def _on_task_done(self, result): """What to execute after successfully finished processing a task.""" try: callback = util.get_attribute(self.parent, "on_task_done") callback(self, result) except exception.ArestorException: LOG.debug("%(command)r: No callback found for task_done.", {"command":})
def _on_task_fail(self, exc): """What to do when the program fails processing a task.""" try: callback = util.get_attribute(self.parent, "on_task_fail") callback(self, exc) except exception.ArestorException: LOG.debug("%(command)r: No callback found for task_done.", {"command":})
def args(self): """The command line arguments parsed by the client.""" if self._args is None: self._args = util.get_attribute(self.parent, "args") return self._args
def command_line(self): """Command line provided to parser.""" if self._command_line is None: self._command_line = util.get_attribute(self.parent, "command_line") return self._command_line