from arcrest.agol import layer if __name__ == "__main__": url = "" username = "" password = "" fl = layer.FeatureLayer(url=url, username=username, password=password) # Add attachment to a record fl.addAttachment(oid=1, file_path=r"c:\temp\Desert.jpg") # Delete all attachments with the name Desert.jpg for attach in fl.listAttachments(oid=1)['attachmentInfos']: if attach['name'] == "Desert.jpg": fl.deleteAttachment(oid=1, attachment_id=attach['parentID']) else: print attach['name']
""" Querying a feature layer can be done in two different ways. You can obtains the feature layer object from the featureservice or the object can be created directly. """ from arcrest.agol import featureservice, layer if __name__ == "__main__": try: # WAY 1 - from featureserver url = "" fs = featureservice.FeatureService(url=url) for l in fs.layers: print l.query(returnCountOnly=True) # WAY 2 - connect directly to feature layer fURL = "" fl = layer.FeatureLayer(url=fURL) print fl.query(where="FID < 10", returnCountOnly=True) except ValueError, e: print e
def main(config_file, *args): # Set overwrite output option to True arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True if isfile(config_file): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() else: print "INI file not found." sys.exit() # Config File username = config.get('AGOL', 'user') password = config.get('AGOL', 'pass') localaddresses = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'localaddresses') CommunityAddressLocalCopy = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'communityaddresseslocalcopy') createCurrent = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'createcurrent') reportCurrentURL = config.get('FS_INFO', 'featureserviceurl') deleteSQL = config.get('FS_INFO', 'deletesql') countycityname = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'localfips') print "Loading Configuration File" arcpy.AddMessage("Loading Configuration File") if CommunityAddressLocalCopy == "": print "Please specify a input community parcel layer (CommunityParcelsLocalCopy=) in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a input parcel layer in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() if username == "": print "Please specify a ArcGIS Online Username (username =)in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage(username) sys.exit() if password == "": print "Please specify a ArcGIS Online password (password =)in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage(password) sys.exit() if deleteSQL == "": print "Please specify a SQL query (DELETESQL= LOCALFIPS ='jurisdiction') in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a SQL query (DELETESQL= LOCALFIPS ='jurisdiction') in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() fs = layer.FeatureLayer(url=reportCurrentURL, username=username, password=password) if fs == None: print "Cannot find or connect to service, make sure service is accessible" arcpy.AddMessage( "Cannot find or connect to service, make sure service is accessible" ) sys.exit() # Update Current service if used - see the ArcREST folder in the application directory print "Cleaning up local parcel data" arcpy.AddMessage("Cleaning up local parcels") if createCurrent == "True": fs.url = reportCurrentURL arcpy.Append_management(CommunityAddressLocalCopy, localaddresses, "TEST") print "Mapping Local Parcel data to Community Address Schema" arcpy.AddMessage( "Mapping Local Parcel data to Community Address Schema") print "Truncating Addresses from Feature Service" arcpy.AddMessage("Truncating Addresses from Feature Service") print "Community Address update started, please be patient" arcpy.AddMessage("Community Address update started, please be patient") try: value1 = fs.query(where=deleteSQL, returnIDsOnly=True) myids = value1['objectIds'] minId = min(myids) i = 0 maxId = max(myids) print minId print maxId chunkSize = 500 while (i <= len(myids)): #print myids[i:i+1000] oids = ",".join(str(e) for e in myids[i:i + chunkSize]) print oids if oids == '': continue else: fs.deleteFeatures(objectIds=oids) i += chunkSize print i print "Completed: {0:.0f}%".format(i / float(len(myids)) * 100) arcpy.AddMessage("Deleted: {0:.0f}%".format( i / float(len(myids)) * 100)) except: pass print "Community Address upload Started" arcpy.AddMessage( "Community Address upload started, please be patient. For future consideration, please run tool during non-peak internet usage" ) fs.addFeatures(localaddresses)
""" Updating a feature layer, OBJECTID must be included in the features. """ from arcrest.agol import featureservice, layer if __name__ == "__main__": fURL = "" fl = layer.FeatureLayer(url=fURL, username='', password='') result = fl.query(where="1=1", out_fields='OBJECTID,NUMSERVED,NUMOUT', returnGeometry=False) for res in result: res.set_value("NUMSERVED", 99) res.set_value("NUMOUT", 100) print fl.updateFeature(result)
def main(config_file, *args): # Set overwrite output option to True arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True if isfile(config_file): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() else: print "INI file not found." sys.exit() # Config File username = config.get('AGOL', 'user') password = config.get('AGOL', 'pass') LocalParcels = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'localaddresses') createCurrent = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'createcurrent') reportCurrentURL = config.get('FS_INFO', 'featureserviceurl') deleteSQL = config.get('FS_INFO', 'deletesql') localaddresses = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'localaddresses') communityaddresseslocalcopy = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'communityaddresseslocalcopy') localfips = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'localfips') SiteAddressID = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'siteaddressid') AddressPointID = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addresspointid') AddressNumberPrefix = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addressnumberprefix') AddressNumberSuffix = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addressnumbersuffix') FullAddressNumber = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'fulladdressnumber') AddressRange = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addressrange') AddressUnitType = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addressunittype') AddressUnitNumber = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'addressunitnumber') AlternateAddressUnitType = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'alternateaddressunittype') AlternateAddressUnitNumber = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'alternateaddressunitnumber') FullRoadName = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'fullroadname') FullAddress = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'fulladdress') PlaceName = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'placename') MunicipalityName = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'municipalityname') USNGCoordinate = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'usngcoordinate') Description = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'description') Location = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'siteaddressid') CaptureMethod = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'capturemethod') Status = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'status') print "Loading Configuration File" arcpy.AddMessage("Loading Configuration File") if arcpy.Exists(localaddresses) == False: print "Please specify a input address feature class (localaddresses=) in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a input parcel layer in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() if communityaddresseslocalcopy == "": print "Please specify a input community address layer (communityaddresslocalcopy=) in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a input community address layer in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() if username == "": print "Please specify a ArcGIS Online Username (username =)in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage(username) sys.exit() if password == "": print "Please specify a ArcGIS Online password (password =)in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage(password) sys.exit() if deleteSQL == "": print "Please specify a SQL query (DELETESQL= LOCALFIPS ='jurisdiction') in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a SQL query (DELETESQL= LOCALFIPS ='jurisdiction') in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() fs = layer.FeatureLayer(url=reportCurrentURL, username=username, password=password) if fs == None: print "Cannot find or connect to service, make sure service is accessible" arcpy.AddMessage( "Cannot find or connect to service, make sure service is accessible" ) sys.exit() # Update Current service if used - see the services helper in the arcrest folder if createCurrent == "True": fs.url = reportCurrentURL # Delete existing dataset that matches the community parcel schema print "Cleaning up local address data" # Append new parcels into the community parcels schema, field map your data into the community schema. Add local data field names after the "#" in the list. # For example, for STATEAREA "STATEAREA" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,LocalParcels,TotalAcres,-1,-1; The local Parcels field name from STATEDAREA (community parcels schema) is TotalAcres. common_vars = "true true false 250 Text 0 0, First, #" if SiteAddressID == "": new_field = """SITEADDID 'Site Address ID' true true false 20 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """SITEADDID 'Site Address ID' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, SiteAddressID) field_map = "{}".format(new_field) if AddressPointID == "": new_field = """ADDPTKEY 'Address Point ID' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ADDPTKEY 'Address Point ID' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressPointID) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AddressNumberPrefix == "": new_field = """PREADDRNUM 'Address Number Prefix' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """PREADDRNUM 'Address Number Prefix' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressNumberPrefix) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AddressNumberSuffix == "": new_field = """ADDRNUMSUF 'Address Number Suffix' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ADDRNUMSUF 'Address Number Suffix' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressNumberSuffix) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if FullAddressNumber == "": new_field = """ADDRNUM 'Full Address Number' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ADDRNUM 'Full Address Number' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, FullAddressNumber) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AddressRange == "": new_field = """ADDRRANGE 'Address Range' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ADDRRANGE 'Address Range' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressRange) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AddressUnitType == "": new_field = """UNITTYPE 'Address Unit Type' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """UNITTYPE 'Address Unit Type' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressUnitType) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AddressUnitNumber == "": new_field = """UNITID 'Address Unit Number' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """UNITID 'Address Unit Number' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AddressUnitNumber) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AlternateAddressUnitType == "": new_field = """ALTUNITTYPE 'Alternate Address Unit Type' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ALTUNITTYPE 'Alternate Address Unit Type' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AlternateAddressUnitType) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AlternateAddressUnitNumber == "": new_field = """ALTUNITID 'Alternate Address Unit Number' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ALTUNITID 'Alternate Address Unit Number' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, AlternateAddressUnitNumber) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if FullRoadName == "": new_field = """FULLNAME 'Full Road Name' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """FULLNAME 'Full Road Name' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, FullRoadName) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if FullAddress == "": new_field = """FULLADDR 'Full Address' true true false 250 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """FULLADDR 'Full Address' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, FullAddress) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if PlaceName == "": new_field = """PLACENAME 'Place Name' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """PLACENAME 'Place Name' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, PlaceName) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if MunicipalityName == "": new_field = """MUNICIPALITY 'Municipality Name' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """MUNICIPALITY 'Municipality Name' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, MunicipalityName) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if USNGCoordinate == "": new_field = """USNGCOORD 'USNG Coordinate' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """USNGCOORD 'USNG Coordinate' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, USNGCoordinate) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if Description == "": new_field = """ADDRCLASS 'Description' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """ADDRCLASS 'Description' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, Description) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if Location == "": new_field = """POINTTYPE 'Location' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """POINTTYPE 'Location' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, Location) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if CaptureMethod == "": new_field = """CAPTUREMETH 'Capture Method' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """CAPTUREMETH 'Capture Method' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, CaptureMethod) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if Status == "": new_field = """STATUS 'Status' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """STATUS 'Status' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, Status) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if localfips == "": new_field = """localfips 'Local FIPS code' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """localfips 'Local FIPS code' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, localaddresses, localfips) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) arcpy.Append_management(localaddresses, communityaddresseslocalcopy, "NO_TEST", field_map) print "Mapping Local Address data to Community Address Schema" print "Community Address Update to ArcGIS Online Started, please be patient" arcpy.AddMessage( "Mapping Local Address data to Community Address Schema") arcpy.AddMessage( "Community Address Update to ArcGIS Online Started, please be patient" ) # Calculate the Last Update field arcpy.CalculateField_management(communityaddresseslocalcopy, "LASTUPDATE", "time.strftime(\"%m/%d/%Y\")", "PYTHON", "") print "Calculating Last Update" arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating Last Update") #Calculate Last Editor Field calc0 = '"{0}"'.format(localfips) arcpy.CalculateField_management(communityaddresseslocalcopy, "LASTEDITOR", calc0) print "Calculating Last Editor" arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating Last Editor") # Calculate the LOCALFIPS to the County/City Name calc = '"{0}"'.format(localfips) arcpy.CalculateField_management(communityaddresseslocalcopy, "localfips", calc, "VB", "") print "Set FIPS Code information" arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating 'FIPS' Code Information") try: value1 = fs.query(where=deleteSQL, returnIDsOnly=True) myids = value1['objectIds'] minId = min(myids) i = 0 maxId = max(myids) print minId print maxId chunkSize = 500 while (i <= len(myids)): #print myids[i:i+1000] oids = ",".join(str(e) for e in myids[i:i + chunkSize]) print oids if oids == '': continue else: fs.deleteFeatures(objectIds=oids) i += chunkSize print i print "Completed: {0:.0f}%".format(i / float(len(myids)) * 100) arcpy.AddMessage("Deleted: {0:.0f}%".format( i / float(len(myids)) * 100)) except: pass print "Community Address upload Started" arcpy.AddMessage( "Community Address upload started, please be patient. For future consideration, please run tool during non-peak internet usage" ) fs.addFeatures(communityaddresseslocalcopy)
def main(config_file, *args): # Set overwrite output option to True arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True if isfile(config_file): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() else: print "INI file not found." sys.exit() # Config File username = config.get('AGOL', 'user') password = config.get('AGOL', 'pass') LocalParcels = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'localparcels') CommunityParcelsLocalCopy = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'communityparcelslocalcopy') createCurrent = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'createcurrent') reportCurrentURL = config.get('FS_INFO', 'featureserviceurl') deleteSQL = config.get('FS_INFO', 'deletesql') countycityname = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'localfips') LowParcelID = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'lowparcelid') ParcelID = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'parcelid') FloorDesignator = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'floordesignator') StatedArea = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'statedarea') ConveyanceName = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'conveyancename') UseCode = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'usecode') UseDescription = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'usedescription') TaxUseDescription = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'taxusedescription') Improved = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'improved') Owntype = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'owntype') SiteAddress = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'siteaddress') Ownername1 = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'ownername1') Ownername2 = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'ownername2') PostalAddress = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'postaladdress') USPSBox = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'uspsbox') State = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'state') City = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'city') Zip = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'zip') InternationalAddress = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'internationaladdress') TaxableValue = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'taxablevalue') SalePrice = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'saleprice') SaleDate = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'saledate') LocalFIPS = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'localfips') StateFIPS = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'statefips') GNISID = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'gnisid') LastEditor = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'lasteditor') LastUpdate = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'lastupdate') ##SHAPE_Length = config.get ('FIELD_MAPPER', 'SHAPE_Length') ##SHAPE_Area = config.get ('FIELD_MAPPER', 'SHAPE_Area') ImprovedValue = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'improvedvalue') LandValue = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'landvalue') AssessedValue = config.get('FIELD_MAPPER', 'assessedvalue') print "Loading Configuration File" arcpy.AddMessage("Loading Configuration File") if arcpy.Exists(LocalParcels) == False: print "Please specify a input parcel feature class (LocalParcels=) in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a input parcel layer in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() if CommunityParcelsLocalCopy == "": print "Please specify a input community parcel layer (CommunityParcelsLocalCopy=) in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a input parcel layer in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() if username == "": print "Please specify a ArcGIS Online Username (username =)in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage(username) sys.exit() if password == "": print "Please specify a ArcGIS Online password (password =)in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage(password) sys.exit() if deleteSQL == "": print "Please specify a SQL query (DELETESQL= LOCALFIPS ='jurisdiction') in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a SQL query (DELETESQL= LOCALFIPS ='jurisdiction') in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() fs = layer.FeatureLayer(url=reportCurrentURL, username=username, password=password) if fs == None: print "Cannot find or connect to service, make sure service is accessible" arcpy.AddMessage( "Cannot find or connect to service, make sure service is accessible" ) sys.exit() # Update Current service if used - see the services helper in the agolhelper folder if createCurrent == "True": fs.url = reportCurrentURL # Delete existing dataset that matches the community parcel schema print "Cleaning up local parcel data" # Append new parcels into the community parcels schema, field map your data into the community schema. Add local data field names after the "#" in the list. # For example, for STATEAREA "STATEAREA" true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,LocalParcels,TotalAcres,-1,-1; The local Parcels field name from STATEDAREA (community parcels schema) is TotalAcres. common_vars = "true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #" if LowParcelID == "": new_field = """LOWPARCELID 'Low Parcel Identification Number' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """LOWPARCELID 'Low Parcel Identification Number' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, LowParcelID) field_map = "{}".format(new_field) if ParcelID == "": new_field = """PARCELID 'Parcel Identification Number' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """PARCELID 'Parcel Identification Number' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, ParcelID) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if FloorDesignator == "": new_field = """FLOORDESIG 'Floor Designator' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """FLOORDESIG 'Floor Designator' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, FloorDesignator) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if StatedArea == "": new_field = """STATEAREA 'Stated Area' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """STATEAREA 'Stated Area' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, StatedArea) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if ConveyanceName == "": new_field = """CNVYNAME 'Sub or Condo Name' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """CNVYNAME 'Sub or Condo Name' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, ConveyanceName) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if UseCode == "": new_field = """USEDCD 'Parcel Use Code' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """USEDCD 'Parcel Use Code' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, UseCode) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if UseDescription == "": new_field = """USEDSCRP 'Parcel Use Description' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """USEDSCRP 'Parcel Use Description' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, UseDescription) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if TaxUseDescription == "": new_field = """CVTTXDSCRP 'Tax District Description' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """CVTTXDSCRP 'Tax District Description' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, TaxUseDescription) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if Improved == "": new_field = """IMPROVED 'Improved Structure' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """IMPROVED 'Improved Structure' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, Improved) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if Owntype == "": new_field = """OWNTYPE 'Owner Type' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """OWNTYPE 'Owner Type' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, Owntype) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if SiteAddress == "": new_field = """SITEADRESS 'Physical Address' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """SITEADRESS 'Physical Address' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, SiteAddress) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if Ownername1 == "": new_field = """OWNERNME1 'First Owner Name' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """OWNERNME1 'First Owner Name' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, Ownername1) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if Ownername2 == "": new_field = """OWNERNME2 'Second Owner Name' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """OWNERNME2 'Second Owner Name' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, Ownername2) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if PostalAddress == "": new_field = """PSTLADRESS 'Mailing Address' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """PSTLADRESS 'Mailing Address' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, PostalAddress) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if USPSBox == "": new_field = """USPSBOX 'US Postal Box Number' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """USPSBOX 'US Postal Box Number' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, USPSBox) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if City == "": new_field = """PSTLCITY 'City' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """PSTLCITY 'City' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, City) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if State == "": new_field = """PSTLSTATE'State' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """PSTLSTATE 'State' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, State) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if Zip == "": new_field = """PSTLZIP 'Zip Code' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """PSTLZIP 'Zip Code' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, Zip) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if InternationalAddress == "": new_field = """PSTLINTER 'International Postal Address' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """PSTLINTER 'International Postal Address' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, InternationalAddress) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if TaxableValue == "": new_field = """CNTTXBLVAL 'Current Taxable Value' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """CNTTXBLVAL 'Current Taxable Value' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, TaxableValue) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if SalePrice == "": new_field = """SALEPRICE 'Last Sale Price' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """SALEPRICE 'Last Sale Price' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, SalePrice) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if SaleDate == "": new_field = """SALEDATE 'Last Sale Date' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """SALEDATE 'Last Sale Date' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, SaleDate) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if LocalFIPS == "": new_field = """LOCALFIPS 'Local FIPS Code' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """LOCALFIPS 'Local FIPS Code' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, LocalFIPS) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if StateFIPS == "": new_field = """STCOFIPS 'State FIPS Code' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """STCOFIPS 'State FIPS Code' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, StateFIPS) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if ImprovedValue == "": new_field = """IMPVALUE 'Improved Structure Value' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """IMPVALUE 'Improved Structure Value' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, ImprovedValue) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if LandValue == "": new_field = """LNDVALUE 'Land Value' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """LNDVALUE 'Land Value' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, LandValue) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if AssessedValue == "": new_field = """CNTASSDVAL 'Current Assessed Value' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """CNTASSDVAL 'Current Assessed Value' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, AssessedValue) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if GNISID == "": new_field = """GNISID 'Geographic Names Information System Code' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """GNISID 'Geographic Names Information System Code' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, GNISID) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if LastEditor == "": new_field = """LASTEDITOR 'Last Editor' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """LASTEDITOR 'Last Editor' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, LastEditor) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) if LastUpdate == "": new_field = """LASTUPDATE 'Last Update' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" else: new_field = """LASTUPDATE 'Last Update' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format( common_vars, LocalParcels, LastUpdate) field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) ## if SHAPE_Length =="": ## new_field = """SHAPE_Length 'SHAPE_Length' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" ## ## ## else: ## new_field = """SHAPE_Length 'SHAPE_Length' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format(common_vars, LocalParcels, SHAPE_Length) ## ## ## field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) ## ## ## ## ## if SHAPE_Area =="": ## new_field = """SHAPE_Area 'SHAPE_Area' true true false 50 Text 0 0, First, #""" ## ## ## else: ## new_field = """SHAPE_Area 'SHAPE_Area' {}, {}, {}, -1, -1""".format(common_vars, LocalParcels, SHAPE_Area) ## ## ## field_map = "{}; {}".format(field_map, new_field) arcpy.Append_management(LocalParcels, CommunityParcelsLocalCopy, "NO_TEST", field_map) print "Mapping Local Parcel data to Community Parcel Schema" print "Community Parcel Update to ArcGIS Online Started, please be patient" arcpy.AddMessage( "Mapping Local Parcel data to Community Parcel Schema") arcpy.AddMessage( "Community Parcel Update to ArcGIS Online Started, please be patient" ) #Calculate Last Editor Field calc0 = '"{0}"'.format(username) arcpy.CalculateField_management(CommunityParcelsLocalCopy, "LASTEDITOR", calc0) print "Calculating Last Editor" arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating Last Editor") # Calculate the Last Update field arcpy.CalculateField_management(CommunityParcelsLocalCopy, "LASTUPDATE", "time.strftime(\"%m/%d/%Y\")", "PYTHON", "") print "Calculating Last Update " arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating Last Update") # Calculate the LOCALFIPS to the County/City Name calc = '"{0}"'.format(countycityname) arcpy.CalculateField_management(CommunityParcelsLocalCopy, "LOCALFIPS", calc, "VB", "") print "Set FIPS Code information" arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating 'FIPS' Code Information") #Calculate improved information arcpy.CalculateField_management( CommunityParcelsLocalCopy, "IMPROVED", "improve", "VB", "Dim improve\\nIf [IMPVALUE] > 1 Then\\nimprove = \"YES\"\\n\\nelse\\nimprove = \"NO\"\\n\\nend if\\n" ) print "Calculating Improved Structure information" arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating Improved Structure information") print "Truncating Parcels from Feature Service" arcpy.AddMessage("Truncating Parcels from Feature Service") try: value1 = fs.query(where=deleteSQL, returnIDsOnly=True) myids = value1['objectIds'] minId = min(myids) i = 0 maxId = max(myids) print minId print maxId chunkSize = 500 while (i <= len(myids)): #print myids[i:i+1000] oids = ",".join(str(e) for e in myids[i:i + chunkSize]) print oids if oids == '': continue else: fs.deleteFeatures(objectIds=oids) i += chunkSize print i print "Completed: {0:.0f}%".format(i / float(len(myids)) * 100) arcpy.AddMessage("Deleted: {0:.0f}%".format( i / float(len(myids)) * 100)) except: pass print "Community Parcels upload Started" arcpy.AddMessage( "Community Parcels upload started, please be patient. For future consideration, please run tool during non-peak internet usage" ) fs.addFeatures(CommunityParcelsLocalCopy)
def main(config_file, *args): # Set overwrite output option to True arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True if isfile(config_file): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() else: print "INI file not found." sys.exit() # Config File username = config.get('AGOL', 'user') password = config.get('AGOL', 'pass') localparcels = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'localparcels') CommunityParcelsLocalCopy = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'communityparcelslocalcopy') createCurrent = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'createcurrent') reportCurrentURL = config.get('FS_INFO', 'featureserviceurl') deleteSQL = config.get('FS_INFO', 'deletesql') countycityname = config.get('LOCAL_DATA', 'localfips') print "Loading Configuration File" arcpy.AddMessage("Loading Configuration File") if CommunityParcelsLocalCopy == "": print "Please specify a input community parcel layer (CommunityParcelsLocalCopy=) in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a input parcel layer in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() if username == "": print "Please specify a ArcGIS Online Username (username =)in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage(username) sys.exit() if password == "": print "Please specify a ArcGIS Online password (password =)in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage(password) sys.exit() if deleteSQL == "": print "Please specify a SQL query (DELETESQL= LOCALFIPS ='jurisdiction') in the configuration file, exiting" arcpy.AddMessage( "Please specify a SQL query (DELETESQL= LOCALFIPS ='jurisdiction') in the configuration file, exiting" ) sys.exit() fs = layer.FeatureLayer(url=reportCurrentURL, username=username, password=password) if fs == None: print "Cannot find or connect to service, make sure service is accessible" arcpy.AddMessage( "Cannot find or connect to service, make sure service is accessible" ) sys.exit() # Update Current service if used - see the ArcREST folder in the application directory print "Cleaning up local parcel data" arcpy.AddMessage("Cleaning up local parcels") if createCurrent == "True": fs.url = reportCurrentURL arcpy.Append_management(CommunityParcelsLocalCopy, localparcels, "TEST") print "Mapping Local Parcel data to Community Parcel Schema" arcpy.AddMessage( "Mapping Local Parcel data to Community Parcel Schema") arcpy.Densify_edit(localparcels) simplify = "{}temp".format(localparcels) arcpy.SimplifyPolygon_cartography(localparcels, simplify, "POINT_REMOVE", "1 Meters") print "Simplifying (densifying) Parcel Geometry" arcpy.AddMessage("Simplifying (densifying) Parcel Geometry") print "Truncating Parcels from Feature Service" arcpy.AddMessage("Truncating Parcels from Feature Service") print "Community Parcel update started, please be patient" arcpy.AddMessage("Community Parcel update started, please be patient") try: value1 = fs.query(where=deleteSQL, returnIDsOnly=True) myids = value1['objectIds'] minId = min(myids) i = 0 maxId = max(myids) print minId print maxId chunkSize = 500 while (i < len(myids)): # print myids[i:i+1000] oids = ",".join(str(e) for e in myids[i:i + chunkSize]) print oids if oids == '': continue else: fs.deleteFeatures(objectIds=oids) i += chunkSize if i > len(myids): i = len(myids) print "Deleted: {0}%".format(int(((i / float(len(myids)) * 100)))) arcpy.AddMessage("Deleted: {0}%".format( int(((i / float(len(myids)) * 100))))) except: pass print "Community Parcels upload Started" arcpy.AddMessage( "Community Parcels upload started, please be patient. For future consideration, please run tool during non-peak internet usage" ) arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True inDesc = arcpy.Describe(simplify) oidName = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(simplify, inDesc.oidFieldName) sql = '%s = (select min(%s) from %s)' % (oidName, oidName, os.path.basename(simplify)) cur = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(simplify, [inDesc.oidFieldName], sql) minOID =[0] del cur, sql sql = '%s = (select max(%s) from %s)' % (oidName, oidName, os.path.basename(simplify)) cur = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(simplify, [inDesc.oidFieldName], sql) maxOID =[0] del cur, sql breaks = range(minOID, maxOID)[0:-1:100] #2K slices breaks.append(maxOID + 1) exprList = [oidName + ' >= ' + str(breaks[b]) + ' and ' + \ oidName + ' < ' + str(breaks[b+1]) for b in range(len(breaks)-1)] for expr in exprList: UploadLayer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management( simplify, 'TEMPCOPY', expr).getOutput(0) fs.addFeatures(UploadLayer) arcpy.Delete_management(simplify)