returned for ' + state + ': ' + interp, 1) failInterps.append(state + ":" + interp) else: AddMsgAndPrint('Response for ' + interp + ' on ' + state + ' = ' + intrpMsg)
def deleteRows(source, targetUrl, expr): # delete Rows using chunks of _chunkSize retval = False error = False # delete section ids = getOIDs(targetUrl, expr) try: lenDeleted = 100 #Chunk deletes using chunk size at a time rowsProcessed = 0 numFeat = len(ids) if numFeat == 0: dla.addMessage("0 Rows to Delete, exiting") return True # nothing to delete is OK if numFeat > _chunkSize: chunk = _chunkSize else: chunk = numFeat arcpy.SetProgressor("default", "Deleting Rows") while rowsProcessed < numFeat and error == False: #Chunk deletes using chunk size at a time next = rowsProcessed + chunk msg = "Deleting rows " + str(rowsProcessed) + ":" + str(next) dla.addMessage(msg) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel(msg) oids = ",".join(str(e) for e in ids[rowsProcessed:next]) url = targetUrl + '/deleteFeatures' token = getSigninToken() params = {'f': 'pjson', 'objectIds': oids, 'token': token} result = sendRequest(url, params) try: if result['error'] != None: retval = False dla.addMessage("Delete rows from Service failed") dla.addMessage(json.dumps(result)) error = True except: try: lenDeleted = len(result['deleteResults']) total = rowsProcessed + chunk if total > numFeat: total = numFeat msg = str(lenDeleted) + " rows deleted, " + str( total) + "/" + str(numFeat) print(msg) dla.addMessage(msg) retval = True except: retval = False error = True dla.showTraceback() dla.addMessage("Delete rows from Service failed") dla.addError(json.dumps(result)) rowsProcessed += chunk except: retval = False error = True dla.showTraceback() dla.addMessage("Delete rows from Service failed") pass return retval
def main(): try: # Error checking and argument fetching if arcpy.GetArgumentCount() < 1: raise InvalidArgumentError("Required argument missing") # Set up the tool's parameters paramIndex = 0 jobsTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(paramIndex) paramIndex += 1 sqlQuery = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(paramIndex) paramIndex += 1 wmxDbAlias = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(paramIndex) paramIndex += 1 # Import the Workflow Manager toolbox wmxToolbox = getWorkflowManagerToolboxLocation() arcpy.ImportToolbox(wmxToolbox, "WMXAdminUtils") # Get the list of jobs matching the query result = arcpy.ListJobs_WMXAdminUtils(jobsTable, sqlQuery, wmxDbAlias) logPreviousToolMessages() numOutputs = result.outputCount if numOutputs <= 0: return # Output is a semicolon-delimited list of job IDs, so split up the # list, as required. jobListString = result.getOutput(0) if jobListString == None or len(jobListString) <= 0: arcpy.AddMessage("No jobs matched query") return jobsToDelete = jobListString.split(";") arcpy.AddMessage("Jobs to delete: " + str(jobListString)) # Set up the progress bar arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Deleting jobs...", 0, len(jobsToDelete), 1) # Delete each job jobCount = 0 jobsDeleted = [] for job in jobsToDelete: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Deleting job " + str(job)) arcpy.DeleteJob_WMXAdminUtils(job, wmxDbAlias) logPreviousToolMessages() jobCount += 1 jobsDeleted.append(job) arcpy.SetProgressorPosition(jobCount) # Set the return value for this tool (a multivalue containing the list of IDs # for the jobs that were deleted) jobsDeletedStr = "" for jobId in jobsDeleted: jobsDeletedStr += jobId + ";" jobsDeletedStr = jobsDeletedStr.rstrip(";") arcpy.SetParameterAsText(paramIndex, jobsDeletedStr) arcpy.AddMessage("Deleted jobs: " + jobsDeletedStr) except Exception, ex: arcpy.AddError("Caught exception: " + str(ex))
result = workspace + "\\HAND" drainage_net = workspace + "\\" + "drainage_net" actual_drainage_network = workspace + "\\actual_dr" riverf_shp = workspace + "\\" + "drainage_pt.shp" riverfelevated_shp = workspace + "\\" + "drain_pt_val.shp" start_of_drainages = "p_o_start" start_of_drainages2 = "p_o_start2" start_of_drainages_fullpath = workspace + "\\" + start_of_drainages + ".shp" start_of_drainages2_fullpath = workspace + "\\" + start_of_drainages2 + ".shp" ######################################## arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "propering layers...", 0, 6, 1) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("message") arcpy.SetProgressorPosition(1) ############################################# arcpy.AddMessage("filling dem raster") outFill = Fill(demRaster) def sorter(myset): myset2 = {} for x in myset: myset2[x] = x import operator sorted_x = sorted(myset2.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) sorted2 = []
def main(argv=None): # main function - list the source and target datasets, then delete rows/append where there is a match on non-prefixed name dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) logname = os.path.join(outputFolder, 'gzCreateProjectFiles.log') gzSupport.startLog() success = True try: gzSupport.addMessage("Getting list of datasets for Target " + targetGDB) targets = gzSupport.listDatasets(targetGDB) tNames = targets[0] tFullNames = targets[1] gzSupport.addMessage("Getting list of datasets for Source " + sourceGDB) sources = gzSupport.listDatasets(sourceGDB) sNames = sources[0] sFullNames = sources[1] t = 0 arcpy.SetProgressor("Step", "Creating Files...", 0, len(tNames), 1) for name in tNames: arcpy.SetProgressorPosition(t) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Creating file for " + name + "...") # for each source name if debug: gzSupport.addMessage(name) try: # look for the matching name in target names s = sNames.index(name) except: # will get here if no match s = -1 if s > -1: # create file if there is a match fileName = outputFolder + os.sep + prefixStr + name.title( ) + ".xml" if os.path.exists(fileName): os.remove(fileName) try: #arcpy.AddToolbox(os.path.join(dir,"Gizinta.tbx")) #arcpy.gzCreateProject_gizinta(sFullNames[s],tFullNames[t],fileName) # this doesn't always work... gzCreateProject.createGzFile(sFullNames[s], tFullNames[t], fileName) retVal = True gzSupport.addMessage("Created " + fileName) except: retVal = False if retVal == False: gzSupport.addMessage("Failed to create file for " + name) gzSupport.showTraceback() success = False else: gzSupport.addMessage("Skipping " + name) t = t + 1 except: gzSupport.showTraceback() arcpy.AddError("Error creating project files") success = False finally: arcpy.ResetProgressor() arcpy.SetParameter(gzSupport.successParameterNumber, success) arcpy.env.workspace = targetGDB arcpy.RefreshCatalog(outputFolder) gzSupport.closeLog()
def calc_CO2_emissions(flows_lyr): # Local variable: out_flows_CO2_fc = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "CO2Emissions_fc") out_CO2_Name = "CO2 Emissions" try: #Create feature class from copy of input feature layer arcpy.AddMessage('Creating Feature Class from Input Feature Layer ...') arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Creating Feature Class from Input Feature Layer ...') arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(flows_lyr, out_flows_CO2_fc) ### ADD FIELD: creating new field to store CO2 total emission per trip ### arcpy.AddMessage('Adding CO2 Emission Field to Feature Class ...') arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Adding CO2 Emission Field to Feature Class ...') # add new CO2 emission field arcpy.AddField_management(in_table=out_flows_CO2_fc, field_name="CO2_EMISSIONS_KG", field_type="LONG") ### CALCULATE FIELD: creating new field to store CO2 total emission per trip ### arcpy.AddMessage('Calculating CO2 Emissions for Each Flow Line ...') arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Calculating CO2 Emissions for Each Flow Line ...') tot_emissions = 0 ## Is there a field in the input feature layer representing quantity of flows? ## If not, assign a default value == 1 to the flow as units. if flow_units != '': #Check user input to make sure the transport units field specified matches one of the attributes of the inputFC fieldnames = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(out_flows_CO2_fc)] if flow_units.capitalize() not in fieldnames and flow_units.upper( ) not in fieldnames: arcpy.AddError( "ERROR: The chosen transportation units attribute does not exist in the input layer!" ) raise arcpy.ExecuteError cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(out_flows_CO2_fc, [ 'SHAPE@LENGTH', fieldnames[fieldnames.index(flow_units)], 'CO2_EMISSIONS_KG' ]) for row in cursor: if row[1] is None or str(row[1]).upper() == "n/a" or str( row[1]).upper() == r"n\a" or str( row[1]).upper() == "NA": continue else: total_trips = math.ceil(float(row[1]) / capacity_per_trip) #SHAPE@LENGTH will be likely in meters (depending on coordinate system) row[2] = row[0] * total_trips * CO2_emission tot_emissions += row[2] cursor.updateRow(row) #Export feature layer to CSV## arcpy.AddMessage( 'Exporting Flows CO2 Emissions Layer to CSV Table ...') outTable_CSV = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "CO2_Emission_Table.csv") ExportToCSV(fc=out_flows_CO2_fc, output=outTable_CSV) #arcpy.AddMessage('Writing Total Estimated CO2 to Output Report File ...') #arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Writing Total Estimated CO2 to Output Report File ...') #out_txt = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder,"CO2_Report.txt") #file = open(out_txt,"w") #file.write("The current scenario produces a total estimated amount of released CO2 equal to: " + #str(tot_emissions) + " kilograms") #file.close() #arcpy.AddMessage("The current scenario produces a total estimated amount of released CO2 equal to: " + str(tot_emissions) + " kilograms") # Process: Create a feature layer from the joined feature class to send back as output to GP tools out_fl = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(out_flows_CO2_fc, out_CO2_Name) # Execute FeatureClassToGeodatabase arcpy.AddMessage("Converting Feature Class to Shapefile...") arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(out_flows_CO2_fc, arcpy.env.scratchFolder) #### Set Parameters #### arcpy.SetParameter(11, out_fl) #arcpy.SetParameter(5, out_txt) arcpy.SetParameter(12, outTable_CSV) except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] arcpy.AddError('An error occurred: {}'.format(e.args[0]))
# # Created on: 2014-07-22 17:07:58.00000 # (generated by Xuebin Wei) # Description: # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- import arcpy md = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) arcpy.env.workspace = md tables = arcpy.ListTables() arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Adding X,Y to table...",0, 35, 1) for table in tables: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Calculating table "+ str(table)) if table == "aotizhongxin": x = 116.395001 y = 39.985994 elif table == "dingling": x = 116.24608 y = 40.296149 elif table == "changpin": x = 116.2264 y = 40.224198 elif table == "nongzhanguan": x = 116.464188 y = 39.933936 elif table == "daxing": x = 116.339936 y = 39.736666
def execute(self, pParams): sOK = apwrutils.C_OK (pFLAddress, pTSTbl, pTSTblSum) = pParams pEditor = None pTableView = "" try: pWorkspace = apwrutils.Utils.getWorkspace(pTSTbl) oDesc = arcpy.Describe(pTSTbl) sName = sQT = "" lFlds = arcpy.ListFields(pTSTbl, apwrutils.FN_FEATUREID) if (len(lFlds) == 0): arcpy.AddError("required field {} does not exist.".format( apwrutils.FN_FEATUREID)) sOK = apwrutils.C_NOTOK return (sOK, ) pFld = lFlds[0] sType = pFld.type if (sType == 'String' or sType == 'Date'): sQT = "'" ds = time.clock() if (pTSTblSum == ""): pTSTblSum = os.path.join(pWorkspace, "{}_sum".format(sName)) if (arcpy.Exists(pTSTblSum) == False): pTSTblSum = os.path.join(pWorkspace, "{}_sum".format(sName)) arcpy.Statistics_analysis(in_table=pTSTbl, out_table=pTSTblSum, statistics_fields="FeatureID COUNT", case_field="FeatureID") arcpy.AddMessage("Create/pouplate {} table".format( pTSTblSum, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds))) sTblWithCnt = "{}_WithCnt".format(sName) pTblWithCnt = os.path.join(pWorkspace, sTblWithCnt) pTableView = sTblWithCnt ds = time.clock() if (arcpy.Exists(pTblWithCnt)): arcpy.Delete_management(pTblWithCnt) arcpy.AddMessage("Deleting {}. dt={}".format( pTblWithCnt, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds))) arcpy.CreateTable_management(pWorkspace, sTblWithCnt) if (sQT == "'"): arcpy.AddField_management(pTblWithCnt, apwrutils.FN_FEATUREID, "TEXT", "", "", 30) else: arcpy.AddField_management(pTblWithCnt, apwrutils.FN_FEATUREID, "LONG") arcpy.AddField_management(pTblWithCnt, "H_CM", "LONG") arcpy.AddField_management(pTblWithCnt, FN_ADDRCNT, "LONG") arcpy.AddMessage("Creating {}. dt={}".format( pTblWithCnt, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds))) nCnt = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(pTSTblSum)[0]) nMod = 1 if (nCnt > 100): nMod = int(nCnt / 99) ds1 = time.clock() nAdded = 0 arcpy.SetProgressor('step', 'Processing 0 of {} records.'.format(nCnt), 0, nCnt, nMod) arcpy.SetProgressorPosition(0) dHCnt = {} pEditor = arcpy.da.Editor(pWorkspace) pEditor.startEditing(False, False) #sIDs = "" with arcpy.da.InsertCursor( pTblWithCnt, [apwrutils.FN_FEATUREID, "H_CM", FN_ADDRCNT]) as inRows: with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(pTSTblSum, [apwrutils.FN_FEATUREID]) as rows: for i, row in enumerate(rows): if (i % nMod) == 0: nn = arcpy.GetCount_management(pTblWithCnt)[0] sMsg = "Process {} of {} features. {} recs added to {}. dt={} ".format( i + 1, nCnt, nn, pTblWithCnt, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds1)) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel(sMsg) arcpy.AddMessage(sMsg) arcpy.SetProgressorPosition(i + 1) ds1 = time.clock() sFeatureID = row[0] sWhere = "{} = {}{}{} and {} >=0 ".format( apwrutils.FN_FEATUREID, sQT, sFeatureID, sQT, "H_CM") tblView = "tbl{}".format(sFeatureID) if (arcpy.Exists(tblView)): arcpy.Delete_management(tblView) arcpy.MakeTableView_management(pTSTbl, tblView, sWhere) dHCnt = dict() with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor( tblView, ["H_CM", FN_ADDRCNT]) as upRows: for upRow in upRows: intH = upRow[0] try: if (intH in dHCnt) == False: nAddCnt = 0 try: sWhereTS = "{} = {} and {} <= {}".format( "STATION_ID", sFeatureID, "HAND_cm", intH) thmName = "thm{}".format(intH) if (arcpy.Exists(thmName)): arcpy.Delete_management( thmName) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management( pFLAddress, thmName, sWhereTS) nAddCnt = int( arcpy.GetCount_management( thmName)[0]) pRowCnt = (sFeatureID, intH, nAddCnt) arcpy.AddMessage( "sWhereTS: {} nCnt: {}".format( sWhereTS, pRowCnt)) dHCnt.setdefault(intH, nAddCnt) #if(sIDs==""): # sIDs = sFeatureID #else: # sIDs = "{},{}".format(sIDs, sFeatureID) if (nAddCnt > 0): nAdded = nAdded + 1 #arcpy.AddMessage("Added={} nThisCnt={}".format(nAdded, nAddCnt)) #arcpy.AddMessage(sIDs) inRows.insertRow(pRowCnt) upRow[1] = nAddCnt upRows.updateRow(upRow) arcpy.Delete_management( thmName) arcpy.AddMessage( "Added={} nThisCnt={}". format(nAdded, nAddCnt)) except: sMsg = "{} {}".format( arcpy.GetMessages(2), trace()) arcpy.AddMessage(sMsg) finally: dHCnt.setdefault(intH, nAddCnt) else: nAddCnt = dHCnt[intH] if (nAddCnt > 0): upRow[1] = nAddCnt upRows.updateRow(upRow) except: pass arcpy.MakeTableView_management(pTblWithCnt, pTableView) except: sMsg = "{} {}".format(arcpy.GetMessages(2), trace()) arcpy.AddError(sMsg) sOK = apwrutils.C_NOTOK finally: if (pEditor != None): pEditor.stopEditing(True) return (sOK, pTableView)
import arcpy import sixbynine import time msg1 = arcpy.GetIDMessage("dt1") msg2 = arcpy.GetIDMessage("dt2") msg3 = arcpy.GetIDMessage("dt3") arcpy.AddWarning(arcpy.GetIDMessage("dt1") + arcpy.GetIDMessage("dt2")) arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "", 0, 100, 1) prog_msg = arcpy.GetIDMessage("dt3") + arcpy.GetIDMessage("dt2") for i in range(1, 10): arcpy.SetProgressorLabel(f"{i} {prog_msg}") time.sleep(1) arcpy.SetParameter(0, sixbynine.compute())
comFC = os.path.join( "IN_MEMORY", "xxComLines") # temporary featureclass containing all lines # Read soils layer to get polygon OID and associated attribute value, # load this information into 'dAtt' dictionary. This will be used to # populate the left and right attributes of the new polyline featureclass. dAtt = dict() theFields = ["OID@", fld1Name] if AS == "*": # Processing entire layer instead of by AREASYMBOL fldQuery = "" AS = descInput['baseName'] arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Processing Common Lines for " + AS) else: # Processing just this AREASYMBOL fldQuery = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters( comFC, fld2Name) + " = '" + AS + "'" arcpy.SetProgressorLabel(AS + ": " + str(iCnt) + " of " + str(numOfareasymbols)) # Isolate the features that pertain to a specific areasymbol arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(inputFC, selLayer, fldQuery) numOfASfeatures = int( arcpy.GetCount_management(selLayer).getOutput(0)) # process this survey if numOfASfeatures > 0:
def publish(xmlFileNames): # function called from main or from another script, performs the data update processing global _useReplaceSettings dla._errCount = 0 arcpy.SetProgressor("default","Data Assistant") arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Data Assistant") xmlFiles = xmlFileNames.split(";") layers = [] for xmlFile in xmlFiles: # multi value parameter, loop for each file xmlFile = dla.getXmlDocName(xmlFile) dla.addMessage("Configuration file: " + xmlFile) xmlDoc = dla.getXmlDoc(xmlFile) # parse the xml document if xmlDoc == None: return prj = dla.setProject(xmlFile,dla.getNodeValue(xmlDoc,"Project")) if prj == None: dla.addError("Unable to open your project, please ensure it is in the same folder as your current project or your Config file") return False source = dla.getDatasetPath(xmlDoc,"Source") target = dla.getDatasetPath(xmlDoc,"Target") targetName = dla.getDatasetName(target) dla.addMessage(source) dla.addMessage(target) if dlaService.checkLayerIsService(source) or dlaService.checkLayerIsService(target): token = dlaService.getSigninToken() # when signed in get the token and use this. Will be requested many times during the publish # exit here before doing other things if not signed in if token == None: dla.addError("User must be signed in for this tool to work with services") return False expr = getWhereClause(xmlDoc) if _useReplaceSettings == True and (expr == '' or expr == None): dla.addError("There must be an expression for replacing by field value, current value = " + str(expr)) return False errs = False if dlaService.validateSourceUrl(source) == False: dla.addError("Source path does not appear to be a valid feature layer") errs = True if _useReplaceSettings == True: if dlaService.validateTargetReplace(target) == False: dla.addError("Target path does not have correct privileges") errs = True elif _useReplaceSettings == False: if dlaService.validateTargetAppend(target) == False: dla.addError("Target path does not have correct privileges") errs = True if errs: return False dla.setWorkspace() if dla.isTable(source) or dla.isTable(target): datasetType = 'Table' else: datasetType = 'FeatureClass' if not dla.isStaged(xmlDoc): res = dlaExtractLayerToGDB.extract(xmlFile,None,dla.workspace,source,target,datasetType) if res != True: table = dla.getTempTable(targetName) msg = "Unable to export data, there is a lock on existing datasets or another unknown error" if arcpy.TestSchemaLock(table) != True and arcpy.Exists(table) == True: msg = "Unable to export data, there is a lock on the intermediate feature class: " + table dla.addError(msg) print(msg) return else: res = dlaFieldCalculator.calculate(xmlFile,dla.workspace,targetName,False) if res == True: dlaTable = dla.getTempTable(targetName) res = doPublish(xmlDoc,dlaTable,target,_useReplaceSettings) else: dla.addMessage('Data previously staged, will proceed using intermediate dataset') dlaTable = dla.workspace + os.sep + dla.getStagingName(source,target) res = doPublish(xmlDoc,dlaTable,target,_useReplaceSettings) if res == True: dla.removeStagingElement(xmlDoc) xmlDoc.writexml(open(xmlFile, 'wt', encoding='utf-8')) dla.addMessage('Staging element removed from config file') arcpy.ResetProgressor() if res == False: err = "Data Assistant Update Failed, see messages for details" dla.addError(err) print(err) else: layers.append(target) arcpy.SetParameter(_outParam,';'.join(layers))
def execute(self, pParams): sOK = apwrutils.C_OK ds = time.clock() ds1 = time.clock() arcpy.env.parallelProcessingFactor = "50%" if(self.DebugLevel>0): arcpy.AddMessage("arcpy.Exists({})={}, arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace={}".format(pScratchWorkspace, arcpy.Exists(pScratchWorkspace), arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace)) if(pScratchWorkspace!=""): if(arcpy.Exists(pScratchWorkspace)): arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = pScratchWorkspace if(self.DebugLevel>0): arcpy.AddMessage("arcpy.Exists({})={}, arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace={}".format(pScratchWorkspace, arcpy.Exists(pScratchWorkspace), arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace)) arcpy.AddMessage("arcpy.env.scratchFolder={}, arcpy.Exists(arcpy.env.scratchFolder)={}".format(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, arcpy.Exists(arcpy.env.scratchFolder))) sp=" " try: (dem, multiplier, str, pFolder, pFLCatchment) = pParams rdem = cellSize = rdem.meanCellWidth arcpy.env.cellSize = cellSize arcpy.env.snapRaster = rdem.catalogPath #SnapRaster arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = False oDesc = arcpy.Describe(dem) sNamedem = timedem =, multiplier) # Process: Times arcpy.AddMessage("{}Apply multiplier to {}. dt={}".format(sp*2, sNamedem, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds1,""))) ds1 = time.clock() intDEM = # Process: Int arcpy.AddMessage("{}Apply int on the multiplied raster {}. dt={}".format(sp*2,sNamedem, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds1,""))) pRFolderBase = os.path.join(pFolder, FD_HANDBase) if(os.path.exists(pRFolderBase)==False): apwrutils.Utils.makeSureDirExists(pRFolderBase) if((pFLCatchment==None) or (pFLCatchment=="")): pNibbleBase = os.path.join(pRFolderBase, LN_NibbleBase) pLocalMin = os.path.join(pRFolderBase, LN_LocalMin) pHandBase = os.path.join(pRFolderBase, LN_HANDBase) ds1 = time.clock() pNibbleBase =, str, "All_VALUES") # Process: Nibble arcpy.AddMessage("{}Apply nibble operation on int dem of {} with {} as mask. dt={}".format(sp*2,sNamedem, str, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds1,""))) ds1 = time.clock() multiplier = float(multiplier) pLocalMin =, multiplier) # Process: Divide arcpy.AddMessage("{}Apply divid operation on int nibbling results. dt={}".format(sp*2,apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds1,""))) ds1 = time.clock() pHandBase =, pLocalMin) # Process: Minus arcpy.AddMessage("{}Apply, pLocalMin) to produce HANDBASE. dt={}".format(sp*2,apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds1,""))) pHandBase =, 0, pHandBase, "value < 0") rdsHandBase = os.path.join(pRFolderBase, LN_HANDBase) rdsLocalMin = os.path.join(pRFolderBase, LN_LocalMin) if(pProcessor.DebugLevel>0): rdsNibbleBase = os.path.join(pRFolderBase, LN_NibbleBase) else: #..the following 3 names will be used for the final pNibbleBase = os.path.join(pRFolderBase, LN_NibbleBase) pLocalMin = os.path.join(pRFolderBase, LN_LocalMin) pHandBase = os.path.join(pRFolderBase, LN_HANDBase) pCATPath = os.path.join(pFolder, "CATPath") apwrutils.Utils.makeSureDirExists(pCATPath) pCatHandBasePath = os.path.join(pCATPath, "CATHandBase") apwrutils.Utils.makeSureDirExists(pCatHandBasePath) pCatLocalMinPath = os.path.join(pCATPath, "CatLocalMin") apwrutils.Utils.makeSureDirExists(pCatLocalMinPath) pCatNibbleBasePath = os.path.join(pCATPath, "CATNibbleBase") if(pProcessor.DebugLevel>0): apwrutils.Utils.makeSureDirExists(pCatNibbleBasePath) oDesc = arcpy.Describe(pFLCatchment) oidFieldName = oDesc.oidFieldName sr = oDesc.spatialReference ds1 = time.clock() nCnt = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(pFLCatchment)[0]) arcpy.AddMessage( "{}Processing {} catchments.".format(sp*2,nCnt)) nMod = 1 if (nCnt>10): nMod = int(nCnt/10) #arcpy.SetProgressor('step', 'Processing {} catchments.'.format(nCnt), 0, nCnt, nMod) multiplier = float(multiplier) sLocalMinNames = "" sNibbleNames = "" sHandBaseNames = "" ds1 = time.clock() dds1 = time.clock() with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(pFLCatchment, [apwrutils.FN_ShapeAt, oidFieldName]) as rows: for i, row in enumerate(rows): pPolyGeom = row[0] oid = row[1] try: catStr =, pPolyGeom) catIntDem =, pPolyGeom) pCatNibbleBase =, catStr, "All_VALUES") # Process: Nibble pCatHandBase =, pCatNibbleBase) # Process: Minus pCatLocalMin =, multiplier) # Process: Divide pCatHandBase =, multiplier) pCatHandBase =, 0, pCatHandBase, "value < 0") sLocalMinName = "{}{}".format(LN_LM,oid) sNibbleName = "{}{}".format(LN_NibbleBase,oid) sHandBaseName = "{}{}".format(LN_HB,oid) rdsLocalMin = os.path.join(pCatLocalMinPath, sLocalMinName) rdsHandBase = os.path.join(pCatHandBasePath, sHandBaseName ) #..Construct 2 raster names for later mosaic (3 if nibblebase is included) if(sLocalMinNames==""): sLocalMinNames = sLocalMinName else: sLocalMinNames = "{};{}".format(sLocalMinNames, sLocalMinName) if(sHandBaseNames==""): sHandBaseNames = sHandBaseName else: sHandBaseNames = "{};{}".format(sHandBaseNames, sHandBaseName) if(pProcessor.DebugLevel>0): rdsNibbleBase = os.path.join(pCatNibbleBasePath, sNibbleName ) if(sNibbleNames==""): sNibbleNames = sNibbleName else: sNibbleNames = "{};{}".format(sNibbleNames, sNibbleName) if(i % nMod)==0: sMsg = "{}Processing {} of {} catchments. ddt={}".format(sp*4, i+1, nCnt, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(dds1,"")) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel(sMsg) arcpy.AddMessage(sMsg) arcpy.SetProgressorPosition(i+1) dds1 = time.clock() except: arcpy.AddWarning("{} {}".format(arcpy.GetMessages(2), trace())) pass sMsg = "{}Completed processing {} of {} catchments. dt={}".format(sp*2, nCnt, nCnt, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds1,"")) arcpy.AddMessage(sMsg) ds1 = time.clock() #Construct mosaic DS: arcpy.env.workspace = pCatLocalMinPath arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(sLocalMinNames, pRFolderBase, LN_LocalMin, sr, "8_BIT_UNSIGNED", cellSize, "1", "LAST","FIRST") sMsg = "{}Mosaic {} catchment LocalMin to form the LocalMin raster. dt={}".format(sp*2,nCnt, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds1,"") ) arcpy.AddMessage(sMsg) ds1 = time.clock() arcpy.env.workspace = pCatHandBasePath arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(sHandBaseNames, pRFolderBase, LN_HANDBase, sr, "8_BIT_UNSIGNED", cellSize, "1", "LAST","FIRST") sMsg = "{}Mosaic {} catchment Handbase to form the HandBase raster. dt={}".format(sp*2,nCnt, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds1,"") ) arcpy.AddMessage(sMsg) ds1 = time.clock() if(pProcessor.DebugLevel>0): arcpy.env.workspace = pCatNibbleBasePath arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(sNibbleNames, pRFolderBase, LN_NibbleBase, sr, "8_BIT_UNSIGNED", cellSize, "1", "LAST","FIRST") sMsg = "{}Mosaic {} catchment Nibble to form the NibbleBase raster. dt={}".format(sp*2,nCnt, apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds1,"") ) arcpy.AddMessage(sMsg) ds1 = time.clock() arcpy.AddMessage("Saving the Handbase result rasters. dt={}".format(apwrutils.Utils.GetDSMsg(ds,""))) ds = time.clock() sOK = apwrutils.C_OK except: arcpy.AddError("{}{}".format(arcpy.GetMessages(2), trace())) sOK = apwrutils.C_NOTOK finally: arcpy.ResetEnvironments() if(self.DebugLevel>0): arcpy.AddMessage("arcpy.env.workspace={}".format(arcpy.env.workspace)) arcpy.AddMessage("arcpy.env.cellSize={}".format(arcpy.env.cellSize)) arcpy.AddMessage("arcpy.env.snapRaster={}".format(arcpy.env.snapRaster)) arcpy.AddMessage("arcpy.env.overwriteOutput={}".format(arcpy.env.overwriteOutput )) arcpy.AddMessage("arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap={}".format(arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap)) arcpy.AddMessage("arcpy.env.parallelProcessingFactor={}".format(arcpy.env.parallelProcessingFactor)) return (sOK, pHandBase, pLocalMin)
def addRows(source, targetUrl, expr): # add rows using _chunkSize retval = False error = False # add section try: arcpy.SetProgressor("default", "Adding Rows") arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Adding Rows") rowjs = rowsToJson(source) url = targetUrl + '/addFeatures' try: numFeat = len(rowjs['features']) except: numFeat = 0 if numFeat == 0: dla.addMessage("0 Rows to Add, exiting") return True # nothing to add is OK if numFeat > _chunkSize: chunk = _chunkSize else: chunk = numFeat rowsProcessed = 0 while rowsProcessed < numFeat and error == False: next = rowsProcessed + chunk rows = rowjs['features'][rowsProcessed:next] msg = "Adding rows " + str(rowsProcessed) + ":" + str(next) dla.addMessage(msg) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel(msg) token = getSigninToken() params = { 'rollbackonfailure': 'true', 'f': 'json', 'token': token, 'features': json.dumps(rows) } result = sendRequest(url, params) try: if result['error'] != None: retval = False dla.addMessage("Add rows to Service failed") dla.addMessage(json.dumps(result)) error = True except: try: lenAdded = len(result['addResults']) total = rowsProcessed + chunk if total > numFeat: total = numFeat msg = str(lenAdded) + " rows added, " + str( total) + "/" + str(numFeat) print(msg) dla.addMessage(msg) retval = True except: retval = False dla.addMessage( "Add rows to Service failed. Unfortunately you will need to re-run this tool." ) #dla.showTraceback() #dla.addError(json.dumps(result)) error = True rowsProcessed += chunk except: retval = False dla.addMessage("Add rows to Service failed") dla.showTraceback() error = True pass return retval
def main(argv=None): success = True try: if not arcpy.Exists(gzSupport.workspace): gzSupport.addMessage(gzSupport.workspace + " does not exist, attempting to create") gzSupport.createGizintaGeodatabase() else: gzSupport.compressGDB(gzSupport.workspace) if len(datasets) > 0: progBar = len(datasets) + 1 arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Importing Datasets...", 0, progBar, 1) deleteExistingRows(datasets) arcpy.SetProgressorPosition() for dataset in datasets: gzSupport.sourceIDField = dataset.getAttributeNode( "sourceIDField").nodeValue sourceName = dataset.getAttributeNode("sourceName").nodeValue targetName = dataset.getAttributeNode("targetName").nodeValue arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Loading " + sourceName + " to " + targetName + "...") if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(sourceWorkspace, sourceName)): gzSupport.addError( os.path.join(sourceWorkspace, sourceName + " does not exist, exiting")) return if not arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(gzSupport.workspace, targetName)): gzSupport.addMessage( os.path.join(gzSupport.workspace, targetName) + " does not exist") mode = "export" else: mode = "import" arcpy.env.Workspace = gzSupport.workspace try: if mode == "import": retVal = gzSupport.importDataset(sourceWorkspace, sourceName, targetName, dataset) elif mode == "export": retVal = gzSupport.exportDataset(sourceWorkspace, sourceName, targetName, dataset) if retVal == False: success = False except: gzSupport.showTraceback() success = False retVal = False gzSupport.logDatasetProcess(sourceName, targetName, retVal) arcpy.SetProgressorPosition() except: gzSupport.showTraceback() gzSupport.addError("A Fatal Error occurred") success = False gzSupport.logDatasetProcess("", "", False) finally: arcpy.ResetProgressor() arcpy.RefreshCatalog(gzSupport.workspace) arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(sourceWorkspace) arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management(gzSupport.workspace) if success == False: gzSupport.addError( "Errors occurred during process, look in log files for more information" ) if gzSupport.ignoreErrors == True: success = True gzSupport.closeLog() arcpy.SetParameter(SUCCESS, success)
# Purpose: Compute the percentage of each route type that is present in a # GTFS dataset and save the results to a table in the default project geodatabase # Load required libraries import arcpy import numpy as np import SSDataObject as ssdo # Read parameters from the toolbox front end inFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) outTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) dissolvedFC = 'dissolvedFC' arcpy.AddMessage("Table will be saved to: " + outTable) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Dissolving routes by route type...") # Update the user on our progress so far # Dissolve the input shapes/routes feature class using 'route_type' as a dissolve field. # This avoids double-counting parts of the networks where multiple routes use # the same road/rail infrastructure. arcpy.Dissolve_management( inFC, dissolvedFC, dissolve_field = ["route_type"], statistics_fields = [["OBJECTID", "COUNT"], ["route_id", "COUNT"]], multi_part = "MULTI_PART", unsplit_lines = "DISSOLVE_LINES" ) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Computing route statistics...")
def SelectAddCauses(): """Draws telecoupling causes on top of basemap interactively""" # Local variable: out_layer = "Causes_lyr" # Get the value of the input parameter inFeatureSet = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) in_RecordSet = arcpy.GetParameter(1) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Creating Causes Categories ...') arcpy.AddMessage('Creating Causes Categories ...') if inFeatureSet or inFeatureSet != "#": try: # Process: Make Feature Layer (temporary) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(in_features=inFeatureSet, out_layer=out_layer) arcpy.AddField_management(in_table=out_layer, field_name="DESCRIPTION", field_type="TEXT", field_length=100) causeTable = json.loads(in_RecordSet.JSON) idx = 0 countRows = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(out_layer).getOutput(0)) if countRows != len(causeTable['features']): arcpy.AddError( "Number of records in 'Input Attribute Table' MUST equal number of causes on the map!!" ) raise arcpy.ExecuteError else: with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(out_layer, 'DESCRIPTION') as cursor: for row in cursor: row[0] = causeTable['features'][idx]['attributes'][ 'DESCRIPTION'] # Update the cursor with the updated list cursor.updateRow(row) idx += 1 del cursor # Process: Copy Feature Class outCauses_fc = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "Causes") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(out_layer, outCauses_fc) # Process: Delete Unwanted/Unnecessary fields arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Removing Unwanted Fields ...') arcpy.AddMessage('Removing Unwanted Fields ...') arcpy.DeleteField_management(outCauses_fc, "Id") # Process: Export Data to CSV File arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Exporting Feature Class Attributes to CSV ...') arcpy.AddMessage('Exporting Feature Class Attributes to CSV ...') outTable_CSV = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "Causes_Table.csv") ExportToCSV(fc=outCauses_fc, output=outTable_CSV) #### Set Parameters #### arcpy.SetParameterAsText(2, outCauses_fc) except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] arcpy.AddError('An error occurred: {}'.format(e.args[0])) else: arcpy.AddError('No Features Have Been Added to the Map!')
def main(): scratch_datasets = [] new_fields = [ 'Crash_Count', 'Crash_Count_Weight', 'Crash_Frequency', 'Crash_Rate', 'Weighted_Crash_Frequency', 'Weighted_Crash_Rate' ] try: streets_intersection = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) crashes = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) time_interval, time_unit = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2).split(' ') time_interval = float(time_interval) if time_unit == 'Years': time_interval = time_interval * 365 elif time_unit == 'Weeks': time_interval = time_interval * 7 snap_distance = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) weight_field = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) weight_table = arcpy.GetParameter(5) adt_field = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6) output_crash_rates = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(7) params = arcpy.GetParameterInfo() shape_type = arcpy.Describe(streets_intersection).shapeType weight_provided = False if weight_field is not None and weight_field != '': weight_provided = True adt_provided = False if adt_field is not None and adt_field != '': adt_provided = True arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Creating Temporary Crash Layer...") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(crashes, "Crash Layer") crashes_snap = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "Crash_Snap") if arcpy.Exists(crashes_snap): arcpy.Delete_management(crashes_snap) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("Crash Layer", crashes_snap) scratch_datasets.append(crashes_snap) crash_count_field = new_fields[0] crash_count_weight_field = new_fields[1] arcpy.AddField_management(crashes_snap, crash_count_field, "Double", field_alias="Crash Count") fields = [crash_count_field] if weight_provided: arcpy.AddField_management(crashes_snap, crash_count_weight_field, "Double", field_alias="Crash Count Weight") fields.append(crash_count_weight_field) fields.append(weight_field) for field in arcpy.Describe(crashes).fields: if == weight_field: if field.domain is not None and field.domain != '': database = get_workspace(crashes) if database is not None: for domain in arcpy.da.ListDomains(database): if == field.domain: if domain.domainType == 'CodedValue': for key, value in domain.codedValues.items( ): for i in range( 0, weight_table.rowCount): if weight_table.getValue( i, 0) == value: weight_table.setValue( i, 0, str(key)) break with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(crashes_snap, fields) as cursor: for row in cursor: row[0] = 1.0 if len(fields) == 3: value = str(row[2]) for i in range(0, weight_table.rowCount): if value == weight_table.getValue(i, 0): row[1] = weight_table.getValue(i, 1) break cursor.updateRow(row) if (shape_type == "Polyline"): arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Snapping Crashes to Nearest Street...") else: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( "Snapping Crashes to Nearest Intersection...") snapEnv = [streets_intersection, "EDGE", snap_distance] arcpy.Snap_edit(crashes_snap, [snapEnv]) fms = arcpy.FieldMappings() desc = arcpy.Describe(streets_intersection) for field in desc.fields: if field.type == 'Geometry' or field.type == 'OID' or in new_fields: continue if shape_type == "Polyline" and == desc.AreaFieldName: continue fm = arcpy.FieldMap() fm.addInputField(streets_intersection, fms.addFieldMap(fm) fm = arcpy.FieldMap() fm.addInputField(crashes_snap, crash_count_field) fm.mergeRule = 'Sum' fms.addFieldMap(fm) if weight_provided: fm = arcpy.FieldMap() fm.addInputField(crashes_snap, crash_count_weight_field) fm.mergeRule = 'Sum' fms.addFieldMap(fm) crashes_join = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "Crash") if arcpy.Exists(crashes_join): arcpy.Delete_management(crashes_join) arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis(streets_intersection, crashes_snap, crashes_join, "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL", fms, "Intersect", "0 Feet") scratch_datasets.append(crashes_join) if weight_provided: with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(crashes_join, [crash_count_weight_field]) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[0] == 0: row[0] = None cursor.updateRow(row) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Calculating Crash Statistics") templateDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) crash_frequency_field = new_fields[2] crash_rate_field = new_fields[3] weighted_crash_frequency_field = new_fields[4] weighted_crash_rate_field = new_fields[5] add_fields = [] fields = [crash_count_field] if (shape_type == "Polyline"): fields.append('SHAPE@') add_fields = [[crash_frequency_field, "Crashes Per Mile Per Year"], [ crash_rate_field, "Crashes Per Million Vehicle Miles" ], [ weighted_crash_frequency_field, "Weighted Crashes Per Mile Per Year" ], [ weighted_crash_rate_field, "Weighted Crashes Per Million Vehicle Miles" ]] else: add_fields = [ [crash_frequency_field, "Crashes Per Year"], [crash_rate_field, "Crashes Per Million Entering Vehicles"], [weighted_crash_frequency_field, "Weighted Crashes Per Year"], [ weighted_crash_rate_field, "Weighted Crashes Per Million Entering Vehicles" ] ] arcpy.AddField_management(crashes_join, add_fields[0][0], "Double", field_alias=add_fields[0][1]) fields.append(add_fields[0][0]) if adt_provided: arcpy.AddField_management(crashes_join, add_fields[1][0], "Double", field_alias=add_fields[1][1]) fields.append(add_fields[1][0]) fields.append(adt_field) if weight_provided: fields.append(crash_count_weight_field) arcpy.AddField_management(crashes_join, add_fields[2][0], "Double", field_alias=add_fields[2][1]) fields.append(add_fields[2][0]) if adt_provided: arcpy.AddField_management(crashes_join, add_fields[3][0], "Double", field_alias=add_fields[3][1]) fields.append(add_fields[3][0]) with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(crashes_join, fields) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[cursor.fields.index(crash_count_field)] is None: continue miles = 1.0 if 'SHAPE@' in cursor.fields: miles = row[cursor.fields.index('SHAPE@')].getLength( 'GEODESIC', 'MILES') row[cursor.fields.index(crash_frequency_field)] = row[ cursor.fields.index(crash_count_field)] / ( (time_interval / 365) * miles) if crash_count_weight_field in cursor.fields and row[ cursor.fields.index( crash_count_weight_field)] is not None: row[cursor.fields.index( weighted_crash_frequency_field )] = row[cursor.fields.index(crash_count_weight_field)] / ( (time_interval / 365) * miles) if adt_field in cursor.fields and row[cursor.fields.index( adt_field)] is not None: row[cursor.fields.index(crash_rate_field)] = ( row[cursor.fields.index(crash_count_field)] * 1000000 ) / (time_interval * row[cursor.fields.index(adt_field)] * miles) if crash_count_weight_field in cursor.fields and row[ cursor.fields.index( crash_count_weight_field)] is not None: row[cursor.fields.index(weighted_crash_rate_field)] = ( row[cursor.fields.index(crash_count_weight_field)] * 1000000) / (time_interval * row[cursor.fields.index(adt_field)] * miles) cursor.updateRow(row) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Creating Crash Rate Layer...") field_info = "" fields_to_hide = ['Join_Count', 'TARGET_FID', new_fields[0]] if weight_provided: fields_to_hide.append(new_fields[1]) field_list = arcpy.ListFields(crashes_join) for field in field_list: if in fields_to_hide: field_info = "{0}{1} {1} HIDDEN;".format( field_info, else: field_info = "{0}{1} {1} VISIBLE;".format( field_info, arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(crashes_join, "Output Crash Layer", field_info=field_info[:-1]) arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management( "Output Crash Layer", "NEW_SELECTION", '{0} IS NOT NULL'.format(new_fields[2])) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("Output Crash Layer", output_crash_rates) lyrx_json = _CRASH_RATE_POINT if (shape_type == "Polyline"): lyrx_json = _CRASH_RATE_POLYLINE with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_lyrx: temp_lyrx.write(lyrx_json.encode()) lyrx_path = "{0}.lyrx".format( os.rename(, lyrx_path) params[7].symbology = lyrx_path finally: for dataset in scratch_datasets: if arcpy.Exists(dataset): arcpy.Delete_management(dataset)
for filename in filenames if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.las' ]) elif i_desc.dataType == 'LasDataset': input_las_files.append(i) # Get CPU Count cpu_ct = cpu_count() if len(input_las_files) > cpu_count() else len( input_las_files) arcpy.AddMessage( f'Total CPU Count: {cpu_count()} | File Count: {len(input_las_files)} | CPUs Used: {cpu_ct}' ) # Classify Ground Points if ground_method == 'AGGRESSIVE': arcpy.SetProgressorLabel(f'Classifying Ground Points: Standard Method...') classify_ground_arg = ['STANDARD', reuse_ground, dem_resolution] classify_ground_args = [[las_file] + classify_ground_arg + global_args for las_file in input_las_files] with Pool(processes=cpu_ct) as pool: results = pool.starmap(lidarlas.ClassifyLasGround, classify_ground_args) if ground_method: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( f'Classifying Ground Points: {ground_method.capitalize()} Method...') classify_ground_arg = [ground_method, reuse_ground, dem_resolution] classify_ground_args = [[las_file] + classify_ground_arg + global_args for las_file in input_las_files] with Pool(processes=cpu_ct) as pool: results = pool.starmap(lidarlas.ClassifyLasGround,
## get all the fields in Project FC: projectFields = arcpy.ListFields(projects) projectFieldNames = [] for field in projectFields: projectFieldNames.append( ## set progressor (progress indicator bar in the geoprocessing windo) arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Calculating distances... ", 0, len(input_dict), 1) for inputFC in input_dict: if input_dict[ inputFC] != "": ## if input is provided, then calculate the distance feature = input_dict[inputFC] fieldName = inputFC arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Calculating distances for " + str(feature)) ## calculate distances arcpy.Near_analysis(projects, feature, "", "NO_LOCATION", "NO_ANGLE") ## Add the new field if not (fieldName in projectFieldNames): arcpy.AddField_management(projects, fieldName, "DOUBLE") if (fieldName == "d_tra" or fieldName == "d_sub"): arcpy.CalculateField_management( projects, fieldName, "!NEAR_DIST! * " + str(transmissionDistMultiplier), "PYTHON_9.3") else: arcpy.CalculateField_management(projects, fieldName, "!NEAR_DIST!", "PYTHON_9.3")
# This distance is designed to minimize problems of no data crashes if the HEL Determiation tool's resampled 3-meter DEM doesn't perfectly snap with results from this tool. arcpy.Buffer_analysis(source_clu, clu_buffer, "410 Meters", "FULL", "", "ALL", "") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip out the DEMs that were entered arcpy.AddMessage("\nClipping Raster Layers...") x = 0 del_list = [ ] # Start an empty list that will be used to clean up the temporary clips after merge is done mergeRasters = "" while x < datasets: current_dem = source_dems[x].replace("'", "") out_clip = temp_dem + "_" + str(x) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Clipping " + current_dem + " " + str(x + 1) + " of " + str(datasets)) try: AddMsgAndPrint("\tClipping " + current_dem + " " + str(x + 1) + " of " + str(datasets)) extractedDEM =, clu_buffer) except: arcpy.AddError( "\nThe input CLU fields may not cover the input DEM files. Clip & Merge failed...Exiting!\n" ) sys.exit() # Create merge statement if x == 0: # Start list of layers to merge
api = OpenSkyApi() l = [] fois = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) airport = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) workspace = r"C:\Users\Hong\Documents\ArcGIS\ADS-B" arcpy.env.workspace = workspace arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True max = long(fois) + 4 arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Get real-time ADS-B data...", 0, max, 1) for i in xrange(long(fois)): states = api.get_states(bbox=box(airport)) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Loading {}".format(i)) for s in states.states: time = datetime.fromtimestamp(s.time_position).isoformat() l.append([ s.callsign, s.longitude, s.latitude, s.geo_altitude, s.heading, s.icao24, time ]) t.sleep(15) arcpy.SetProgressorPosition() try: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Saving to {}.csv".format(time)) col = [ 'callsign', 'lon', 'lat', 'geoaltitude', 'heading', 'icao24', 'time' ] data = pd.DataFrame(l, columns=col)
# Main - wrap everything in a try statement try: #--------------------------------------------------------------------- Check for ArcInfo License exit if not available if not arcpy.ProductInfo() == "ArcInfo": arcpy.AddError("\nThis tool requires an ArcInfo/Advanced license level for ArcGIS Desktop. Exiting...\n") sys.exit() # Check out Spatial Analyst License if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial") == "Available": arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") else: arcpy.AddError("\nSpatial Analyst Extension not enabled. Please enable Spatial Analyst from the Tools/Extensions menu. Exiting...\n") sys.exit() arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Setting Variables") #------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input Parameters InputContours = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) dam = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) #outputPoolName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) #outputDamName = arcpy.GetParametersAsText(3) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Define Variables InputContours = arcpy.Describe(InputContours).CatalogPath # Exit if Contour layer not created from NRCS Engineering tools if InputContours.find('.gdb') > 0 and InputContours.find("_Contours") > 0: watershedGDB_path = InputContours[:InputContours.find('.')+4] else: arcpy.AddError("Input contours layer was not generated using the \"NRCS Engineering Tools\". Exiting...\n") sys.exit()
# main import string, os, sys, traceback, locale, arcpy from arcpy import env try: arcpy.OverwriteOutput = True # Script arguments... saLayer = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # input folder #PrintMsg(" \nGetting record count from SDM tables", 0) dCount = GetSDMCount(saLayer) # dictionary containing SDM record counts arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Getting table record count from Soil Data Access...", 1, len(dCount), 1) tblList = sorted(dCount.keys()) PrintMsg(" \nTABLE, COUNT", 0) for tbl in tblList: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel(tbl) PrintMsg(tbl + ", " + Number_Format(dCount[tbl], 0, False), 0) PrintMsg(" ", 0) except MyError, e: # Example: raise MyError, "This is an error message" PrintMsg(str(e) + " \n ", 2) except: errorMsg()
def AddMediaFlows(): # Local variable: out_layer_src_fl = "source_lyr" out_view_tbl = "layer_view" out_layer_pnt_fc = r"in_memory\country_lyr" out_media_flows_fc = r"in_memory\media_lyr" out_merged_flows_fc = r"in_memory\merged_lyr" out_name_merge_fl = "Merged Media Flows" out_name_fl = "Media Flows" try: ### 1. Create temp feature layer from source point and add XY coordinates ### # Process: Make Feature Layer (temporary) arcpy.AddMessage('Creating Feature Layer from Source Point ...') arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Creating Feature Layer from Source Point ...') arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(in_features=source_FeatureSet, out_layer=out_layer_src_fl) #### Add XY Coordinates To Point Layer #### arcpy.AddMessage('Adding XY Coordinates to Source Point Layer ...') arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Adding XY Coordinates to Source Point Layer ...') arcpy.AddXY_management(out_layer_src_fl) ### 2. The user should only add a single source location. If so, then store the XY coordinate values into a list object ### countRows = int( arcpy.GetCount_management(out_layer_src_fl).getOutput(0)) if countRows > 1: arcpy.AddError( "ERROR: You need to specify ONLY ONE source location on the map!!" ) raise arcpy.ExecuteError else: with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(out_layer_src_fl, ['POINT_X', 'POINT_Y']) as cursor: for row in cursor: srcPnt_XY = [row[0], row[1]] del cursor ### 3. Create List of Strings Based on Selected Input Feature Layer Field ### fNames_lst = [] # Search Cursor: the following only works with ArcGIS 10.1+ ### arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Creating List of Values From Chosen Input Feature Layer Field ...' ) arcpy.AddMessage( 'Creating List of Values From Chosen Input Feature Layer Field ...' ) with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(input_fc, input_fc_field) as cursor: for row in cursor: fNames_lst.append(row[0]) del cursor ### 4. Read HTML input report file and parse its content grabbing desired tags ### arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Reading and Parsing HTML File ...') arcpy.AddMessage('Reading and Parsing HTML File ...') soup = BeautifulSoup(open(input_html), 'html.parser') links_geo = soup.find_all( lambda tag: == 'p' and tag.get('class') == ['c1']) #links_p = soup.find_all('p') text_elements_geo = [ links_geo[i].find_all(text=True) for i in range(len(links_geo)) ] ### 5. Initialize a dictionary to store frequency of geographic locations to be mapped: ### ### Keys ---> unique values of the selected input feature field; ### Values ---> count frequency of word match between parsed HTML string and dictionary key (e.g. country name) ### #country_parse = {k: None for k in country_lst} arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Creating Dictionary with Frequency Counts of Geographic Locations from Parsed HTML ...' ) arcpy.AddMessage( 'Creating Dictionary with Frequency Counts of Geographic Locations from Parsed HTML ...' ) country_parse = {} for el in text_elements_geo: for geo in fNames_lst: if len(el) == 1 and geo in el[0]: if not geo in country_parse: country_parse[geo] = 1 else: country_parse[geo] += 1 ### 6. Create a temporary point layer from the input Polygon feature class ### arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Creating Temporary Point Layer from Input Feature Layer ...') arcpy.AddMessage( 'Creating Temporary Point Layer from Input Feature Layer ...') ### Process: Feature To Point Layer ### arcpy.FeatureToPoint_management(input_fc, out_layer_pnt_fc, "INSIDE") ### 7. Add Fields Required as Input by the XY To Line GP tool ### arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Adding New Field to Temporary Point Layer ...') arcpy.AddMessage('Adding New Field to Temporary Point Layer ...') #### Add Fields to temporary feature layer ### arcpy.AddField_management(in_table=out_layer_pnt_fc, field_name="FROM_X", field_type="DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(in_table=out_layer_pnt_fc, field_name="FROM_Y", field_type="DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(in_table=out_layer_pnt_fc, field_name="TO_X", field_type="DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(in_table=out_layer_pnt_fc, field_name="TO_Y", field_type="DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(in_table=out_layer_pnt_fc, field_name="Frequency", field_type="SHORT") #### Add XY Coordinates To Point Layer #### arcpy.AddXY_management(out_layer_pnt_fc) ### 8. Fill Out Values for All Newly Added Fields in the Temp Point Feature Layer ### arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Transferring Values from Dictionary to Temporary Point Feature Layer ...' ) arcpy.AddMessage( 'Transferring Values from Dictionary to Temporary Point Feature Layer ...' ) fields_selection = [ 'FROM_X', 'FROM_Y', input_fc_field, 'TO_X', 'TO_Y', 'POINT_X', 'POINT_Y', 'Frequency' ] with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(out_layer_pnt_fc, fields_selection) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[2] in country_parse.keys(): row[0] = srcPnt_XY[0] row[1] = srcPnt_XY[1] row[3] = row[5] row[4] = row[6] row[7] = country_parse[row[2]] # Update the cursor with the updated list cursor.updateRow(row) else: cursor.deleteRow() del cursor ### 9. Remove Unnecessary Fields From the Temp Point Feature Layer ### arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Removing Unnecessary Fields from Temporary Point Feature Layer ...' ) arcpy.AddMessage( 'Removing Unnecessary Fields from Temporary Point Feature Layer ...' ) fields = arcpy.ListFields(out_layer_pnt_fc) keepFields = ['FROM_X', 'FROM_Y', 'TO_X', 'TO_Y', 'Frequency'] dropFields = [ for f in fields if not in keepFields and f.type != 'OID' and f.type != 'Geometry' ] # delete fields arcpy.DeleteField_management(out_layer_pnt_fc, dropFields) ### 10. Export temp feature class to CSV and use to draw flow lines ### arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Creating Table View from Temporary Feature Layer ...') arcpy.AddMessage( 'Creating Table View from Temporary Feature Layer ...') arcpy.MakeTableView_management(in_table=out_layer_pnt_fc, out_view=out_view_tbl) ### 11. If Merging Box is Checked, Merge Temp Point Feature Class To Copy of Input Flow Layer ### if is_checked_table: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Creating Media Information Radial Flow Lines ...') arcpy.AddMessage( 'Creating Media Information Radial Flow Lines ...') arcpy.XYToLine_management(in_table=out_view_tbl, out_featureclass=out_media_flows_fc, startx_field='FROM_X', starty_field='FROM_Y', endx_field='TO_X', endy_field='TO_Y', line_type=lineType_str, id_field='Frequency', spatial_reference=out_layer_pnt_fc) arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Merging Media Information Flows With Existing Flow Layer ...') arcpy.AddMessage( 'Merging Media Information Flows With Existing Flow Layer ...') arcpy.Merge_management([out_media_flows_fc, input_flow_lyr], out_merged_flows_fc) # Process: Create a feature layer from the joined feature class to send back as output to GP tools out_fl = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(out_merged_flows_fc, out_name_merge_fl) # Execute FeatureClassToGeodatabase arcpy.AddMessage("Converting Feature Class to Shapefile...") arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(out_merged_flows_fc, arcpy.env.scratchFolder) else: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( 'Creating Media Information Radial Flow Lines ...') arcpy.AddMessage( 'Creating Media Information Radial Flow Lines ...') arcpy.XYToLine_management(in_table=out_view_tbl, out_featureclass=out_media_flows_fc, startx_field='FROM_X', starty_field='FROM_Y', endx_field='TO_X', endy_field='TO_Y', line_type=lineType_str, id_field='Frequency', spatial_reference=out_layer_pnt_fc) # Process: Create a feature layer from the joined feature class to send back as output to GP tools out_fl = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(out_media_flows_fc, out_name_fl) # Execute FeatureClassToGeodatabase arcpy.AddMessage("Converting Feature Class to Shapefile...") arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(out_media_flows_fc, arcpy.env.scratchFolder) arcpy.SetParameter(7, out_fl) arcpy.ResetProgressor() except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] arcpy.AddError('An error occurred: {}'.format(e.args[0]))
n = 0 arcpy.SetProgressor('step', 'Starting Parent Material Group Name Tool...', 0, jobCnt, 1) compDict = dict() # for eSSA in areaList: for state in states: #p = [x for x in areaList if x[:2] == state] #theReq = ",".join(map("'{0}'".format, p)) n = n + 1 arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Collecting parent material table for: ' + state + " (" + str(n) + ' of ' + str(jobCnt) + ')') #send the request #True, funcDict, cResponse pmLogic, pmData, pmMsg = getPMgrp(state, dBool) #if it was successful... if pmLogic: if len(pmData) == 0: AddMsgAndPrint('No records returned for ' + state, 1) failPM.append(state) arcpy.SetProgressorPosition() else: AddMsgAndPrint( 'Response for parent material table request on ' + state +
def CanevasRestituion(fc, sh): try: #Setting the workspace environ = get_geodatabase_path(fc) arcpy.env.workspace = environ #On call la jointure de reseau vers PL spatialJoin_ReseauxPL("PL", "Reseaux", "Reso_PL_Join") fields = ("Post_Name", "Code_Poste", "Code_Transfo", "Puiss_Nom", "X", "Y") arcpy.AddMessage("Printing the header ...") sh.write(0, 0, "Nom Poste") sh.write(0, 1, "Coord_X") sh.write(0, 2, "Coord_Y") sh.write(0, 3, "Code Poste") sh.write( 0, 4, "Code Transfo" ) #codeTransfo.strip(codePoste) : il va rester en principe "01" sh.write(0, 5, "Puissance Transfo") sh.write(0, 6, "NB de PL inventories") sh.write(0, 7, "PL en section 3x70mm") sh.write(0, 8, "PL en section 3x50mm") sh.write(0, 9, "PL en section 4x25mm") sh.write(0, 10, "PL en section 4x16mm") sh.write(0, 11, "PL en section 2x16mm") sh.write(0, 12, "PL en Classique Monophase") sh.write(0, 13, "PL en Classique Triphase") sh.write(0, 14, "NB PL en direct") sh.write(0, 15, "NB BCC ouvertes") sh.write(0, 16, "NB Installation avec compact") sh.write(0, 17, "3x70mm") sh.write(0, 18, "3x50mm") sh.write(0, 19, "4x25mm") sh.write(0, 20, "4x16mm") sh.write(0, 21, "2x16mm") sh.write(0, 22, "Classique monophase") sh.write(0, 23, "Classique triphase") sh.write(0, 24, "NB Supports BT") sh.write(0, 25, "Casse") sh.write(0, 26, "Pourri") sh.write(0, 27, "Pourri-Operationnel") sh.write(0, 28, "Tombe") sh.write(0, 29, "NB lampes EP") arcpy.AddMessage("Header printed successfully ...") arcpy.AddMessage( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) line = 1 fcPostePL = 'F:/GIS_PROJECT_GDB/COMPILE_GEODATABASE/NEWBELL/postes_pl' n = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(fcPostePL).getOutput(0)) p = 1 count = 0 arcpy.SetProgressor( "step", "Step progressor: Processing from 0 to {0}".format(n), 0, n, p) time.sleep(readTime) cursor1 = arcpy.da.SearchCursor( fcPostePL, ["POSTES_DAN"]) # On parcours la table qui stocke les transfo PL for row1 in cursor1: count += 1 if (count % p) == 0: arcpy.SetProgressorLabel( "Searching statistics for Poste " + row1[0] + "... printing at rows {0}".format(count)) arcpy.SetProgressorPosition(count) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- arcpy.AddMessage( "Printing data at the row {0} for Poste {1}".format( count, row1[0])) #Recuperation des données et ecriture dans excel ## sh.write(line, 0, row[0]) #NomPoste ## sh.write(line, 1, row[4]) #Coordonnées_X ## sh.write(line, 2, row[5]) #Coordonnées_Y ## sh.write(line, 3, row[1]) #CodePoste ## sh.write(line, 4, row[2]) #code du transfo ## sh.write(line, 5, row[3]) codeTrans = row1[0] + "01" sh.write(line, 0, "EMPTY_NAME") #NomPoste sh.write(line, 1, "EMPTY_X") #Coordonnées_X sh.write(line, 2, "EMPTY_Y") #Coordonnées_Y sh.write(line, 3, row1[0]) #CodePoste sh.write(line, 4, codeTrans) #code du transfo sh.write(line, 5, "EMPTY_POWER") #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Count the number of PL for the current transfo nbPL = countFCByTransfo( "PL", "Code_Transfo LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Data_Creator IS NOT NULL") sh.write(line, 6, nbPL) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nombre de PL en fonction de la section du cable et du reseau PL3par70 = summaryOfField( "Reso_PL_Join", ("Stats3par70_" + str(row1[0])), "Code_Transfo_1 LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Section_Cable LIKE '3x70mm%'", str(row1[0])) #PL3par70 = countFCByTransfo("Reso_PL_Join", "Code_Transfo LIKE '"+row[1]+"%' AND Section_Cable LIKE '3x70mm%'") sh.write(line, 7, PL3par70) PL3par50 = summaryOfField( "Reso_PL_Join", ("Stats3par50_" + str(row1[0])), "Code_Transfo_1 LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Section_Cable LIKE '3x50mm%'", str(row1[0])) #PL3par50 = countFCByTransfo("Reso_PL_Join", "Code_Transfo LIKE '"+row[1]+"%' AND Section_Cable LIKE '3x50mm%'") sh.write(line, 8, PL3par50) PL4par25 = summaryOfField( "Reso_PL_Join", ("Stats4par25_" + str(row1[0])), "Code_Transfo_1 LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Section_Cable LIKE '4x25mm%'", str(row1[0])) #PL4par25 = countFCByTransfo("Reso_PL_Join", "Code_Transfo LIKE '"+row[1]+"%' AND Section_Cable LIKE '4x25mm%'") sh.write(line, 9, PL4par25) PL4par16 = summaryOfField( "Reso_PL_Join", ("Stats4par16_" + str(row1[0])), "Code_Transfo_1 LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Section_Cable LIKE '4x16mm%'", str(row1[0])) #PL4par16 = countFCByTransfo("Reso_PL_Join", "Code_Transfo LIKE '"+row[1]+"%' AND Section_Cable LIKE '4x16mm%'") sh.write(line, 10, PL4par16) PL2par16 = summaryOfField( "Reso_PL_Join", ("Stats2par16_" + str(row1[0])), "Code_Transfo_1 LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Section_Cable LIKE '2x16mm%'", str(row1[0])) #PL2par16 = countFCByTransfo("Reso_PL_Join", "Code_Transfo LIKE '"+row[1]+"%' AND Section_Cable LIKE '2x16mm%'") sh.write(line, 11, PL2par16) PL_ClassMono = summaryOfField( "Reso_PL_Join", ("StatsClassMono_" + str(row1[0])), "Code_Transfo_1 LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Section_Cable LIKE 'Classique Monophas%'", str(row1[0])) #PL_ClassMono = countFCByTransfo("Reso_PL_Join", "Code_Transfo LIKE '"+row[1]+"%' AND Section_Cable LIKE 'Classique Monophas%'") sh.write(line, 12, PL_ClassMono) PL_ClassTri = summaryOfField( "Reso_PL_Join", ("StatsClassTri_" + str(row1[0])), "Code_Transfo_1 LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Section_Cable LIKE 'Classique Triphas%'", str(row1[0])) #PL_ClassTri = countFCByTransfo("Reso_PL_Join", "Code_Transfo LIKE '"+row[1]+"%' AND Section_Cable LIKE 'Classique Triphas%'") sh.write(line, 13, PL_ClassTri) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #PL en fraude directe PL_EnDirect = countFCByTransfo( "PL", "Code_Transfo LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Anomallies = 'AN032'") sh.write(line, 14, PL_EnDirect) #PL avec BCC ouverte PL_OpenBCC = countFCByTransfo( "PL", "Code_Transfo LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND BCC = 'BCC sans couvercle'") sh.write(line, 15, PL_OpenBCC) #PL avec disjoncteur compact PL_CompactDisj = countFCByTransfo( "PL", "Code_Transfo LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Calibre_Disjoncteur = 'Compact'") sh.write(line, 16, PL_CompactDisj) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Longueur des reseaux par section de cable len3par70 = lenghtReseauxByTransfo("Reseaux", row1[0], "3x70mm") sh.write(line, 17, len3par70) len3par50 = lenghtReseauxByTransfo("Reseaux", row1[0], "3x50mm") sh.write(line, 18, len3par50) len4par25 = lenghtReseauxByTransfo("Reseaux", row1[0], "4x25mm") sh.write(line, 19, len4par25) len4par16 = lenghtReseauxByTransfo("Reseaux", row1[0], "4x16mm") sh.write(line, 20, len4par16) len2par16 = lenghtReseauxByTransfo("Reseaux", row1[0], "2x16mm") sh.write(line, 21, len2par16) lenClassMono = lenghtReseauxByTransfo("Reseaux", row1[0], "Classique Monophas") sh.write(line, 22, lenClassMono) lenClassTriph = lenghtReseauxByTransfo("Reseaux", row1[0], "Classique Triphas") sh.write(line, 23, lenClassTriph) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Nombre de Supports Nbre_Support = countFCByTransfo( "Supports", "ID_Support LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%'") sh.write(line, 24, Nbre_Support) #Supports cassé supportCasse = countFCByTransfo( "Supports", "ID_Support LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Etat LIKE 'Cass%'") sh.write(line, 25, supportCasse) SupportPourri = countFCByTransfo( "Supports", "ID_Support LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Etat = 'Pourri'") sh.write(line, 26, SupportPourri) SupportPourriOP = countFCByTransfo( "Supports", "ID_Support LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Etat = 'Pourri-Operationnel'") sh.write(line, 27, SupportPourriOP) SupportTombe = countFCByTransfo( "Supports", "ID_Support LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%' AND Etat LIKE 'Tomb%'") sh.write(line, 28, SupportTombe) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Eclairage_Public NbreEP = countFCByTransfo("Eclairage_Public", "Code_Transfo LIKE '" + row1[0] + "%'") sh.write(line, 29, NbreEP) arcpy.AddMessage( "Data printed succesfully at the row {0}".format(count)) arcpy.AddMessage( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) line += 1 #Reset the Reso_PL_Join by deleting the current Reso_PL_Join feature class arcpy.Delete_management("Reso_PL_Join") arcpy.AddMessage(str(count) + "Items found. Printing found items: ") except Exception as ex: arcpy.AddMessage("Rolling back all the printed data") # Si une exception est capturée, on affiche le line number et le message d'erreur tb = sys.exc_info()[2] arcpy.AddError("An excption occured on line %i" % tb.tb_lineno) arcpy.AddError("Error message : " + ex.message) arcpy.AddMessage("RollBack done...")